“Big brother, what should I do?” Subsequently, Issei Hyoto looked at Saigo Ye with hopeful eyes.

In Hyoto Issei’s heart, Saigo Ye is his most trustworthy person.

“If you don’t want to die, then it’s best to become Senior Sister Lias’s dependent, and then work hard to become stronger. Only when you become stronger can you protect yourself and protect your family. ”

Saigo Ye said slowly.

In Saigo Ye’s opinion, as long as Issei Hyoto does not die, with his characteristics as the protagonist, the identity of the Red Dragon Emperor, all kinds of troubles will find him sooner or later.

At that time, it was not just some low-level fallen angels who played soy sauce.

Without strength to protect oneself, it will only lead to tragedy.

“In this way, the eldest brother is right.” Hyoto Kazusei was also a little scared by what Saigo Ye said, and he also came to an enlightenment.

“Senior sister, please make me your dependent!” Immediately, Issei Hyoto tried to endure misogyny and said with a bow.

“…,” Leas twitched slightly. She could naturally see that Issei Hyoto was still holding back the feeling of disgust.

Really, when did she Leas Gimonri fall to the point of being disliked by others. At this point, even for the sake of Saigo Ye’s face, she had to accept Kazu Fuji as a dependent.

After the Tacheng kitten ate the sandwich bread, his golden eyes flashed slightly, glancing at Xixiang Ye.

She always felt that Saigo Ye was too good to Issei Hyoto, and she attached great importance to Kazusei Hyoto’s appearance.

Next, Lias took out the demon chess piece symbolizing the soldier and integrated it into Issei Hyoto’s body.

It’s just that one is not enough, and Leas was stunned.

Two was still not enough, and Lias was even more surprised. After all, the number of chess pieces integrated into it can probably show the potential of the other party.



It wasn’t until all eight were integrated that Leas took Issei Hyoto as a dependent.

“Eight…” Leas looked at Issei Hyoto incredulously.

“…..,” Tacheng Kitten was also stunned. Eight, this nasty-looking guy, has so much potential?

“Big brother, what’s wrong with me?” Seeing that both Leas and the Tacheng kitten were staring at him with strange eyes, Hiyoto said with some fear.

“Nothing, they don’t have malicious intent, just a little surprised by your potential.” Saigo Ye smiled at the corner of his mouth and reminded. “How does it feel to be transformed into a demon?”

“How… Strange feeling, but I feel that my body has become much stronger. Well, and long wings are a little unaccustomed. Hyoto Kazusei touched his head and said shyly.

“Just get used to it.” Saigo nodded.

“Hyoto, try to summon your own artifact out.” Saigo Ye reminded. “Close your eyes, immerse yourself in your heart, and call for a try.”

“Artifact. Oooh, I see. Hyoto was stunned for a moment, and then closed his eyes.

And this also made Lias and Tacheng Kitten stare at Issei Hyoto.

Originally, Lias and Tacheng Kitten thought that Issei Hyoto’s artifact was just an ordinary dragon hand, and it didn’t seem like that.

How could an ordinary dragon hand cost eight demon pieces.

A few minutes later, an ordinary red cage hand appeared on Hyoto Kazusei’s right hand, which looked no different from an ordinary dragon hand.

“Dragon Hand? How can it be. Leas frowned, a little puzzled.

“No, this is no ordinary dragon hand.” Saigo Ye grabbed Hyoto Issei’s right hand and said slowly. “This is the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor.”

“God Extinguishing Tool!?” Hearing this, Lias was shocked and looked at the dragon hand incredulously.

The cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor? Its hosts are guys with amazing potential. From ancient times to the present, the movements made by successive generations of Red Dragon Emperors have been very terrifying, and even the demon kings are afraid of their power.

If Hyoto Issei is the contemporary Red Dragon Emperor, then it is understandable why Hyoto Issei spent eight soldier chess pieces to be reborn.

“Senior, how did you know that he is the contemporary Red Dragon Emperor?” Tacheng Kitten tilted his head, looked at Xixiang Ye, and asked curiously.

Lias also looked over with interest.

As for Issei Hyoto, he looked at Saigo Ye with longing. Although I don’t know what the God Extinguishing Tool is, it sounds very powerful. And the eldest brother can see it at a glance, it’s really powerful.

“Why?” Saigo Ye touched his chin and teased. “Maybe it’s because I know the God of the Bible.”

“This joke is not funny at all.” Lias covered her forehead and gave Saigo a blank look.

“Senior, if you don’t want to say it, forget it.” The Tacheng kitten turned his head sideways and stopped looking at Xixiang Ye.

The God of the Bible, that is the existence that stands at the apex. The Lord of the Celestial Realm, even the Demon King is not the strongest god of the opponent.

An ordinary person in Saigo Ye said that he was familiar with the God of the Bible, and this bragging was simply not a draft.

“These days, no one believes the truth.” Saigo Ye sighed.

“The cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor, the contemporary Red Dragon Emperor, so I accidentally received a dependant with amazing potential?” Leas raised an eyebrow and glanced at Issei Hyoto, pulling the topic back to the original track.

Although she is still very unimpressed with Issei Hyoto, it is still worth being happy to receive a family with amazing potential.

However, no matter how amazing the potential is, this kind of personality is also a trouble to get along with, and it is easy to cause conflict.

Sure enough, it’s still a good night in Saigo.

Immediately, Lias looked at Saigo Ye with some resentment.

Her intuition told her that Saigo Ye’s potential was even more amazing than that of the Red Dragon Emperor. The origin is also mysterious, the key is that the personality is really good, and it is easy to give companions a sense of reassurance.

This kind of dependents are what can not be sought. She met, but she couldn’t take it, and it was very uncomfortable.

“Ahem, sort of.” Noticing that Lias’s slightly resentful Saigo Ye coughed lightly, pretending not to see it, and said seriously.

“Hyoto, don’t move.” Saigo Ye thought for a moment and pressed his hand on the green jade in his hand. “I’ll try to help you awaken the artifact.”

“Well, big brother, I see.” Issei Hyoto nodded honestly.

Next, Saigo Ye closed his eyes and injected his magic into the green jade, while still conveying his will.

Suddenly, Xixiang Ye’s heart was shocked, and his consciousness was pulled into the caged hands of the Red Dragon Emperor.

“The person who disturbed my sleep is not my host this time, but an outsider, interesting.” When Saigo Ye opened his eyes, he saw a huge red dragon spreading its wings in the flames, and its dull voice sounded like thunder.

If it was an ordinary person, if they first came to see this kind of power of Tianlong directly, they would definitely be scared stupid, but Saigo Ye was an exception.

Not to mention the soul body that is now sealed in the Divine Annihilation Tool, even Dregg has seen it in Saigo Night in his heyday.

(ps: New book seedlings ask for collection, ask for everything, QAQ~)

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