“Dependents?” Saigo Ye looked delicate.

He really didn’t expect that Lias would actually invite him as a dependent.

However, from the previous conversation, Saigo Ye guessed that Leas knew what happened last night.

Well, that’s normal. After all, King Juma Town is Leas’s territory, and it is normal to know it, and it is estimated that the elimination of related hidden dangers is also done by Leas and them.

In this way, Lias sees his potential.

Perhaps there was a deeper reason, after all, he asked him about his cheap father earlier.

“Sorry, Senior Sister Lias, I still want to continue to be human.” Immediately, Saigo Ye let out a soft sigh and shook his head to refuse Lias’s invitation.

If the system doesn’t arrive, Saigo Ye may consider agreeing, but forget it for now.

Although human beings are weak, many times they are born better.

For example, if he has the opportunity to go to the world of god killers, he can become a god killer as a human and ascend to heaven step by step.

Or, if you have the opportunity to go to the box court world, only by maintaining your human identity can you have the ability to wrench the wrist with the ultimate trial of humans.

Of course, if there is a better choice, Saigo is not a good night.

But even if you become a reincarnation demon, you can’t meet the requirements of Saigo Night at all.

Not to mention, Saigo Ye has a friend like Xiaoshen.

Becoming a demon, wouldn’t it be a big loss if the relationship with Xiao Sheng was a little estranged.

The Holy Loli God is his strongest backing.

“So…” Lias shook her head a little regretfully, but didn’t force it.

“Sorry to disturb you.” Immediately, Lias gently pulled her bright red hair and smiled apologetically.

“It’s okay. Senior Sister Lias, if there is nothing else, then I will go back first. Saigo Ye stood up and said calmly.

“Hmm.” Lias nodded.

Immediately, Saigo Ye nodded to Lias, and after nodding to Himejima Juna, Tajo Kitten, and Kiba Yudou, he calmly left the Paranormal Research Department.

“Alala, Saigo-san, has a terrifyingly calm heart.” After Saigo Ye left, Himejima Juno said with some amazement.

“Hmm. He never got nervous from beginning to end, and he was not humble or arrogant to talk to me, and he put himself on an equal footing with me. Lias took a sip of tea and sighed. It’s a pity. ”

“It’s a pity.” Kiba Yuto also shook his head and smiled.

It would be very reassuring if such a person became a companion.

“Minister, if you think it’s a pity, invite it a few more times.”

After eating the tongluoyaki, the Tacheng kitten licked his green onion jade fingers, his golden eyes flashed slightly, and he silently spoke, and his voice was cold.

“That’s right, let’s invite again when I have the opportunity.” Lias smiled.

Of course, having said that, Lias’s intuition told her that the odds of success were quite small.

However, try a few more times, maybe Saigo will be impressed by her sincerity. No one can say for sure about this kind of thing.

Saigo family, after exercising for a while, Saigo Ye suddenly remembered something and picked up the paper with the blood-red teleportation array from the computer desk.

“Practicing by yourself is so inefficient.” Saigo muttered. “And the power of the void can’t do without martial arts.”

“Well, try summoning the kitten over.” Saigo exhaled deeply, using this teleportation paper.

Not long after, the paper flew and a blood-red magic array appeared on the floor in front of Saigo Ye.

Next, the Tower City kitten walked out of the magic array.

“Senior?” After the Tacheng kitten appeared, he looked at Saigo Ye and was surprised.

“Well, it’s me.” Saigo Ye smiled softly and looked at the cute Tacheng kitten. “Tacheng-san, can you teach me martial arts?”

Although Tacheng Kitten’s fighting skills are not very strong, they are much stronger than him as a layman.

“Fighting art…” Tacheng Kitten stared at Saigo Ye, his golden eyes flashed slightly, and nodded. I know. ”

Next, the two came to the courtyard to practice against each other.

To be precise, Tacheng Kitten teaches Saigo Night Fighting Arts.

“Senior, it’s so weak.” Half an hour later, the Tacheng kitten silently complained.

It only took half an hour to practice, and I was tired and lying down.

Is this really the person who killed the subordinate lost demon in one blow that Kiba’s seniors said?

“I’m really sorry I’m so weak…” was complained by the Tacheng kitten, Saigo Ye felt heartbroken, and he pouted.

His current means is a séance. If you don’t use the séance, you are just an ordinary sixteen-year-old teenager.

Not to mention, before the Tacheng kitten came, he himself had exercised for a while, and now it is normal to lack strength.

“Sorry, I said the wrong thing.” The tower city kitten reacted and apologized.

“Well, you’re not wrong, I’m really weak now.” Saigo Ye sighed.

“However, the talent of the seniors is still there. It’s only been half an hour to learn, and the martial arts have already learned. Tacheng Kitten couldn’t help but say.

“Don’t comfort me, I’m not that vulnerable.” Saigo Ye’s gaze softened a little.

Tacheng kitten, although he was autistic because of a past incident and became a three-nil girl, and his voice was also very cold, but in the end, he was still a girl with a delicate mind.

“Well, then continue to practice” Tacheng Kitten nodded and spoke again.

“Tacheng-san, are you the devil?” Saigo Ye felt his sore muscles, and his face twitched slightly.

“Only by practicing hard can you improve in a short time.” The Tacheng kitten stared at Xixiang Ye closely, his face full of seriousness. “And the senior said that he was not so fragile, was he playing handsome?”

“Okay. Keep practicing. The corners of Saigo Ye’s mouth twitched slightly.

Yes, I pretended to be forced, and I had to continue to pretend with tears.

Two hours later, Saigo Ye returned to the living room with a sore body and lay on the sofa.

And the Tacheng kitten is a comfortable look, and the physical difference between the two is clear at a glance.

“Tacheng-san, summoning demons requires a corresponding price, what do I need to pay?” After Saigo Ye breathed slowly, he looked at the Tacheng kitten who was drinking water and asked.

“Play with me for an hour and treat me to sweets.” Tacheng Kitten thought for a moment and spoke.

Saigo Night’s summoning purpose is simple, so it doesn’t cost much.

Not to mention, Saigo Ye is the minister’s favorite person. Maybe she will become a companion in the future, and she naturally can’t put forward any excessive price.

And Tacheng Kitten hopes to take this opportunity to be summoned by Saigo Night every day, and then teach Saigo Night Fighting Arts.

In that case, after the relationship becomes better, the success rate of the minister inviting Saigo Ye again in the future will be much higher.

“Well, that’s it?” Saigo was stunned.

“By the way, let’s add another request.” Tacheng kitten looked at Xixiang Ye, his golden eyes flashed slightly, and spoke. “Senior, just call me a kitten in the future.”

(ps: Collect, Everything, QAQ~).

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