Today, there was no commission from the Ministry of Service, and Otasaka Yuyu left the school with Minister Yukinoshita after drinking the black tea brewed by Minister Yukinoshita himself.

In front of the subway station, Otosaka Yuiu said goodbye to Yukinoshita and walked directly in

A little white dragon lady was hiding in this subway station

”Have you been waiting for a long time?” ”

”No, Yu-sama, let’s go.” ”

Looking at Connor’s excited expression, Otosaka Yuyu reached out and touched her head

”Then let’s go!” ”

About twenty minutes later, the two arrived at their destination.

Department store, they came here today to buy Connor some of the items he needed for school.

Yuu Otosaka has already prepared the admission application, and he has completed his student registration early, and after buying school supplies today, he will order a school uniform later.

Walking into the mall, Yuu Otosaka pulled Connor directly to the third floor.

Although he is almost a multi-millionaire because of the sale of the Empty Realm, he still remembers the power of this gold cave, and he must not let Connor act alone!

Coming to the third floor, there were more than half of the pedestrians. Otasaka Yuu let go of Connor’s hand, who was looking around

After all, how can there be anything expensive in the school supplies specialty area.

Otosaka Yuyu asked Connor to pick it slowly, but he sat directly in the waiting area playing mobile games.

Every time Connor picks an object, he will excitedly let Otosaka Yuyu see it, and this teenager’s emotional intelligence has risen a lot after being polished by several beautiful girls

I saw that he was looking at Connor while not forgetting to say some words of praise

But he was telling the truth, and Connor’s appearance was indeed cute even without those things.

As Connor happily went to pick out the items again, Yuu Otosaka looked behind him

”I said, from school all the way here, what are you going to do?” ”

Otosaka Yuyu’s expression was very scary, but his tone was slightly confused.

”Yay! It was discovered! ”

After realizing that Yuu Otosaka was talking to her, the girl found out that she had been discovered.

Looking at the girl’s petite size, Otosaka Yuyu asked

”You’re Miyano-san in our class, what’s the matter?” ”

When he came out of school, Yuki Otosaka found that he was being followed, and Yukinoshita obviously noticed it but deliberately didn’t mention it, probably so that he had the capital to tease him tomorrow.

And this petite and delicate Miyano classmate directly burst out with amazing momentum in the face of the inquiry of the tracking target

”Please take me as an apprentice!” ”


It was the first time that someone called him Jun, which gave him a different freshness, and he listened to the reason for the sake of her being a beautiful girl.

”Why do you want to worship a teacher?” ”

”I want to be an attractive woman like Otosaka-san!’

”Who is a woman!” ”

Otosaka Yuyu roared with a black line, and the little loli was obviously startled, but then replied in a voice full of spirit:

”Sorry Master, I meant to say attractive woman… people!”

‘‘… You just wanted to say women!”

”No, Master, you heard wrong. ”

”Also, why don’t I remember promising to take you as an apprentice?” ”

Otosaka Yuyu really couldn’t stand it and asked directly:

“‘Why does Miyano-san want to worship me as a teacher?”

‘Because I want to be like my master and become a charismatic person!’

Otosaka Yuyu”… What did you just say?”

Miyano: “I want to be an attractive person like my master!'”

Yuu Otosaka: ”Huh? I didn’t hear clearly, can I say it again? ”

Miyano: ”Me! Want to and! The master is the same! Become one! Charming people!”

Yuu Otosaka: “Okay, I agree. ”

Hearing Otosaka Yuyu’s answer, Miyano said excitedly

”Really? Wow, thanks Master. ”

Looking at the happy silly Bai Tian in front of him, Otosaka Yuyu almost shed tears of joy

Finally, finally! Finally there is a silly white sweet beautiful girl!

Looking at Miyano, he then remembered Yukino under the snow, Tsuchima Bury, and his legitimate loli teacher Dorakuban

This is the perfect heroine in his mind, okay! Although I didn’t seem to have seen this girl in the drama in my previous life, it doesn’t matter, isn’t it cute.

Thinking of this, Otosaka Yuyu showed a soft smile, first of all, the first step to attack Miyano-san

”Miyano-san, why do you want to become an attractive person?” I think you’re very attractive. ”

As expected, hearing Otosaka Yuu’s unexpected praise, Miyano’s little face turned red at once

Just when Otosaka Yuu was complacent, Miyano’s next words shattered Otosaka Yuu’s wolf ambition.

I saw Miyano with a small red face and said weakly

”Because… I have a favorite person… I want to be more attractive and worthy of him. ”

Otosaka Yuu: ”…”

Miyano: ”Master, why don’t you talk?””

‘‘… You’ve been expelled from the division! ”

”Huh? Why Master? ”

After a period of heartache, Otosaka Yuyu finally calmed down and chatted casually with Miyano

The more I talked to her, the more angry I became, Miyano is simply a treasure, full of energy, cute, full of vitality, and skillful cooking

Pity… It’s a pity! This little loli has a problem with her eyes, how can she choose a good sweetheart so quickly?

Aren’t you afraid of being eaten dry and wiped out? Even if you are not afraid, choose a better one! Like he….

Thinking about it, Otosaka Yuyu’s heart ached faintly, and he had to hope that Conna, who had been forgotten by him just now, would come back soon.

”Yu-sama, look. ”

Speaking of Connor Connor, in the eyes of Otosaka Yuyu, Connor at this time is undoubtedly several times cuter than usual.

Connor returned to Yuu Otosaka, she had just picked a lot of things, but she was worried that Yuu Otosaka would spend too much money, so she didn’t take a lot of things she liked

Otosaka Yuu was afraid of this happening, so he kept secretly looking at Conna with his superpowers when chatting with Miyano just now

Now, Otosaka Yuu wants to apologize to Conna for what he just got carried away.

”Yu-sama, who is she?”

”Oh, he’s my classmate, but he’s just been my apprentice. ”

Connor nodded thoughtfully, and turned around and left under the expectant gaze of Yuu Otosaka

”Yu-sama, Connor will choose again.” ”

”Wait, wait!’

Otosaka Yuu grabbed Connor’s clothes with a pounce, and watched Connor turn back to cheer him up, and an inexplicable sad aura rushed to his face.

Otosaka Yuyu had to lower his head and whisper to Connor, who was also a little embarrassed to scratch his head after hearing this.

”All right, Connor. Have you finished choosing? ”

”I’m done. ”

After paying with Connor, Yuu Otosaka is also ready to leave.

”Ah, Master. ”

Good things don’t go as expected, and Otosaka Yuyu just wanted to run away Miyano and chased after him.

”So, do you have anything else?” Miyano-san. ”

”That… Master, let’s exchange the line! ”

‘‘… All right. ”

After exchanging contact information, Miyano jumped away, and Otosaka Yuyu pulled Conna back to the school supplies store.


In the face of Connor’s confused little eyes, Otasaka Yuyu can’t say that he has been using his super powers to spy on her

”Connor lied, what else do you want?” Let’s pick and choose. ”


Speaking of this, Connor didn’t want to push back anymore, and directly cheered and ran to get what he didn’t want to take just now.

Otosaka Yuu sat down again and let out a long sigh

”Good trouble…’

Otosaka Yuu feels that he is becoming more and more like an old father.

“In other words, what happened to them in the old world? ”

However, the boy is a little confused, although he has the body and ability of Otosaka Yuu, he has not gained a memory.

His current image of their favor only stays in the drama of his previous life, and he has never even seen a real person.

Also, is he really qualified to worry about them? After all, he occupies their brother’s, lovers’ ‘s, brother’s, friends’ belongs… Body!

Inexplicable emotions wandered in Otosaka Yuyu’s heart, and his expression was also yin and yang for a while

”Yu-sama, I have chosen. ”

A milky voice came, and Otosaka Yuyu raised his head, and a little loli was looking at him with a strange expression

”Yu-sama, what’s wrong?” ”

‘‘… No, nothing. ”

Also, occupying is occupying, if others know to accuse him, he can only choose to raise his head and chest to accept or bow his head and bend over to escape

And he, as the new strongest superpower, naturally chose the latter!

”Huh? So expensive?”

The spirited teenager is beaten back to form by the outrageous bill at the checkout.

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