“Okay, okay, okay.” The emperor only said three good times. As he said, he put the orange with a smile on his face, and then slightly adjusted the position of the orange flesh and orange peel to make sure it It is stable and reliable, and also shows the angle and posture that the Emperor Your Majesty likes, “Marina Li, in addition to talking about tranquilizers, but also because you have always had a very high reputation in necromantic spells. His Royal Highness Sazastan once commented that you are the closest mage to him, which is very respectable.”

“Hehe, hehe.” The Marquis Marinali heard a twitch on her face. Sazastan’s praise is really cheating. The expressions of the queen and Princess are also very subtle. Sazastan has scolded too many people. So that he just praised someone fairly, whoever would be hated, “I can’t compare with His Royal Highness Sazastan.”

And Marina Li’s knowledge of some spirit techniques of death is very sensitive, and all spirit techniques of death are (very tǐng) sensitive. As a mainstream church, Dark Sun Church is relatively open to Death Domain, but she inherits some techniques from Central America. How can you not see the light.

“This opportunity I’m impossible to give to His Highness Sazastan.” The emperor smiled and pointed to Caracas behind Wood. “Your Excellency Wood said that you can let us study this thing for a few days. I think you and His Highness Bra 10000 are both The hard work is high, the hard work is normally, the opportunity is given to you, and your necromantic experience can be used for repairs, this is a type of evil that has troubled Venice.”

The body of Caracas that Wood had obtained was broken, so he needed repair services.

Seeing Marina Li’s shocked expression, the emperor was even happier. He also said a witty remark: “It doesn’t matter if you can’t fix it, but don’t make it worse. If it breaks, I have to pay you. It’s really expensive, when the time comes, you have to work overtime to make tranquilizers, hahaha.”

Wood used most of his gains this time in exchange for supplies for the next attack. The biggest gain remaining is this Caracas. It is not only combat effectiveness, but also a collection of knowledge, so Wood can be repaired without paying. Service, of course, the quality Wood is not too demanding, this thing is obviously not easy to repair.

“Your Majesty, I request (Yunyǔn) permission to go to Bula 10000 to study how to fix this treasure.” Marina Li’s attitude is still very positive.

Wood gained a little confidence.

“Oh, so anxious?” said the emperor’s mouth, but his face was very happy. This New World female mage called it right. That’s the attitude. “Then you have a glass of Kucha, let’s go.”

The emperor and the Marquis Marina Lie had a drink together and asked his daughter to give his daughter mage out. The business was arranged, and he said to his wife in a good mood: “Queen Your Majesty, I said at that time, this orange is very important for Wood. The right investment.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, your wise martial arts, I didn’t see Lord Wood’s genius at all.” The queen could not see Wood’s genius. She saw that the emperor’s gain this time was obviously better than the one given to Loyola. The harvest of oranges is great, and the few taken away by the Spanish nobles can’t be compared.

“Hahaha, where and where, that is, our Spanish family has a big business. I can grow a small harvest and finally find a talent.” Wood knew that although the emperor was a little inflated, he was not at all too much. A lot of money was wasted in unreliable directions, and many investment returns were limited, which made people gossiping.”

“That’s because they didn’t know that the emperor Your Majesty, you put in for the long-term prosperity of Spain, don’t solicit fresh blood from outside, or how can the country continue to prosper.” Little Bazin said boldly at this time, and he deliberately shouted It was very loud, so that the Marquess Marina Li, who had already walked halfway out, also heard that Mrs. Bazin spoke highly of this female mage, so little Bazin suddenly thought that she should sell well.

This made the Spanish maid and entourage in the room a little unhappy, but there were also a few Dutch and Italians secretly supporting.

“Yes, that’s right!” The emperor filled himself with another glass and took a sip.

When Anna Princess returned to the table, she found that her father was a little drunk, and Princess was quite unhappy.

In fact, Wood did give the emperor incredible returns, and at the same time received a new round of investment from the emperor that he also needed very much.

Chapter 500 88 Mrs. Bazin can now rely on her son

Mrs. Bazin has had a mixed blessing in the past few days. The good news is that her son has successfully returned from the plane adventure. Not only did she get 2 plane fragments, she also improved her level.

In addition to the most important fragments, Wood also controlled a puppet of the town’s rank. According to Wood, this thing will not cause resistance once when entering the secondary plane. This matter is very important, so this letter must be read. Burn.

There is also a little physique and quite a lot of temporary physique, continuing a plane adventure.

In order to make good use of this temporary physique, young Bazin said that he could not come to Naples, and that he would go with Wood to find the emperor to win the next round of investment, and then use this temporary physique with only one effect for the next plane adventure.

Such a huge victory made Mrs. Bazin happy all night before she began to worry about worries.

Half a month ago, an elite mage in her studio suddenly disappeared, and then took the accounts he had accumulated over the years to the Inquisition of Naples and surrendered!

Little Bazin burned those scrolls and the investment in Crete. Mrs. Bazin was able to afford it, but it also put the mother under a lot of pressure. Not only did she fish hard when she handled her hands, she also put too much pressure on her employees and neglected care. Up.

This time it is obviously bad. Although this is shoddy, it is the duty of the Dark Sun believers to fill the number, but you are guilty of being caught, and God Your Majesty hates this most.

Mrs. Bazin is ready to surrender most of her property and go to the New World, but she is reluctant to part with her son. Without her own backing, what can this little Bazin do in the future?

The great victory mentioned in the little Bazin’s letter made her excited. Two plane fragments were given to the emperor, even if there were two unknown oranges and a huge amount of tranquilizers in exchange, it would be enough to stabilize the Bazin family’s position. .

Mrs. Bazin immediately knelt on the ground and thanked God 10000 times.

But when she burned the letter, she began to worry about gains and losses. Such a big victory was really made by her son? Wood is great, but this is too great, right?

Could something be wrong… Unfortunately, the letter burned again, and I couldn’t look at the details inside.

While she was worried, on the other hand, she heard that Carafa’s red-clothed Archbishop father and son had all gone to Madrid, and she was definitely going to expose herself in front of the emperor.

Now Mrs. Bazin is really struggling with gains and losses. She was terrified. She had known that she would not make money like this. She could not write to her son because she was afraid that his son would increase the pressure, and the little Bazin had been on the road, so her reply was useless.

It doesn’t matter if she loses her property and part of the priest’s rank, she can still go to the New World, but her son’s future is gone, and her husband’s situation will deteriorate. In order to prevent her property from being infiltrated by the Bazin family, Commander Bazin and Bazin Some old fellows in the family have very poor relationships. How much wrongdoing he will suffer this time.

But if the husband can survive, the son has to make arrangements.

On the one hand, Mrs. Bazin prayed for the victory brought by her son to be real. On the other hand, she also made some arrangements, deducting the payment, even delaying the salary, and transferred the money to (yin yīn) Shadow UnionPay.

If you must be exiled to the New World, you should leave more money for your son.

In this way, she had a very difficult ten days.

However, early this morning, a New World slave said that her son gave him baptism and that he had important things to report.

“Hello, Juan-Bazin is my baptism pastor…” Xiao Xiaoyasha looks very nice and cheerful, “I am loyal to God and loyal to the Warlock Imperial Family.”

This is also as it should be by rights. He came to this world half a month and lived his dream life every day.

In fact, he can still come a few days earlier, but at first he is a little uncomfortable…

Because after he came here, he was by a small stream flowing through the woods. He was so happy that he jumped in on impulse, and then he hid for several days, afraid, afraid that he might pollute the water source. The sin was discovered!

There is also a compulsory task for him to collect some firewood and send it to Naples. Is that oversized and oversized forest some Holy Land?

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