“Yes, Red-clothed Archbishop.” Loyola never tires.

Medici red-clothed Archbishop showed a satisfied expression. He took another look at the boxes of Gonzaga and the Kafara family. Everything was under control, even when Kafara came.

Although the latter is said to only have a member who does not matter, Medici red-clothed Archbishop still feels that this Kafala may be troublesome for himself. This is the confidence and caution of red-clothed Archbishop. The two do not conflict.

Medici’s red-clothed Archbishop was very satisfied. He opened the champagne in the wine cabinet again. He is so good, it must be no problem.

Chapter 500 38 auction in progress (on)

“Praise your piety, Your Highness Gonzaga, this is your cargo.”

Gonzaga’s red-clothed Archbishop just bought his Wind Element furnace, and a fat cat took the goods.

“Thank you.” Gonzaga red-clothed Archbishop took the furnace and gave it to a maid who stood upright. The Wind Element furnace can not only summon the small Wind Element, but also insulate the air. Ladies like moisturizing, but people also Can not live in an environment that is too humid.

The Wind Element furnace can remove moisture and delay the corruption of these attendants.

Although the Gonzaga family is a veteran Italian nobleman, their economic situation has not been particularly good in recent years. Although the cooperation with Austria has been assigned to the rich territory of Brescia, it has also been tied to the war chariot in Austria. Ladislaus has asked for various contributions every year, from volunteers guarding Belgrade to missionaries in Bohemia, plus the imperial tax must be paid in full every year, and the Gonzaga family digests the new territory. The progress is very poor.

No one can afford such a good attendant and maid.

Rit looked at the maid and entourage who stood upright, without a trace of slack, and finally just waved his tail, then walked past Gonzaga’s red-clothed Archbishop and jumped directly from the window to the box below.

“Your Excellency Wood, this is your goods.” He gave Wood the ring that Wood had just bought.

“Your Excellency Leete, many thanks.” Wood took the ring and brought it up. The effect of this Rare Item was immediate. Wood immediately felt that his need to drink water was reduced. At least this bite can be drunk in half an hour.

“Your Excellency Lit, didn’t you go to Milan?” Little Bazin asked in surprise, “Isn’t there a lot of heretics there?”

“Just go to the regency, in fact, Milan’s problem is not big.” Ritt did not need to hide. Ladislaus is bringing 4000 Austrian regular troops and 10000 Northern Italian militiamen to enforce martial law in Milan, arresting heretics, spies, and collecting North Korea. The Italian people have made a special contribution to the fight against heretic.

“Didn’t the Regency say he’s in Prague?” Little Bazin couldn’t keep up with the rhythm. Fortunately, he was born a Spanish nobleman. If he were a Czech, he would belong to the category of those who were played around by Ladislaus and now exiled to the Berry World .

“Prague (very tǐng) is peaceful.” Li Te said, “Don’t listen to the rumors. The Czech region is generally improving, and there is no that many heretics.”

This is Ritt’s true opinion. As Poland reduced its support to the Czechs due to the invasion of evil spirits, Bohemia and other places are indeed in no particular chaos, and taxation and military service are operating normally.

“I heard that the Czechs are making a lot of noise, and many groups promoting Latin have been killed by the Czech mob.” Little Bazin, a Spaniard, was very worried. “The Regency made them read and literate, enlighten them, how Don’t they appreciate it?”

“Yeah, there are indeed a lot of spoilers.” Lit felt disapproving, but he knew that Ladislaus wanted to make the Roman church and the Spanish think that he was really promoting Latin, which would pay off some pensions, so he I can only accommodate the little Bazin, “But overall it is getting better day by day. Everyone knows that Czechs are also part of Germans.”

Anyone who says that the Czechs belong to the West Slavic branch of mage, basically Scholars are mage and pastors, and all kinds of proposals that cannot be rejected have been made. Some took silver talers and sold their ancestors, and some quietly I was sunk into the big pond of Prague University. The big fish in it ate more spellcasters, often had various abilities, drained the water regularly, and got a lot of good spellcasting materials every time.

“That’s great, very good.” Little Bazin kept drawing crosses at the (胸xiōng) mouth.

“Your Excellency Wood, you should be able to buy what you want this time, but I have to remind you that any violent activities are unacceptable, and Venice protects trade.” Ritt’s wording of Wood is also very strong. , This is his auction, his career.

“Thank you very much for the reminder of the special counsel, I believe that my legitimate trade will also be protected.” Lite nodded.

“Of course.” But Li Te’s primary protection target is still the Medici red-clothed Archbishop. “Any treasure you sell to Medici red-clothed Archbishop, I hope you uphold the morality and do not take back what you just sold. Something, otherwise it would greatly damage our relationship.”

Although Ritt did not threaten military force, since he came back, he wanted to ensure that the transaction proceeded steadily. He and Ladislaus agreed that the probability of Wood’s black hand was great.

“Of course, of course.” Wood really didn’t think about it. “I really don’t want to kill red-clothed Archbishop anymore, at least for a short time.”

Little Bazin looked at Wood after hearing this, and then held back for a long time without saying anything.

“Of course I can’t do anything outside of Venice Island.” Li Te declared that he would not protect the Medici red-clothed Archbishop to death.

“I don’t have any malice against Medici Archbishop.” Wood declared again.

Rit was nodded, and then reluctantly squeezed out of the door and went to inspect other places.

When they talked, one of the auctioneers passed by and was able to help cross the treasure of the protectorate rank. The elder berries marinated with the honey of Elder, the pine tree man, had a master after more than ten rounds of bidding.

“Congratulations to Your Excellency Sylland, for winning this year’s eldest daughter berry with 20,000 taels and 1000 talers, this is an extremely cost-effective price!” Silvia’s voice was a little bit passionate enough, and she bought the eldest daughter berry last year. The promotion of a core Ferrara fighter failed, and the promotion of a Brandenburg core failed the year before. This time the price dropped by almost 40% compared to last year.

Sellers are not satisfied, and so are buyers.

“You ran out of money, what if Wood decides to sell the prisoners?” One of his entourage dressed as a guard was very anxious.

“Wood made it clear that he would not sell it.” Silland glanced at Kwayama. “You can probably get this berry. You don’t care at all?”

“This thing is a pit, it can’t protect the country at all.” Kwayama doesn’t believe in the effect of the eldest daughter berry, and more importantly, he cares more about Inkanis. “What the hell is Wood thinking?!”

“Anyway, Nared said he wouldn’t sell.” Sylland shook his head.

“What kind of attitude do you call this, now you should actively approach him to discover his financial situation!” Quayama said fiercely, his mental state is worse than that of little Bazin, “Now is a good opportunity, he I definitely want to sell the captives and buy Rare Item.”

“Don’t worry.” Silland lowered his voice, “We can’t help it.”

“How can I not be in a hurry, my partners are all caught by him, do you know, my partner!” Kwayama just arrived on Venice Island this morning. He obviously didn’t sleep well on the boat last night. Not only yesterday, but since he separated from his two friends, he couldn’t sleep anymore. “You have to find out what he’s doing recently! What are you thinking about? Is it necessary to bring all our churchmates together? Sacrifice to Dark Sun!”

Silland held a crystal ball in his hand, and this crystal ball protected their conversation.

Of course it can be so safe, because the audio-visual effects of this venue are also in charge of Silland, so the crystal ball in his hand can exert a lot of power.

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