“Everyone, you guys, this matter must not be postponed. It must be fast and strict, and certain people must not be postponed!” Amboise red-clothed Archbishop continued amidst the support of French and Italian colleagues.” We should immediately ask the Regent and the Venice Special Counsel to give an explanation immediately. If Venice’s conclusion is unfair, no matter how powerful the Warlock Imperial Family is, we don’t feel that we will sit back. If there is no conclusion within 3 days, we should expel the Venice Special Counsel Li Te Christianity, to send a clear signal to the emperor and regent, the Dark Sun Church in Rome must not be humiliated!”

Although the Kingdom of France has long acquired the personnel power of the bishop and Archbishop in the country, the new hatred has surpassed the old hatred. This matter has been gone for a long time. It is not as sensational as Austria’s recent erosion of the power of the Roman church. The most fundamental France has a large population and still has a strong voice, while Austria, as an emerging power, is even more hateful.

“This fact is too hasty. Three days are too short. At least 3 days should be given. Too tough is not good for us. If we really push the Regency to the heretical side, it will be a great disaster for us, and it will be a disaster. Of course, the truth needs to be investigated, but Wood-Lombard should be sent to Rome to be investigated.” Kafala red-clothed Archbishop said, this red-clothed Archbishop did not participate in this time competition for the treasure carried by Lit because he claimed to be young. The reputation of the church has skyrocketed, and as the three red-clothed Archbishop 30 who participated in the fight for the death and one prisoner came, everyone more suspected that he was not only cautious but also cunning, so his reputation increased even more.

“Kafara red-clothed Archbishop, this difficult task, I am afraid that no one but you can take on it.” It was Del Monte, the secretary of the Pope’s side who was really selected.

“…” Kafara red-clothed Archbishop struggled for a while, and finally shook his head, “I am old, I am afraid I can’t bear such a big responsibility, but I heard about Medici red-clothed Archbishop and Gonza. The red-clothed Archbishops are all in Venice, so they can negotiate with the Venetian authorities!”

These words are not so powerful anymore, the eyes of the real pope looking at him are still so muddy.

“Of course, as the hero of the Eastern Mediterranean fighting against the heretic, Wood can’t help but give him a chance to reform himself. This time he has captured the treasure that the Pope Your Majesty cares about. If he can take the initiative to hand it over to the church, then we It’s not impossible to believe his piety.” Kafala red-clothed Archbishop said, several other Spanish red-clothed Archbishops are also nodded.

If this is done, Kafra can be the true pope without going out. Although this guy has always been independent (very tǐng), he is after all a Neapolitan, a citizen of the emperor.

This made the eyes of the Pope Zhenxuan slightly changed?

It seems that it has not changed, no one can be sure.

“Then let’s discuss the two vacated cardinal positions first, as well as the distribution of the two dioceses under the jurisdiction of Colonna and Orsini. After all, the believers must not have a pastor for a day.” Del Monte, the secretary of the Pope.

As soon as he said this, the red-clothed Archbishop was quiet.

Piccolomini, Drovila, and Strozzi, the Italian families, are fighting for the vacant red-clothed Archbishop location, and the parish can be divided.

Even within the Colonna and Orsini families, no one was completely happy about the death of red-clothed Archbishop. This family’s church interests had long been given only by the surname. The former red-clothed Archbishop was not because His own talent is superior, so of course his death is not a small damage to the family, but most of the interests he occupies will still belong to these two families, although today there is no red- of these two families in the chapel. Clothed Archbishop, but within a few days, there will be newcomers who will fill it up. It must be slightly weaker and less experienced, but the dignified Dark Sun Church in Rome still lacks a little strength, so a little experience?

Although there is no red-clothed Archbishop, these two families are impossible without allies in the chapel and will soon join them.

Involving the locations of 2 red-clothed Archbishops and several wealthy parishes, the atmosphere in the Sistine Chapel quickly became more enthusiastic.

More contention and (yin yīn) plots are spreading out quickly.

The true pope just narrowed his muddy eyes as if no one was looking.

There are many coal hills on the Dwarf Island attached to Venice, piles after piles.

After the little Bazin fell off the main road, he rolled over and made himself black. For a while, Wood was invisible. Wood and Uncle Hei spent a little effort to dig little Bazin out of the cinder pile.

After huhhhhh pulled him up, little Bazin hugged Wood while spitting coal.

A thick layer of soot on his body was smeared on Wood, and Wood hasn’t bathed for 3 days. The fresh water on this island is very tense. Both Wood and Uncle Hei decided to endure it. It’s okay to endure it for 3 days. It’s getting darker.

Wood and Uncle Hei dragged little Bazin to a safer mountainside away from coal. On their heads, a few dwarves who had just left work were drinking.

Their conversations spread down below, in very bad German or Latin.

“Who of you just saw the little priest who got the treasure of the town?” A dwarf said with a sigh of wine, “worried me all day for preaching and believing in God. If I believe in it, I won’t give me extra wine. Believe him a big head!”

“That little priest is so weak, is this shield really given to him?” A dwarf didn’t believe it. “That kid is not equal to me. He was robbed of the shield within a few days.”

“It must be him. You haven’t seen the past few days. Master Moritz builds a shield based on his figure. You can’t go wrong, but he hugged his thigh. He hooked up and killed 2 Dark Sun red in a row. -Clothed Archbishop’s great character.” Another dwarf, tsk tsk, who breathed alcohol in his mouth, was surprised, “2 red-clothed Archbishop.”

“Red-clothed Archbishop?” shouted a dwarf who was extremely drunk and the soot on his face could not cover the mellow red, “Which is the older red-clothed Archbishop or the priest who came to preach the other day? That spitting head, is it true that human beings also have a higher status of spitting heads than those who don’t.”

“Aren’t you stupid? The bishop Lord must be older than the missionary priest!” The head dwarf was shocked at the ignorance of his companions. “The red-clothed Archbishop may be bigger.”

“Then killing the red-clothed Great Lord is a big deal!” The dwarves knew that the bishop was already Lord.

At the request of Ladislaus, the Milan Archbishop also came to the island for preaching activities. The annual income of this Archbishop is close to 2 talers. He is also considered the top 10000 in the Archbishop of Dark Sun Church, so it is better than the previous one. Of course, the dwarf tribe whose name is the king and the chief is one level higher.

“Perhaps?” The dwarf Captain hesitated. Compared with his subordinates, he had much more opportunities to contact Dark Sun Church clergy. Every time he saw a purple nobleman, red-clothed sounded like Unreliable. Could it be that his younger brother who was apprentice by several masters made a mistake?

“You uneducated dwarves, don’t know how to pretend to understand, it’s ridiculous!” At this time, another dwarf after get off work came over.

“Master Lucart!”

“Oh, it’s Master Lucart.”

“Master, take a drink.”

The master stood very dwarf. It wasn’t that the dwarves respected him so much. Wood couldn’t see that this guy who was half drunk like other dwarves was a master.

Master Morrie first took a sip of the bad wine mixed with a lot of grape pomace, and then said carefreely: “I tell you, purple is purple at its limit, and purple is bigger than Archbishop. When you reach its limit, it will turn black. You can truly elect the pope!”

“What is the true election of the pope, the false election?”

“Shut up and listen to the master.”

Lucart was satisfied that he did not need to answer the question of the Pope. He continued: “This red-clothed Archbishop is a real great character, bigger than Archbishop and the bishop. It is the prince of Dark Sun Church in Rome, and he came to the island last year. The Duke of Bavaria and the Duke of Urbino, who were purchased on the Internet, are a rank figure!”

In terms of actual power, the two dukes may be slightly better, but red-clothed Archbishop has the power to elect the pope, plus there is no such heavy overhead, so the statement of one rank is completely correct.

“What?!” The other dwarves understood the weight of a red-clothed Archbishop, and Captain shouted, “This is not right, but I know that the young priest who got the shield must be an ordinary priest, such a person, Can you deal with 2 red-clothed Archbishops?”

The little Bazin who said this is very sorry, he hides behind Wood silently, not showing his body at all.

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