But before she left, she gave Xavier a heart-warming jujube tea. This was the third cup of tea. The second cup of tea was accompanied by strawberry pie.

“You have a good chat with Bishop Xavier.” Nita’s face was full of fatigue and a hint of chill.

“Yeah, don’t worry.” Wood was worried, but he didn’t let the emotion radiate.

Nita did the same. She gave Wood a relaxed smile, and then went back to her room.

She is always upset that she can’t help the big brother with more problems, but within the scope of her ability, she still tried her best.

Nita is very ordinary as mage, but it can still make guests feel comfortable if they concentrate on making tea and pastries.

Xavier held a small cup in his hand, which contained tea with the fragrance of dates. After drinking this tea, he was actually a little calmer.

Seeing Nita walk into the house, Xavier walked over immediately.

“Wood, this time I came here to ask me about the two calves there.” But Father Xavier was still under a lot of pressure, so he just said things without saying anything, and he said nothing, “Wood,” I think we’d better sell Benniu.”

Wood’s 50000 Thale budget does include 2 big 2 small 4 bulls.

Wood now obviously has no power to manage the livestock industry, and how to breed calves and cows next is also a big problem. It must not be matched with ordinary cattle. If you buy high-quality breeding fluid from Spanish cattle farms, it is expensive. The key is This is also a technical job, which is likely to cause waste.

In the past, I kept holding it in my hands and not selling it because the Bazin family already had a bull run, and selling it to other people would obviously damage the relationship with the Bazin family. At the same time, it would attract the coveting of other forces.

Now that the Wood and Bazin families are close enough, the scrolls almost use a few thousand talers larger, and his own strength is also incomparable. This is no problem for selling to other buyers.

In fact, Wood is considering sending the cattle to Venice for the highest price. Although sea transportation is risky, Wood at worst lives with the cattle.

“Don’t worry.” Wood asked as he unwrapped his water bag and poured a small drop into Xavier’s teacup. Although the core tranquilizer would make him more comfortable, Wood himself can afford it, but he Still try to restrain yourself from using elite rank’s tranquilizers, leaving a certain amount of leeway for the future, “Say slowly.”

This elite tranquilizer is still barely usable for ordinary rank Xavier after being diluted.

The priest’s demand for tranquilizers is small, but it is by no means unnecessary.

Wood’s water sacs are now also added with some dates. For him, it is mainly to improve the taste, but surprisingly it can increase a little nutrition and soothe the nerves. The effect is greater than expected.

It was very, very symptomatic to Xavier, a low-level pastor. He drank 2 sips, and he was obviously more emotionally stable. He was under great pressure. In fact, if Nita hadn’t helped him, he would probably have a mental breakdown in the afternoon.

“When I got up this morning, I found that there were obvious signs of damage to the bullpen. It was very serious.” Xavier’s words made Wood’s heart twitched. “Don’t worry, 4 cows are fine. I changed the feed and so on. Now, the cows were all fine when I left, and Santaali is already there with a few guards.”

Wood didn’t even notice that the female mage didn’t come back today.

“Let’s go to the cattle farm first, and talk as we walk.” Although Xavier said so, Wood was going to the scene immediately. He shouted from the supplies, “Nita, I won’t be back tonight.”

“I made you big strawberry pie, you bring it!” Nita didn’t say anything else.

“Okay.” Wood took the pie from the kitchen and gave it to Xavier.

“Last time there were 2 Spanish businessmen who said they were willing to buy 10000 talers to buy 2 big and 2 small 4 cows. I didn’t agree, but for something worth so much money, I simply don’t have enough security here.” Father Vere ate this bread and really enjoyed it. He came on a donkey and added a few dates to the donkey. The donkey went on the road docilely. He said, “I didn’t know before. This cow is worth that much money. You let Santalili watch it every day a while ago. Why didn’t anyone come the past few days.”

“Manpower shortage.” Wood made Santalili stare at the mage association. Although cattle are expensive, they won’t make trouble. It’s no good for the mage workers who don’t stare.

It was late when Wood arrived at the ranch, and he saw that Santaalali was still laying traps with people.

“Thank you!” Wood and Santaali’s men said hello, and then went to see the 4 cows. The state of the cows is really good, and Wood’s perception can also play a role in this aspect. “The cows are indeed okay.”

“Yes, it’s weird.” Santaali at first suspected poisoning or other sabotage, but soon realized that the logic was unreasonable. “No matter what secret means, you should not demolish the bullpen.”

Wood then personally inspected the damaged guardrail, which was crushed.

“Could it be that the cow wanted to escape?” Wood thought of a possibility.

Santalali and Acting Bishop Xavier watched it for a while, before the former hesitated and said, “The probability that the cow is overwhelmed does exist.”

“But they have always been obediently and honestly.” Xavier also somewhat recognized Wood’s judgment in his heart. “Could it be the kind of prawn Wood you killed last time at the beach?”

Big Pippi Shrimp?

“Impossible, it is obviously a creature that can’t live without water.” Wood shook his head, “No matter, I will sleep here today. I hide in the bullpen. If there is a thief or rare beast, then let them taste. Taste my sword.” Wood looked at Santalali who was a little excited, and said, “You and Acting Bishop Xavier will look at the conditions of the cattle, especially the weaker calves. You must make sure they are healthy.”

“Oh.” Santaalali’s motivation disappeared.

In the Sistine Chapel, the selected pope and several red-clothed Archbishops are discussing work.

“I am a little worried that heretical activities have been rampant in the city of Venice recently. The remnants of the former consul family are still active in 4 places. Will we be misunderstood when we are actively participating in the auction at this time?” Gonzaga red- clothed Archbishop, “Public auctions do not help God Your Majesty’s divine force. Private bidding is the best!”

The Mantua Marquis, ruled by the Gonzaga family, is the Central-Italian Marquis closest to the Great Duchy of Austria. It is under great pressure from Vienna, so if you find an opportunity, you must find trouble for Austria.

“Yes, in fact, we can keep the purchase money. Our secret trade in Florence is well organized. Why go to Venice.” Medici red-clothed Archbishop is very competitive (naked luǒ) with Venice. Relationship.

However, compared to public auctions, the secret room is not a good business method.

“His Royal Highness, would you like to ask Astori to bring 7 pills, and after my blessing and contact, go out with the church country team for a long distance, regardless of success, we can consider this The second purchase was arranged to Florence.” The Fate Chamber of Commerce hermit, Dark Sun Church red-clothed Archbishop Furtus was speaking on behalf of the true pope, “The security of the church state is guaranteed, and the next step is the Republic of Florence.”

Medici red-clothed Archbishop pondered for a long time, and finally just shook his head stiffly, “I can’t agree to this, I have to respect the opinions of the people of Florence.”

Furtus red-clothed Archbishop Let me say that the pope has already raised his hand.

“The more rampant the heretical activities, we also have to show our support for the faithful.” The true pope made the decision, “Your Excellency Li Te is a firm supporter of the cause of God, who established the bishopric and Archbishop district in the berry field. He gave us a lot of help, and we have to help him.”

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