At the same time, Wood drank half of the tranquilizer tea on his belt. The water sac was already half empty, and then he drank the water sacs on Lev and Kusuka.

Hannibal’s mission to Sifax was to use offense instead of defense to sweep back and forth on the road from the central square to the temple, preventing the troops brought by the Kaoka couple and Utica’s militia from interfering with the double temple through here. After he solved the Kaoka couple, he would lead his troops around from the temple to the back of the central square, where he doubled the Elder’s Council and the Utica militia.

Hannibal told Sifax that in a two-sided attack, he could convince the Carthaginians to be loyal to him.

This kind of plan that is completely dependent on personal charm is actually close to cranky in many cases, but this time it is very good, because this time it relies on Hannibal’s personal charm.

Even a Numidian in Westfax has listened to Hannibal’s various stories for more than ten years. Not only these are fictitious, but in the best years, the mercenaries he sent to Hannibal also sent back many A gold and silver treasure and an Italian slave girl. At that time, the base of the Roman fleet was destroyed by Hannibal, and it was impossible to block southern Italy and the Canadian soil for a while. Hannibal sent many spoils of war back to the mainland, which greatly encouraged Elder’s. The morale of the Council, they didn’t dare to go to war with Rome at that time, they were excited to mobilize to go to war when they saw various tearful spoils of war.

Although he did not directly support Hannibal, he finally opened up a few fronts and fought against the Romans.

The cavalry of the Numidia Kingdom was also hired several times, and Sifax had enough money.

Then it was not spoils of war that came back, but relics of various battlefields. The second and third batches of Numidians who joined the Carthage army were basically in Spain. Many of the Numidians who followed Hannibal to Italy came back, but they basically settled in the declining Carthage Republic.

The king has been relying on Hannibal’s veterans for shelter in Carthage for several years. He hides in Tibet and even the wife of the Carthage nobles has been lost. By the way, his wife has refused to participate in the triumphal ceremony of the Romans. Committed suicide.

Although he has no capital, he still has some prestige among the Numidians. Among the elephants of the circus, he quietly trained a daring one.

This is not an easy task. Elephants are very powerful weapons, but must be well trained. In the Battle of Zama, Hannibal only undertrained the elephants and ran around as soon as they received a spear attack. Not only did they not cause the Romans Harm, on the contrary, is the impact on your own front.

Of course, there won’t be such a thing this time, the war elephant that Sifax brought this time is the bravest in character, and the strength and courage are much better than similar.

I came to support Hannibal this time because I wanted to make a final fight and rely on the power of Carthage to regain his throne.

Seeing the appearance of Scipio, he was actually a little panicked.

Although Hannibal and he had both lost to Scipio, he did not have the experience of emerge victorious in every battle of Hannibal’s life, but he saw that the enemy who had defeated him several times appeared unexpectedly in front of him. All of a sudden, he felt empty.

With a guilty conscience, his subordinates were naturally shaken. The Numidian cavalry who was chasing the Utica militia just now disappeared.

However, Sifax had been a king for several decades at any rate, and these men around him were all nephews, so they didn’t get separated.

Sifax and the others ride on horses and war elephants. Although the number of people is slightly smaller, they are really useful on the main road of Utica. When a 1000-pound horse rushes up, the low-level fighters can only be blocked. Invincible.

However, more than 50 Roman soldiers lined up 3 battle lines directly on the street, and a dozen people marched forward together.

Sifax can speak very good Roman, and seeing Scipio he intends to delay the opponent with words for a while.

“Great Scipio, you Romans are really bully intolerably, Africans are the Africans of our Africans…” Sifax stood up, trying to show the majesty of the king, but he was thrust in by a javelin just halfway through his words. In the (胸xiōng) mouth.

Chapter 460 Great Scipia breakthrough Numidian Cavalry

Sifax wanted to delay by talking, but the Roman heroes brought by Scipio would not eat this (set of tào). They crossed the Mediterranean Sea. They did not know how much they had met against the great Rome. After they had gone against each other, they refused to accept the consequences. The guys who try their best to procrastinate for a while are all this (set of tào).

Scipia continued to charge, and they continued to charge. The quality of these soldiers was higher than that of Hannibal’s men.

The one and third of them are the “remaining non-commissioned officers” controlled by Scipio, that is, after completing the compulsory illness, they were given the opportunity to continue to serve and become professional non-commissioned officers. These veterans were the backbone of the Roman army and also Proof of the identity of the boss.

In this era, citizens of the Roman Republic are the most noble nationality in the entire Mediterranean.

If you have a Roman citizenship, you don’t have to worry about food and entertainment. If you open your eyes every day, you will have enough bread to fill your stomach. There are often elders who leave part of the inheritance to the people. Everyone can Take a few silver coins, and occasionally elders donate gardens, mansions, books, etc. to the public. The public gardens, popular theaters and reading centers that these properties have been transformed into are also free for Roman citizens, or at least Some areas can be free of charge.

Except for a handful of people, there are not many slaves in the homes of Roman citizens. The fate of these poor creatures lies within the mind of the Roman master.

If there is a seat in the Elder’s Council in Rome, then you are definitely a great character. Participate in national politics and have the power to decide the fate of most Roman citizens.

If you control 30 remaining non-commissioned officers, through their relationship, you can pull up several Legions, train and coordinate for a few weeks to have basic combat effectiveness, and have the power to determine the fate of most Roman elders.

Of course, in the age of Scipio, the military leaders did not dare to use this power easily. By the time their good descendants Sura and Mario, this power would be released from the cage, and in the age of Caesar and Pompey, This power will be recognized by the society, and the officers will eventually cease to be loyal to Elder’s Council and will only be loyal to a powerful figure, which will eventually ruin the Roman Republican system.

But this kind of attachment is in the hands of Da Scipia, and there is no such side effect, but it allows him to organize a team that is extremely clever and tough.

Except for a dozen remaining non-commissioned officers, there is no rookie among the more than 30 Romans that Scipio brought.

This operation did not even allow any slaves to join, everyone was a Roman citizen.

How could such a capable team be shaken by the language? At a distance of less than 50 steps, how formidable power their guns are, and the act of Sifax standing up and posing as a king helped the Romans not a small amount. Busy. Half of the Roman soldiers in the first row were given a shooting angle. Ten or two javelins were thrown together, and more than one javelin hit Sifax.

Sifax hit 3 javelins at once and fell on the elephant.

The remaining dozen javelins all hit the elephant under him. Even though he was wearing a special heavy armor, the elephant was pierced with more than a dozen holes.

Then the javelins from the second row arrived at the same time and all hit the elephant together, but the elephant still did not run around. Instead, it slightly lowered its body to face the enemy with thicker armor, closed its eyes, and its ears like a fan. Close to his head.

With more than 20 javelins stuck in his body, he still charged bravely.

“Okay, Taka, good job!”

“Who is a good guy, who is a good guy!”

“Let you have a taste of Taka!”

The elephant did not live up to the long-term teaching of the Numidian druid. The elephant training druid was also casting the “secondary recovery (chūn) technique” on the elephant at this time.

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