“Lord of the Storm’s career is very successful here. I have confirmed that there are a lot of storm followers in the Seleucid Empire. Most of the monarchs and ministers have converted, and my mission to the Carthaginians in the desert is also very successful. Very good, not small, but a piece…”

Mainly speaking, the situation is good.

The last one was written to Nita. Wood wrote a long time, saying that he eats well and dresses well. In fact, there are camels in the desert to make it cool.

When writing this, Wood had to be careful at all times to avoid dripping sweat on the letter paper.

Wood finally wrote.

“There is one more thing. I have never asked you face to face. I never remembered the battle and the plan. This time I recorded it in the letter so I won’t forget it.”

“Nita, intelligence, perception, and charisma are three ways of summarizing human abilities. From your point of view, is my charisma good? This question has bothered me for a long time because I always receive contradictory information. I believe in you, my dear younger sister can give me a fair answer. If you think my charm is not good, in order to accurately assess my situation when I go out, please tell me bluntly.”

The journey on the camel a few days ago, there were also some scenery of the journey. Although it was said to be in the desert, I still saw some animals, hills and water springs. It is not convenient for Nita to work now, and Wood tries to give her some entertainment.

Of course, the math problems and sand Wood in the previous few days will not go into details, mainly talking about better situations.

Although only one third of the top 100 people was converted into a believer of Lord of the Storm, Wood’s goal was achieved. His team was greatly expanded, and his cohesion was also improved a lot.

“Master Kusuka, is this Lord Wood-Lombard really sent by God to save us Carthaginians?”

“Yes, there is no doubt about it, praise Lord of the Storm.”

“Praise Lord of the Storm.”

Kusuka yelled, and there was a rhythmic response from Wood’s team. The town built by the Carthaginians and occupied by the Numidians returned to the hands of his builders.

Kusuka looked serious. Although she was still a little worried, Wood was strong, but he seemed not serious enough. He was either writing or painting all day, or holding the Zhu Dongpa mage hat on the first day. Look closely.

Chapter 400 40 6 Wood is coming to Utica

On the 6th day when he came to the second plane, Wood had enough 100 believers to complete the minimum consumption of plane travel, without touching the spirituality that he did not want to face for the time being, and he also got 3 clergymen.

Kusuka is the only core among them, and the other two are 2-Level 1 priests.

The quality of “Book of Thunder” is improved a little after the clam shell is attached, and it can be used as the core of the temporary sacrifice array.

Wood destroyed 2 large towns and destroyed more than 2 100 Numidians. Including the 2 cores killed on the 2nd day, it killed 5 cores and liberated more than 300 slaves.

Wood is lecturing them.

“The three of you are pioneers, the seeds that spread Lord of the Storm into the hearts of every believer.”

“The day of the Carthage Republic’s full counter-offensive is very close. Your Excellency Hannibal has returned here. He will set things right.”

“Kusuka, the past few days you have performed very well in planning the route. This hat is for you. You must uphold your heart and resolutely work for the Lord of the Storm.”

Wood passed the hat he had been studying for a few days to Kusuka, who was standing in the front. This female pastor mage suddenly realized that Wood was identifying the role of this hat. This is a Rare Item!

If it weren’t for Sage’s Sword to have the ability to feel magical fluctuations, it is really possible to miss this Numidian style hood.

“Your Excellency Wood, I will do my best for Lord of the Storm and for you!” Kusuka put on this soothing hat, and immediately felt that the hot wind blowing on his forehead was not so hot, and the sand was not so knocking. Up.

This is not her own thinking, other people can also see that her mentality has improved a lot, and she has been younger for several years.

After the mage on the main plane generally surrenders, even if the scroll scroll is pressed, there will be a supply of tranquilizers. This place is of course impossible, so the captive mage surrenders is not so natural and smooth, although mage does have more uses and is not easy to die. However, it is also common to be directly made into casting materials.

Kusuka also harbored national hatred. Although she had not participated in Hannibal’s expedition, she had fought many deaths with the Numidians on the battlefield of guard home, defend the country. She would rather be like an ordinary person. Even being tortured to death, I don’t want to give the enemy a chance to make the most of himself for a glimmer of survival.

In addition to promoting 3 priests, Wood also seized 30 camels, worth 1000 talers, of spellcasting materials. Of course, these Woods did not return to the main plane, so in addition to giving Abu a round belly, Wood also did not Back, his goal is all kinds of treasures in Utica.

Wood then continued to assign some tasks to others. The next action will be carried out in the core part of the Carthage Republic. He can only take Kusuka with a capable team.

However, other newly developed subordinates were obviously impossible to throw away, and Wood arranged peripheral tasks for them.

“I know this is not easy for you.”

“But the more difficult it is, if we do it, we can only get the New World if we resolutely break with the past and break the old world!”

“Hannibal gave up even his ancestors for all this, and even suffered the most infamy, we can’t escape.”

Wood was setting up the task, and Abu was secretly watching outside from his tent.

“Don’t eat too many big scorpions, those with indigestion, give it to me.”


“You can eat it. If you are too fat, you will be finished.” Lady Debbie looked at Abu’s round belly and restrained her jealousy. “Give me another black ball, hurry up.”

Lady Debbie is now soaking in a big tub with dark water in it.

Abu stared wide-eyed and looked in the mirror, and then spread his limbs on his stomach, lying on the ground. He had just eaten the spellcasting materials that could release several “Fireball Technique” and “Curse Casting”, and didn’t want to move at all.

Wood also left Lady Debbie with a tranquilizer. Although this subplane is not sufficient, the mage killed by Wood still has some good things to calm the mind and mind.

In addition to the hat for Kusuka, there are more than a dozen small black balls. Although I don’t know what they are made of, they can calm the nerves by smelling them. So Wood gave Abu to take care of him not being able to enjoy the good things. Lady Debbie.

Abu has added a black ball to the water once, and Lady Debbie put it in the basin before eating.

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