About 5 years ago, for a short period of time, the Austrian Regent Ladislaus was once the darling of the Dark Sun Church in Rome.

Wurzburg’s red-clothed Archbishop (很tǐng) missed those few days. After Belgrade was recovered, Ladislaus announced that the German Crusade had successfully completed the great cause of the Eastern Expedition and settled in Central Hungary before continuing to fight the Heretic.

At that time, it was really the most glorious day for the Austrian red-clothed Archbishops in Rome. Everyone was obsessed with saying good things. He himself was really popular in Rome. Everyone wanted to regain more territories with the regency. New territories meant With new believers, new churches, and most fundamentally, new positions.

At that time, Ladislaus had just achieved considerable results in North Germany. He brought the Black Hand Church’s rejuvenation country to the electorate of Saxony back to the track of God Your Majesty, and also brought the important Magdeburg Archbishop , Bishop Wittenberg, Bishop Weimar, etc. all gave it to the Italian faction in the Roman church.

This is one of the foundations for the Tenth Crusade to organize in time.

It’s all over now.

Austria not only detained more than 2 crusaders, but now the several Archbishop districts mentioned by North Germany are in chaos. Black hands are deeply rooted in those areas. Except for a few cities, the vast countryside is still controlled by black hands. Saxony chooses The imperial state is powerless. They are developing some territories of the Berry World, and Ladislaus insists on not sending troops to clean up, claiming that this is an internal conflict of the German people and does not require swords and soldiers, but needs to be resolved through consultation.

The current situation is not to say that Ladislaus planned, at least it is also his attractive spectacle, those positions in North Germany, Austria can not tolerate the Roman Dark Sun Church, otherwise it will greatly affect China and North The German princes’ perception of Austria reduced the centripetal force of the Holy Roman Empire. The Austrian Duchy needed to use the resources of the Dark Sun Church in Rome to suppress the black-handed church that would increase the independence of North Germany. However, to a certain extent, it must be vigilant that the fruits of victory fall into the Dark Sun Church In the hands of Sun Church, as it is now, in the end, most of the fruits will eventually fall into the hands of Ladislaus.

There is also the Dark Sun Church property in Buda, Pest, and Belgrade that was taken by the Ottomans. He also means that he has not returned it at all. In the past few years, he has squeezed a few small manors on and off, which makes the Regency feel distressed.

But the guys in Rome are of course not satisfied. In recent years, the appointments of Belgrade Archbishop and Buda Archbishop have been overwhelmingly contested, and the Italians can’t put one in.

Seeing the majestic appearance of the Duchess of Amboise, the Würzburg red-clothed Archbishop did her best. Anyway, his daughter would not go to Egypt, which is bad luck.

Because of the Burberry pirates’ attack on the Apennines in the past few days, the Dark Sun Church in Rome is indeed willing to pay, but the money is easy to get for the Italian faction, so they built a few forts and formed a few more small troops. That’s it.

But whether it is a faction in Spain, France or Austria, it is extremely difficult to get the money, and it is at least to work hard.

The French are indeed the most hopeful, because the Spanish conflicts with England and Denmark in the Atlantic are escalating, and only the French Mediterranean fleet can oppress the Burberry pirates.

He glanced at the Duchess of Sinai again. The weakness of the Duchess in the Spanish system is well known. If their family has a little bit of strength, they will not be assigned to Sinai Duchy, who is on the top of the Ottomans. bad luck place.

The emperor didn’t seem to want to fight for the money. He paid more attention to the follow-up manpower. It is estimated that the majority of the money will be divided between the French and the church Italy. He might be able to get some small money. The Duchess of Würzburg put his own money. The soul was cut open. It was a profound one. The Duchess of Amboise of France spoke even better and was obviously more prepared.

After scolding a certain regent, the French red-clothed Archbishops seemed to be in complete control of the situation.

As the Duchess of Amboise said, there were also French red-clothed Archbishops who were praising her, prompting all kinds of appropriate questions in time, as well as criticizing a lot.

In the end, the mountain shouted “Honor to God,” and the atmosphere was almost straightforward.

The Duchess of Sinai also wanted to understand the situation she was facing. She was the last to speak, thinking enough time.

When it was finally his turn to speak, everyone in the Sistine Chapel was exhausted. They all hoped that the Duchess of Sinai could finish her conversation quickly, and everyone could eat earlier.

The Duchess of Sinai at first also said that she is also responsible, sorry for the emperor’s support, after all, her family and friends are still in Spain.

But after less than 3 minutes, she started to lose control of herself.

“The failure of the Crusaders has both subjective and objective reasons. I don’t think we can simply attribute all the responsibilities to those who fought on the front line…”

“We must evaluate fairly…we also deserve a fair and just evaluation…”

“In the Sinai Peninsula for more than 1500 days and nights, I met many respectable people, and worked with them to complete many tasks that must not be easily denied, blindly accusing the grassroots and the front line…”

The Duchess of Sinai estimated that most of the 300,000 talers would belong to the French, and the Duchess of Würzburg would be about 7, and then 80000-10,000 would be given to several other companies. Can she divide 20,000 3 talers?

This is humiliation, not support, don’t worry!

‘Begging for mercy is not the solution. The more begging, the less these dog things from Dark Sun treat us as human beings. ‘

This is what Wood said to her before leaving.

At that time, the Duchess of Sinai still had some doubts, how could she plead? Is she that kind of woman?

Wood this guy looks (very tǐng) able to fight, but after all, he is a bit slow and doesn’t understand himself!

But after seeing the performances of the Duchess of Wurzburg and Duchess of Amboise, she realized Wood’s wisdom.

For a short while, she really wanted to kneel down and perform.

It seems that this is the right way of Human World, there is no way, to make a living, for the family, for the sake of eating, just kneel down.

‘Destroying the past and present is not good enough for oneself, seizing the present and future of oneself, happiness is absolutely impossible to obtain by begging! ‘

But Wood’s voice rang in her mind, and she didn’t seem to have heard Wood say this paragraph, but the voice was Wood’s right!

Thinking of this, she felt wronged for Wood again. He fought so hard, but in this Roman city, he and those people fighting on Crete seemed to be nonexistent.

“Where can there be any easy peace in this world? It’s not that brave people who fought on the ocean, on land, in the sky and heretic, and carried the years of the Roman city!”

“I want to specifically mention a recent battle on Crete. The local warriors on Crete, without any support from Rome, under the leadership of His Excellency Wood-Lombard, The island gave the pirates a head-on blow! Among them, I also played a little bit.”

“The son of the infamous Shark Druid Heredin, and the huge fleet led by Hasan Bellebey, were all repelled by us!”

She stood with her head up, looking directly into the eyes of the true pope, looking at all the red-clothed Archbishops one by one.

The faces of red-clothed Archbishop are more indifferent, the Medici red-clothed Archbishop is directly sneered, the several red-clothed Archbishops in France are more expressive, and the Amboise red-clothed Archbishop is even more ecstatic. .

Only the Minister of Faith, Furtus red-clothed Archbishop showed a somewhat worried expression. He looked at the politically innocent Duchess of Sinai, and then glanced at the true pope Your Majesty who seemed to be distracted.

The Pope, who has always appeared absent-minded, is adjusting his posture at this time. He seems to have heard something and is searching for frowns.

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