Although the power struggle will not have much to do with them, isn’t everything like this now the best?

Both the church and the bullpen need to be repaired. You can do some chores during the slack in the farm, and you can also collect hay and sell it to the church. Although the purchase price is not high, you can always walk less than sending it to the city or the pier. The road, there is another biggest advantage is that there is no need to enter the city for mass. Although the church has been trying to avoid the city entrance tax for entering the city on Sunday for mass, the government has a lot of resistance to losing the Sunday tax. The people are also at a loss.

But for residents in the town where Wood is located, this problem does not exist.

“Wood, hurry up and see Director Bazin at the Inquisition. His black entourage in the past few days is coming.” Nita told Wood a little worried.

“I’ll go later.” Wood still had to talk to Liandra and Santalili first. Nita was a little worried, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

“Kelby hasn’t come back in the last few days (sao sāo), and my good apprentice hasn’t found any problems with his spirit.” Santaalali first reported on Kelby’s situation, which is what Wood is most concerned about. “Workshop sales are also Everything is normal, there are no unreasonable price changes, and the frequency of his appearance in the workshop has not changed.”

Everything was normal. To tell the truth, Wood was a little surprised. He frowned and thought for a while. He didn’t have any clues. He could only think that the attack was because Kelby was close to losing control. It should have been replenishing the tranquilizer in time and stabilized.

Liandra feels a little bit distressed that she can only report for the second time, but this emotion is very limited, because the content of her report is (very tǐng) positive: “the past few days we have initially settled down, and I found a suitable production Cat’s Elegance Potion is now the raw material. It should be possible to supply you a bottle of Cat’s Elegance in a month. The altar of the hidden Lord of Stars and Moon. We stared at the altar of the hidden Lord of Stars and Moon for a few days. !”

“Oh?!” Wood’s mood soared, and he said to Nita, “Bring me a pot of water.” Then he continued to ask, “Last time the altar looks abandoned.”

“Pirates should use this as a backup altar. I heard from Morty Teacher that Director Bazin and Lord Morty together destroyed a Burberry pirate’s secret stronghold and destroyed an altar 5 days ago, so they switched to using this altar.” Nita Watching Wood drank more than one liter of water at a very fast rate, and then she went to pour it again. Nita the past few days consulted Morty about many magical issues, and the other side provided some information by the way.

However, Nita is very painful about the progress of magic learning, because although Morty teaches very hard, she really can’t learn too much, but when she learns the Fate Chamber of Commerce manual, the situation is still good, whether it is tricks or language. Not bad, Nita guessed in her heart that she might be some language innate talent.

“The scale of each sacrifice is not large, but it is obviously a secret stronghold shared by many pirates. In just one week, we have discovered 3 groups of people, each of which is 4 to 5 people. Generally, there will be an ordinary Peak or The first officer of the core rank or the captain of the sailor, generally these people have a level 1 priest level, and the others are level 1 and level 2 fighters.”

Wood knew that Liandra and Bassano had cleaned up the place where they worshipped together last time, so the enemy could come back here again.

“As long as the messenger takes me, he is completely sure to deal with such an enemy.” Santaalali’s words penetrated Liandra’s heart like a saber.

“The priest who did not kill the enemy before the last sacrifice was held, can’t be considered to seize the enemy’s altar. This time I will take Liandra with me. If I destroy the altar used by the priest, there will be better results. “Wood’s words naturally made a lady relaxed, and a lady had some regrets, “Look where you can get these weapons and equipment?”

Wood gave Liandra and Santali a receipt, which contained various weapons and equipment. Santali immediately shook his head: “I am afraid that only the arsenal in Gandia City has that many supplies. Anyway, in Kelby’s workshop Impossible There are that many weapons, what do you want such weapons for, Envoy?”

Liandra was helpless, but she had no doubts.

Wood currently has 3 major events. The first thing is to upgrade to Level 6 as soon as possible, which requires some nutrition, and secondly absorb the remaining Blue Devil corpse. This is a direct way to increase strength. For the plane adventurer, Improving your own strength is the most important thing. The third is to establish an interplanetary connection with Three Purities. He is too weak and his personal strength is improved. If he only takes the usual path, it is difficult to deal with the bigwigs in the Spanish system or The Burberry pirates’ full attack cannot become a powerful faction that can shelter a large number of church members, so a foreign aid must be found.

Wood shook his head and didn’t share his goal. He just asked them to collect some relevant information as much as possible, and then pay attention to Kelby and the Star-Moon Altar before heading to the city.

“Director Bazin, I am not talking about Wood, but he is indeed too unorganized and undisciplined.”

“Although he is now Captain of the small sect protecting church, he can’t help but say hello to you and me and talk to himself for so long to work for the fate (rape jiān) merchant!”

“It’s really not a unity.”

Although some townspeople support Wood, there are also many supporters of Bishop Busk, so he knew immediately the news that Wood returned to the main plane. Wood did not immediately trot to find little Bazin after his failure last time. The bishop believes that the key to destroying Wood is to destroy his relationship. The most important thing is that little Bazin neutralizes his position, otherwise the dignified church can’t deal with the priest and a guard in the church.

Little Bazin’s expression is very tangled. He is really troubled by the internal struggles of the church. Mother told him to draw Wood and at the same time block the fate of the Chamber of Commerce. The latter goal has failed. Is that the first goal to be corrected? ? Bishop Busk seems to make some sense?

100th Chapter 9 Spirituality Water The correct way for children to eat

Seeing little Bazin grinning with no idea, Bishop Busk continued to work hard.

“We are Dark Sun Church. It’s not a small Chamber of Commerce where you work part-time and odd jobs. What’s the matter with asking for leave for a week?”

“I came back and didn’t even come to report to the bishop and the director, nor to attend Mass. I flirted with two women at the door of the church!”

“It’s a blatant attack on Sunday Mass. I very much suspect that this little bastard is heresy. We have to investigate him!”

The bishop now has no need to conceal his malice against Wood. He has lost several hundred talers in his investment in the bullpen. Recently, the church window broke and it was just a mess of paper.

This made the little Bazin think that Bishop Busk was a bit credible, or that we Spaniards were simple and straightforward.

In fact, there must be some tricks in this. The little money invested in churches outside the city will not make Gandia church bankrupt. After all, Spain has won him a lot of favorable terms. The commission for Rome has not been paid for a long time. The donation account of the nuns in the church It is also very unclear, or it is a very clear deficit.

It is said that little Bazin actually has the responsibility to check the church’s finances, but everyone is Spanish, so this account is of course nothing to check. We Spaniards disdain to make trivial false accounts, so let’s just transfer the money (米mī). , How to drop?

Of course, the basis of all this is that Bishop Busk has given him a lot of support in his work recently. With the support of the bishop and the church guard, the little Bazin the past few days has achieved great results.

He led the referee action team to open up a road for more than 5 miles, destroying a gang of human robbers in Highway Robbery, 2 trolls occupying a large area of ​​farmland, and at the same time regaining control of a small town that had lost control for 7-8 years. rule.

In this process, Sinnas and Goodson performed very well. Although the latter failed to hit the core, it still maintained faith in God and a good working spirit.

Bishop Busk gave great support to Director Bazin. They worked together, not only to defeat the enemy, but also to unite to put back the Gandia government’s intention to intervene. Nowadays, most of the taxes in this town belong to the church. , The Gandia government can only drink some soup, although the finances of the little Bazin still rely on his own family to pay for subsidies, this is definitely an improvement of the strength of Gandia City, which is his achievement.

Morty is working very hard to clean up the accounts of that small town. Little Bazin is sure that it must be a mess, otherwise Morty can’t figure it out for a week.

Mother’s pressure is great. Although the money has been given a lot, he can quickly have a strong referee action team, but mother’s requirements for performance are also very high.

“We have to advise Wood and pull him back from the wrong path! It must be those fate (trait) merchants who are corrupting him!” Little Bazin also felt that Wood’s beliefs were a bit unreliable. This is what he values ​​most. “I want to severely warn him that he must be loyal to God and cannot be with the Fate Chamber of Commerce all day long! Next, he will not (Yunyǔn) allow him to go out and do business with the Fate Chamber of Commerce! We are the sword of God Your Majesty, What’s the matter of escorting merchants all day long.”

Of course, it’s okay to be an escort for the Bazin Chamber of Commerce. Little Bazin decided to give Wood more of his own business in the future. Mother also needs escort when he travels far away.

“Yes, that’s it, position is the most important thing!” Bishop Busk’s reaction to young Bazin is not surprising. He has been observing him for a long time, and he said sincerely, “But Director Bazin, you have always had a relationship with Wood. Yes, so I will scold him severely later, Director Bazin, please calm down a few words so that Wood will not be dissatisfied with you. In fact, he is really a bit unreasonable. At the beginning, he was still Director Bazin. Isn’t he a core belt? Alas, he is not a Spaniard after all. He can only unite, not be his own.”

He continued: “In fact, it’s not impossible to do business far away, just provide us with some information, but how could the fate of the Chamber of Commerce make it so easy for him to get information? It must be nothing to say.”

“Busk Bishop…” Little Bazin was moved. This is so considerate. His mother also suggested that Wood had obtained information from the Fate Chamber of Commerce. But how could this Fate Chamber of Commerce not be guarded? Little Bazin thought. I think it is impossible.

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