He added a character relationship under Wu Zhaoyi’s small note, first Mrs. Wu Yang Clan, then Di Renjie and Yuan Fang, but the area of ​​the note was insufficient, so Cassano took out a blank note and the original note and put it on his arm. The mucus sticks together, carefully put it into your own hands (set tào).

“Yes.” Wood put down the chamber pot. “Your understanding is basically correct, but there are still some details. We can’t directly use our relationship here, but it must be tailored to local conditions. I can’t explain it out of thin air. I will tell you slowly later.”

Cassano is not sure if Wood is serious, because this knowledge is very precious, but Wood undoubtedly you did good today. He continued to ask: “A smooth day, right? And we might be able to do it next. Connect with Shaolin Temple and Pure Land Temple, right?”

“Right.” Wood nodded, “all right.”

Cassano continued to ask: “We have established these relationships in the mandatory mission, confirmed the positions of all parties, and demonstrated our strength. We can try to inquire about Kessler’s first seat, right?”

“Yes.” Wood didn’t look at the little notes of Cassano.

“Your course of action is almost the same as the Duke’s thought.” Cassano gathered the note and carefully put it into his hand (set tào). Wood and the others moved smoothly. Cassano didn’t mention the advice of the Duke of Tripoli. ” It’s just that the progress is faster than the Duke’s guess, and it seems that the relationship with Wu Zhaoyi’s mother is particularly successful.”

“The Bazin family has complete and profound information. The ladies of the Fate Chamber of Commerce are loved.” Wood said that he took the sword and wanted to practice again. He was almost vomiting, and the new sword skills need to be consolidated. And in this case, practicing is essentially to improve your balance and endurance, and the battle will not stop because you are seasick. “This kind of secondary plane controlled by other main planes is very dangerous. Even if there is such a relationship, nothing can be guaranteed, especially since the beliefs here are very sensitive nowadays, even the local Three Purities Holy Sect faction is over.”

Cassano asked, “Although we are delivering goods to Wenshui Wu Family, since we have delivered the goods, we should be able to establish a relationship with the Jingtu Temple. There are also mandatory tasks to retrieve the goods, and Shaolin Temple will definitely be able to find them. The door, but it won’t be easy, right?”

“Yes, it won’t be easy.” Wood said and began to dance his sword. He was tired and dizzy, attacking lightly and lacking power.

Cassano looked at it for a while, then poured out all the slivers from his hand (set tào), then laid it on the (bed chuáng) and started searching for entries in the Pure Land Temple and Shaolin Temple.

The waves on the big river are rough, there are no fishing boats, and the river banks are also extinct and lifeless.

Wood and the Jinlang guard ship they were on was followed by another ship. Both ships had some lights, but they couldn’t see the other side at all in such waves and it was impossible to track them.

But the ship behind can always find the right direction in the big waves, following the ship in front of Wood and them.

And although this ship is also undulating in the waves, it is not at all, the feeling of being under great pressure, but it moves along the water, very harmonious and natural.

In the innermost cabin, three blue-haired and blue-eyed people are gathering in the cabin. The three of them are holding hands. In the center of the three people’s position, a twisting blue gem is flashing. You can see Hou Haitao and A scene of beautiful Orchid.

“This kind of idiot.” One of them was very dissatisfied with Hou Haitao’s distraction during his work.

“If they weren’t so stupid, how could we be their masters?” another person said.

“The goal of this mission is to kill more people from Jinlangwei, but try not to kill the Hushang and the concubine, only destroy or take their goods, especially the mediators to protect them.” The captain said to two subordinates, “But as always, the rule is to protect ourselves first. If you think it is necessary or dangerous, anyone can kill, including the intermediary with the symbol.”

“Hehe, on the big river, what kind of threat can these cheap species pose to us?” one of the blue men said disdainfully.

“Don’t be arrogant.” The lead captain screamed, but obviously not very convincing. Of course, his two subordinates didn’t care much. He just reminded one more time, “Must be cautious. Protect yourself is the first thing.”

Chapter 92 The Real Enemy Appears

The Jinlangwei vessel on the big river undulates with the waves, and the Wood in the cabin is also fluctuating up and down, but he still insists on practicing the sword technique with gnashing teeth.

He first reviewed the “Flame of Vengeance” used to deal with Marilyn and demonstrated it several times, and then repeated the practice of “Seal of Death” that he hadn’t mastered yet.

“It’s such a big storm.” Cassano looked at the small note for a while, then looked at the big black wave outside the window. “Except for warships like Jinlangwei, the fisherman can’t live.”

“…” Wood was speechless. In addition to the pressure of practice, he was still heartbroken during the last meal of the Weishui Yellow Goat. For this rare nutrient, he would eat ten to five points full every time, otherwise he would not vomit so badly. , After all, he is still an islander.

Cassano had to keep looking at the little note.

It’s really hard for him to concentrate on studying.

The boat was so turbulent that if the necroman Knight couldn’t vomit, he would definitely be worse than Wood if he read the text like this.

Then Wood continued to practice the sword. Cassano had long discovered that his sword technique was quite complicated, it seemed that it was not concise enough, the pace was also very unstable, and he would fall down at any time.

Cassano has a strange feeling, because he also has a nodded dizziness, like seasickness, but as a death Knight, he doesn’t feel seasick at all.

But this feels very slight. It may also be due to plane travel. Cassano doesn’t think the problem is big.

Cassano was still staring at Wood’s sword. He guessed what the weapon was. Suddenly Cassano found that Wood’s situation was a bit wrong.

Wood first took out the tranquilizer in his arms and took a sharp sip. The question of why he drank the tranquilizer obviously made Cassano curious, but as someone who has experienced several plane adventures, Cassano is not surprised by this kind of thing. The impression that the stereotyped fighters on the main plane don’t need to drink the tranquilizer is obviously unreliable in the plane adventure, even ordinary fighters will need the tranquilizer.

But the amount of Wood? ? ?

After taking a sip of the tranquilizer, Wood carefully observed the wine in a glass bottle at their feet.

In Wood’s eyes, the wine seemed to start to boil, and the purple red liquid was rising and changing, emitting strange patterns.

‘? ‘Cassano is wary!

At this moment, Wood suddenly raised his sword, which was different from the practice just now. The combination of Sword Art and pace was extremely powerful. Cassano heart startled was thinking about how to deal with it.

Next moment, the hatch was knocked.

“Two people, the captain asked me to exchange two chamber pots for you. The wind and waves on the water are strong. Some of you will get seasick and should be used.”

Cassano listened to the outside voice, instead of answering immediately, he glanced at Wood again.

His Chinese is not good, and more importantly, his voice is easy to hear, so try not to speak as much as possible. His position is to be the loyal guard of the cunning Hushang. “Cunning” is to listen to Wood and call Mrs. Wu elder The adjective Cassano added to him after his sister. Cassano guessed that the (rape jiān) business organization had a special ability to explore potential (rape jiān) merchants. Wood has declined his invitation, apparently because of the fate of Chamber of Commerce. Big and white, or the welfare of millet or gold, hateful, what is wrong with sand and camels? In addition to the Berber girl who is shorter in height, has a rougher face and a flat body, what is worse than that Marilyn?

However, at this time, the cunning Wood didn’t know what was going on, and ignored the sailor who was knocking outside.

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