Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1100: The Pursuers Are Coming

Meng Chao had scanned similar lights on the heads of many spirit experts and monsters that were good at mind control in Dragon City.

His mind raced, and he suddenly understood.

The so-called "blessing of the Big-horned Rat God" turned out to be such a thing.

It was no wonder that many poor servants and even slave laborers who clearly did not have the talent of a "psychic" could also receive the revelation of the Big-horned Rat God in their sleep.

However, Meng Chao did not want to expose this point.

Although he hated the method of playing tricks to rouse the courage of the Rat people and awaken their spirit of resistance.

He hated those ambitious people who treated millions of rat people as chess pieces and arbitrarily deceived and sacrificed themselves.

However, he had to admit that he wanted to organize the vast majority of the rat people in the shortest time possible in this turbulent and dangerous era. He wanted to turn them from slaves who were bullied by others, he wanted to turn them into an iron-blooded army that desired victory but was not afraid of sacrifice.

There was no better method than creating a common ancestor and God.

Just like that, Meng Chao quietly monitored the witch doctor's brain.

Seeing that he had maintained the amplitude of his brainwaves at a relatively weak level, other than planting a piece of information into the rat people's brains, he did not carry out any more destructive actions.

Meng Chao did not intervene until a new dawn arrived.

The rat people woke up from their dreams one after another.

The first to wake up was naturally Ice Storm.

She was slightly startled at first, as though she did not expect to have such a clear dream about the Big-horned Rat God and the Great Horn Army.

Then, her expression changed and she frowned deeply. She said in a low voice, "Not good, it seems that someone has invaded my dream!"

Seeing Meng Chao's calm face, she was surprised again. "You know?"

Meng Chao nodded and spoke in a low voice. "They also invaded my dream. However, apart from inducing me to have a 'beautiful dream' that they wanted me to see, they didn't cause any worse effects."

Ice Storm's mind raced, and she instantly understood the other party's intention.

She snorted and said, "In the land of Holy Light, many wizards and witches have mastered similar secret techniques. I didn't expect there to be experts who were proficient in this path in Picturesque Orchid Lake!"

As the two were talking, the surroundings had already been filled with the cries and exclamations of the rat people.

Everyone fought to be the first to say that they had dreamed of the awe-inspiring Big-horned Rat God and the invincible Great Horn Army.

In their dream, the war clouds were surging and the sky was incredibly bright. The Big-horned Rat God that fell from the sky was so majestic and sacred. The Great Horn Army, which was unimaginably large, was so powerful. It was like a war machine made up of billions of parts, enough to crush all the armies in Picturesque Orchid Lake and the land of Holy Light.

Every detail in the dream was so vivid that even the most slow-witted people among the rat people could say it clearly.

When they realized that everyone was dreaming the same dream, they were dumbfounded at first, then suddenly enlightened. Then, with tears streaming down their faces, they realized that they had witnessed the true appearance of the greatest ancestral spirit in their dreams.

"The Big-horned Rat God, the most powerful warrior in the history of Picturesque Orchid Lake, has actually descended into the dreams of each and every one of us, the incomparably humble rat people. He has personally given us enlightenment and blessings!"

"The invincible Big-horned Rat God! The invincible Great Horn Army!"

"Praise the Rat God! Praise the army!"

The rat people were so excited that their faces turned red. They started to dance and prostrate themselves as if they were having cramps.

With this firm "faith" as a foundation, the bad news that followed was not so hard to accept.

After twenty four hours, the Blood Hoof Army finally caught up.

It was inevitable.

A day and a night was enough for the Blood Hoof Army to clean up the mess in Black-corner City.

In their glorious main city, the Blood Hoof warriors who had suffered such a huge loss could not just watch as the culprits, the d*mned "rats," slipped away from their sight.

It was said that tens of thousands of Blood Hoof warriors split into several dozen troops and chased after them aggressively.

The smoke and dust they raised engulfed half of the sky in the southwest direction.

The fastest of them, the centaur warriors, had already caught up with several of the hundred-man teams that were left behind last night.

One could imagine that those hundred-man teams had all been wiped out.

Only two lucky escapees were buried under a mountain of corpses and luckily escaped. They were saved by scouts deployed by the Great Horn Army that had been patrolling their escape path.

Although their camp had been set up very stealthily, the land was also the home of the Blood Hoof warriors.

Many Blood Hoof warriors from local towns were born and raised there.

In half a day to a day at most, the elite cavalry formed by the centaur warriors would definitely discover the place.

Hence, there was no time to rest and reorganize.

The escapees had to set off immediately and race against their pursuers... no, they had to race against the Grim Reaper!

Similarly, the hundred-man team was still the basic unit, but this time, they could not advance along a single road.

Instead, they had to split into more than a dozen directions to confuse the pursuers and break out of the encirclement separately.

There would definitely be people who would be intercepted by the pursuers and remain forever on this land that was soaked in the blood and tears of the rat people.

However, there would definitely be people who would escape successfully and head to the border of the Blood Hoof Clan and Gold Clan's territory to meet up with the Great Horn Army's main forces. Then, they would set off a world-changing tide.

"The final trial bestowed upon us by the Rat God has officially begun!"

The Great Horn officer in charge of the camp widened his crimson eyes and shouted at the top of his voice, "Don't be afraid of the pursuers. Although the Blood Hoof Army is fierce, it is impossible for them to send dozens of legions to hunt us down. Otherwise, if hundreds of thousands of Blood Hoof warriors were completely scattered in the vast wilderness and they tangled with us for ten days to half a month, how would they be able to regroup and challenge the Gold Clan?

"Don't forget that the Blood Hoof Clan's most powerful enemy has always been the Gold Clan, not us!

"Besides, it is true that a rat warrior's combat ability is not as strong as that of a Blood Hoof warrior, but on the other hand, the food we consume is far less than that of the Blood Hoof warriors!

"A rat warrior who carries more than twenty kilograms of fried mandrake fruits with him can last for five to six days or more in the vast wilderness and the dense forests.

"The Blood Hoof warriors are twice as tall as us, three to four times heavier than us, and five to six times bigger. They have to eat more than ten kilograms of mandrake fruits in one meal. In addition, they have to swallow a lot of secret medicines and the flesh of totem beasts to maintain the strong totem power in their bodies, which can be activated steadily at any time.

"Think about it. If we turn the entire field into a place of battle and drag the Blood Hoof warriors out there for three days and three nights, what will happen?

"I'm sure you realize that it is common for us to suffer from hunger. However, for the high and mighty master warriors, the totem power in their bodies will become restless when they do not eat!

"What's more beneficial to us is that with the Rat God's arrival, a large number of rat people inside and outside Black-corner City have awakened. They are no longer willing to endure the Blood Hoof warriors' enslavement. As a result, the Blood Hoof Army's supplies and cannon fodder troops have been greatly reduced. Even if there are servants and slaves who still listen to the Blood Hoof warriors, their masters will doubt their loyalty.

"Then, who will deliver food to the Blood Hoof warriors? Do we need every Blood Hoof warrior to carry hundreds or even thousands of kilograms of mandrake fruits on their shoulders as they chase after us?

"Do you understand now? We are definitely not pigs and sheep that are going to be slaughtered by others. We have a chance to escape and even win this battle!

"As long as we can grit our teeth and hold on for a few more days, the battle line will become longer and longer. The pursuers will not only be able to maintain their strong morale and combat ability, they will also be unable to fill their stomachs!

"If we perform well enough, we will be able to attract our pursuers to the border between the Blood Hoof Clan's territory and the Gold Clan's territory. Then, we can attract them to the edge of the blades that belonged to the Great Horn Army's main forces. When that happens, the roles of hunter and prey will be switched instantly. We will be able to show our so-called pursuers how powerful and brutal the rat people can be with the Big-horned Rat God's blessing!"

These words once again made Meng Chao sigh at the strength of the Great Horn Army's soldiers.

Although they had been instigated before the start of the war, the Great Horn Army officers had never been like the Blood Hoof warriors who usually talked about glory, courage, and pride.

Instead, they had listed out the strengths and weaknesses of both sides.

Although there was no lack of exaggerations, the 50% of truth between the lines was enough to boost all of the rat people's morale to the extreme.

"I heard that last night, all of you dreamed about the Rat God and the Great Horn Army?"

The Great Horn officer continued to encourage them. "This means that the Rat God has completely predicted the actions of our pursuers. Every detail of the trial is under the Rat God's control, and your performance in the trial will be seen clearly by the Rat God!

"Therefore, summon your courage and fight with all your might!

"If the pursuers do not appear in front of you, Grit your teeth and march forward as hard as you can. You will be shouldering the sacred mission of saving all the rat people and creating the sixth clan!

"If the pursuers appear in front of you, it will be the best opportunity for you to show your bravery under the gaze of the Rat God. Even if you are killed in a fierce battle, your souls will return to the arms of the Rat God and live forever in a marvelous way!"

It was because the rat people had indeed seen the Rat God's true face and the Great Horn Army's majestic iron-blooded battle formation in a dream that was both illusory and real.

They all believed in the encouragement of the Great Horn Army officers.

For a time, not only was no one afraid of the pursuers and the arrival of death.

There were even some people who were boiling with excitement, rubbing their fists and hoping that their hundred-man team would be able to meet the pursuers. Fortunately, under the Rat God's gaze and with his blessing, they would be able to inspire bravery and glory in others a hundred times over before dying together with their pursuers.

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