Marquis and Rappa’s leader

By driving out the resistance forces in the remaining Shara province, I unified this prefecture as well.
The one with the most meritorious deeds of this war was Solis Nistonia, who carried out the naval operation. They was given territory over two neighboring counties and several enclave.

When I returned to Maust, I reported to crown prince Hasse that I had calmed Shara province.


[ The only prefectures that stand in the royal capital are Meruya and Jonan. There is Meruya clan in Meruya county and Jonan is home to powerful lords, mainly Santila clan. Even the become our enemy, it’s not a big deal. ]

There are four prefecture around the royal capital, from east to west, south to north, and together with royal capital, it is one of the most populated areas in the kingdom.

However, it is not that a single force controls the whole prefecture, in most cases the vassal that deeply related to the royal family have been given territories little by little and ruled it separately.

In the old days, there was no assumption that the Great Lord would cause a massive rebellion, so the chief vassals were not given so much land. The rebellion of the Great Lord could be defeated by the army under the King and the other Great Lord.

However, when the Lord from various places did not listen to the King at all, and at the same time the general that take direct control of the army began to show a tendency to become independent, the military power of the Royal family become almost zero.
In other word, the Royal family relies on a powerful Lord to maintain its appearance.

[ It was great! It’s only matter of time before we enter the Royal Capital. ]
With the unification of Shara Province, the road to the Royal Capital was significantly closer.

[ We are currently working to make Jonan County to become our ally. If we can increase our ally, we’ll be able to take Royal Capital with ease. ]

The Royal Capital is difficult to defend militarily.It used to be fortified city, but as the population grew, people came to live outside it, and a part of the fortified city was destroyed.

The ideal way from several King’s generation is to defend the outside citadel, and run away to the provinces if it was not possible to defend it.

If they want to fight a thorough battle in the castle, the Royal Capital would be destroyed. Those who make such judgement will not be recognized as a King by those who live in the Capital.

[ It’s like we have won already. Puff never give up on the throne. We should not waste our vassals lives. ]

It’s like he already feel like a King. But, there is probably no problem for him to become a King.

[ For now, it seems that the King is stil going to defend from our soldier with all his might. ]
[ Hmm, You’re a bad guy… ]
[ But it’s only the King’s intention. ]

I put some letters in front of the King.

[ More and more people trying to get down on this side. As the number of such people increase, the king will eventually give up and run away relying on distant lords. ]
[ Umu! Good, Good. ]

[ By all means let this flow accelerates, let’s use reward and relief to make the others join us. I will also ask the King to abdicate. ]
[ Souka, souka! ]

He is really in a good mood. He will be a King in reality, so I can’t helped it.

[ But if it’s a reward, I have to give it to you first. ]
[ Thank you. ]
[ You are no longer a lord who control the prefecture outside the frontier zone. You will be become a Marquis, not a Count. ]

Certainly, it may be an effective way to become a Marquis in order to intimidate an opponent.

[ Certainly. I humbly receive that position. ]

[ And, again, congratulation. Your concubine is pregnant, right. It’s a good thing. ]

Fleur said congratulation the other day.
I hope they will grow up like a brother and sister.

[ Then, let’s do the tools that have been handed down to the Royal family. Because it’s made from wood, it could shortened the vegetable and the dishes. ] (*sorry lost in translation T.T)
[ Thank you for that too, your majesty. ]

I changed from Earl of Fordonelia to Marquise of Fordonelia. Because I live in the castle that surrounded by water, it seems that they called me as Marquise of Water Castle (Mizuki).

And there are things that I need to do a little bit more.

When I went out to the backyard of the castle at night, more than ten wolves gathered there.
And they are not my pet. It’s not like that I raised them.

They are Rappa. Their number has gradually increased as they have been used extensively. Now they are not part of Fanneria and become my general that take my direct command.

[ Find out everyone from the small and medium sized Lord of Shara that willing to obey me. ]

One of the wolves, especially the furry one comes forward.

[ Good. You can talk. ]

As I said that, the wolf take humanoid shape.

It’s still a young woman, a warwolf. Maybe because her hair is in the way, she cut and arrange it above her shoulder.

[ What is it, Yadorigi. ]

I don’t even know her real name.

[ Can I clean up those who clearly can be judged to be unworthy? ]

[ But, it’s up to 2 people. Wait, it’s safer that we take out the problem first… Do as you like. ]

[ As you command. ]

Yadorigi said it shortly.

[ Perhaps the people of Shara don’t understand their position yet. If an army from Meruya coem, they will obey them aren’t they? ]

[ Maybe they will. I want to calm down before entering the Royal Capital. Is there someone that can govern a prefecture? ]

[ If the prefecture is at the frontline, Lord Syvik could do it. ]

[ I’ll think about it. ]

We don’t know when the flame of war will happen and he had his character. It’s certainly not wrong, and nobody will jealous if it’s Syvik.

Yadorigi returned to her wolf form, and scattered around.

The crown price want to go to the Royal Capital immediately, but it will be bad if there is a revolt on the way back to the Maust.

After that, I appointed Syvik as a Viscount of the five Counties of Shara Prefecture.

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