What's next?

"Hmm... oh, how about that?"

Arisa pointed to the so-called "game that kills zombies."

For Arisa, it was a radical choice.

"Yeah, that's fine.... that means you're okay with zombies."

If it's a game of defeating zombies, it's in Yusuke's house, and we've played it together.

Horror isn't exactly Arisa's thing, but when it comes to zombies, he's not so scared.

Rather, he was better than Yutoshi.

"...? What do you mean?"

"No, I don't like ghosts."

I'm not a bad person.

Well then, let's watch the rig○ together next time.


"... okay, don't be so stingy"

Arisa was about to be cursed and killed, so Yusuke raised his hands unexpectedly.

Arisa snorted her nose as she looked at the string.

I've never thought that sharks and zombies could be defeated.

I see, that's the standard.

In other words, I'm not good at launching special attacks, and I'm not afraid of physical attacks.

In this way, the physical monsters and monsters might also be surprisingly fine.

The two of you started playing games like this.....

"Hey, Yu-san." Hold on tight, please. "

Huh, do you want to take it off there?

"Yuuki-san, you're dying."

Yusan was to be angry with Arisa many times.

"Yuzen-san will die if zombie panic happens, I dare not take it."

Of course, the game is not the same as the real gun.

If the city were to be overflowing with zombies, we'd both be dead.

If I die, what happens to Arisa?

"... what? When I say that... what should I do?" I'm sorry to hear that.

Ai Risa smiled indescribably.

As expected, high school students don't think, "If a lover dies," etc.

"That's right. Is that the exemplary answer that I'm going to live with Yutaka-san's memories as a treasure?"

I hope you're feeling healthy.

Stroll through the gaming center while tapping on the mouthpiece.

"Ah, Yu-san." There is prickling. Won't you do it? "

"It's prickly..."

"...... Wasn't it okay?"

"No, I don't think so." I don't think I've ever done it in the first place. Arisa... she was there, wasn't she? "

It was said that I had taken pictures with Yayuki and the others before.

Yutoshi also took pictures with Arisa a long time ago... but she has never had a prickly experience.

"It's surprising. Have you ever had sex with a friend... Satake-san or Kenshinji-san?"

"On the other hand, can you imagine us playing prickly with three guys?"

"... it's disgusting."

Yusuke laughed bitterly at Arisa's response.

I sometimes go for a cake with three people, but I don't do prickly cakes.

Because it's not delicious.

Well then, this time, I'll be senpai.

I don't think so.

I thought it was an unusual composition, and the two of us went into the machine.

Arisa operates the machine, and Yusuke gazes at it.

Ah, here we go.

"Eh, already!?"

Yu String pose and make facial expressions as told by Arisa, even though she is confused.

Then Arisa started working on the photos.

Yusan did not honestly know what was fun, but Arisa seemed to be having fun, so she chose to do well.

"Yes, this is Yuzun-san's."

"Thank you for this."

Yu String checks for prickliness.

The first thing I thought was, "My face is getting disgusting."

Then I looked at Arisa's face in reality.

I knew the real thing was cuter.

"Wait, wait... please don't do that all of a sudden"

Arisa blushed slightly and said so.

Now, let's not go on a date in the Game Center.....

The two went to the shopping mall.

"Yes, Yuuki-san." I... wanted to buy a swimsuit. "

Swimsuit? Didn't you have one?

As Yutoshi knows, Arisa has two clothes.

White bikinis and black bikinis.

The former was worn when we took a bath together, and the latter should have been worn on a date at the pool last year.

I have two clothes, but the size of one is getting out of line.

"Is that so...?"

Yutoshi unexpectedly turned his gaze to Arisa's chest.

It's big enough to be clearly seen from the top of the uniform.

"... hey, where are you looking?"

"No, that's what you say..."

That's what makes you want to be sure of a man's sex.

"By the way, how old are you?"

Yusan whispered softly in Arisa's ear.

Arisa glimpsed Yuto with her eyes.

It's confidential.

He won't tell me.

Now, while doing such an exchange, the two of them entered a shop where swimwear was sold.


What's the matter, Yuuki-san?

"No... it's kind of hard to stay here."

It's not so strange to be in a store with her boyfriend... but there's still a little bit of a man floating in a shop like this.

"Really?... I wanted you to choose it together."

"No, it's okay."

That said, Arisa's position of being able to choose a swimsuit was much more important.

"By the way, Yuusei-san... you prefer the dress and bikini over the other one, don't you?"

"No? Well, that's right..."

Arisa is wearing a one-piece swimsuit and Arisa is wearing a bikini.

Either they like it or they say it's the latter.

If it's white and black, you definitely like black, right?

”I like it... I wonder if it looks more like black...”

Arisa's skin is white, so dark-colored fabrics flourish.

Of course, white is also clear and cute.....

Arisa's facial appearance is more beautiful than cute, so it is easier to stand out if she has a passion.

Isn't blue and red good, too?

I see. I see.

How about this?

How's it going over there?

Asked by Arisa, Yusuke replied each time.

However, somehow, I felt that Yusan's response was not very helpful.

Just by asking, he said, "But I'm more like..."

This is a certain girl.

Mainly, Arisa and her sister, Ayutthaya, adopt this attitude after hearing Yusan's opinions.


While Arisa was making her choice, Yusuke glanced at the hits.

For the Japanese swimsuit shop, I felt like there was something sexy inside.

Arisa is the one who chose this shop out of all the shops.

Arisa wears unexpectedly sexy clothes when she is embarrassed about her skin exposure.

In a sense, it may be a hobby that includes the element of shyness.

(Wow... that's amazing.)

I saw a swimsuit with a small cloth area, and although the area was not so small, the design was sexy, and Yutoshi thought about it.

If Risa wears it... there's a lot of "coming".

"Yu-san, which one is this...?" What are you looking at? "

Arisa rushed over with her swimsuit in her hand.

Not long after Yusuke answered, she looked beyond Yusuke's gaze.


"No, no... I don't mean anything else..."

Well, that's fine.

Without showing any particular concern -- though blushing slightly -- Arisa showed Yusuke the swimsuit she had in her hands.

“Which do you think is better?”

"Hmm, that's right..."

and other exchanges.

Then I went around a few other stores... about two hours passed.

Well then, please wait around for Yusan-san.

I was told that at the rest stop.

"Don't you have to go with me?"

"I still don't know what to buy..."

"Don't tease me..."

That said, it's not so bad to have more fun.


While blushing a little embarrassed, Arisa said something like that.

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