Number One Player

Chapter 289: Big Bang

"Galaxy wants me to organize a report on the progress, products and by-products of each laboratory." Lu Yanchi reached out and distributed the documents to the few sitting, "It took me a lot of time to organize this."

He looked at Shang Yinhe and asked indifferently, "By the way, by the way, what do you want this for?"

Shang Yinhe smiled and answered vaguely, "Be prepared for..."

He began to read the document carefully.

Speaking of which, the potential of human civilization is really endless.

In this short period of time, the earth's technology, or extraordinary technology, is developing at a high speed like the big bang of the universe, and new inventions are born every day, and every day seems to be different from the previous day. Various black technologies emerge in an endless stream:

The extraordinary medical skills that solve countless medical problems, the humanoid armor that seems to be in the world of science fiction movies, the third-generation extraordinary energy that seems to be inexhaustible, the extraordinary cannons whose power reaches the level of annihilation, and the space travel beyond human imagination...

"It's like being blessed by God," Shang Yinhe heard someone muttering beside him, "Isn't that exaggerated?"

"Hey, this technology has also broken through?"

"What kind of weird project is this?"

Shang Yinhe turned over the documents in his hand page by page, looking at the many experimental projects that were beyond imagination, like magic or myths and legends.

In fact, this exaggerated research and development speed is not surprising when you think about it.

It is often said that the earth's civilization has been in a state of technological explosion in the last thousand years, and the technological explosion has become more and more violent, spanning countless generations in a short period of time.

Of course this is true.

However, on closer inspection, when was the most rapid and violent development of human civilization?

In the First World War, aircraft, tanks and machine guns appeared in terms of weapons, and the significant improvement of aircraft performance in the war directly distorted many restrictions on human navigation; and outside the war, sanitary napkins, watches, Lighters, stainless steel and many other civilian and military-to-civilian products.

In the Second World War, penicillin, a medical artifact for countless living people, appeared directly. In addition, electronic communication technology, large-scale ship technology, highways, atomic bombs, nuclear power plants, etc., have completely changed people. every aspect of life.

During the Cold War, the two major powers engaged in an arms race, which led to the great development of military and aerospace technology. Satellites, computers, mobile phones, space shuttles... are all products of the military aerospace laboratories of the two superpowers at that time.

It can be said that the transfer of military technology to civilian use in the three periods of World War I, World War II and the Cold War directly shaped the post-war golden age of technological development and changed every aspect of modern social life.

However, when the behemoth in Siberia collapsed, the technological progress of the whole world suddenly slowed down. If nothing else, NASA's space research funding has plummeted to a fraction of what it was during the Cold War.

All of this has actually revealed the mystery of the technological explosion.

War, enemies, it can make human beings gather their elite minds, burn a lot of money, and burst into fierce flashes.

A war involving the fate of the planet, an extremely powerful enemy, this is enough to produce endless inventions to change the world, and now what human beings have is a group of scientists who have unlocked extraordinary wisdom (outside) wisdom (hang), here In a brand-new scientific research field, if you are indecisive, you need to use extraordinary skills.

Under such a cheating scientific research progress, all opponents are paper tigers, and any scientific research bottleneck is a joke.

Not to mention, there is also a pair of black hands behind the scenes, controlling the direction of scientific research.

If it is said that the scientist who unlocked extraordinary wisdom is a headshot, then Lu Yanchi, a member of the Guardian Alliance, is a headshot, blood lock, perspective, unlimited gold coins, unlimited materials, lucky MAX and other superpowers. God is a plug-in, it can be said that people stop killing people, and Buddhas stop killing Buddhas, and nothing is unbreakable.

(Lu Yanchi: =, =)

The only flaw is that the tech tree of the new age is temporarily...a bit crooked.

However, the technology tree of Earthlings has always been crooked.

Can you imagine that the Mayan civilization, a civilization that can calculate the calendar and mathematical architecture for more than 3,000 years, has never touched the technological point of "metal development"?

Can you imagine that the Indians have developed for more than 5,000 years, but they have not pointed out the technological point of "wheel"? (There is also a saying that the Indians have the concept of wheels and even carriages, but they are only used in children's toys, and they have not used wheels for practical applications)

Can you imagine a civilization that has an atomic bomb and a hydrogen bomb that can destroy its own planet, but can't point out the technological point of "star field navigation", and only sends astronauts to the satellite at the farthest?

If Reiki had appeared on a large scale before the great development of science and technology, then the technology tree of Earth civilization might become "Xianxian civilization" or "Fulu Technology"; if the Cold War lasted a little longer, maybe Earth civilization would have been long ago. Started interstellar colonization; if the amount of oil on the earth was less, maybe the technological point of "nuclear fusion" would have been completed long ago... All in all, the technology tree is actually really easy to crook.

So let's ignore the crooked tech tree.

In short, during these times, when the political world was changing, so was the scientific research world.

There are constantly new theories being born, new product inventions, and new iterations constantly appearing. Yesterday, people were still shocked by the test firing of the first-generation star destroyer. Today, the second-generation star destroyer has been born in the laboratory. ; Yesterday, space transmission was limited to objects, and today people are getting used to traveling through the body.

A strange world, a world that is changing with each passing day, a world that is in full bloom.

In the face of such changes, human self-confidence seems to have emerged again: in the face of such a speed of scientific research, what can't be done?

However, Shang Yinhe lowered his head and looked at the pages of reports that contained miracles, but his expression did not change much.

The light shone on his half body, casting a shadow on the document.

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