Number One Player

Chapter 271: Awards Conference

When we look at history, we can only see the so-called "reality" that has been retouched.

And the stories behind the "reality", those hidden pushes, those so-called "coincidences" or "fate" that even the people in the play are unaware of, how many of them will be put on the bright side?

The truth of history?

All those who dare to declare the word "truth of history" to the outside world actually have the element of grandstanding.

Because, from the moment history becomes "history", its truth is destined to be buried under the fog of time.

Just like this very natural-looking United Nations award ceremony, how many people will know that behind it, there is actually a team called the Guardian Alliance?

At least, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who is now speaking on the stage, seems to be ignorant of everything behind the scenes.

Today is the day of the United Nations World War III award ceremony, and the current Secretary-General of the United Nations, Guterres, is giving the opening speech passionately:

"Everyone, as of today, the Third World War is finally over."

"This is destined to be the most memorable global war in human history. Faced with the threat of evolutionary animals and plants, we humans did not hesitate to fight, and after an epic journey, we finally won Victory."

"The earth has returned to human control. In the process, countless people have paid the price of their lives, and countless people are fighting **** the front line."

"This history should not be forgotten; and today, in the name of the whole world, the United Nations will honor those who have performed well in the Third World War..."

The current UN Secretary-General took office five years ago.

When he took office, the United Nations was still in a position close to a puppet. Especially after the Bald Eagle Federation bypassed the United Nations to launch wars many times, the authority of the United Nations was greatly weakened, and slowly, it seemed that various countries began to ignore it, and even some countries began to blatantly owe the United Nations dues. If you don't pay, for example, a certain federal government is said to have owed $800 million without paying it.

In such a process, the Secretary-General of the United Nations has also changed from a core figure in international politics to a decoration more like a mascot.

At that time, the person sitting in this position did not require much ability, but asked enough harmless. If it's so harmless that it doesn't even exist, that's all the better.

The current Secretary-General of the United Nations is in line with this previous requirement.

If you don’t believe it, you can think about it: Maybe some people know that there was a UN Secretary-General named Annan before; maybe some people know that the person who took over after Annan was Ban Ki-moon from Asia; however, after Ban Ki-moon, the current joint secretary Who is Chang, can anyone tell his name?

This poor current UN Secretary-General, who is almost forgotten by most of the world, is called Guterres. He was originally the Prime Minister of a certain European country, and later took charge of the UNHCR for ten years, and was finally elected as the UN Secretary-General.

It is a pity that, until now, he has not received much global attention.

Of course, he didn't seem to have done anything that would draw the world's attention.

The term of office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations is five years. Before the White Mist Mutation, many people thought that the current UN Secretary-General could be re-elected.

The reasons why people thought so at the time were also very obvious:

The last UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, was re-elected because he was harmless enough, good at compromise, and weak enough to exist. Back then, he criticized a certain federation that owed more than $800 million in membership dues. As a result, he was scolded by the federal government. He was immediately cowardly, and he immediately changed his tune and apologized. Its "harmless" is evident.

In this case, why can't the current UN Secretary-General, who is also harmless enough, good at compromise and weak enough, not be re-elected?

This seems reasonable, but...

However, after the White Mist Mutation, everything changed.

In an era of ever-faster and faster changes, a sense of running off the rails, before the technological revolution of globalization, war crises, doomsday warnings and many other events, what people asked for in the position of the Secretary-General of the United Nations , seems to have changed too.

"Guterres' term is coming to an end, and his chances of being re-elected are very slim," Nie Zhibo commented on the UN Secretary-General in the live video. "He can't sit in this position for too long."

He is now staying with Mu Shiming, watching the live broadcast of the United Nations Awards Conference after the end of the Third World War.

—As for the other two friends in the Guardian Alliance...

Lu Yanchi soaked in the laboratory and refused to come out. He almost shouted: Don't use such boring things in reality to disturb my pursuit of science!

And Shang Yinhe is staying at the scene of the United Nations Awards Conference.

As the greatest hero of the Sacred Tree juvenile campaign and the commander-in-chief of this African campaign, he is destined to be an indispensable figure in the award ceremony.

So, now only Mu Shiming and Nie Zhibo are together.

"Why do you say that?" Mu Shiming turned his head in disapproval. "In the previous crises, Guterres seemed to have done a pretty good job, didn't he?"

"Not bad? Maybe, it can barely be called a medium distance," Nie Zhibo shook his head, "The speech was very enthusiastic, the commendation after the event was in place, and the speech was very well-organized. Overall, the appearance was well done. It is very suitable for the current public opinion-oriented era, and he is indeed a qualified politician."

"However," said this, a sneer appeared on Nie Zhibo's face, "Does this world need politicians who have done such a good job of appearance?"

"Since the White Mist Incident, how many major events have happened in the world? How many opportunities has this given to the United Nations?" Nie Zhibo crossed his hands, and his tone was a little disdainful. It is indeed impossible for a legendary mission and a character who climbed up from the bottom to look down on the Secretary-General of the United Nations in front of him.

"If the leader really has enough ability and courage," Nie Zhibo sneered, "he should have seized these opportunities, which are simply presented to us, why do we need Jiuqu to be arranged for us now' to promote the global The mission of the establishment of the Sexual Union?"

What Nie Zhibo said really made sense.

With such a huge platform as the United Nations, sitting in a position like the Secretary-General of the United Nations that can mobilize a lot of resources, if the leaders really had enough ambition and ability, they would have really sublimated the nature of the United Nations long ago, and there is no need for them to be there anymore. Worrying here.

After all, challenges are opportunities. So many crises that need to be dealt with by global integration, so many times are simply integration opportunities delivered to the door. Nie Zhibo felt that if he sat in that position, it would be impossible for him to be so mediocre and just be content with doing things. Some honorary ceremonies and some scientific research communication activities are organized.

"Well... I don't think so," Mo Shiming thoughtfully and gave a retort, "In the current situation where the five permanent members of the United Nations are controlling the situation, it is impossible for a secretary-general who dares to sing against them."

"Listen to the name of this position, 'Secretary-General' of the United Nations," he emphasized on the word "Secretary-General." "It's obvious that you only need to do some secretarial work. How can a secretary turn his back on the guest and climb up to the five permanent members of the United Nations. On the head? If you can do a good job in the facade, it is already very good."

"Then his secretarial work is not qualified." Nie Zhibo couldn't help shaking his head. "Even if he doesn't contradict the five permanent members of the United Nations, there are still many things he can do, but he is only satisfied with the little things in front of him."

In Nie Zhibo's view, things like awarding honors afterwards are indeed trivial matters.

"This is..." Mu Shiming shrugged.

Nie Zhibo was interested, and he asked: "Team Mu, what do you think about the third task of Jiuqu—the task of promoting the establishment of an international joint organization, should we push it on the basis of the existing United Nations? Make it truly an institution capable of uniting nations, or consider building a global organization from the ground up?"

Mu Shiming thought seriously. After thinking and thinking, he frowned: "It seems that... either way is difficult."

"I read the information you collected," Nie Zhibo said. "There are too many ills within the UN, and unspoken rules have even been formed in many places. There is a sense of accumulation. And the current leaders of the UN, As you said, it's really a bit unbearable."

"But," he smiled wryly, "build a new global organization from scratch—how should this organization be recognized globally? This kind of global authority cannot be established overnight."

"That's right," Nie Zhibo frowned along with him, "I've been thinking about this third mission for a long time, but I haven't found a good solution. The difficulty and the first mission are simply not on the same level..."

"Huh?" Mu Shiming suddenly interrupted Nie Zhibo's words, "Wait."

His eyes lit up, looked at the screen, and said, "Is it time to go to Galaxy to receive the medal? I remember that in the meeting schedule that was revealed before, Galaxy was the third person to appear for the award, and it should be here now. Is he?"

This sentence dispelled Nie Zhibo's thoughts that he wanted to continue the discussion. He followed closely and looked at the screen.

What Mu Shiming said was not wrong. This United Nations award ceremony did indeed come to the part of Shang Yinhe's award.

"...In the war to exterminate the juveniles of the divine tree, he found the possibility of victory in the midst of adversity, and strangled this threat, which was extremely likely to change the future of mankind, in the cradle; in the war to exterminate the evolution of animals and plants in Africa, he took the responsibility of It has fulfilled the important task of coordinating and commanding the extraordinary people and armies of various countries around the world, and has perfectly achieved the strategic goal with extraordinary strategic and co-ordination capabilities.”

The current UN Secretary-General has no idea what two people from thousands of miles away are saying about him. He was reading Shang Yinhe's awarding lines in a passionate tone.

"In this third world war, Mr. Shang Yinhe showed his extraordinary fighting talent and extraordinary commanding talent."

"In recognition of Mr. Shang Yinhe's outstanding contributions to the Third World War, I hereby award the United Nations Medal of Honor for Peace!"

In the live video footage, Shang Yinhe, wearing a military uniform, stepped onto the stage in the sound of ceremonial music, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations personally put a medal on him.

In the thunderous applause, Shang Yinhe raised the medal on his chest to the camera, showing a familiar, sunny smile.

It wasn't until he stepped off the stage with the music of the ceremony that Nie Zhibo spoke again: "The highest honor of the United Nations... Galaxy is really awesome."

"What's even more awesome is that," Staring at Shang Yinhe on the screen, Mu Shiming couldn't help laughing, "He actually carried so many and so heavy responsibilities and walked such a long road alone."

"Now, we are here to help him."


The time for the awarding ceremony was not very long. After two hours, all the awarding personnel had completed the ceremony.

Among them, there are extraordinary people with extraordinary abilities and outstanding contributions, and there are ordinary people who stick to the front line and sacrifice and contribute.

When the last honoree stepped down, the current UN Secretary-General stepped back to the podium.

Seeing this, Mu Shiming and Nie Zhibo, who were chatting casually, immediately stopped their conversation.

Both of them began to concentrate.

Because, the next link is the part they have planned and operated for a long time in the past two weeks, waiting for a huge harvest.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the UN Secretary-General said solemnly, "some heart-wrenching incidents have occurred in our world during this past time."

"528 Parade Incident, 530 Federal Building Extraordinary Murder Case, 531 Street Murder Case, June 1 Amusement Park Bombing Massacre..."

"These criminal cases under the seat of the extraordinary once detonated the sense of crisis in the entire society."

"However, everyone should also see that among the awards I have just awarded, many of them are extraordinary people who have made great contributions in this third world war. Without them, this competition with the evolution of animals and plants would be There is absolutely no way to win a battle.”

"Allow me to quote a now well-known quote:"

"In Jiuqu's "World Situation: II" video, Mr. Shang Yinhe once said: The first thing that extraordinary people do after they appear is to fight against evolved animals and plants, and to guard their back. the enemy in front of you."

"Extraordinary people are actually born to protect.".

"Having extraordinary abilities, it can be used for evil, and it can be used for good."

"We need a moral constraint, a legal bottom line, and a globally accepted norm."

"Before the ceremony, it was proposed by President Mobro of Santantella, the five permanent members voted unanimously, and more than 100 members of the UN Security Council voted in favor."

"We passed a proposal together."

"Here, I am proud to announce to the world—"

"From today, all members of the United Nations Security Council will uniformly recognize the "Supernatural Convention"!"

There was an uproar.

After a messy situation, someone took the lead in applauding, and soon, the scene became a sea of ​​applause.

"Crack, snap, snap, snap..." And Nie Zhibo, who was watching the live broadcast thousands of miles away, also applauded.

While applauding, there was a slightly smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Celebrate?" Mu Shiming, who was beside him, was also smiling. He turned his head and stretched out his raised palm to Nie Zhibo beside him.

"Haha," Nie Zhibo patted on it knowingly, "Happy cooperation!"

Because they are in the superhuman base, their behavior and dialogue are quite restrained, but at this moment, their hearts are full of excitement.

Although they already knew the result of the vote at that UN meeting, when they actually heard the declaration, they still couldn't hold back their emotions.

Behind the short words of the UN Secretary-General are their bold actions in the past two weeks.

Immediately after the first meeting of the Guardian Alliance, they immediately began a cryptic layout.

Whether it is Shang Yinhe, Nie Zhibo, or Mu Shiming, who can come out in this era of "half troubled times", they are all very active and bold enough.

They used a joint proposal that included many high-level executives of the Huaguo Transcendental Affairs Bureau, as well as various trust relationships, intelligence hints, and side-by-side attacks to leverage Huaguo—this was also the easiest step among them.

They mobilized key figures from various other countries to leverage key powers such as the Bald Eagle Federation, European countries, and the Bear Country—

Among them, Nie Zhibo is the dark son. Through China's own intelligence system, he guided some key figures in an extremely ingenious way;

And Shang Yinhe went to Mingzi. As the former commander-in-chief of the global coalition in the African campaign, Shang Yinhe has a lot of connections. More importantly, he himself is a clear supporter of the Transcendent Convention, and he can act and persuade directly.

They even pulled Xu Shaoyang into the team that planned together.

After all, in this era of entertainment to death and eyeball economy, the power of public opinion is really a powerful force; and Xu Shaoyang has the most sensitive sense of smell in making use of this power.

He can always find the most suitable way to leverage public opinion.

Of course, they did not inform Xu Shaoyang of the existence of the Guardian Alliance. When they pulled Xu Shaoyang into action, the reason they used was: "to push our joint signature proposal to be completed faster."

Xu Shaoyang was skeptical: "This joint signature proposal doesn't seem so urgent? Do you need to make it so big?"

But because of the friendship between them, he still participated in the task: "Okay, I will be responsible for the public opinion."

Mingzi and Anzi's multi-pronged approach, coupled with Xu Shaoyang's god-level manipulation of public opinion, made their behavior go very smoothly.

—According to Nie Zhibo's words, "This is as smooth as a god's help."

"I've been doing intelligence work for so many years, and I've never encountered such a lucky and smooth situation," Nie Zhibo laughed and complained to the friends of the Guardian Alliance at the time, "It seems that, under the protection of Jiuqu, I can finally enjoy the feeling of a European emperor."

In the past, the self-proclaimed "European Emperor of Destiny" was actually an African shaman, Shang Yinhe, so he could only helplessly shrug his shoulders.

- Of course it went well, could it not go well?

-According to the ability of the game system to fall back on cause and effect, when walking on this destined world line, everything that should have happened, will be like "the world and the world are all together" with luck and smooth progress.

After everything was ready, with the encouragement of Shang Yinhe, Mobuluo formally put forward a proposal for the internationalization of the Transcendent Convention at the United Nations meeting.

By the way, Mobuluo is also an important member of the task group to promote the internationalization of the Extraordinary Convention.

However, like Xu Shaoyang, he did not know the existence of the Guardian Alliance.

In Mobuluo's eyes, it was Shang Yinhe who took the initiative to pull his companions to support his dream of internationalizing the Transcendent Convention.

"Yinhe," Mobuluo was completely moved by Shang Yinhe's behavior, "I'm so lucky to know a close friend like you... I'm really... I'm really lucky..."

Shang Yinhe did not speak, and directly gave Mobuluo a large hug full of African characteristics.


With the detailed preparation in the early stage, success is a matter of course.

On the voting display screen of the United Nations meeting that day, almost all the rivers and mountains were green, and the majority of the votes were in favor.

The leading elder brother was the first to approve, and the younger brother who echoed followed, and only a few countries abstained or opposed, but it did not affect the overall situation at all.

All the hard work in the past has come to an end today.

On the live video, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is reading the final draft of the "Supernatural Convention" in his hand:

"Everyone, now, please allow me to be honored to read the details of the "Supernatural Convention" for everyone."

This final draft is based on the original Mobrow proposal and has been revised in detail. Although the general idea has not changed, the order of many items and the use of vocabulary have been adjusted. Driven out in multiple languages.

And now the Secretary-General of the United Nations is reading the most common English version:

"Article 1, rights and obligations are equal."

"All supernatural beings, while possessing power, must undertake equal obligations..."

The final draft of the "Convention of the Extraordinary" is not long, and every word and every sentence in it has been remembered by the friends of the Guardian Alliance.

However, they still listened very carefully, no words, no comments, no jokes.

It wasn't until the UN Secretary-General finished his reading that the atmosphere became lighter.

"We're too good," Mu Shiming said with a bit of disbelief, "We actually did it all?"

Nie Zhibo shook his head: "No, Jiuqu is really powerful. If it weren't for what he did before, he had already prepared enough groundwork for the whole world, even if we had the ability to gather intelligence and execute it again. , and nothing can be done.”

"But even this is exaggerated enough," Mu Shiming said. "We have advanced the internationalization of the Transcendent Convention by at least three months."

His tone was full of emotion: "Our first shot, we made such a big one. It's amazing..."

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard," Nie Zhibo leaned back in his chair and laughed, "This has completed the first task, and there are two more difficult mountains waiting for us to conquer..."


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