Number One Player

Chapter 213: [World Situation]

To Shang Yinhe's expectations, the information from many countries in the world did not match the impression in his mind.

For example, the Maoxiong country, in Shang Yinhe's impression, the Maoxiong country is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations, and it is a superpower second only to the Bald Eagle Federation and China.

However, in the information displayed on this world map, the economic situation, public confidence, corruption level and many other data of Maoxiong Country have all been reduced to the extreme.

After a continuous search operation, Shang Yinhe successfully found out the information about the history of Maoxiong and the analysis of the actual situation.

The information shows that in the process of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the reconstruction of the country from the ruins of the Soviet Union, the industrial system of the Maoxiong country was completely destroyed, and the entire country fell into a resource trap. After that, even if the current leader of Maoxiong Country is wise and powerful, it will be difficult to break free from the resource trap.

What does resource trap mean?

It can be roughly understood as follows: If a housewife chooses to be a full-time wife when she is young, enjoys the allowance given to him by her husband, and only needs to take care of the children and do housework every day, and does not need to do extra work, then 3 or 4 years later. , Her related work skills are basically completely abolished.

She will no longer be competitive in the job market. She has no motivation or ability to re-enter the work environment. Even after leaving her husband, it is difficult for her to stand up again; if she has to stand up forcibly, she may not find any good jobs.

The current Maoxiong country is like the full-time wife raised by the "oil resource husband".

Mao Xiongguo made a living by selling oil, coal and other resources, and made a lot of money from mining, coal mining, and oil mining. He was lying on the ground with money in his hands, and he didn't need to think about industrial upgrading, light and heavy industries, or economic reform.

Now, after more than ten years, he can no longer escape this energy trap.

However, with the advent of the extraordinary era, in the face of the possibility of Lingshi new energy, the price of oil has begun to test lower, OPEC announced the news of oil production limit, and various countries have sounded the alarm.

Seeing that the avalanche is just around the corner, after such a time, how can the Maoxiong country, which relies on the export of oil and other resources for a living, not fall into a huge economic crisis?

After understanding the background of Maoxiongguo, Shang Yinhe can probably understand why the relationship between Maoxiongguo and Huaguo in the international relations index has experienced a rapid decline in the past month.

There is also the relationship between European countries and the Bald Eagle Federation, which is both interdependent and wary of each other; there is also a relationship between China and neighboring countries, which is both entangled and wary of each other...

In this way, the historical background, development status, and secret records of one country after another appeared in front of Shang Yinhe in a state of no privacy and complete unfolding.

And Shang Yinhe himself is like a blank sponge, desperately absorbing the moisture given to it by the system, rapidly expanding and expanding.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Shang Yinhe finally managed to understand the situation of most countries and the relationship between countries.

After thinking about it, Shang Yinhe gathered up his courage and began to try to operate the game.

However, knowledge is knowledge, and application is application. No one dares to say that just by understanding theoretical knowledge, they can make thoughtful and perfect practical operations.

The same is true of Shang Yinhe.

His first game was a terrible one.

At the start of the game, there is a fixed event happening: [UN General Assembly]. It is described as "discussing the cooperation of countries to send troops to exterminate the remaining animal and plant nests in the world".

Since Shang Yinhe was born in China, he tentatively used his existing political points to give China some leverage at this UN General Assembly.

Therefore, it is logical that in the next global cooperative war to clear animal and plant nests, China became the global leader, successfully leading everyone to the end of the third world war.

After the war, under the leadership of Hua Guo, some small countries were restored on the spot, and some small countries belonged to other countries, creating a gluttonous feast of sharing interests.

At this time, the situation seems to be a bright moon.

Immediately, however, the situation took a turn for the worse.

The Bald Eagle Federation, which was not satisfied with its world dominance being taken away, and the Maoxiong Nation, which was greatly damaged by the new wave of Lingshi technology, actually joined hands and began to boycott China; and the entire European Union also stood by the Bald Eagle Federation. that side.

At this stage, the political points in Shang Yinhe's hands were not enough. In this game, the Bald Eagle Federation's hostility to China seems to have become a fixed event. No matter how he saves and reads the file, this event will eventually happen.

Shang Yinhe could only stare in awe as China slowly became the enemy of the world.

Since then, there has been a lot of gunpowder smoke. Although there is no open war, the water in the international political arena has become more chaotic and turbid. Countless people are fishing in troubled waters. The scientific and technological revolution of the extraordinary era has brought severe economic turmoil, and friction will occur at every turn. The gun misfire thing.

Shang Yinhe could only use the pitiful political points to make up for the east and make up for the west; and desperately read the file-archive, and finally reluctantly suppressed the occurrence of more chaos.

But he is powerless to the whole chaotic world.

"6 months game time is over."

"This progress is completed, and settlement begins."

"World Unification: 22%"

"Future Development Efficiency: Class D"

"Future Destruction Possibilities: Advanced"

"The overall evaluation level of this game: D level"

"Have not met the clearance requirements for the B-level evaluation level, please start over."

Shang Yinhe was a little frustrated.

It took him so long to understand the information between so many countries, and the result was such a tragic ending.

How did things get to this point?

Obviously he didn't seem to have done anything wrong?

Shang Yinhe cheered up, clicked the [Restart] button, and entered the next game, determined to try again.

After trying several times, Shang Yinhe barely realized that under the multi-national political system, the most important word for playing politics is "balance".

In the initial game round, the guns were the best, and Huaguo was not the first power in the world. If he stands up forcibly and takes away the honor that does not belong to him, he will be attacked by the crown on his head.

The old ancestor said that he wanted to make a fortune in silence, and he really did not deceive me.

So, this time, Shang Yinhe changed the way he started.

He tried to get the Bald Eagle Federation and China to join hands to lead the clearing of animal and plant nests.

This start made the next process a lot smoother.

After the Bald Eagle Federation and China joined forces, they formed a force capable of suppressing the world. The rest of the political forces can only express their submission humbly under the alliance of the two of them.

As long as Shang Yinhe strives to maintain the balance between the Bald Eagle Federation and China in the next process, and ensures that no major changes occur to other major powers, it can ensure that the game does have a strong ruling voice in the end.

And this voice came from the United Nations government with the Bald Eagle Federation and China as the core.

"6 months game time is over."

"This progress is completed, and settlement begins."

"World Unification: 42%"

"Future Development Efficiency: Class C"

"Future Destruction Possibilities: Intermediate"

"The overall evaluation level of the game in this game: Grade B"

"Meet the clearance conditions for the B-level evaluation level. Do you choose this progress as the final progress?"

"Please note that after confirming the final progress, the game world will be closed, the customs clearance will be completed, and the world settlement will begin."

This evaluation is not very high, indicating that there is still a lot of room for improvement.

But what can be improved? How should I start?

As an ordinary person who has never been involved in politics before, let alone playing such a political game at the national level, Shang Yinhe feels a little bit difficult to play this game.

He probably understands that his handling of the wave of new technology in the extraordinary era is inappropriate, and he is not appropriate in handling the details of many countries, and even the route selection of some major countries is very inappropriate.


What exactly should be done? he does not know.

Is there a better route? he does not know.

He doesn't know anything.

"Just play casually first," Iida on his shoulders saw his hesitation and suggested: "Anyway, the process of saving and reading files in the game world will not affect reality, just practice."

I don't know if it was Shang Yinhe's illusion, but he always felt that when Iida said these words, there was a little hope in his voice.

But what can Iida hope for?

"The Great Demon King can definitely do it," Iida patted his ear and encouraged, "Absolutely!"

Not to be outdone, the little cloak came up and rubbed Shang Yinhe's face.

Shang Yinhe smiled helplessly, touching this with his left hand and that with his right.

- Do you have high expectations for me?

- But, am I... not an ordinary person?

Looking at the world map in front of him, Shang Yinhe stayed for a while before finally deciding to follow Iida's suggestion.

He started all kinds of improvisations and tried all kinds of routes.

This game has a very high degree of freedom.

However, at the same time, the political situation in the whole world is entangled in chains. Every option made by Shang Yinhe will have a profound impact on the future, and will cause a series of chain reactions.

In any case, the time in the game world is completely static. In this static time, Shang Yinhe tried various customs clearance methods and experienced various pattern changes.

He slowly discovered that some events are completely probabilistic, and can be eliminated by archiving and reading files.

For example, in a game, Shang Yinhe played an incident in which the current president of the Bald Eagle was assassinated. After this incident, the international relations between the Bald Eagle Federation and China have undergone great changes; some sects and organizations that promote terrorism, as well as the regions where they were born, immediately began to change and become turbulent.

The situation in the whole world has suddenly changed from the original stability and peace to a tense situation and an imminent conflict.

However, after Shang Yinhe read the file once, this incident of assassination of the president turned into an attempted assassination of the president. The attempted assassination incident that the President of the Bald Eagle Federation encountered was simply gone, and it didn't cause much disturbance at all.

On the contrary, however, some events are destined to happen by antecedent cause and effect.

For example, if Shang Yinhe failed to deal with the impact of Lingshi new energy technology on Maoxiongguo in the early stage, then Maoxiongguo, which is extremely economically declining but maintains the world's second largest military power in the five permanent members of the United Nations, in the later period There's bound to be a mess.

At this time, no matter how Shang Yinhe reads and archives files, it can only change the time and pattern of Mao Xiong's troubles, but it cannot change the troubles he made.

In addition, the game itself has some major events, such as the event of clearing the nests of animals and plants at the beginning, such as the outbreak of new spiritual energy and extraordinary new technology in the early stage, these events will have a huge impact on the entire world situation. Every time such an event happened, Shang Yinhe had to suspend research and operate carefully.

In the process of trying, most of Shang Yinhe's improvisations will get a relatively tragic ending, but there are also some particularly interesting routes and some particularly good endings. .

One of the most interesting and highest-rated routes is called the "Red Wave" by Shang Yinhe.

In that game, Shang Yinhe did not pay too much attention to the political and economic struggles between various great powers, but directly accumulated enough political points in the early stage to point out the route characteristics of the worldwide "Red Tide" .

The description of this route feature contains the following words:

"The characteristics of this route have great contagious power. Once it is pointed out, it will bring about subversive changes in the world pattern."

"Please choose carefully."

The "Red Tide" route feature is also very expensive. Its first stage of talent points requires 20 political points, and the next few stages of talent points are not only extremely expensive, but also require talent points with the characteristics of the routes of countries such as Maoxiong, Hua, and Gaul. as a precondition for unlocking.

After that, the red tide began to sweep from the ice fields of Siberia and the beacon towers of the Great Wall, destroying all the old classes with an unstoppable gesture.

The sound of the Internationale fluttered under the blue sky again, and the ghost once again climbed out of the darkness.

The name of the red wave is too tempting, and the aftermath of the third world war, the warning of "The Extraordinary Age: Eyes from afar", and the most important breakthrough of the new technology wave of the extraordinary age, gave this "red". Inspur" has great room for development.

Since the White Mist Mutation, the war has turbulent the original class. Among them, the upper class has the power of self-protection, and the lower class does not have much money to lose, and among them, the middle class is the middle class.

The wave of new technology in the extraordinary era has subverted the imagination of the world and violently impacted the old class.

During this process, the old upper classes, in order to maintain their own interests, kept pumping blood from the lower classes, which hit the middle and lower classes even more.

Some people, with many ordinary families as their backs, forced some countries to give up many small and medium-sized enterprises, forced many countries to act as platforms for them, and let some countries use their own bodies to cover their retreat.

And this kind of behavior in their own favor has brought about an extremely severe economic crisis.

Countless families went bankrupt and became destitute in this economic crisis; however, some people were able to retire, still standing at the top of the high-rise, overlooking all living beings, enjoying the most luxurious and presumptuous life.

And this is the most rooted base for the emergence and development of the Red Tide—it is the brightest flower that blooms out of despair.

The Maoxiong Kingdom, which lost the largest source of economic resources, was the first to change the flag of the city in the desperation of countless people, and the red tide began to recover violently.

Since then, the people's will, unstoppable.

As a result, other countries, while resisting the red tide, must also strive to balance their own people's hearts and prevent fires in their backyards.

The red tide is turbulent, surging, and almost unstoppable. With new beliefs and new wills, people gathered under the new banner and formed a new coalition regime with a production method that is more in line with the existing productive forces. .

In this game, the final score was unbelievably high.

"6 months game time is over."

"This progress is completed, and settlement begins."

"World Unification: 82%"

"Future Development Efficiency: Class A"

"Future Destruction Possibilities: Low Level"

"The overall evaluation level of this game: S level"

"Meet the clearance conditions for the S-level evaluation level, do you choose this progress as the final progress?"

"Please note that after confirming the final progress, the game world will be closed, the customs clearance will be completed, and the world settlement will begin."

S-class evaluation grade!

Like a miracle!

The button of [End customs clearance] seems to exude the temptation of holy light, attracting Shang Yinhe to click.

It is a pity that Shang Yinhe looked at this ending, hesitated for a long time, and finally gave up.

"Revolution is not a dinner party, an essay, or a painting or embroidery. It cannot be so elegant, unhurried, gentle, gentle and submissive. Revolution is a riot, a violent action by one class to overthrow another."

In this game, people directly launched a more thorough revolution, using blood and war to ensure a stronger voice and a better future.

The red flag is dyed by the blood of the martyrs. Under the extremely high score of the S-rank, it is a revolutionary wave with brutal methods, subverting everything, and destroying everything.

It is the death of countless people, the waste of countless resources, the smoke of countless battlefields and the wailing of the undead.

In the process of destroying the old system, **** repression, brutal confrontation, and meat-grinder-like struggle were inevitable.

After everything is broken, everything can be rebuilt.

Even if he couldn't see the real picture, even if he could only see jumping numbers and abbreviated text descriptions, Shang Yinhe was still thrilled.

He really doesn't have the courage to directly apply such a cruel future evolution to the real scene...


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