Number One Player

Chapter 193: Fish Leaping Dragon Gate (1)

On the other side of the sea, the Bald Eagle Country, the city of Zhuyue.

Today is the day when the Bald Eagle Country conducts its second extraordinary lottery.

During the first extraordinary lottery, due to the poor method and the suspected shady operation in the lottery process, a large-scale protest broke out in the Bald Eagle Country.

Countless people who didn't get a spot held a super-large joint parade across the country, holding up various signs and shouting with loudspeakers: "Fair, we want fair!"

In the end, the government of the Bald Eagle Country, which could not resist the pressure, had to announce that the original list of the first batch was invalid, and the original computer lottery mode was replaced by a live lottery mode, and the whole process of each digit lottery was broadcast live.

This event is known as "the lottery gate".

Due to the existence of the lottery gate, the Bald Eagle State government is very cautious about the second extraordinary lottery.

It not only changed it to a live lottery and live broadcast, but also invited many famous hosts and big stars, and even invited several YouTube anchors to watch the whole process.

But even so, the bald eagle country government is still very cautious and cautious, for fear of a repeat of the first extraordinary lottery event and another scandal.

The location of the second extraordinary lottery was not far from the White House. The supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Country stood by the window, overlooking the crowded square, and exhaled a long breath.

"Have you read the trial draft of the "Superhuman Management Regulations" that Huaguo just released?" The Supreme Commander of the Bald Eagle Country turned his head and asked the staff around him.

Just at 6:00 this morning, Bald Eagle Kingdom time, Hua Kingdom officially announced the trial draft of the "Supernatural Persons Management Regulations". This manuscript is issued in the name of the Huaguo Transcendent Affairs Bureau, and uses the word "regulations", which is quite meaningful in China.

In China, laws, regulations, policies, standards, etc., all have different logics of distinction.

It can be roughly understood as: those formulated and passed by the National People’s Congress are called laws; those formulated by the State Council and other local governments are called regulations; in addition, there are more vague policies as “standardized regulations” and standards as “normative documents”.

In many cases, China's laws, regulations, policies and standards are relatively vague in terms of authority, judgment logic, etc., and the role of some local policies is even much more efficient than laws.

The fact that the Huaguo Transcendent Affairs Bureau spanned the military and government and the central government also made the attributes of the documents they issued seem a bit vague.

According to Article 4 of China's "Regulations on the Procedures for the Formulation of Administrative Regulations", the names of administrative regulations are generally called "regulations", and can also be called "regulations", "measures", etc., but the regulations formulated by various departments of the State Council and local people's governments shall not be allowed. called "Regulations".

Therefore, in the eyes of people who understand politics, the name of Huaguo's "Supernatural Management Regulations" seems rather ambiguous, and in its own vague boundaries, it implies the relevant status of the entire Supernatural Affairs Bureau.

However, what is certain is that for a long period of time, this "Supernatural Person Management Regulations" will become the most basic management requirements for supernatural beings in China.

"Look," the staff exchanged glances, "after all, this is the first official document on the management of superhumans that has been officially released in the world."

"What do you think?" The Supreme Commander of the Bald Eagle Country turned back from the window and looked at his staff with a hint in his voice.

"Huaguo's thinking is very..." A staff member considered for a long time, and finally chose a word, "forward-looking."

"You can directly say it's compulsory control," the supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Country laughed, "'All superhumans must be compulsorily registered', 'All superhumans must be compelled to wear an annunciator bracelet', 'Superhuman identity must be shown at security check' …”

"Tsk tsk," he sighed, savoring the meaning of the management regulations, "the attitude of the Chinese government is very tough."

"There is a tough part," replied another aide, who was obviously more supportive of the Regulations document, "but overall, the whole document is very 'give a stick and a carrot' The feeling of , the treatment of all kinds of extraordinary people, including extraordinary training students, including the honor and rank system of extraordinary people, basically do not make ordinary people jealous, nor let the extraordinary people who contributed, it is very balanced."

"It's been a long time since the release of the regulations," the supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Country was noncommittal, turning his head to look outside the window again at the scene of the second extraordinary lottery that was about to start, "How about the feedback from the people of Huaguo?"

"At the moment, the situation is good," replied the staff member who had just talked back and praised the "Administrative Regulations", obviously focusing on the relevant information in advance, "Almost all the supernatural beings in China are currently under the strong control of the government, and China's control of public opinion has always been very strict, so so far, there has been basically no strong opposition in the entire country."

"Should we," another staffer interjected, his words full of insinuation, "do something to push?"

The war of public opinion is a key point in the confrontation of the modern international situation. The bald eagle country has always been a strong player in the public opinion war. It often penetrates other countries through various ostensibly charitable foundations, etc., and creates a group of big V celebrities who will speak for them. In addition, various network companies, overseas Chinese, etc., are also an important channel.

In the Internet age, the entire public opinion war has become more obscure and intense. Every country is going crazy. Taking Maoxiongguo as an example, Mark Zuckerberg once publicly disclosed that during the 2016 Bald Eagle country election, the IP address from Maoxiongguo opened a number of paid promotion accounts on social networks and published a large number of smears. Hillary, what boosted Trump's popularity. In the ally countries of the hairy bear country, many people are serving the hairy bear country with rubles, which is almost an open secret.

Huaguo suffered a lot in the international public opinion war in the early years, but only in recent years has he paid attention to it.

"Well, let's say goodbye," said the supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Country thoughtfully, "Maybe our interests are the same."

"What do you think, if we," facing the gaze of the staff, the supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Country asked hesitantly, and by the way made some kind of crazy hint, "if we, like China, come up with such a coercive requirement, Do you think it's feasible?"

In fact, the regulations for the management of supernatural beings within the Bald Eagle Country have long been under discussion.

During the White Fog Incident, following the establishment of the Huaguo Transcendental Affairs Bureau, the Bald Eagle Country, based on the FBI and other departments, also established the Bald Eagle Country Transcendent Bureau, the full name of which is the Bald Eagle Country Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau, abbreviated as S.H.I.E.L.D.…

Wait, something strange seems to have gotten in?

However, unlike Huaguo, the authority of the Extraordinary Bureau of the Bald Eagle Country is not as powerful as that of the Transcendent Affairs Bureau of the Huaguo State; and the extraordinary management regulations of the Extraordinary Bureau of the Bald Eagle Country, which are currently under internal discussion, are far less powerful than those of the Huaguo Extraordinary Bureau. The regulations are so tough.

Previously, the Supreme Commander of the Bald Eagle Country had seen the draft. At the time, he was still quite satisfied, but—

However, after seeing the draft report of the "Supernatural Management Regulations" announced by Hua Guo, his heart suddenly became critical.

Anyone with a little foresight can see that the transcendent will inevitably be an important factor in the future era, as well as a possible factor in social unrest.

If it can achieve strong control like China, which country is unwilling to do it?

The staff discussed it for a long time before giving the answer in a heated debate: "We think it should be feasible. After all, with China as the forerunner, this has reduced a lot of pressure on us."

"That is, there may be some explosions in domestic public opinion," an aide added worriedly. "After all, the First Amendment of our Constitution clearly stipulates that the right of citizens to freely express their speech is sacred and inviolable, which is doomed that we cannot be like China is equally strong in controlling domestic public opinion.”

"Freedom of speech, hey," Hearing this, the Supreme Commander of the Bald Eagle Country couldn't help squinting, "don't forget, the Third World War is not over yet. In normal times, the Supreme Court adopts a 'priority approach'. ', when freedom of speech and property rights conflict, the Supreme Court will give precedence to freedom of speech; but in wartime, we adopt 'impeachment on a case-by-case basis'."

Declaring martial law and restricting civil rights during wartime has become the practice of the Bald Eagle Country, and it is not impossible to use this stage to implement such a policy of forced control.

The staff discussed it for a while and replied: "In this case, domestic public opinion may not be a big problem."

"However," one of the staff couldn't help but point out the problem, "what are you going to do with the top executives of the consortium who have acquired extraordinary abilities?"

Unlike China, where everything is under the leadership of the party, the politics of the bald eagle country is closely intertwined with major financial groups. From elections to governance, no single step can escape the influence of those consortia.

A very obvious feature of capitalism is that capital has almost supreme status and power in this country. Even the supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Country itself represents the power of capital.

"Well," the supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Kingdom shrugged and didn't care, "the privileged have their own privileges; and the superhuman management bill we plan to come up with is for the general public."

"In short, come up with such a draft first," the supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Country instructed, "The Bald Eagle Country will never be left behind. This time, China has opened the way, and come up with such a strong control document, and bear the burden for us. With so much pressure, we can just follow."

"Even, we can use the power of our public opinion," he said suggestively, "to help China relieve a little pressure."

"Understood," the person beside him laughed, "Understood, we understand, hehe."

"If there is any explosion in public opinion," the supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Country narrowed his eyes, "I will push it to Hua Guo, saying that Hua Guo also does the same."

"The ready-made scapegoat," an aide said with a smile, "we will definitely make good use of it."

Everyone smiled knowingly. In many things, someone who leads the way will make it easier for those who follow. Of course, what history will always remember will be the pioneers. Trailblazers are destined to carry more and gain more.

"In addition to this, the Bald Eagle Country will also establish its own extraordinary training academy," recalling the contents of the "Supernatural Persons Management Regulations" of the Chinese country, the supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Country continued, "Hua Guo's idea is very Yes, there is good advice, and of course we should take it."

he said very thickly. However, then again, what is the face of politicians and politicians, and can they be eaten? To imitate the strategies of other countries, it is simply a matter of human beings from ancient times to the present and all over the world.

Not to mention anything else, just say that the state of China, the Han Dynasty inherited the system of the Qin Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty inherited the system of the Sui Dynasty. If you look at the world today, after the Glorious Revolution of John State established a constitutional monarchy, countless countries scrambled to imitate it. After the Soviet Union just raised the red flag, the whole world was also filled with red waves.

"Also, we also have to get a different ability honor system from Huaguo, absorb all the good points, and revise our original draft," said the supreme commander of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, "Of course, also To retain our own characteristics in the original draft policy."

"No problem," the staff replied after discussing for a while, "We'll prepare when we go back."

Their voices were drowned out by the sudden burst of noise.

A loud shout came from a small square not far away, interrupting their conversation.

That was the second extraordinary lottery of the Bald Eagle Country, and it officially started.


Since China took the lead in publicizing their "Supernatural Persons Management Regulations", various countries have successively issued their own "Supernatural Person Management Regulations" (names may vary).

Because Hua Guo, who stood at the forefront and opened the way, used a set of very tough and strong control measures, the control measures of the latecomers were similar. Although the details were different, almost all of them required the real-name registration of the extraordinary people in their own countries.

The similarity of these terms almost makes people think that all the countries have secretly held some meetings and reached an agreement on the management of supernatural beings.

In fact, no country is a fool. Everyone is taking advantage of the fact that the number of extraordinary people is still small, the channel to become extraordinary is in the hands of the state, and the real extraordinary era has not yet come. Pave a wider road.

It is conceivable that if the number of extraordinary people is more and the ability of extraordinary people is stronger, if there is any real-name registration and forced control, it will definitely cause riots. And the ability of the extraordinary itself will bring great destruction to this kind of riot.

And if regulations are set now, then some extraordinary riots and criminal behaviors in the future will be effectively curbed, and ordinary extraordinary people will not be likely to be stirred up by emotions, thus causing too much turmoil.

However, these strong control measures are a playground for big and powerful countries, but they are not places where small and weak countries can set foot.

For these small and weak countries, let alone supernatural beings, all supernatural beings are uncles, and they are the treasures of the country on every front that are at stake.

Let us turn our attention from the various changes in the rear to the front of the war:

Just as the extraordinary times were in full swing, the Third World War, which had not yet ended, was steadily advancing.

During this period of time, China and Bald Eagle, two of the world's largest powers, have completed the cleaning of most of the nests of evolved animals and plants within their own borders, and basically regained all the lost land.

There are only some inaccessible deep mountains and old forests, and in the lofty mountains and mountains whose terrain is not conducive to attack, there are still some nests of evolved animals and plants.

In addition to these two big countries, some countries with relatively small land area but relatively strong comprehensive national strength, such as the European countries of John, Hans, Gaul, etc., have also completed the loss of their own territory one after another. The recovery, even due to the small size of the country, was faster than that of several big countries.

On the continent of Europe, the country that took the lead in recovering the lost land of its own country also took the initiative to help other countries attack the nests of animals and plants.

Under this seemingly harmonious and friendly behavior, the wave of the European Commonwealth is already turbulent and ready to go, and it is only on the bright side.

Some countries seem to be doing well in this war, but others are not.

In contrast, Mao Xiong, one of the five permanent members of the United Nations, is a little embarrassed.

In this day and age, wars are fought on the basis of comprehensive national strength. Although the Maoxiong country has a strong military, its economic strength is relatively poor, its land area is too large, and several important production cities have been attacked by evolutionary animals and plants. Therefore, it is still struggling in the quagmire of war.

In addition, the Maple Leaf Country, Australia, Brazil, India and other countries, which also have a larger territory but weaker military and comprehensive national strength, are also struggling.

Especially the Maple Leaf Country. At that time, the evolutionary birds attacked Windsor City in the Maple Leaf Country, and almost completely covered the entire city as a paradise for the evolutionary birds. There were countless casualties, and the entire city was almost completely abandoned, and all production capacity was no longer available.

At the same time, all the surrounding places were forced to strengthen air defense capabilities and wartime vigilance. This huge damage has not been relieved until now.

The leader of the evolutionary bird group is an evolutionary bird with super commanding ability and good IQ.

It should be added that this bird is very cunning and has always been careful to hide its identity. Until now, people don't know what kind of bird it is.

This leader, who is smart enough to know how to hide his evolutionary bird flock, sends bird flocks to sneak around from time to time, which greatly slows down the process of Maple Leaf Country's recovery of lost territory and processing of evolutionary animal and plant nests.

People have always suspected that this chief bird is likely to be the giant bird that evolved into a super creature in the video of Jiuqu's "Master of Creation", but this suspicion has not been confirmed yet.

And equally unlucky Australia.

In the video of "The Creator: The Supreme Lord", this place in Australia once turned into a thorny site for the king of plants.

Now, although the terrifying ability in the video has not been completely evolved, the thorns everywhere have also brought great trouble to Australia's offense.

"Overall," reported Nie Zhibohui from the base in Yongliang City, Huaguo, "Humanity's progress in the Third World War is not bad. Although there are twists and turns, it is generally relatively smooth."

"Do you call this smooth?" The boss who listened to the report sighed.

Nie Zhibo closed his mouth in confusion.

"I'm a little worried," the voice of the boss came from the phone, looking worried, "Will this progress be too slow now?"

"In your report, the progress of each big country is still not bad," the boss said on the phone, "but what about the small countries that have been completely reduced to animal and plant nests, and those trapped in animal and plant nests? What about those who barely survive?"

"It's been almost a month, I don't know how much I can survive," the boss continued with emotion in his voice, "Even if I skip humanitarianism, more importantly, the report from the research department is, Evolving plants can promote the concentration of evolutionary factors in the air, and staying next to evolving plants, various organisms will evolve faster, which means…”

"That is to say," Nie Zhibo also responded, "According to this logic, in those huge animal and plant nests, it is extremely likely that evolved animals and plants with a higher degree of evolution, stronger combat power, and even more intelligence will appear! "

"That's right," the boss responded, "and the country of China is a part of the earth, and all the changes on the earth will eventually affect the country of China itself."

"However, it is impossible for us to bypass the United Nations and send troops," Nie Zhibo replied thoughtfully, his thinking has quickly jumped to the solution, "Even if the purpose is to help others, it is not right in the name. It must be done through the United Nations. Send troops, but..."

Nie Zhibo couldn't help but fell silent.

Seeing that the victory of the Third World War was in sight - here, victory in sight means "it is far from the time of victory" - the atmosphere at the United Nations has become eerie again.

Before the outbreak of the Third World War, all major powers greedily devoured a wave of neighboring countries, and even China was no exception.

However, the fierce fighting situation of the Third World War brought back the hands that were stretched out by most countries.

Now, at the moment when the end of the war is in sight, the pre-war intrigue and treacherous atmosphere seems to have returned.

"Let's be ourselves first," the boss on the phone calmed down and said, "Neighboring countries help to clean up first, and we can't threaten the mainland of China. Oh, by the way..."

"The surrounding countries that can be swallowed can also be swallowed directly," the boss said. Obviously it is the same tone. When it comes to the general situation of the world and humanitarianism, the boss's words are gentle, friendly and far-sighted; however, when it comes to national interests, the boss's words suddenly become rational and calm, without any warmth, "We don't. There is no need for a government-in-exile, nor a civil regime. Pay attention to sorting out information.”

"No problem," Nie Zhibo replied knowingly.

He began to ponder silently, how to make the exile governments of the small countries in China dissipate silently and unobtrusively.

You can't do an assassination, it's too conspicuous and leaves too many traces;

Maybe you can try the reluctance, or the threatening and intimidating routine?

If God does not give it, you will be to blame.

What a great opportunity this third world war is!

Since World War II, the territorial scope of various great powers and powers in the world has hardly changed much.

If you miss the best expansion opportunity during this war period, the next opportunity may have to wait hundreds of years later.

In fact, seriously speaking, China has also contributed an important force to all the turbulent waves in the international situation.

The interests of the country, the interests of the earth, the interests of mankind, the future and reality are intertwined, and it is destined to weave a more brilliant, colorful and cruel future.


No matter how the international situation has changed, no matter how daily life has changed, the pace of Jiuqu's release of the video is still the same as before.

At 19:00 on April 15th, China time, the video of the fourth issue of "The Extraordinary Times" was released.

"Ding dong."

[The UP master "Jiuqu" you follow has updated the video "The Extraordinary Times"]

When this video was released, Shang Yinhe did not watch it with his colleagues from the Extraordinary Affairs Bureau. At that time, he was making up his sleep in the room.

In the last two days, for no apparent reason, Hua Guo suddenly and suddenly increased the offensive tasks of various units, and quickly advanced and completely resolved some of the last lost ground that had not yet been recovered. As a result, Shang Yinhe stayed up for two days and nights, and kept going around the country non-stop, all kinds of auxiliary attacks.

Even the second extraordinary lottery of the Bald Eagle Country was successfully completed, and the official announcement of the "Supernatural Persons Management Regulations" in China was ignored. As for the trivial matter of a small neighboring country's government in exile suddenly announced its dissolution, Shang Yinhe is of course more concerned. Can't care.

After completing the task upside down day and night, he took a deep sleep and missed the release of the fourth issue of "The Extraordinary Age" of Jiuqu perfectly.

By the time he picked up his phone, the video had been posted overnight.

This time the video is called "The Extraordinary Age: Fish Leaping from the Dragon Gate".

Every video of "Amazing Times" has its own unique music, such as the heavy metal music during the "Metal Roar" period, the strange and **** music during the "Plant War" period, and the current "Fish Leaping Dragon Gate" , very rarely used some silk-stringed instruments, the music sounds quite ancient, and the whole is smart and elegant.

However, very inconsistent with this smart and elegant music, the barrage of the entire video is extremely explosive:

"Front row tips! This video is extremely high-energy!"

"Front row tip! Best to watch alone in the room!"

"Front row tip! This video is worth repeating! Watch it for the first time, don't drool!"

"Tips from the front row! Lick the dog will end up with nothing!"

Looking at these barrages, Shang Yinhe blinked a little dejectedly.

Of course he knows why there are so many "front row tips" at the beginning of the video.

Thinking of the meaning behind these "front row reminders", Shang Yinhe couldn't help but want to cover his face.

After the opening scene filled with countless "front row tips", the video cuts into a blue waters.

The light from the sky is refracted in the water, reflecting the colorful underwater scenery. Fish of various colors, corals of various colors, and the blue waterscape with turbulent undercurrents, the pure and flawless blue, matched with the colorful beauty, is like a fairy tale world.

"High-energy warning!!"

"All licking dogs, get ready!"

"The 12th cycle!"

"The 8th cycle!"

In the excitement of the barrage, the camera moved away from this gorgeous waterscape and turned to the brave man.

The hero is swimming freely in the water.

The black cloak opened slowly behind him at will, and the black hair fluttered freely along the current. He swims freely in the water, his movements are free and casual, his expression is relaxed and comfortable, and the gorgeous bottom of the water makes his prosperous beauty even more dazzling.

Besides, more importantly...


"Wet body play!"

"Oh my god, my god, my god! I can't take it anymore!"

"I actually got a nosebleed. Fortunately, I prepared a napkin in advance by I don't know why I'm not happy"

"This, who can resist this!"

That's right, just like a wolf howl in the barrage, in the water, the hero's clothes were attached to his body, as if it had become an extremely **** tights. His body is the structure that best conforms to the golden ratio. With the exaggerated effect of "Charm +31", it has a sublime beauty that is dazzling and can't wait to worship.

Just like the portraits and sculptures of the Renaissance, that kind of beauty is sacred, sublime, inviolable, and can be compared with God and the Virgin Mary.

Even though I had secretly watched it several times in the video editing session, and now I watched it again in reality, Shang Yinhe still followed the barrage and took a deep breath.

He really doesn't want that, trust him, really.

But there is no way, the water attribute dungeon, no matter how he pieced together the cards and constructed the dungeon, could not escape the effect of this wet play in the end.

But it is impossible for him to skip the copy of the water attribute and not do it. After all, the water attribute is a big attribute, and there are too many people in the world with the water attribute. If he does not make this copy, it is equivalent to curbing the future development path of many people.

When editing the water attribute copy for the first time, Shang Yinhe still felt inexplicably tangled.

But by the time of the nth time to archive, read, and edit the attribute copy, Shang Yinhe was very calm.

The brave man in the video is running fast in the water, turning one turn and another from time to time, and one time he made a big circle. It was obvious that he was doing an evasive action, but the area he avoided seemed to be empty. There is nothing, only the blue water waves draw indistinct traces.

"Brave, what are you doing?"

"I'm asking for the popular science of the barrage god, I can't understand this copy?"

"Turn to show your figure! Kneel and beg the brave to turn a few more turns!"

"The title of this video is called Fish Leaping from Dragon Gate. Will there be a link to Leaping Dragon Gate next?"

"I paused the video to zoom in and watched it carefully. There seems to be an undercurrent vortex in the water where the brave man avoided!"

"Thank God for the guidance, I also discovered the undercurrent!"

Guess right in the barrage. Don't look at the beautiful and peaceful waters in the video, but in fact, there are hidden murderous intentions, and every step is a trap. If you are not careful, you will be involved in the whirlpool and torn to pieces, resulting in the failure of customs clearance.

Shang Yinhe has died here many times. In the later stage, he has always turned on the [small map] ability to the maximum power, and through the strong perception ability of the [small map] to carefully identify, can we barely overcome these hidden murderous intentions.

In the video, the behavior of the brave can be described as free and easy, and who knows how much blood and tears are behind it?

Slowly, more and more things appeared in the video. The ferocious evolutionary seagrass that entangles and catches people, the small evolutionary sea beasts with aggressive tendencies, the aggressive sea fish that are not easy to deal with just by their appearance, and the hidden but more dangerous undercurrent whirlpools that seem to be everywhere.

The brave man sometimes adopts a strategy of avoiding in large circles, and sometimes he will take the initiative to attack, and quickly kill the strange-shaped sea beasts that dare to challenge his majesty.

From Shang Yinhe's point of view, how neat and tidy are the actions of the brave, and how heroic and vigorous are the actions of the brave!

But why is the barrage full of—

"The action just now, the action just now! Did you see it!!"

"I saw it, I saw it! Ah ah ah ah, I have no regrets in this life!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"This is simply a welfare program, Lord Brave, I will always love you!"

Shang Yinhe looked at the barrage and saw black lines all over his head.

(Hmph, you can only look at this edited version, but he can watch the hero's water map from all angles with his own eyes!)

There are more and more monsters, sea beasts, piranhas, aquatic plants, etc. appearing in the water, and the fighting power is getting stronger and stronger, but the hero's expression is always so calm.

The brave man almost easily solved all the obstacles in the way, and entered the final link, a huge towering waterfall, which is the end point of "Fish Leaping Dragon Gate".

"Hey, do you feel that this dungeon is much simpler?"

"I'm still looking forward to what the hero will do..."

"Why didn't I see the brute force stream?"

"Betting 5 cents, the brave will definitely have a new dungeon clearance pose!"

"I don't believe it will end so plainly!"

Shang Yinhe's original head full of black lines has not dissipated, and more new black lines hang down.

what does it mean? Could it be that he can only do some brute force cracking?

(Sorry, it seems that he could only crack the circulation level by brute force before)

Could it be that his previous operations were not perfect and powerful?

(Sorry, breaking the gate of the riddle level to clear the level with violence or something, this is indeed called a show operation)

Hmph, I'm going to show you guys, this time I just don't have any rude operations!

(sorry, that's because—)

That's because the dungeon this time has reached 32 times the difficulty according to the original exponential increase in difficulty.

Thirty-two times!

What an exaggerated concept!

Even using the [Limited Time Difficulty Reduction Charm] sold in the store, which can reduce the difficulty of the level for a short period of time, this new dungeon will be 16 times more difficult, which is still very exaggerated.

Shang Yinhe tried countless times, but no matter what brute force he used to crack the stream, he couldn't pass the level.

He had to go back to the time when he just cleared [Plant War], he worked hard to do a side quest, got the [Single Difficulty Reset Symbol] that could reset the difficulty of his challenge level, and directly changed the difficulty of this dungeon. It is reset to the first difficulty, and the difficulty of the dungeon will be doubled in the future, and it will also be doubled on this basis.

The first difficulty, for him now, is simply a drizzle, especially easy.

Especially if you just experienced the 16 times difficulty, and then feel the first difficulty, it is like a novice village of vegetable abuse.

Shang Yinhe doesn't need any showy operation at all to clear the customs directly.

In essence, it seems that he still made a little cheat, eh?

However, no matter what props I use behind my back, in a word, this hero is amazing and handsome!

"My nosebleeds never stop!"

"Too, too exciting, I, I can't take it anymore!"

Looking at these barrages, Shang Yinhe's expression stiffened.

Wait, I don't need this handsomeness!

At the end of the [Fish Leaping Dragon Gate] copy, there is a very high waterfall. The camera moves up the waterfall, straight up to the highest top. There is a real gantry there. In the golden light shrouded, thousands of auspicious strips flickered, and the endless radiance shone, illuminating the whole world with radiance.

The camera went down the waterfall again and returned to the brave man at the bottom of the water.

It can be clearly seen that the water waves fluctuate around the brave man, and it seems that some power is surging. Then, he accelerated rapidly, rushed up against the current, and then rushed out of the waterfall and jumped up!

"This figure, ah ah ah ah ah!"

"The brave man comes out of the water! I took a screenshot!"

"Mom, my heart is completely gone, it was stolen by this person in the video!"

"So beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful!"

"I admire the brave the most!"

Yes, the picture in the video lens is really very beautiful. The golden glow shines, countless water droplets reflect the rainbow of seven colors, and the person who jumps up in the center of the lens is like a water **** in this scene, and all the water splashes are

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