Number One Player

Chapter 177: Supporters and Opposition

In the animation-style footage of the video, the little boy gathered his courage and asked in a low voice, "Who are you? Why are you here? It's dangerous for you here."

The yellow kitten - that's the color of the desert - tilted its head and ducked silently into the corner.

The little boy in the video squatted down hesitantly, took out a small piece of bread from his arms, tore off a bit of it, and put it on the ground.

The kitten looked up at him, tentatively touched the bread on the ground, and then swallowed it in small bites.

The worried words in the original barrage stopped:

"This this!!"

"I've had an evolution kitten before, but, but I, I didn't survive the brainwashing of the Great Purge mass extinction campaign...sorry..."

"I still have kittens hidden in my house, but I don't dare to tell the outside world at all. I'm really afraid that one day, the Great Cleansing and Extinction will come to our house..."

"My focus is a bit skewed, can cats eat bread?"

"The recipes for evolutionary animals are very complex, and even people can eat them. Haha, anyway, I don't think there is anything wrong with the big cleanup and mass extinction activities."

No matter what the barrage says, the people in the video can't see or hear it.

In the refugee camp, the little boy has since discovered his treasure - a yellow kitten that hides in the refugee camp and can be invisible.

The little boy's confession voice resounded:

"I named it 'Little Desert', doesn't that sound nice?"

"Tame, and be tamed, just like the little prince met his fox, and I met my 'little desert'."

"'Little Desert' is a kitten that can be invisible, but its abilities sometimes fail. It's still small, and its abilities are not proficient. But because of this, I was lucky enough to find it."

"I approached my 'little desert' little by little. Later, he was even willing to collapse under my hands, revealing his tender belly."

In the picture of the video, the little boy and the little cat get along happily and intimately, as beautiful as a fairy tale.

However, the barrage matched with this video is not so beautiful:

"It's great, people and evolved animals and plants had a chance to get along like this!"

"Hehe, most of the awakened evolutionary animals and plants are very aggressive. Stories like this in the video are very rare, right?"

"Don't be funny, do you know how many people in the world have cats and dogs? Do you know how many families have cats and dogs as part of their children or family members? The story of man and evolutionary animals, Where has it been rare before?"

"Hehe, during the Great Cleanup and Mass Extinction, the cats and dogs who were regarded as part of the family were sent out and cleaned up with their own hands. How many do you know?"

"That's all being forced. It's you, facing the members of the Self-Defense Forces pointing at you with a stun baton, can you insist on protecting your own kittens and dogs? Just don't be scared to pee!"

There was a quarrel in the barrage, full of anger, which was very inconsistent with the warm and tactful music and heart-warming pictures of this video.

And the little boy in the video still narrated in a calm and even a little happy voice:

"I go to see my 'little desert' every day. The "Little Prince" is right, this certain time is a sense of ritual. Not only for my 'little desert', but even for myself, It's all like that."

"Whenever the time to visit 'Little Desert' is approaching, I look forward to the moment when I can meet 'Little Desert'. The closer the time is, the happier I feel."

"When I stay with 'Little Desert', it seems that all the troubles are gone, and it is as beautiful as staying in the legendary paradise. 'Little Desert' is willing to listen to all my complaints, all stories, willing to Comfort me and be willing to accompany me."

"I'm so happy that when I was the loneliest, I could meet such a 'little desert' that was willing to be domesticated by me and willing to domesticate me."

The little boy's voice faded away, and the picture of the video became blurred.

In the water-like fluctuations, the first short story of "Bio-Transformation: Inner Voice" came to an end.

"My family's prosperity, my God, I used to be with my family's prosperity like this, but"

"If your family's prosperous wealth is alive, maybe some huge damage has been done by now, hehe!"

"Learn about Hachiko's story. Anyway, I don't believe that if Hachiko encounters evolutionary mutation, what harm will it do to its owner?"

"I once raised a stray cat. I fed it regularly, played with it regularly, and it was willing to listen to all my complaints and stories, to comfort me, and to accompany me. But everything has passed. what."

In the quarrel of the barrage, in the changes of the video, slowly, the music sank, and the picture also darkened, gradually turning into a complete darkness. And in this darkness, the shadows are chaotic, as if something is floating.

Then, a man's voice sounded. The voice was icy and icy, as if there was boundless anger suppressed under the iceberg.

The man's voice said word by word:

"Evolving Animals and Plants - Damn!"

The screen lights up slightly, and the man's voice begins his confession:

"I am a coward."

"Since I was a child, I didn't dare to muster up the courage to resist others. In those common school bullying scenes, I was always the bottom layer who was most bullied, and I would only cry non-stop."

"Fortunately, the quality of our school is not bad, and the teachers are quite strict. Even if I will always be a victim of school bullying, I will grow up safely and healthy."

"I went to college, I fell in love, I had my own family, I had my own children."

"My children are the source of my pride."

"I educate her carefully, and I carefully protect her."

"She's so cute, she's so healthy, and she believes: My dad is the best dad in the world!"

"In order not to let her expectations fail, I also gradually became stronger to the outside world."

Only after seeing this beginning and hearing these words, Ableson's face changed slightly.

Others can't recognize him; he just adopted an evolved white cat, can he still recognize him?

Isn't that the person in the video?

The story of the little boy in the desert, in the first issue of the "Biological Transformation: Future" video, has clips and clips, and now it appears in "Biological Transformation: Voices" as a complete story;

And he, Ableson, also appeared in the video of Jiuqu's "Biological Change: The Future", and now-

His heart sank all of a sudden, and there was a kind of panic about to be exposed.

But after listening for a while, his heart dropped a little bit.

Jiuqu blurred a lot of details, and based on these narrative information, it is impossible for anyone to locate him.

After all, in this catastrophe sweeping the world, are there still few people who also lost their children? Are there still few people who also participated in the Self-Defense Forces? Are there still few people who also hate the evolution of animals and plants?

His experience is a microcosm of countless stories around the world; and the editing intention of Jiuqu seems to be to edit him in the direction of a microcosm.

"I started to learn to fight for my due interests at work; I started to learn to support my children at school; I stopped crying secretly; I thought I had become brave."


"I'm so cowardly, I've always been so cowardly, I've always been so cowardly."

"When the evolutionary animal hidden in the corner suddenly jumped out, my first reaction was to pull the child back and run."

"I don't want to recall those pictures, even if those pictures always appear in my dreams again and again."

The confession in the video is accompanied by a whimper, and the barrage explodes directly. People who also have the pain of losing their loved ones and who also hate the evolution of animals and plants are shouting:

"He's right, evolutionary animals and plants deserve to die!"

"My child, my child!"

"My mom, my mom!"

"Honey, I'm sorry, I've been unable to get rid of it!"

"Seeing this, I cried all of a sudden, evolutionary animals and plants really deserve to die!"

"Why this disaster!"

In this full screen of weeping and shouting, the voices originally opposed to the Great Purge and the Great Extinction disappeared.

No matter what happened in the barrage, the man in the video is still narrating:

"After that incident, I signed up directly and participated in the self-defense force that fought the most fiercely in the local area."

"I'm the one who trains hardest in that Self-Defense Force, and I'm also the one who fights the fiercest and most desperate."

"I quickly caught up with other people's training progress. I almost demanded myself to be the best in training and rush to the first in battle."

Accompanied by his narration, countless pictures and flowing water generally flashed in the video.

That is the epitome of the Great Purge, the Great Extinction.

In these pictures, men sometimes armed with firearms, sometimes armed with stun bats, have been fighting at the forefront, almost mercilessly slaughtering those evolved animals and plants.

No matter how strong, no matter how weak, no matter how it looks, no matter what type it is, the slogan of the Great Cleansing and Extinction rang out in the picture—this is the most unified slogan in the world: "If you kill by mistake, don't let it go!"

People in the bureau sometimes cannot see the full picture of a large-scale event. People know that the Great Cleansing and Extinction swept the world, but most of what the world has seen and heard can only touch a small area around them. At most, listen to the public opinion on the Internet.

The Internet has a clustering effect. No matter what niche speeches or niche hobbies, you can find like-minded people on the Internet, thus forming a circle, and the influence of this circle will continue to spread outward. And people who are in the circle themselves are often brainwashed by the comments in the circle. The longer they stay, the more determined they are.

When the online purges and exterminations become politically correct truths, people have a mentality of blind conformity, and in reality, the purges and exterminations are thoroughly implemented.

Just like the Hans State engaged in genocide during World War II, aren't there people with good intentions among the people of the Hans State? Are all the people of the Hans country inherently evil demons?

This is of course impossible.

But the Nazis, concentration camps, and genocide continued to flourish, and have since become one of the deepest pillars of shame in human history.

Even looking at the country, during the ten years of catastrophe, is everyone dizzy? Doesn't anyone want to stop this growing frenzy?

When a crazy atmosphere is formed, when the righteousness of political correctness hangs overhead, most people will follow the trend and push the crazy atmosphere to an even crazier level.

However, when the scene of the Great Purge and Mass Extinction was revealed by Jiuqu from a slightly critical angle, everyone seemed to be able to feel the dark, terrifying and crazy scene from the scene. A trace of trepidation.

"It turns out that the Great Cleansing and Extinction campaign really went too far?"

"My dog, a pure-bred German Shepherd, who had been raised at home for 8 years, was abruptly taken away from the house by members of the Self-Defense Forces and killed directly. He didn't even return the body to me! Haha, in reality, I dare not speak out!"

"Cut, there is no major purge and mass extinction campaign, you use human heads to ensure the stability of the rear? You only dare to send out some wailing of defeated dogs on the Internet - I will also say 'hehe'!"

"That's right, our troops are not enough in the first place. We don't do large-scale purges and mass exterminations. The rear relies solely on the Self-Defense Forces as the main force. Do you let these people who have only trained for more than a month at most trade their lives for your safety? The one who hides behind and only dares to whisper?"

"No, I don't think there's anything wrong with the Great Cleanup and Extinction, but wouldn't it be good to just clean up the plants and stray animals in the city? Why would you take away my cat owner?"

"Our animal protection association was directly labeled as 'with anti-human tendencies', everyone understand..."

In this video, the supporters and opponents of the Great Cleansing and Extinction completely quarreled.

But the video has already been edited, and the noise of the barrage can never affect what is happening in the video.

The man in the video is still numbly killing the killer. If you look at the social moral standards before the Third World War, he can almost be called an executioner, and his hands are covered with the blood of life.

"Every time I wake up from a dream, I have tears streaming down my face, and the pillow is completely wet, sticky and cold."

"My child, the most adorable child in the world, held my hand, dragged the broken body, looked at me with her innocent **** eyes, and proudly said to me: My father , is the best dad in the world!"

"I'm sorry, your dad is a cowardly dad. Just like when he was a child, he would only hide in the corner and cry secretly, but he couldn't do anything about bullying."

Then, on a vacation after a fight, he drove back to his house.

He casually hung up the gun, he casually took a shower, he casually wiped his hair with a towel, and came out of the bathroom.

Suddenly, his footsteps stopped—

The background music changed instantly, from a low, boring, depressing tune to a more melodious, soothing, and pleasant sound.

With the change of music, there seems to be a ray of light in the dark world painting style—

The man in the video met a little white cat.

The shivering kitten was hiding in the corner, looking at him with black eyes.

Creatures that look weak and harmless are always easier to let go of vigilance and empathize with.

The man who held the electric baton, the man who deeply hated the evolution of animals and plants, the man who once killed countless people, actually hesitated.

—It was as if Schindler had met a Jew who was willing to let his conscience find out to protect, and the man who committed countless killings during the Great Purge, during the Third World War, in the desperate struggle with animals and plants Man, he actually encountered evolutionary animals that he was willing to let go of.

They faced each other for a long time, and the man's thumb kept pressing the alarm button of the electric shocker, but he didn't press it.

Finally, the man put down the electric baton in his hand.

The barrage exploded again:

"What are you doing? Kill! There was a mistake in the killing, but I didn't let it go! Be careful with the story of the farmer and the snake!"

"Kill what to kill? Can the anger be less severe? Obviously, this kitten has no attack power, okay?

Do you want to kill even creatures that are harmless to humans? "

"Of course you have to kill it! Animals and plants evolve much faster than humans. Believe it or not, don't kill them today. After a period of time, they will become stronger and then attack humans!"

"Even before the awakening of evolutionary animals and plants, it was easy for large dogs to kill people. For example, the famous Tibetan mastiff, even an adult with a weapon, may not be able to do close combat well, right? ? Why didn't you yell 'All big dogs be damned' at that time?"

In the video, the man finally crouched down and gently hugged the kitten on the ground.

"I have a child," he said, his voice slightly confused. "He's always wanted a white kitten."

"I never agreed before. But now, I want to."

"My child, my child, my child..."

"Dad is a big coward, Daddy is a big bastard, Daddy can't protect you..."

"If you're willing to come back, Dad can grant all your wishes..."

"Dad will raise this kitten for you, okay?"

"Dad, will your wish come true?"

As he spoke, his tears streamed down.

In the animation-style world, a man holding a white kitten could not help crying, tears and snot mixed together, making him look embarrassed, painful, and pitiful.

Accompanied by this picture, the man's confession appeared, this time with obvious surprise:

"I'm really impulsive, I actually raised an evolutionary animal secretly?"

"I actually violated the requirements of the Great Purge, the Great Extinction?"

"Oh my God, I was really fascinated by ghosts at that time?"

The barrage continued:

"You are indeed fascinated by ghosts!"

"No? Don't you think that the current social environment is too crazy? Raising a harmless little animal is a crime that deserves death?"

"I think this is very warm, I'm crying, am I alone?"

"You're not alone. Especially someone like me who raised kittens before. When I was in the first story, I cried a lot..."

"You're not alone +1"

"You are not alone +10086"

"Oh my God! Give us people who want to protect their own kittens and puppies a little bit of a way out! The big purge and mass extinction activities are all done, can you not make it so exaggerated!"

When it came to the second story, the video barrage had become smoky.

Almost no one is discussing what plot, what details. People who have raised animals and plants before joined the camp against the outright purge and began to criticize the staunch supporters of the purge.

In such a barrage, the story in the video continues to advance.

The man hid the kitten at home. Originally, he stayed at the base of the Self-Defense Forces every day, but since he raised this kitten, his itinerary changed to a regular home stay every day.

His narration became calm, with a slight sense of warmth, as if some new hope had emerged from the spiritual fountain that had been completely depleted and completely desperate:

"Maybe I was really fascinated by ghosts at the time."

"But, keep it up, keep up, keep up,"

"It seems to be a solace to my soul."

"Is this redemption? This is redemption!"

"This is the most thoughtful gift that God has sent me because I feel the pain of losing my child."

The man's voice gradually faded, and the video paused for a while in the playful picture of the man in the self-defense force costume and the kitten, and then faded and disappeared, and began to enter the next story.

But Ableson has no intention of watching.

He looked at it and burst into tears. Tears clouded his vision, making the content of the video confused.

Ableson's heart was so messed up that he didn't even know what he was thinking.

He couldn't help but pause the video for a while, and then gradually slowed down for a while.

He arbitrarily dragged the video timeline backwards and confirmed that there was a story behind it, from a young girl.

After hesitating for a while, Jiuqu's video is still very tempting. Ableson eventually retuned the timeline and watched this last story.

The girl's voice started with sadness:

"I used to have a kitten."

"However, the Great Purge Extinction campaign came to my doorstep."

"I lied, I said I didn't want to see it die, so I kicked him out of the house early."

"The member of the Self-Defense Force looked at me suspiciously, but in the end he didn't say anything and left the house."

"I carefully hid my kitten in the bedroom, restrained it, kept it out of the house, and removed any traces that might have exposed its presence."

"I thought this was the end, but I was wrong."

In the low music, in the dark picture scene, the girl lay on the ground and cried bitterly. The cry was so contagious that it almost made Ableson's tears fall again - his previous tears had not dried up, and he was especially prone to tears at this emotional stage.

The girl's voice was filled with pain, and finally said:

"They ended up rushing to my house and found the kitten in my bedroom that I had hidden in the house."

"I screamed and cried, but I still couldn't save its life."

The cries of those who have witnessed it have unparalleled appeal. In this video clip, the voices of supporters who advocate the mass purge and massacre are much lower, while the opponents who oppose the complete purge and massacre are louder. shout:

"Look at what you've done! Look at it!"

"I was heartbroken when I saw the kitten die!"

"Oh my God, the mass purge and extinction activities here are really going too far. Why do you want to kill a harmless kitten in the house?"

The picture in the video gradually zoomed out, and a modern city with no distinctive features appeared in the field of vision. Accompanied by the picture, the girl narrated softly:

"I was devastated, but what I didn't expect was that a bigger nightmare was coming."

"Although there have been major cleansing and mass extinction activities, the evolutionary animals and plants still grow out of the forbidden area of ​​life and from the cover of reinforced concrete with the most tenacious attitude."

"They continued to spread, became stronger and stronger, and finally succeeded in turning this city into their lair paradise."

"The situation is getting worse and worse, and the main force is ready to start to evacuate. However, looking around, it seems that all places have become paradises for the evolution of animals and plants."

"Where should we go? Where is our way of life?"

"Some people decided to go out and give it a shot, they decided to form a team and go down the avenue and go out and explore."

"However, I hesitated at the thought of the more dangerous and unshrouded world outside."

"In the end, I didn't have the guts to go with the big army, so I chose to stay in my home. I stocked up enough in the basement, closed most of the doors and windows, and started a lonely and long life alone."

In Ableson's somewhat blurred vision, the picture of the video changed from gloomy to warm. The music also became lighter.

The girl's voice carries an unparalleled surprise:

"My God!"

"Just like the blessing of the **** of luck, there is a kitten that looks very similar to my original cat and appears in front of me - no, that is almost my kitten, I sometimes think, Maybe it can escape the poisonous hands of those Self-Defense Forces and come to me again."

"Well, I know in my heart that it's not my five-year-old kitten, no matter how similar they are."

"But the new kitten is really very similar to the original one, not only in appearance, but also in a coquettish demeanor."

"Maybe, my kitten was reincarnated or possessed and came to me again?"

"In the ruins of a city that has been completely reduced to an animal and plant paradise, I live alone in the basement. Fortunately, my cat is still with me."

The video has changed a style of painting, and the barrage has also changed a style of painting:

"I am a sour lemon, I am completely sour!"

"God! I've had the same experience as her, but why didn't I find my new kitten!"

"People who send their pets to death by themselves, what new kittens do you want to find? Dream!"

"I didn't send it to death myself! I was forced!"

In the video that continues, the kitten appears very spiritual. It gets close to the girl, plays with her, plays with her, even diverts the evolutionary animals nearby for her, and will take the initiative to bring back a little something from the supermarket.

"Before, I was the **** shoveling officer for my kitten. I took care of everything about it. I called him the cat owner."

"Now, this kitten is actually taking care of me. It chases away evolutionary animals that might find me, and perseveres to cover for me; it goes to the supermarket and brings me a little bit of food to eat, as if afraid that I will starve to death ."

"Haha, the cat master is actually taking care of me, it's like a dream."

The girl's voice was cheerful and relaxed. With the company of kittens, living alone in the midst of the many crises and crises of evolutionary animals and plants doesn't seem to be uncomfortable anymore.

The video came to an end in such a cheerful narrative.

Ableson froze for a while at the finished video, and finally stood up slowly and said hello to his comrades: "I'm going to take a break."

The comrade-in-arms knew that he lost a child like a story in the video. At this moment, he looked at Ableson's red eyes and could only comfort him: "Are you okay?"

Ableson responded with a reluctant smile, paused the video, and hurried away.

No one knew that he was raising an evolution kitten.

Jiuqu's video really obscured almost all the details, and even predicted a part of the future for him.

Will he keep this kitten for long? Will he really see it as a spiritual sustenance like in the future development of video?

Is he, his previous behavior of killing all evolutionary animals and plants, really completely correct?

Is it really crazy what happened during the Great Purge and Extinction?

Ableson stroked the stun baton around his waist, thinking about the battles against evolutionary plants and animals he had been involved in in the Self-Defense Forces, and his actions of carrying out mass purges and exterminations in all corners of the world, and then think about this one he adopted. a kitten...

Ableson couldn't help but stunned deeply.


Even the parties involved have fallen into such a state of confusion, not to mention the public opinion on the Internet.

Taking the video of Jiuqu's "Biological Transformation: Rebirth" as the horn and starting point, a large-scale wave of reflection and refutation of the Great Purge and Extinction has been launched on the Internet.

Supporters and opponents come and go, and do not give in to each other.

Among the opposition, the factions are very complex and are mainly divided into the following major factions:

One faction is the people who have raised kittens and puppies, or at least have raised cats and dogs, and have good intentions towards animals and plants.

Some of them lost their most cherished pets or family members during the mass cleansing and extinction of evolutionary animals and plants; some secretly hid their kittens and dogs; This kind of behavior that even domestic animals are forcibly killed.

These people have always dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out about the mass cleansing and mass extinction activities that have been in a frenzy in real society. In reality, they cannot fight against such politically correct voices.

With this video of Jiuqu, this group of people launched the clarion call for a counterattack.

In fact, they are not opposed to the Great Cleansing and the Great Extinction, but they are against the fact that the Great Cleansing and the Great Extinction have gone so crazy.

"This Great Cleansing and Extinction event should cool down! Everyone, be a little bit sensible!"

"Why do you want to kill my family's Yuanyuan? I've raised Yuanyuan for four years—four years!"

"Kill, kill, kill those animals and plants that have harmed people and caused damage. Why do you have to kill them all?"

Another faction is the loyal supporter of Jiuqu.

They firmly believe that what Jiuqu does must have deep meaning; they firmly believe that everything Jiuqu said is correct - if there is something incorrect, it must be their own misinterpretation.

They deciphered all the details in this video, and from these details clearly saw the attitude of the video editors towards the Great Cleansing and Extinction.

They deciphered more than ten possibilities for the future, and used very rational and objective — or at least it seemed very rational and objective — statements to analyze Jiuqu’s views on the Great Purge and Mass Extinction, and speculate on the possible reasons behind it.

"Excessive killing actually reflects the inherent guilt of human beings. If human beings have always been at the top of the food chain, it cannot be a question of killing or not, but a question of whether humans are willing to protect."

"We should change our perspective. The mass purge and mass extinction activities are just special behaviors in this special period. After the most tense time of the battle, everything will get better."

"Our vision must be long-term, not only to the present, but also to the future."

"Jiuqu said in the first video, this time it is about 'Biological Transformation: The Future', and the focus should be on the future."

"Now, it's time to follow Jiuqu's perspective and look into the future together!"

In the end, the remaining faction is small in number, but its attitude is very crazy, and it is the craziest faction among the opponents.

Some of these people turned out to be very extreme animal protectionists. During this large-scale purge and mass extinction, they were labeled as "suspected to have anti-human tendencies", some were subject to intensive monitoring, and some even Been detained for a while for excessive behavior.

With the content of this Jiuqu video, they began to frantically slander this great purge and mass extinction.

The main arguments are probably:

"How tenacious is the vitality of evolutionary animals and plants! Even if there is a major purge or mass extinction, they will regenerate, so why do you want to make this exaggerated one-size-fits-all?"

"The cat is so cute, how can you bear it?"

"One by one, they are all executioners!"

"Blood on both hands, this is going to hell!"

Unlike the opposition, which differs in attitude, composition, and rhetoric, the factions that support the Great Purge and Extinction faction are remarkably unified.

After all, during the Great Purge and Extinction that swept the world before, all the benefits of the campaign were preached everywhere, and people could almost see the environment around them with the naked eye, making them safer.

The arguments used at the time, even now, seem very convincing:

"The most urgent and most important thing right now is the issue of personal safety. The Great Cleansing and Extinction campaign has indeed ensured that more people can survive. This is an indisputable truth."

"Under the circumstances at the time, the Great Cleansing and Extinction was very beneficial to the situation where human forces were insufficient and there were crises everywhere; of course, even now, the Great Cleansing and Extinction should be done!"

"All the front-line battlefields are fighting for their lives. What are the people behind you who are panicking after eating, what are you beeping on the Internet!"


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