Number One Player

Chapter 141: Extraordinary Exam

"Ding dong!"

"Your application for joining the [Brave Support Club - Online Tutorial Class 5] has been approved."

A notification popped up on the TT chat software icon in the lower left corner of the computer, and then an icon of a TT group began to flash frantically.

Zhang Zhenzhen hurriedly clicked on this group, and typed her own speech in the general group message: "Newcomer is bubbling."

As a girl who is waiting for the results of the postgraduate entrance examination, she used to live quite leisurely during this time. She repeated the videos of Jiuqu every day, followed various stories about the call for papers for the "Thanksgiving China" National Competition on the Internet, and followed the online comments to Bai Wu. The copy and the extraordinary age are coaxing...

However, such a leisurely day came to an end after the announcement of the White Mist dungeon online exam started.

-God, exam, it's actually an exam!

A big bang on a sunny day interrupted Zhang Zhenzhen's happy life.

As a girl who still has beautiful fantasies about extraordinary abilities, Zhang Zhenzhen had to struggle to pick up her textbook and try to start reviewing again.

However, the good news is that as a person who has just climbed out of the abyss of the postgraduate entrance examination, she will be much higher and have more advantages on the basis of related subjects than those who are far away from the exam. After thinking about this, Zhang Zhenzhen worked even harder.

Immediately afterwards, she learned from the news on the Internet that the Brave Support Association of Aurora University has opened an online cram school and will conduct mutual learning.

Speaking of the Aurora University's Brave Support Association, it was also a well-known organization during this period. Since its creation, it has continuously appeared in various events. The first and second openings of the brave are in their society, and the nine songs that almost become myths and legends-the brave are self-defeating fanart... In short , Zhang Zhenzhen has heard about this organization many times, and deep down she has a sense of familiarity with it.

With this familiarity and the temptation of the online cram school, Zhang Zhenzhen did not hesitate to sign up for the Brave Support Club and apply for the online cram school.

There are new people joining the TT group all the time, and soon, this "Online Tutoring Class Five" group will be full. The group owner sent a message: "@All members, everyone, this group is full, no more people will be added, if there are acquaintances who need to join, please add the group of class 6, group number 122212344"

The speed of adding people is a bit fast. Zhang Zhenzhen estimated that when she joined the group, there were still more than 500 vacancies, and they were all filled within five or six minutes. She used this speed again to estimate the people who will take the online exam this time... Then think about the national unified exam only taking the top 10,000...

In an instant, more than half of the confidence she had gained because she had just reviewed the postgraduate entrance examination and had already accumulated it disappeared.

However, confidence is one thing, taking the test is another. With the thought of "what if I get admitted? What if?", Zhang Zhenzhen opened the group file of the TT group and first downloaded all the information shared in the group file.

There is a lot of information in the group. Zhang Zhenzhen flipped through the number and size of the documents, and became even more panicked.

"Zhenzhen, how's your information going?" Her mother entered the room with two bowls of eight-treasure porridge snacks, put the snacks on the table, dragged a chair and sat down.

"Thank you mom," Zhang Zhenzhen took one of the bowls of eight-treasure porridge, and began to complain while fanning the hot porridge, "...I think Xuan, the information on the Internet is too messy, after all, it is the first exam, everyone No experience at all, all random analysis..."

"It's fine," her mother replied, "you sort out the information, I'll print two copies, and we'll look at it together."

- That's right, Zhang Zhenzhen's mother has made up her mind to participate in the first online exam of the white fog copy with Zhang Zhenzhen.

Zhang Zhenzhen's mother is in her fifties, and she is still under the registration deadline of sixty years old. She is a semi-retired old man in the company, and her work is still relatively leisurely, and it is easy to ask for leave.

As a generation of characters who grew up watching Jin Yong's martial arts novels in Girls' Generation, Zhang Zhenzhen's mother's decision to take part in the Baiwu dungeon online exam was faster and more decisive than Zhang Zhenzhen's. Almost when she saw the announcement, she made a decision : "I'm so old, I must fight!"

Hearing that, Zhang Zhenzhen was stunned: "Mom, are so old, what are you fighting for? Is it unnecessary...?"

"You young people are allowed to have dreams and passions?" Zhang Zhenzhen's mother gave her daughter an unhappy glance, "Can't we old people also want to fly to the sky? Let me tell you, when I was a child, I looked at Qitian. Great Sage, Guo Jing and Huang Rong grew up!"

Zhang Zhenzhen was actually speechless.

Not to mention, her mother struggled harder than she could. There is basically no hope for topics such as mathematics and physics, so Zhang Zhenzhen's mother simply memorized all the information given in the official announcement - memorized it all, word for word!

Now she is still memorizing the basic knowledge of biology... Seeing that Zhang Zhenzhen is ashamed, she also quickly reviewed it.

The owner of the TT group sent another general announcement: "@All members, everyone, our community members will start analyzing the test sites online for everyone, please go to YY channel 8765432 to watch."

Zhang Zhenzhen opened the YY software according to her words, released her voice, and watched carefully with her mother.

The Brave Support Association of Aurora University is worthy of being the largest and most formal extraordinary research organization in China at present. The analysis in the YY channel is thoughtful and meticulous, and the explanations are explained in simple language. It is indeed much clearer than the information Zhang Zhenzhen herself has been looking for on the Internet.

She and her mother took notes carefully while listening to the YY channel's explanation. Her mother even kept repeating it in a low voice, trying to write down everything, it can be said to be very serious...

Time flies very fast when you study hard. In a blink of an eye, three days have passed, and the first White Mist dungeon online exam in China is about to begin.

Since this online exam requires a computer with a camera, during this period, offline computer equipment malls also ushered in a small sales boom. People who are eager to buy rarely abandon online shopping with uncertain delivery times, various notebooks with cameras, Desktops with webcams and laptops with webcams were once sold out.

Because the exam requires one person and one computer, some people who plan to participate in the exam with the whole family have also bought several computers specially, changing the state of sharing computers at home into a state of one person per person.

According to the detailed requirements of the online exam announcement, Zhang Zhenzhen and her mother occupied a room separately and adjusted the camera and radio equipment. According to the instructions, if the exam video is found to be non-compliant after taking the exam, the exam result will be cancelled and the exam will be postponed. A quota; if you are found to be cheating, you will be directly blacklisted permanently, and you will be fined. Just in case, Zhang Zhenzhen also debugged several times in advance, and reassured that there was no problem with the camera and the radio, so she put her mind down a little.

The countdown on the page jumped minute by minute, eventually reducing to "0".

The first National Extraordinary Online Exam has officially started!

Zhang Zhenzhen's heart beat a little faster, but with the emergence of the question, she quickly gave up her extra thoughts and devoted herself to solving the question.

Similar to the regular exam, this online test paper starts with multiple-choice questions, followed by fill-in-the-blank questions, followed by relatively rare ranking questions, and finally, multiple discussion questions.

Maybe it's because Zhang Zhenzhen's review is in place, and she usually pays attention to current affairs. She feels quite comfortable in this exam, but I don't know if it's her illusion, this exam question... a bit sand sculpture? ...Well, let's put the topic in detail:

"The title of the first series of videos of Jiuqu is:"

"A. Black Swan Castle Mutation: The history of the heroic struggle; B. High Swan Castle Mutation: The heroic struggle history; C. High Swan Castle Mutation: The heroic history of struggle; : An epic history of heroic struggles"

"The real name of the brave:"

"A. Brave; B. Jiuqu; C. No one knows at present; D. All of the above are wrong"

"The ways to gain extraordinary abilities are:"

"A. Awakening; B. Challenge the White Mist copy; C. All of the above are right; D. All of the above are wrong"

...It really is a topic with Chinese characteristics...

In addition to a few questions that look like sand sculptures, the exam paper is also mixed with mathematics, physics, chemistry and other topics of varying difficulty. Due to the tight review time, some points Zhang Zhenzhen did not review properly. She chose what she could do, and gave up a few questions that were particularly troublesome at first glance - if these questions are multiple-choice questions, then just choose an option.

However, the difficulty of fill-in-the-blank questions was obviously higher than the difficulty of multiple-choice questions. She had to fill in some questions randomly and barely managed to get past it.

The last part is the discussion of the main topic, which consists of three questions.

One is a major biology topic. The stem of the question gives information about a family's inheritance. It is required to discuss the principles and influencing factors of biological inheritance, and to calculate the final genetic probability according to the requirements of the topic.

The second big topic is the big logic topic, which deals with problems related to game theory, prisoner's dilemma, and so on. The title gives the roles of repeater, thousand-year-old fritters, ten-thousand-year-old pink, blackboard old iron, etc. It is required to calculate the winning logic of various roles according to the silver coin theory of cooperation and deception [Note].

And on the last question, it was written: "If a bill that requires all people with extraordinary abilities to register is implemented in the future, how will you react?"

There are also a few small questions:

"If you were a supporter, what kind of reasons would you support? Please elaborate on your reasons"

"If you were an opponent, what reasons would you support? Please elaborate on your reasons

"What do you think will happen if the bill is enforced in the future?"

Zhang Zhenzhen took a taste of these big topics...

I don't know if it's her illusion, she always feels that these questions are not quite right...

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