Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 629: The Tenth World 5

And Xu Daren and Pei Yan are both from the last century, so Xu Daren is definitely not!

After kicking out this Xu Daren.

Xia Weibao listed other people who looked like Emperor Xia Liang.

Four emperors, poets and literary talents, regent Wang Yiming, martial arts leader Sheng Lifan, military commander Yuan Zhinan, and movie emperor Pei Yan.

There are nine people in total.

She arranged the ages of these people's lives and found that after almost a hundred years, a person exactly like Emperor Xia Liang would appear.

A word suddenly appeared in my mind, one hundred years in a cycle...

The heart suddenly mentioned, and then thumped and thumped!

One hundred years and one reincarnation means nine hundred years, and Daxia Kingdom is one thousand years away from now, so there is one more...

Lu Hualiang!

Xia Weibao slammed his mouth, tears streaming down instantly, blurring his vision.

The tip of my heart couldn't help shaking slightly.

Is it him? Did he come to her?

He said that he would be together for life and time, so did he come to look for her?


But what if this is just her illusion, what if she misses Emperor Xia Liang too much!

Recalling the bit by bit of getting along with Lu Hualiang, in fact, there are really many similarities between him and Emperor Xia Liang.

For example, the language and demeanor when combing her hair, the look in her eyes, the tone of voice when speaking, and the pampering with her are exactly the same as Emperor Xia Liang.

"Is it you? Is it you..."

Xia Weibao could not cry.

Is it him or her emperor?

If these people are really the Emperor Xia Liang, and if Lu Hualiang is also the Emperor Xia Liang, wouldn't he live a whole thousand years!

She passed directly after a thousand years, and he, the reincarnation of one life after another, the tenth life!

Thinking of this, Xia Weibao was so sad that he couldn't breathe.

It is impossible to imagine how he lived alone for life after life, constantly looking for her.

In the tenth reincarnation, is he lonely? Is he looking for her to find despair...

She felt tormented after only passing through for a few months, and was almost unable to survive. Then how did his tenth reincarnation survive until now...

Every time she was born, what kind of mood did she look for in the vast crowd, and how sadly she died in the end.

Life is neither long nor short. After decades of time, how many days and nights, when he thinks that he can't find her, he looks for her in every street and lane, aimlessly.

Holding hope again and again, but disappointed again and again, her heart was severely torn apart and it hurt.

Xia Weibao covered her chest with one hand and opened her mouth slightly, wanting to breathe fresh air and relieve the pain of being torn in her heart.

But I can't do it, it's so uncomfortable, I can't relieve it.

"The emperor, the emperor... have you come to find a concubine, or can't you let me go..."

You said that you want to be together for life, are you here to honor your promise...

With tears in his eyes, I glanced at the pictures on the computer again, and they were all saved.

Tenth generation, a thousand years.

I really can't imagine how a person can find someone to live for ten years.

When is she lucky to get his peerless love.

Turning off the computer, Xia Weibao covered his face with both hands, and couldn't help crying whenever he thought of Emperor Xia Liang's reincarnation looking for her again and again.

"Woo, is it you, is it you..."

I really miss him, thinking that I can't breathe.

At this moment, the door slammed and was pushed open.

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