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Li An has never eaten the meat of an elephant, and I do n’t know what the taste of huge monster meat is like an elephant. To be honest, I am still curious.

Now Gogu Luoguo killed an injured elephant, which gave Li An such a blessing and was able to taste the taste of elephant meat.

At dinner, there are several plates of elephant meat on the table, including elephant nose meat, elephant legs, and stomach belly meat. Each meat tastes different, and the difference is quite large.

However, after eating, Li An seemed a bit disappointed, because the elephant meat was actually not delicious, and it was really not delicious, especially if the leg meat was very rough, even rougher than beef, if the teeth were not good, simply bite Do not move.

It is because the meat of elephants is not delicious, so all poachers will not take away the meat of the elephant, but only the teeth of the elephant.

On an elephant, the most valuable part should be the long ivory. The reason why all poachers will brutally kill the elephant is willing to die in order to get ivory. After killing the elephant, they will The ivory is removed and then sold to the black market, thereby earning a lot of money and satisfying your material life.

In later generations of the African continent, the hunting of wild elephants often happens, even if there are guards, it is useless, because the price of ivory is too expensive, in the face of huge benefits, poachers are impossible, and even if they take the risk At the risk of life, we also have to risk poaching elephants.

There is a saying that capitalists have a 50% profit, and they will take risks. With 100% profit, they will dare to trample on all the laws of the world. With 3% 100 profit, they will dare to risk the gallows.

This shows that in the face of interests, people’s resistance is very weak, and it is difficult for people to resist the temptation of interests, thereby doing illegal things.

The profit of ivory is more than 3% 100. Therefore, in order to get ivory, many poachers in the future dare to take any risk and let the guardian you can’t guard against it.

There are also many poachers killed, but simply cannot stop the subsequent poachers.

Elephants are the most massive animals on land. Adult elephants can weigh up to 6 tons, showing the huge size.

In nature within the realm, the larger the animal, the tighter the muscle tissue, which directly causes the animal’s taste to be not good enough to even bite.

Elephants have a very good appetite. They can eat 300 pounds of plants a day, but their digestion ability is not good. They can only absorb some of the affected components. Many of the nutrients that have not been digested are excreted.

Before the Great Tang, many wild elephants lived on the land of China. However, with the gradual increase of human activities, the habitat of the elephants was gradually destroyed and gradually extinct.

Therefore, there are no wild elephants in the territory of the Great Tang Empire at this moment. The few elephants left are all tribute tributes from the state of Kuo, and there are dedicated people waiting in Chang’an City.

In the era of Great Tang, the Asian elephants were only of the South Asian subcontinent and Huo country ranks and wild, and the rest were extinct.

In addition, no matter whether it is a small country or a small country in the South Asian subcontinent, there is a tradition of domesticating elephants, so that these small countries have a large number of domesticated elephants, which can basically prevent the extinction of elephants.

The taste of the elephant is not very good, which somewhat disappoints Li An. However, even if the elephant meat is not very good, I do n’t know what the ordinary person can eat. This way, my heart is balanced.

At the dinner, Li An and the king were talking politely, and they were not very nutritious, let alone sincere. They were all old-fashioned things.

After 2 days, the huge fleet led by Li An started to go west.

A small number of soldiers and horses set off along the coastline, Li An ’s main fleet followed, and the goal was directed at the South Tianzhu Kingdom beyond a thousand li.

Unknown of Nan Tianzhu’s attitude towards the Great Tang Empire, Li An dispatched subordinate officials to take the fastest steam ship to explore at full speed. He had already set off in the afternoon of yesterday. He thought he would arrive in Nan Tianzhu a few days before Li An.

The navigation route of 1000 li or so will take at least a few days. The only thing Li An is worried about is the weather. When going straight, 10000 encounters typhoon or heavy rain, then it will be troublesome.

There is even more terrifying of losing direction, which is much more serious than typhoons and rainstorms, because in the vast sea, once losing direction, it means that I do n’t know where to go, and will be trapped alive in the vast ocean until The food ran out and died.

This is also the most fundamental reason why most merchant ships choose to sail close to the coast, because being close to the coast means being able to dock as soon as possible without having to worry about losing the direction of sailing.

Li An ’s steam fleet is fully equipped with Compass, so as long as the magnetic fields of Compass and Earth do not cause major problems, fleet will not deviate from the course.

Compass is designed and manufactured by Li An, of course, there will be no problems, and the Earth magnetic field will not be changed casually, so it shouldn’t be a big problem.

There is no wind 3 foot waves on the ocean, especially the Indian Ocean environment is not very good, so the sway of the boat is still very obvious. Fortunately, Li An has been drifting on the ocean for a long time, and has long been used to the ocean On the drift, so there is no slight discomfort.

Even, reading books and drawings on a drifting sea boat will not be dizzy.

At the moment, Li An is looking at the drawings, of course, the Terrain Map near the South Asian subcontinent.

On this map, the cities and harbors of South Tianzhu and the Lion Kingdom are clearly marked. Among them, the most important Harbors are also highlighted, in order to play a striking role.

From the map, the most important Harbors in Nantianzhu, such as Ading, Genia, Gumari, Dugolin, Gordi, and Alambo, were all occupied by the Lion Country, of course, including Harbor Several 10 li land around.

The remaining Harbors in Nantianzhu, some Harbors near the north, are not well-located Harbors. Among them, the larger Harbor is the Caligar Harbor in the east. This Harbor is the gateway to the capital city of South Tianzhu. Tianzhu is very important, and it is also a strategic harbor for Nan Tianzhu’s heavy guarding. Therefore, it has not yet been occupied by the Lion Country.

Although the lion country ’s soldiers and horses are strong, they have continuously occupied many Harbors in South Tianzhu. The important Harbors in the country also need to send troops to station. In this way, the mobile corps that can be mobilized is not enough. the reason.

The capital city of South Tianzhu is not far from Gary Garr Harbor, less than 100 li. The capital city lived with their king Erow and the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, basically living in the capital city.

Because several of the capitals are sturdy, and the geographic location is not at all much oil and water, the Lion Country will not risk attacking the capital city of South Tianzhu. For the heavy Garrison Garrigal, it is temporarily unable to attack.

Therefore, after occupying nearly ten important Harbors in Nantianzhu, the Lion Country temporarily closed and planned to negotiate with Nantianzhu and let Nan Tianzhu transfer these Harbors to the Lion Country in exchange for the Lions State not to continue to attack the rest of Nantianzhu. land.

Regarding the unreasonable demands of the Lion Country, the King Ero of Nantianzhu and his ministers were naturally very angry. Their Harbor was occupied. This is their shame. Now, they have to take the initiative to give these lands to the Lion Country. This made them very angry.

There is a saying called lip death, and the king of Nantianzhu naturally understands this truth. Therefore, immediately after the aggression, he has contacted Dongtianzhu and Xitianzhu and other small countries to prepare to unite against the invasion of the Lion Country.

But Hello did not expect that before the attack on Nan Tianzhu, the Lion Country sent officials to these small countries and told these small countries that they only needed a few Harbors of Nan Tianzhu and would not occupy the entire Nan Tianzhu, let alone Invade them, so that they do not help Nan Tianzhu, otherwise, the main force of the Lion Country will skip Nan Tianzhu and attack the country that helps Nan Tianzhu first.

Photographed in the powerful military force of the Lion Country, East and West Tianzhu and other small countries have chosen to be neutral, and dispatched detailed works to closely watch the battle between the Lion Country and Nan Tianzhu to prepare for contingency.

Nan Tianzhu’s King Erow did not expect the small country behind him, and he refused to help himself. He was very angry. He felt that these small countries were short-sighted and did not realize that his lips were cold.

But complaining is also useless. All these small countries refused politely, which made Erow very helpless. In this way, there are only two roads left in front of Erow. One is to promise the conditions proposed by the lion country to occupy the south. Harbor, and the associated supporting land are all ceded to the Lion Country, 2 is the resistance of spare no effort, and the Lion Country either the fish dies or the net splits.

The current strength of Nan Tianzhu is definitely not able to beat the Lion Country. There is no doubt about it. Therefore, the king of Nan Tianzhu ’s heart is very embarrassed, afraid that if he is defeated, he will be executed by the Lion Country.

But submit to humiliation will greatly reduce his prestige of ruling, and will also cause great harm to him. Therefore, this is destined to be a difficult problem to choose, and it makes Eero a headache.

“King Your Majesty, the minister is back.”

A minister walked into the palace and his face looked a little bit bad.

The king knew the result at a glance, and confirmed with a black face: “Why, neither the Brahmins nor the new kingdoms are willing to lend a helping hand?”

The minister nodded and sighed: “Hey, King Your Majesty, the Lion Country has found these two countries in advance, and warned them not to help our country, otherwise, they will attack these two countries first.”

Hero was very angry and opened the mouth and said: “Well, do you tell them that as long as they are willing to help us, once the lion country attacks them, our soldiers and horses will insert a knife in the back, cooperate with them, and attack the lion country before and after.”

The minister said: “The minister said such an assumption, but they simply did not listen. The minister really said all the good things, but there was not a little country.”

He Luo sighed: “The Lion Country is overbearing, what can we do about it, do I really have to sway people in the Harbor in the south of South Tianzhu?”

Obviously, Erow is in a very bad mood now, to the extreme.

“King Your Majesty, these Harbors are now occupied by the Lion Country, and there is nothing to say about them.”

The minister corrected.


The king glared angrily at the minister, looking angry.

However, this minister is also very correct in saying that Southern Harbor is indeed already occupied, and the other party just asks you to officially recognize that’s all, not to mention.

“King Your Majesty, if you ca n’t bear it, you will make a mess. The lion ’s soldiers will be strong, and their elite soldiers will be more than 50000. However, our army has only more than 20000 soldiers and horses. It also needs to be deployed in a decentralized manner. The soldiers and horses that can be used to resist the lion kingdom are at most 2. If the 20000 soldiers and horses cannot hold the capital, the king Your Majesty will become the king of the dead. “

A minister said pessimistically.

“What do you mean by asking me to promise the unreasonable demands of the Lion Country?”

Eero was very angry, and it was all tickling.

“King Your Majesty, the Lion Country ’s approach is really irritating, but our soldiers and horses do not have the Lion Country ’s soldiers, and the battle strength is also quite different. If they fight, they are really dangerous. If you are suffering from charcoal, bear with me! When we are strong, Nan Tianzhu can be taken back. “

Another minister said.

Nan Tianzhu ’s King Erow was sad, and the ministers were very heart-wrenching, very heart-wrenching, but they were all talking about the truth. With the strength of Nan Tianzhu, he was really powerless against the powerful lion nation. Sovereignty is owned by the Lion Country, and it is very likely that more land will be lost.

“Okay, you all withdraw! Let me think about it by myself.”

Ai Luo black face, waved his hand, let a few ministers let him down.

At this moment, King Erow of Nantianzhu is black, while King Kurum of the neighboring lion country is full of spring breeze, and he is almost happy to jump.

He knows the strength of Nan Tianzhu very well, and understands that the strength of Yin Tianzhu can’t fight against the lion nation Armed Forces under his command, so these occupied seaports will eventually become part of the lion nation.

The reason why he wants to negotiate is not to stop eating Tianzhu, but because he is afraid of over-stimulating the small nations on the subcontinent and causing the union of the small nations.

In addition, these new Harbors have just been invaded, and it must take a certain period of time to be consolidated and digested before they can really become their own territory.

There is a saying that changes and disappears. After occupying nearly ten harbours in Nantianzhu, the Lion Country has controlled the necessary places to go to and from merchant ships, and can obtain great economic benefits. In this way, it will not take long for Lions The country will become more powerful, and once the power becomes stronger, the Lion Country will naturally further erode Nan Tianzhu, or even annex the entire Nan Tianzhu, and after the strength rises, even the small countries of the subcontinent unite , But there is no other reason for the Lion Country.

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