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Li An spent a small one hour and finished the first round of the streamlined shooting sculpture. The reason for streamlining the content is that Li An remembers the content is not comprehensive enough, 2 is to save paper, if you write all the original silently, The first time will take up a lot of paper, the weight of the newspaper is too large, and the novel is too long-winded, and it is difficult to bring in, which is not conducive to cultivating reading interest, streamline it, take its essence and remove its dross Is king.

In the ending section of the novel, it is naturally the most classic sentence. For the future, please see the next breakdown. In addition, Li An also advertises the industry he owns in order to increase product sales.

As for the cost of advertising, Li An feels that it can be offset by using his own novels. After all, this is an extremely popular masterpiece in future generations. The fee for a single manuscript is naturally higher, and the offset for advertising is completely understandable.

In order to let readers understand their advertising products, in addition to text introduction, Li An has also carved a lot of graphics on wax paper, so that readers can more intuitively understand the advertisement.

In the room, not only Li An is busy alone, but also many literati are learning to write with a stylus pen. It is extremely easy for Li An to write, but it is quite difficult in the eyes of these literati, they are used to writing with brush The holding position of the brush is completely different from that of the stylus. These literatis have to start from scratch if they want to learn this skill well.

However, these are literati with a certain level after all, and all of them are adults with low IQ. The progress of learning is still very good. Li An just let them watch themselves writing, not at all give any substantial Guidance, and these people actually learned some tricks of writing with a stylus through careful observation. Although the handwriting is very unsightly, like the primary school students who have just learned to write, at least they will use a stylus. With more practice, you can write more beautiful text than Li An.

After finishing his own layout, Li An got up to relax and checked the practice of several literati.

“No, no, you write too ugly, you need to practice more. Remember, writing with a stylus is completely different from writing with a brush. The posture of holding the pen is very important. Must do it according to the requirements of This Official, saying you What about the wrong posture of holding the pen?

Li An has become a teacher who teaches children, and teaches these literati to write lettering on wax paper bit by bit. In order to save effort in the future, and for the journalism of Great Tang, Li An ’s contribution is absolutely worth it.

“Minister Li, Li Taibai, and Du Zimei are already here. They promised to join the Great Tang News.

A young official came to report.

“Haha! That’s really great. Great Tang’s best literati enters my Great Tang News agency. Let’s go and see them.”

Li An is very pleased to have recruited the first batch of talents. As long as he has the first batch of talents, the following work will be easily carried out.

“Yo, Uncle Taibai and Uncle Zimei, you are all here! Great Tang News will depend on you in the future.”

Li An One Li Bai, Du Fu, don’t mention how happy I am.

“Don’t dare to be, and ask Minister Li, what kind of work are we responsible for, and how much is the salary?”

Du Fu has been a little tight recently, and is more concerned about Feng Lu.

Li Bai seemed quite calm, not taking Li An as a leader at all, pacing to watch back and forth in the room.

Li An explained with a smile: “Two uncles will take the position of deputy editors. The rank of rank will be higher than the Sixth Grade. It is the same as the salaries of other officials of the same rank. When you first arrive, let ’s get familiar with the environment first! Do n’t worry about your work. ”

“Upgrading from Sixth Grade, yes, really good!”

Li Bai hearing this, I was very happy, and I said it as soon as I was proud. Du Fu was also full of satisfaction. After spending so long in Beijing, I have used all the methods. I have never been able to reuse the Imperial Court. It’s a problem to eat, and now I suddenly encounter such a good errand.

Looking at the expressions of joy and satisfaction on Li Bai and Du Fu, Li An was also happy in his heart, and took out the wax paper that had just been carved out to let them see.

“Minister Li, what is this?”

Du Fu asked seriously.

“This is wax paper. It will depend on it for printing newspapers in the future. Come, let’s try it now.”

Li An explained the sentence, put the carved wax paper into the template, then gently put it down, and finally used a cylindrical roller covered with ink to roll over the wax paper.

“Okay, the side is already printed.”

Li An lifted the template. The first piece of paper below has been printed with small print, which is the simplified version of The Legend of Condor Heroes written by Li An.

Because 1000 copies of the first issue of the newspaper are to be distributed, it is necessary to print exactly 1000 copies of paper.

“Understood, printing on wax paper is so simple, and the handwriting can be smaller and clearer. You all come to print. Must master the mimeography technology. You must master this basic technology. This is yours. As the most basic skill of the staff of Great Tang News, of course, this skill is also extremely simple. “

Li An only printed one sheet, and then handed over the remaining printing tasks to others.

All newly recruited talents, including Li Bai and Du Fu, ran over and tried to print. Such a simple printing technique would naturally fail these people, and soon everyone learned the printing technique.

“The Legend of Condor Heroes, what is this, is it a Story?”

Li Bai picked up a printed piece of paper and whispered to discuss with Du Fu beside him.

“Too Brother Bai, I’ve read half of it, and it’s not bad. It’s very interesting. Don’t talk, then read.”

Du Fu looks a little fascinated, but he is not willing to take care of Li Bai.

Li Bai felt bored and squatted down, reading the novel seriously.

“If you want to know what happened next, please see the next breakdown, it’s gone.”

Li Bai and Du Fu glanced at each other, and felt a little too addictive. After seeing half of them, they suddenly couldn’t see the content behind, which felt really crazy.

“Two uncles, this is a serial novel. Every issue of the newspaper will put a little bit of content in order to increase the sales of the newspaper. If you want to write something, you can also write something, and there is a manuscript fee?”

Li An said with a smile.

“How is the manuscript fee calculated?”

Du Fu was scared. When he heard that he would pay for the manuscript, he was very happy and asked quickly.

“There are no detailed rules for this at present. The main thing is to look at the number and level of words. If you write well, you will give more, and if you don’t write well, you will give less.”

Li An said truthfully, the standard for the manuscript fee has not yet been established. This needs to be gradually developed according to the specific situation after the newspaper is issued.

As for the work of Li Bai and Du Fu, they are mainly responsible for typesetting and checking, issuing typos and requesting corrections immediately. In addition, they must also write more level articles and poems to increase the cultural level of Great Tang News.

“Minister Li, Your Majesty and the six princes have already sent the manuscripts.”

A young Court Eunuch sent in the manuscript written by Li Longji and 6 princes and handed it to Li An.

“Minister Li, this is what I waited to record, the anecdote happened in the capital on the 2nd.”

A staff member submitted the manuscript.

Li An looked at the large number of manuscripts in his hand and secretly sighed: “Some are busy tonight, not sleeping!”

Before the subordinates were skilled in using the stylus, the task of lettering on wax paper could only be completed by Li An, which was naturally quite hard!

When Li An worked hard to start lettering on wax paper, many of the recruited staff members began to gradually become familiar with the various jobs and equipment of the newspaper office, and tried it out in person, so that Li An knew well One sheet, these workers will have to use the machine to make a mimeograph, 1000 newspapers, it is very laborious to print.

Li An worked very hard for a few hours. At midnight, he finished writing all the manuscripts, and many staff members were working hard to move the paper and ink, and printed the wax paper engraved by Li An.

In order to save paper, the front and back sides of the newspaper are used for printing. In this way, a piece of paper can increase the printing volume by 2 times, and a newspaper with the same weight doubles the content.

In the process of printing, you must not make mistakes. You must print strictly according to the number in the lower right corner. Otherwise, the printed newspaper will be extremely confusing. It is absolutely necessary to prevent the reverse printing of the front and back, so as not to affect the reader’s reading experience.

After Li An finished his work, he took a nap in the room and listened to the busy printing by the staff. He enjoyed the feeling very much and felt it was a very pleasant feeling.

“Minister Li, all newspapers are printed.”

The little official said.

Li An eyes opened and looked at it, ordered: “Immediately arrange them in order, and separate 1000 newspapers for sale tomorrow.”

“Yes, Minister Li.”

The work and the staff began to be busy again, forming a pile of printed newspapers into 1000 newspapers that could be sold directly.

“Minister Li, 100 copies have been made, you look at it.”

Li An picked up a newspaper and scanned it from beginning to end, nodded and said: “Yes, what I want is this feeling, it was very good at first, and it can be gradually improved in the future.”

“Minister Li, how to sell it tomorrow morning, how much is the right price?”

The little official asked.

“The first issue of the newspaper does not charge money, it is given away for free. Tomorrow morning, you will disperse these newspapers. All the prosperous places in the capital should be available. A better pub, restaurant, and Brothel should be placed. One copy of each yamen will also be placed, leaving ten copies to be sent to the Imperial Palace and handed over to Your Majesty and the princes. “

Li An said.

“Yes, Minister Li, the humiliation understands.”

Li An yawned and looked towards everyone: “It’s not too late, you guys have a rest! This Official is going back.”

Tired in the middle of the night, Li An is sleepy and tired, and has no energy at all. After going back, he fell asleep directly, hu hu.

On the morning of the second day, Li An was still recuperating. He would n’t get up until midday. He would have to make up if he lost it. Too tired to die early. Li An did n’t want to die early, so, Whenever there is a chance, he is lazy and rests a lot.

However, the rest of the staff of the newspaper office went to work on time. In addition to being familiar with their work, they only had to go out to distribute newspapers. All the work was carried out by Li Bai and Du Fu.

The two people have slightly different personalities, so the tasks they are responsible for are also different.

Du Fu Du Zimei stayed at the newspaper and took a group of people to learn to write on wax paper. Although Du Fu didn’t need to do this kind of work, he was very interested in this and wanted to learn it earlier.

But Li Bai was not happy to learn lettering. He took another group of people, brought a lot of newspapers, went to all the prosperous areas of Beijing, and sent the newspapers to teahouses, restaurants, and Brothel free of charge. Never give up, after all, there are currently only 1000 copies, the number is really not much.

At the beginning, people didn’t take it seriously when they saw the newspaper. They thought it was just some printed paper, but after reading the content above, they were gradually attracted.

The content of the first edition was written by Emperor Li Longji, followed by the articles written by several princes. Looking at these articles, the 100 surnames in Beijing became known gradually. The rumors circulating in Beijing recently were all spread by assassins on purpose. The purpose is to In order to alienate the relationship between the great Tang princes, and thus defeat the Great Tang empire.

After reading the articles of Emperor and the princes, the 100 surnames in Beijing began to scold Tibet assassins to have no shame, and even decided to supervise each other. As soon as they found someone spreading rumors, they were immediately sent to the Yamen.

In the following page, there are strange things that happened recently in Beijing. Some of these strange things are known by them, some are not clear to them, or they do not understand enough details, and some are spread and changed their taste. In the article After being reversed, these anecdotes are most likely to arouse the interest of bored people. After all, there are still a lot of people who gossip.

Then came the beautiful article published by the talents of the capital. Because the newspaper was issued for the first time, there was no formal manuscript, and the content was relatively small. It simply printed a few beautiful poems that Li Bai had written, and it was so dealt with.

Finally, a serial novel written by Li An, the first episode of The Legend of Condor Heroes, and some advertising content in the cracks of various editions.

After reading the newspaper, many of the 100 surnames in Beijing have a strong interest in the newspaper. The articles of Emperor and the princes meet the needs of the 100 surnames who care about the state, and the strange things in Beijing meet the psychological needs of the 100 surnames and 8 hexagrams. As for The Legend of Condor Heroes written by Li An, many people have the idea to continue reading. Even, at first sight, if you want to know the future, please look at the next decomposition. These words will be in your heart. Li An scolded 10000 times.

In the Imperial Palace’s Zichen Hall, Li Longji approved several performances and felt a little tired. Then he put down the performances and asked the young Court Eunuch to bring the newspaper sent to the palace early in the morning to read.

“Everyone, the old slave just read some. This newspaper is really good and worth reading.”

Gao Lishi got up earlier than Li Longji. I watched it when I was idle and found it quite interesting.

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