No Jokes Here

Chapter 90: "Na Ling Jue", ready to conquer the second elf




No, Lin Qianan felt that the information he was seeing was an experience that was almost a direct empowerment.

It starts from the first level of absorbing qi in the "Na Lingjue", to the second level of cyclone, the third level of recuperation, and the fourth level of pregnancy method.

Each realm has a complete description.

This method of information transmission is definitely not comparable to simple text or pictures and videos.

Soon, Lin Qianan had completely read all the information in the jade slip, and at the same time, the jade slip in his hand naturally turned into jade powder.

Lin Qianan looked at the powder in his hand and guessed that this should be a measure of confidentiality.

Thinking of the secret cultivation technique in his mind, Lin Qianan suddenly felt that this time his exchange might have made a lot of money.

"Na Ling Jue" is a practice method that strengthens oneself by absorbing spiritual energy.

The first layer is the Qi-absorbing environment, where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is absorbed into the body through the pores, mouth and nose, and condensed and transformed into spiritual energy in the middle dantian.

Spiritual energy is a kind of biological energy that is almost completely different from infuriating energy.

It has all the properties of spiritual energy, and it can use all kinds of spiritual techniques by driving spiritual power. According to the information in the "Na Lingjue", it is trivial to drive fire and water.

In the second-layer cyclone state, after the spiritual energy in the middle dantian is full, stir the spiritual energy in the middle dantian with spiritual thoughts to keep them in a rotating state until they are maintained.

From now on, even if you don't need to run the exercises, you can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth through the cyclone, and the training speed will be faster.

The cyclone will continue to expand the Dantian Qi Sea in the process, allowing it to accommodate more spiritual power.

The third level is the spiritual realm, which uses spiritual power to cultivate the spirit, making it stronger and more cohesive, and more resilient, until it is transformed into a spiritual sense that can go out of the body at will.

This is somewhat different from the simple increase of spiritual power in meditation, which is equivalent to a process of purification and strengthening while improving spiritual power.

Moreover, even if it is just a spiritual sense formed at the beginning, it can easily pick up thousands of pounds of heavy objects, and can even attach the spiritual sense to the object, and the imperial object can kill the enemy hundreds of miles away.

This is really a bit of immortality.

The fourth level is the Dharma Conceiving Realm. This state needs to breed a true Dharma seed in the middle dantian. When it is completely transformed, even if the conceiving Dharma is successful, the dantian will automatically change due to the real Dharma it has conceived.

According to the information that Lin Qianan learned from the jade slips, when he raises his hands, he will be accompanied by the power of the true law.

The first layer of the four-layer exercise method corresponds to a current energy level.

In other words, it looks like a level one to level four superhuman.

Lin Qian'an had never seen a fourth-level extraordinary person, but he had some guesses from Li Zhenjie's words.

In Li Zhenjie's mouth, Tong Zun is only a third-level peak.

And Pan You is only the third-level peak.

The higher-level fourth-level extraordinary person, Lin Qian'an probably knew it just by thinking about it.

This time, he used a book of "Martial Arts" to directly exchange it for an avenue that can lead to the fourth-level transcendence, and there is still a thousand spirit crystals, which can be said to be a big profit.

You must know that the upper limit of "The Classic of Martial Arts" is only at the level of Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng's comparison with Tong Zun is at most one-tenth.

Therefore, Lin Qianan couldn't help but thank Kong Ying for her reminder and the country's generosity.

After thanking him, Lin Qianan couldn't wait to try what kind of cultivation method "Na Ling Jue" was.

He took out two spirit crystals from the box where the spirit crystals were stored, and then put the box into the space ring.

He placed the two spirit crystals in his left and right hands and clenched them tightly, then Lin Qianan sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice cultivation.

Close your eyes and concentrate.

Lin Qian'an easily felt the aura from the surroundings.

I don't know if it's because the academy was built in the wild, but there seems to be a lot more spiritual energy here than outside.

With a slight movement in his mind, Lin Qianan began to guide the exercises, using his breath and pores to absorb spiritual energy.

As soon as the exercise started, Lin Qianan successfully incorporated the spiritual energy in the spiritual crystal in his palm into his body.

After a while, a spiritual power was successfully transformed in the middle dantian.

Lin Qianan opened his eyes, he did not expect that he would succeed in cultivation so easily.

I don't know if it's because of Yu Jian's experience or because of his own talent.

Spreading out his palm, Lin Qianan looked at the two spirit crystals in his palm.

He found that the spirit crystals had dimmed a lot, and had become a little cloudy.

Lin Qianan knew that this was the reason why some of the spiritual energy in the spirit crystal was absorbed.

But I don't know if it's an illusion, Lin Qian'an always felt that the efficiency of absorbing spiritual qi by running the "Na Ling Jue" seems to be not as efficient as absorbing spiritual qi by himself.

He has now opened up a total of twelve acupuncture points, and the efficiency of absorbing the energy of heaven and earth is not low.

Moreover, it still operates 24 hours a day, plus the infuriating energy provided by the lung cancer cells in the chest, the real energy in the dantian can be restored to full in less than half a day, so that Lin Qianan has to rush the acupoints twice a day to be exhausted.

He suddenly had a bold idea now.

Wouldn't it be more useful if the spiritual energy absorbed by the acupoints could be transferred to the middle dantian and converted into spiritual energy in combination with the "Na Ling Jue"?

As for the true essence in the lower dantian, in fact, the true qi given by lung cancer cells alone is more than enough, and there is no need to rely on the energy of heaven and earth absorbed by the acupoints to restore it.

The more Lin Qian'an thought about it, the more feasible he felt, so he thought to himself: "I hope, record what I have just imagined, and I will give you the authority of your body to give it a try."

[Received the instruction, has taken over part of the authority of the body through the central nervous system, and is trying...]

Almost the moment Lin Qianan issued the order, he felt that he had lost control over his body.

Of course, this feeling is not that kind of rigid control. As long as he wants to, he can still regain control of his body in an instant.

The authority possessed by the brain chip can never surpass the host, which is the most core programming setting.

After hoping to take over Lin Qian'an's body, Lin Qian'an felt that the spiritual energy absorbed by his acupoints began to be consciously guided towards the middle dantian.

During this process, the "Na Ling Jue" is also starting to run.

After a while, a wisp of spiritual energy was transformed into spiritual power, and it began to be stored in the middle dantian.

[The operation route of the exercise method has been successfully constructed. Do you record the current operation program and keep it running 24/7? 】


Lin Qian'an decisively asked Hope to record this running procedure.

After this, Lin Qianan felt that the recovery speed of the true essence in the lower dantian had slowed down by at least 40%, and in contrast, the spiritual power in the middle dantian began to be born continuously.

The role of the intellectual brain chip in assisting cultivation is undoubtedly revealed at this time.

Fully automatic training, more efficient, and multi-threaded.

True essence and spiritual power are both correct.

After a little induction, Lin Qianan found that the speed of the increase of spiritual power in the middle dantian was indeed higher than the efficiency of his breathing and pore absorption through the "Na Lingjue".

That is to say, if you practise both internal skills and "Na Ling Jue" at the same time, the two may have complementary effects.

Of course, the premise is that the acupoints must be opened up to break through to the innate, otherwise it is impossible to have this kind of convenience.

However, considering the time needed to break through the innate, Lin Qianan felt that the difficulty of double cultivation seemed to be not low.

His situation is rather special. If it is a different person, if he is a double-cultivator, he may still be in the acquired realm of internal skills for decades, and the first level of the "Na Lingjue".

Therefore, it is still easy to produce results with specialization.

Shaking his head, after handing over the matter of cultivation to Zhinao, Lin Qianan will not consider these issues for the time being.

He directly continued his previous game while sitting in front of the game computer.

Open the game "Elf World", which shows two options: new game and continue to play.

Lin Qianan clicked to continue playing and entered the previous archive.

During the past few days of playing, Lin Qianan let the game characters save a little money, and began to prepare for raising a second elf.

From the game evaluation point of view, if you want to get a better evaluation, you have to cultivate more elves and learn more elves.

So playing this game, getting more sprites is definitely the key.

In this game, there are two ways to obtain elves. The first is to capture them in the wild, and the second is to cultivate them from elves' eggs.

At first, Lin Qianan thought that he could directly buy elves that others had cultivated.

It turns out that the federal law in this game prohibits the sale of elves, at most one elves' eggs.

After the elves break out of their shells, they cannot be sold as goods.

It takes a long time to start cultivating from Elf eggs.

Therefore, Lin Qian'an's choice was to conquer in the wild.

The wild ecological environment in the game is very well protected, so if you want to go to the wild to capture one or two elves, it is actually very easy.

Well, it's relatively easy! !

For game characters, this is a relatively difficult thing.

Because Healing Worm is a nurse, if the game characters hadn't learned a [Lightning Ball] skill for it, I am afraid that apart from the physical collision, it really has no attack ability.

In the previous tour, Lin Qian'an also went to the gymnasium in Yuyuan City.

Where did I find a target and try the lightning ball to treat insects.

It was a fist-sized sphere that shone with lightning directly from his mouth.

At that time, the staff of the gym were so surprised that their eyes widened.

They all wondered about the parental ingredients of this healing bug.

After all, under normal circumstances, if an elves want to learn the skills of elves, there is almost no second possibility except heredity.

Thunder and insect elves are together, and the next generation is born!

Just thinking about it makes people feel that it is quite a slot.

However, the game character is different here. He taught the elves its skills through his [erudition] innate ability.

Closer to home, with the ability of lightning ball, with the ability to treat insects, it should be no problem to fight ordinary wild So after Lin Qianan prepared a set of equipment, he saved a Then he manipulated the game characters to drive towards the wild suburbs of Yuyuan City.

Soon the game characters came to the wild, and it was forbidden to drive in the forest reserve, so the vehicles could only be parked on the side of the road, and the game characters would go alone.

Manipulating the game characters all the way forward, after a while, Lin Qianan saw an elf like a white-haired squirrel probing between the treetops.

Its size looks similar to an ordinary adult cat, but it is not too exaggerated.

Lin Qianan placed the mouse on it and checked its properties.

Name: Royal Wind Rat♂

Category: wind

Form: first-class form

Health: 121/125

Stamina: 103/122

Strength: 4

Agility: 10

Spirit: 6

Defense: 5

Skills: [Royal Wind] [Wind Blade]

Status: Healthy

Experience: 12/100

Favorability: 65 [favorite]

Habits: Elves who like to live among the treetops, usually rely on the wind-fighting skills to glide between the treetops, and are full of curiosity about everything in the outside world.

[An ordinary wind rat, it seems to fall in love with a human who has only met once. 】

Seeing the introduction at the end, and the favorability that is obviously higher than that of ordinary elves, Lin Qianan suddenly seemed to understand the role of the title of "Lonely Breeder".

Isn't this the friend of the elves?

With this title, wouldn't it be easy to trick (cross out) to conquer two elves?

"Since you've seen me for a long time, and you're the first to see you, then I'll choose you."

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