Di Jiu quickly took out a jade box and handed it to Mo Louxue, and then apologized. “I originally planned to go with Melting Snow Immortal Emperor Dao Discussion. I just returned to Great Cauldron and I learned a big event. I have to immediately Leave Great Cauldron and give it to you before you leave…”

When I heard that Di Jiu didn’t even sit down and talked, the rosyness in Ai Qingbing’s ear disappeared instantly, and her face was slightly pale. She is very clear about what Master is doing with her here today, and in fact she is not excluded. She is very admired for Di Jiu’s style and means of doing things. As for Di Jiu’s talent, she admires it. For the first time at Demon Dressing Mountain, Di Jiu didn’t have a chance to speak to the Master. This time Di Jiu still didn’t give the Master a chance to speak.

Mo Louxue also frowned slightly, and Di Jiu didn’t give her a chance for two consecutive times. She even suspected that Di Jiu knew what she meant and prevented her from opening.

Can Qinbing’s looks and talents, it is reasonable to say that Di Jiu will not be insulted, why is Di Jiu like this?

“Right, why didn’t the two Union Lords of Pill Union disappear?” Di Jiu didn’t care about the expressions of Mo Louxue and Ai Qingbing. He remembered Qu Hen and Chen Zishun and turned to ask Mi Ji again.

The Splitting Realm Talisman that Qu Hen gave him with a trace of Poison Dao Mark, he wanted to ask where the sign came from.

Mi Ji hurriedly replied, “The Great Cauldron Pill Union has prospered since Pill Emperor returned from Illusory Colored Immortal Land Brilliant Lake Palace. The Pill Masters have voted, which has caused the price of Immortal Pill of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty to fall. There are also more and more Great Cauldron Immortal City’s cultivators, and the Great Cauldron Immortal City is fair and just, and it is getting more and more prosperous.

Shortly after the last two Union Lords returned from Thunder Court Immortal Land, Qu Hen Union Lord left the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. After the departure of Qu Hen Union Lord, there was no news for decades. Union Lord Shen worried and followed. Great Cauldron Immortal City, but also did not come back, Pill Union is now I am barely hosting. ”

“Do you know where they went?” Di Jiu always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t say it.

Mi Ji shook his head. “I don’t know, just listen to Union Lord Shen and say that Union Lord Qu wants to end up with grievances, and then he won’t come back.”

“City Lord Mi, you will focus on the Great Cauldron Immortal City, and Pill Union will let them choose a new Union Lord by referral.” Di Jiu feels that Mi Ji manages Pill Union, not conducive to Pill Union. development of.

“Yes, I must do this well.” Mi Ji quickly rushed to the road.

“And, you should know Geng Ji too? After he came to Great Cauldron Immortal City, where did he leave?” The crystal ball left by Geng Ji is a strange place, although it is Four-sided Immortal Land. There is no familiarity with the Four-sided Immortal Land.

Mi Ji nodded quickly. “I know, he just left Great Cauldron Immortal City and didn’t tell me where it was.”

Di Jiu didn’t ask, but apologized to Mo Louxue, who was not very good-looking. “Fellow Daoist Mo, I really have something important. When I come back next time, I will apologize and I will leave.”

After saying this, Di Jiu did not wait for Mo Louxue to answer, and his body shape has disappeared.

Mi Ji also apologized, and quickly followed Di Jiu. Di Jiu had to take the transmission array. He had to ensure that the transmission array was transmitted in time.


Di Jiu left, and the ugly Mo Louxue returned to its original appearance. She sighed and said, “Qingbing, let’s go.”

After that, I took the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty one step ahead.

“Master ……” Ai Qingbing Some grievances, she is also the first beauty of this party, actually so ignored.

Mo Louxue shook his head. “You and he should have no fate…hey…”

Speaking of a slogan, Mo Louxue stopped and was surprised at the jade box in the hands of watched.

“What? Master?” Ai Qingbing asked quickly.

Mo Louxue opened the jade box, and some couldn’t believe it, “Di Jiu sent me an Extreme Moat Dao Fruit, this…”

What is the most precious thing about Immortal World, naturally Extreme Moat Dao Fruit. But now Di Jiu has given an Extreme Moat Dao Fruit to her who seems to be a very ordinary person. What does this mean? If Di Jiu and Qingbing are fixed, there is still one thing to say.

“Ah…” Ai Qingbing’s Extreme Moat Dao Fruit in the watched jade box, she jumped in her heart and suddenly thought that Di Jiu would not like her Master.

Ai Qingbing is taught by herself. She grew up with her own. Mo Louxue can’t know Ai Qingbing’s thoughts. She took Ai Qingbing’s head. “What do you think? Di Jiu is probably going to leave this domain soon. If I didn’t guess wrong, he probably sent one to Zhou Bujian.”

“Why?” Ai Qingbing asked subconsciously.

Mo Louxue withdraw jade box, sighed, “Maybe this is the Immortal Territory, only the two of us, he can still look at it. Fellow Daoist Di has a broad mind, I am better than a sly, he hurriedly left this time, it should not be what The trick is really urgent. I think he is such a person. If he doesn’t want to, he will say it in front of you and me, and he will not use it.”

“The Master…”

Mo Louxue shook his head. “I won’t mention anything to him with him. The future will let Heavenly Dao decide. If you have a relationship with him, you will be together. If there is no reason, I will raise it, but it will make things happen.” There are flaws. Sometimes, letting nature go, it’s not a good thing.”


Di Jiu returns to Four-sided Immortal Land again, and the Four-sided Immortal Land is obviously different from the last time. At this moment, the Four-sided Immortal Land basically restored the appearance of the normal Immortal World. Apart from very few people, there is a scene of life force.

Starry Sky Immortal City is already the first Immortal City of the entire Four-sided Immortal Land, with a huge statue outside of Starry Sky Immortal City. Di Jiu estimates that this was built by Starry Sky Immortal City after he left.

Di Jiu didn’t enter Immortal City, his spiritual sense had already swept to Starry Sky Immortal City. No newcomers came in, even if there were a few newcomers coming in, it was definitely not True Domain and Wulu. As for Nong Xiuqi and younger sister Di Di, even Geng Ji, Di Jiu is sure that they have not been to Starry Sky Immortal City. As long as they come, he can feel the aura.

The place that Geng Ji said is called Four-sided Immortal Land. It must have been in the Four-sided Immortal Land. In Di Jiu’s conjecture, it should be the corner of Four-sided Immortal Land.

Four-sided Immortal Land is so big that if you want to find this place, you might only find the entire Four-sided Immortal Land and compare it slowly.

Fortunately, his current Five Elements Escaping Technique and Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique are very strong, and they are derived from the starry sky Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the spiritual sense is powerful. Searching for the entire Four-sided Immortal Land is unimaginable to others. For Di Jiu, it is not something that cannot be done.

At the thought of Five Elements Escaping Technique, Di Jiu suddenly thought of Jiang Dai. The Five Elements Escaping Technique is left by Jiang Dai. Will there be moths? This thing can be made without jokes. Anyway, when he is empty, be sure to check his Five Elements Escaping Technique, which has the hands and feet of Jiang Dai.

Jiang Dai, this kind of person, will never give up the top element big divine ability of Five Elements Escaping Technique for no reason. Since he wants to hang people, why would he still leave such a Escaping Technique for him to hang?

Because of the Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique, Di Jiu did not look for a place to study the Five Elements Escaping Technique. He didn’t need to use the Five Elements Escaping Technique at all, just the Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique, which allowed Di Jiu to run through the entire Four-sided Immortal Land in just three months.

What Di Jiu lost was that he even went in once again for Heaven Screen Pit in three months. During the three months, Di Jiu also saw the life force of the entire Four-sided Immortal Land, and saw many extremely rare treasures of heaven and earth.

The only thing that was not found was that Geng Ji left any traces in the position ball. This makes Di Jiu somewhat annoyed by Geng Ji. Since the fellow is going to leave the crystal ball, why not leave the entrance to the place where the crystal ball is located?

It stands to reason that Geng Ji is not so sloppy, even how to enter the location of the crystal ball will forget?

No, since that place is so secretive, even the old Immortal Venerable is enslaved, how did Geng Ji escape and return to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty?

If Geng Ji is better than others, then only Thunder Element attacks, Geng Ji is Mutated Thunder Spiritual Root, and Thunder Element talent is almost unreachable…

Thunder Element !Di Jiu once again thought of Floating Thunder Island.

Floating Thunder Island He has been in and out twice, very familiar, so he has never been there. Maybe it’s really related to Floating Thunder Island. Think of it here, Di Jiu looks like a flash and goes directly to Floating Thunder Island.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night! The cough’s five internal organs must come out, update things, everyone can forgive me forgive me, can’t forgive me, I have no way. Write a book for ten years, all use the body to change rice Money, now the body is so bad that it is no longer a few years ago. Good night.)

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