Ninth in The World

Vol 10 Chapter 488: lead the way

Nong Xiuqi held the scimitar in the hand and stood at the edge of the window. The hotel’s surveillance had been invaded by her. She clearly saw someone jumping up from the back of the hotel. It was obviously to catch her.

But now she has no choice but to hide from the window and suddenly start. As for the escape, it is even more dead.

At this moment, she has already regretted leaving Di Jiu here to live here. This is probably not to help Di Jiu, but to harm Di Jiu.


Di Jiu sighed, and God thought it was easy to build a law fireball. In the next moment when the gray man rushed to the window of Nong Xiuqi, the fireball wrapped the man and turned the man into a fly ash. The man couldn’t even pull it out with a bang.

Nong Xiuqi's good deeds can also help him a favor, and he should help him.

After killing the gray-haired man, Di Jiu’s gods fell outside the hotel, and there was still a gray man there.

Di Jiu is too lazy to go nonsense, or a law fireball throws over. This gray man was also turned into fly ash.

After killing two gray-clothed people, Di Jiu once again entered the rules of the week to expel the poisonous lines.

Di Jiu soon discovered that as his gods gradually increased, his immortality was slowly recovering. At the same time, the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth is becoming more and more powerful, but every time the rules of the heavens and the earth are strengthened, they will disappear with his rules.

"Hey!" Di Jiu's door was knocked, and Di Jiu, who was deeply resected, was awakened. His gods fell on the door of Nong Xiuqi, very helpless.

Who made him have no money to live in the hotel? Being disturbed, I can only recognize it.

Di Jiu opened the door and looked at Nong Xiuqi, who was standing at the door. "Do you have anything?"

Nong Xiuqi looked at Di Jiu without words, now it is time to check out, Di Jiu actually asked her what is going on.

"The time of the room is up, the house needs to be retired, we have to go." Nong Xiuqi said helplessly.

Di Jiuzhen is at a critical moment of recovery, and it is indeed much more reassuring than outside. He doesn't want to go. "That, I still have injuries. I want to stay here for a few days. Can you borrow some money?" Give it to me?"

When it comes to borrowing money, Di Jiu suddenly remembered his own spiritual stone. Now he can stretch and understand, and he can completely take out a spiritual stone from the real world to Nong Xiuqi.

Nong Xiuqi’s cultivation is ancient Wu, and Lingshi is also good for her.

Nong Xiuqi hesitated, and said, "I'm sorry..."

Di Jiu pendulum waved, "This is nothing, I will find a way."

"I am not saying that there is no money to lend you. In fact, I can lend you money. I am sorry, because I may be tired of you." Nong Xiuqi hurriedly explained.

She waited for a long time at the window yesterday, and did not see the person who caught her jump in. Later, she checked the surveillance, but only saw a flash of light flashed, and then nothing.

No matter if the person who came last night came to arrest her, she knew that it was no longer a place to stay.

She was discovered, and Di Jiu and her lived in a room. No one was looking for Di Jiu’s troubles.

"Don't worry, I am just a passerby..."

When Di Jiu finished thinking about whether or not to come up with a Lingshi to Nong Xiuqi, Nong Xiuqi suddenly took out a bank card and handed it to Di Jiu. "There are more than 30,000 in this card. The password is two Bayi. 2. Don't give it back to me, but my family is a bit too good. Be careful when you withdraw money..."

"Thank you." Di Jiu was not polite, that is, he helped Nong Xiuqi block the disaster yesterday. It is ok to take these tens of thousands of dollars.

Nong Xiuqi saw Di Jiu pick up the bank card, and did not care about the words behind him. He had to say, "You really have to be careful. My previous name is fake. My real name is Shan Xiuqi. It is a single family. People..."

When she saw her face, she looked at Di Jiu's face. When she found out that Di Jiu's face did not change at all, she asked with amazement, "You are not afraid of a single family?"

"I don't provoke them here, why are you afraid of a single family?" Di Jiuhe smiled, he only hoped that Shan Xiuqi would go early, don't delay his time here. ”

Shan Xiuqi saw it. Di Jiu did not hear about a single family. She was somewhat puzzled. She said that she still couldn’t believe anyone who had heard of a single family on the earth.

Even if the first strongman has exceeded the innate, even the Shenyu predecessors who have entered the semi-Daan realm, they are also respectful to the single family.

"They won't make sense to you. You are likely to be killed by them here." Shan Xiuqi also persuaded him. If a single family would make sense, would she need to escape and avoid it?

Di Jiuhaha smiled. "Although it is my pursuit, it is really dead, and there is nothing. Life and death are rich and rich in the sky."

"Are you married?" Shan Xiuqi did not continue to persuade Di Jiu, she did not have time to persuade Di Jiu, she must leave Daicheng as soon as possible. I have been hiding in Daicheng for almost a year, and I have to leave again, but she has to leave.

Di Jiu thought about his past, although he did not fall in love with him, it was indeed a marriage. "I was married and later left."

"Well, if I must get married in the future, if you are still alive, I will come to you. You are the first person who is not afraid of a single family." Shan Xiuqi said that he took a photo from his pocket and handed it to Di. Nine, "This is what I look like, I hope we can see you again in the future."

After saying that Shan Xiuqi turned and left.

"You have to take care too much. If you need my help in the future, you can go to the Forgetchuan Temple in the Forgotten Mountains to find me..." Di Jiu returned with a word.

When Shan Xiuqi heard the words of Di Jiu, she subconsciously stopped her footsteps. From alive to the present, no one has ever said that she should take care of her, and no one has ever said that she needs help to find him.

However, she quickly put these words aside and stepped out of the hotel. She would not go to the Forgetting Temple to find Di Jiu, because she knew that Di Jiu had no more. Counting it, she hurt Di Jiu, but she can't force to take Di Jiu. She looked back at the room of the hotel Di Jiu, sighed and quickly rushed outside the city of Daicheng.

Di Jiu looked at the photo in his hand, and a beautiful face appeared in front of him, a beautiful girl. Shan Xiuqi’s cultivation should be ancient Wu. If she is correct, I am afraid that she will be more beautiful than Ai’s ice.

Di Jiu likes this beauty, with the breath of life. Many women in the realm of beauty, beauty is beautiful, but less of a fireworks atmosphere.

The photo was collected and Di Jiu once again entered a deep retreat.

Hey! Di Jiu’s door was ringed again, and Di Jiu’s thoughts swept to the door and stood a strong young man with an anxious look in his eyes.

Di Jiu frowned, what happened? Do you still want him to retreat?

Shaking his head, it seems that he is still going to forget the Sichuan Mountains. Now he has a little thoughts, and it will take a long time to forget the Sichuan Mountains. When he arrived in the Forzagawa Mountains, he arranged a protective array, and while peeling off the poison of the road, he refining the wheel back to the bridge, and no one could disturb him.

"Who are you looking for?" Di Jiu opened the door, and his tone was a little impatient.

"Excuse me, is Di Jiu?" the young man asked eagerly, and did not care about Di Jiu's tone.

Di nodded nodded. "Yes, I am Di Jiu."

The young man said anxiously, "The moon was taken away. Before she was taken away, tell me, let me find you soon, let you escape immediately. Otherwise, those people will soon find here to bring you go."

"Finn Moon was caught? Why?" asked Di Jiu.

"I don't know, I am leaving, I have to find a way to save the moon..." After leaving this sentence, the youth hurried downstairs.

Di Jiu did not feel the mood to continue to retreat and strip the poisonous lines. Fei Yueyu was arrested. There are two possibilities. The first is Fei Yue's own business. Before Fei Yueyu killed a person outside Daicheng, it is very likely that this incident was taken away.

The second reason is that because of his reasons, Shan Xiuqi apparently fled the family. Now that Xiu Xiuqi lives with him, even Shan Xiuqi himself said that a single family might find him trouble. If this is the case, the single family will investigate that they are brought by Fiji Yuet, and they are angered by the moon.

However, according to the truth, a single family should first arrest him and then arrest him.

Di Jiu just thought of this, two gray people directly opened the door of Di Jiu.

Di Jiu looked at the broken door. If it wasn't for him, he didn't have the energy to arrange a guard. The two men dared to smash his door and had been smashed and killed.

"Let's go with us." A gray man stared at Di Jiu's tone and was a bit cold.

"Is it true that you have taken it?" Di Jiu asked.

"Don't ask, don't ask, that's not what you should know. You don't have to talk nonsense now. Just follow us. Otherwise, you are afraid that you can't talk anymore." Another gray man smashed. One sound.

Di Jiu was too lazy to talk nonsense, throwing a fireball directly. This gray-clothed person who makes Di Jiu do not talk nonsense, in a twinkling of an instant, turns into a group of fly ash and disappears without a" The other gray man finally understood The two people who had disappeared before the daring were because of the fireball of this person.

The fireball can be fired out of the air, and a strong peak is eliminated. I am afraid that this strength is stronger than Shen’s predecessors.

"No more nonsense, I will continue to give you a fireball, you just answer me, have you been arrested by Fei Yue?" Di Jiu's tone is not so polite.

After being interrupted for several times, the door was kicked. Di Jiu’s heart was extremely uncomfortable. Now that Fei Yue’s cockroaches have been taken away because of his affairs, it is very remarkable that he can restrain his anger.

"I don't know, I just came to arrest people...." The rest of the gray-haired man's voice trembled a little. He was not afraid of desperation. Can he be desperately qualified under the horrible fireball of Di Jiu? ?

"In this case, lead the way." Di Jiu's half-word nonsense is too lazy to say, how many things do he have to do? Now I have to waste my time on this boring little thing.

(Today's update is here, friends are good night!)

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