Xiaosheng Zhao Mozhi, this is so polite. May I ask if this girl is also going to Qixia Ancient Temple to participate in today's Lantern Festival Poetry Recital?

The young man from the Fu Yin family who was well-known in the south of the Yangtze River immediately pushed away the two beautiful women on the boat next to him, then quickly walked to the bow of the boat and bowed deeply to Qiluo on the boat.

His conversation is gentle and elegant, his behavior is polite, his appearance is suave, and his family background is extraordinary. He is a master among girl killers.

Unfortunately, it doesn't suit Qiluo's taste.

Qiluo Muxuan secretly spat in disdain and then turned her head away, showing no mercy to this gentle scum.

Young girl shouldn't be from Jiangnan, right? It's normal if you don't know Xiaosheng...

Mr. Zhao opened the folding fan and revealed a charming and confident smile.

He firmly believed that no woman in the world could resist his smile.

The loser next to him immediately answered and explained: Little girl, this is Mr. Zhao, one of the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River. His father is the emperor's guardian of Tu Muzhou, and Tian is the governor of the East Road of the south of the Yangtze River and the governor of Yingtian Mansion...

Zhao Mozhi was also a powerful figure in the Jiangnan Confucian community. He once ranked second in the high school provincial examination. He was also Lu Zhishan's best friend before. He and the other two young masters from aristocratic families became one of the four talented people in Jiangnan.

However, Lu Zhishan, the former leader of the Four Great Talents, was deeply impressed by Li Nuo's extraordinary magnanimity and profound knowledge, so he changed his ways, turned back as a prodigal son, and went to the Imperial College for further study, so he stopped playing with these fair-weather friends.

Of course, any son of a bullshit family is a scumbag in front of Qiluo, a master of swordsmanship. If she really offends her, even if she is killed with a sword, there will be no way to complain.

Qiluo didn't say anything. She endured her murderous intent and walked to Li Nuo. She stood on her head with her eyebrows and said, Master, I can't bear it anymore!

Li Nuo said speechlessly: Girls, please don't shout to kill or beat me. Learn from your lady and be gentle...

Is my lady gentle?

Qiluo rolled her eyes.

Brother-in-law, you don’t know that back then, the young lady and her slaves bravely broke into the Black Wind Stronghold and killed three thousand Black Wind thieves. Their blood flowed into rivers and their corpses were everywhere...

Miss, I am only gentle to you.

As the leader of a demon sect, but she is also a daughter, how can the followers willingly obey her without some tough measures?

Of course, Li Nuo didn't know this yet. He walked to the bow of the boat, raised his hands to the flower boat and said, Mr. Zhao, this is my maid.

Oh, I wonder where my brother is at? He's very cool!

Zhao Mozhi asked with a kind smile on his face.

Young masters from Jiangnan aristocratic families and college students have always followed his lead. As for the person in front of me, although he is also handsome and elegant, he is very unfamiliar. He is expected to be a scholar from the north or the west.

Therefore, Zhao Mozhi would certainly not bully men and dominate women in broad daylight before knowing the details of the other party.

After all, he is just arrogant and domineering, but he is not a fool. Otherwise, how could he get second place in the Central Provincial Examination?

Second only to Lu Zhishan, Jieyuan!

Li Nuo was really confused.

He found that all the identities he had used before had been exposed. This time I came to Yingtian Mansion just to see Wu Daozi, so I didn't prepare a new identity.

It seems that I can only make one up at random.

The privilege of the fourth level of true artistic conception is that as long as you have enough writing skills, you can lie without blinking an eye.

He said nonchalantly: Master Zhao, you are polite. Xiaosheng is from the north. I came to Yingtian Mansion today to see the style of the southern scholars. As for Xiaosheng's name, I won't say it for fear of disturbing Mr. Zhao's ears. But from the north The students all call Xiaosheng 'White Eyebrow Hero'!

Now that people like Li Xunhuan and Ren Woxing have appeared.

Then there is nothing wrong with having one more White Eyebrow Hero.

However, Bai Mei, Bai Mei was stupidly unclear, which caused Zhao Mozhi to misunderstand.

He looked like that was indeed the case.

Literary men always talk in such a roundabout way that they make people guess.

When he thought about it, the young man in front of him came from the south to play in the gym.

If you win, you will definitely register your name immediately and become famous all over the world; if you lose, you will naturally tuck your tail between your legs and run back to the north in despair. How dare you leave your name behind and be embarrassed?

He is also familiar with this pattern!

As for the nickname.

White plum?

He must also be a lover of plum blossoms, but I don’t know if he has anything to do with Wang Yangming, the great Confucian of Lushan who was known as the “White Plum Blossom Practitioner”.

It turns out it's Mr. Baimei. I'm disrespectful. It just so happens that we are also going to Qixia Temple. We happen to be on the way. There will be a poetry gathering. Let's discuss each other and make friends through literature.

Zhao Mozhi said politely.

It would actually be good to make acquaintance with Mr. Baimei. Once you get to know him well, you can spend some small money to buy his maid.

In this age of literati, it was considered an elegant thing for friends to give each other maids or even concubines.

Haha, yes, yes...

Li Nuo also dealt with it casually under the guise of haha.

After the two sides tested each other, they stopped talking.

The ship moved on.

However, Zhao Mozhi's flower boat was much faster, and it quickly surpassed the rest...

Qiluo frowned sadly: Sir, why don't you teach that person named Zhao a lesson?

Business matters are important, there is no need to create extraneous matters.

Li Nuo smiled.

People are not frivolous and waste their youth.

Fang Gui is the son of the second-rank governor of Jiangnan Province, so it is normal for him to be a bit domineering.

He asked himself that he could not hold a boat in his belly like the prime minister, but he still had this bit of courage.

Soon, the ship arrived at Jiangdao.

Go ashore and land on the island.

Qiluo still followed Li Nuo gloomily and did not speak.

Her uncle had broken her heart, and he was no longer the uncle who made the decision for her no matter what.

Uncle, you have changed your mind!

Li Nuo saw that Qiluo's little mouth was pouting so high that it almost reached the sky, so he coaxed: Are you still angry? When you meet Wu Daozi, what kind of poetry will help you vent your anger?


Qiluo finally regained some of her vitality and pursed her lips.

Li Nuo patted his chest and assured: When has my uncle ever lied to you? Tell me, do you want that kid to cut off his arms or legs?

Hehe, that's not necessary. It's better not to see any blood, I'm very kind. Just slap him twice, let him kneel in front of me, and shout 'Auntie, spare your life' three times.

Qiluo stuck out her tongue shyly.

The corners of Li Nuo's mouth twitched slightly, and he was speechless.

This punishment is much more severe than losing hands and feet.

Scholars have the best reputation, especially the young masters of these powerful families, and if you directly tear off their face, this is simply a sworn blood feud.

Qiluo, when did you become so sinister?

Less than half an hour passed.

The two of them climbed up the stairs and finally arrived at Qixia Temple.

Fruits are covered with silver, plum blossoms are white, and a scene of winter snow comes into view in an instant.

Wow, so beautiful!

Qiluo exclaimed, and stepped on the snow in front of her like a wild horse, spinning and jumping with her eyes closed, enjoying the winter snow.

I didn't expect to see snow scenes in Jiangnan, ah! The plum blossoms are so fragrant and beautiful!

Qiluo started chirping excitedly like a tit.

Unfortunately, she was so clueless that she only had a few words to call her. Otherwise, it would be great to write a poem about this scene at this time.

Qiluo's performance also aroused good-natured laughter from other pilgrims nearby.

Petite and cute girls always have privileges.

How about changing to an ugly guy dancing on the snow?

There will definitely be people who can't help but yell and yell.

I heard that Qixia Temple can display the scenery of the four seasons at any time of the year. Even though spring has begun, it is not surprising to see snow scenery.

Li Nuo explained briefly.

The four famous temples in the Central Plains all have their own characteristics.

Like the Lingyin Temple in Yuzhou that he is most familiar with, the peach blossom ice pool, ahem...

The sexy thing ends here!

Amitabha, donor, please...

A young monk came over and bowed to Li Nuo.

Little monk, do you know us?

Qiluo looked at this handsome little monk who was fifteen or sixteen years old, with a red face and white teeth, with a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

The young monk was a little shy at first, but now that he was stared at by a girl like this, he couldn't even speak: Before... Zhao, Mr. Zhao reminded... that he saw a man wearing a goose-yellow skirt. If you’re a round-faced girl, just invite him into the garden...

Hmph, it's that polite scum again! Look at this girl stabbing him in the eye with a sword!

Qiluo glared fiercely and said angrily.

Li Nuo shook his head and said with a smile: I came here not to attend the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival, but to find someone.

Shocked by Qiluo's murderous intent, the young monk looked a little sickly and asked hurriedly: I wonder who the young master is looking for?

Li Nuo narrowed his eyes: Painting Saint.

The young monk looked confused: Did you find the wrong place, sir? This is Qixia Temple. Apart from monks like us, there are also pilgrims who worship Buddha devoutly. Where can the painting saint come from?

In fact, Li Nuo just tried it casually. Seeing that the young monk didn't know, he didn't bother him any more.

Few people know about the ordination of the painting sage Wu Daozi as a monk.

Then please ask the young master to take us to see the abbot.

Li Nuo changed the subject.

The young monk shook his head and said: The abbot closed his doors and stopped seeing guests a few days ago. Please forgive me, sir...

Li Nuo added: I heard that the abbot master is very good at painting. Can I appreciate it?

The young monk nodded and said: The portrait of Buddha hanging on the main hall was made by the abbot. If the donor wants to see it, just go directly.

Then little Master Lao will lead the way.

Li Nuo bowed.

this way please……

The young monk took Li Nuo into the main hall.

There are no fewer believers in Qixia Temple than in Lingyin Temple.

Today is the Lantern Festival, so there are many pilgrims in the temple, either to make wishes or seek marriage. In short, it is very lively and the fragrance of candles is overflowing.

As soon as Li Nuo entered the main hall, his attention was attracted by the three-foot-long giant painting on the main wall.

He raised his head slightly and stared intently at the painting of the Buddha's golden body, lost in thought.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

Having the root of Bodhi wisdom, he can naturally feel the vast Buddha's meaning in the paintings.

The artist who painted this painting is probably no worse than a third-grade Arhat in terms of his mellow and exquisite Buddhist power!

Is this really written by Wu Daozi?

Was it Buddhism that made the sage of painting possible, or did the sage of painting turn to Buddhism after retreating into seclusion, and only then did he incorporate the true meaning of Buddhism into his paintings?

When Qiluo arrived for the first time, she felt fresh and tight, so she looked here and there, but the freshness soon passed.

After all, when she was in Yuzhou before, she often accompanied her young lady to Lingyin Temple.

As for the temples, they are generally the same.

Once the novelty wore off, she felt a little bored. She was practicing swordsmanship, so she naturally had no respect for the Buddha in her heart.

From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of her uncle being fascinated by the portrait of Buddha, so she pouted and asked, Uncle, what's so good about a portrait of a great monk?


If you want to see it, you should also see Taoist Sanqing!

Li Nuo was amazed and said: This painting is wonderful and uncanny. It must have been made by Wu Daozi.

Ah? Painter of holy paintings? Qiluo's pretty face showed an incomprehensible look, But didn't the young monk just say that this painting was made by their abbot?

We'll find out soon after we meet.

Li Nuo understood clearly.


He quietly circulated his inner strength, bursting out his aura fiercely.

In an instant, everyone within a ten-mile radius was heartbroken. It seemed like there was some misunderstanding.

Although the duration of this momentum was only a tenth of a breath, it was naturally captured by the abbot, whose power was unfathomable.

After a while, an old monk with a white beard came tremblingly and bowed to Li Nuo respectfully: Sir, the abbot invites you. It's just that it's not convenient for this girl to go to the backyard...

Uncle, please go and do your work first. I'll go outside to see the snow scenery and enjoy the plum blossoms.

Qi Luo is also very measured.

This was something Li Nuo was satisfied with, but he still reminded him: Go ahead and play, but take it easy and don't pick up the sword at all times...

Although Qiluo is called delicate and cute, harmless to humans and animals, she is actually a tigress that is always on the verge of breaking out!

After all, he is also a master of swordsmanship in the fifth-grade Yuan Shen Realm and the successor of Dugu Sword Master.

She has always been the only one who bullies others!


Li Nuo was taken to the forbidden area in the back mountain by the old monk.

Donor, please go there on your own, I can only send him here.

The old monk was also a little frightened when he looked at the eight inscriptions on the stone tablet: The forbidden area behind the mountain, anyone who intrudes will die.

Li Nuo was naturally fearless and strode away.

Amitabha, the Crown Prince and Grand Master are here. I am unable to welcome you from afar, so I would like to ask Haihan.

In the forbidden area, the wooden door of a small thatched cottage opened without any wind, conveying the meaning of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

This surprised Li Nuo a little.

He took a deep breath and walked in, and saw an old monk in a simple green robe leaning over to paint.

This scroll is more than ten meters long. The old monk has only painted one-tenth of it, but the scenery painted on the scroll amazed Li Nuo.

A masterpiece!

The faintly circulating Buddha's thoughts are exactly the same as the portrait of Buddha hanging on the main hall!

Li Nuo said respectfully: I have long admired the name of a painting sage, and now that I have seen him, he is indeed well-deserved.

In fact, he felt a little depressed.

Painting sage Wu Daozi, who is a little person?

Just looking at the artistic conception of this painting, you can tell that he is at least a third-level expert!

In fact, the vast and surging energy aura has already reached the second level!

Still thinking about putting a knife to someone's neck and forcing them to submit?

Thinking too much.


There is no need for this anymore.

Li Nuo has already figured out that the painting made by Wu Daozi is the Picture of Jiangshan Sheji he requested...

Dare Qingyang tease him on purpose!

It turns out that the painting saint had been informed in advance.

When she returns to Chang'an after pacifying Southern Xinjiang, she must be spanked hard!

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