Ninth Grade Jailer: He actually went on a blind date with the leader of the Demon Cult at the beginn

Chapter 188: Accepting an order in a critical situation and making big demands

It's okay for me to accept this case, but I have conditions.

Li Nuo started to make demands.

Yu Shangshu stroked his beard and said with a smile: Let me tell you, as long as it is within a reasonable range, I will definitely be able to satisfy you.

He was very satisfied with the Chen Shoubei case, which showed that Li Zian was unique in solving crimes.

If this is the case, then continue your efforts and make more contributions to his Ministry of Punishment.

This is not about squeezing Li Nuo, it is about placing heavy responsibilities on Li Nuo.

First, I have to choose my own manpower.

Li Nuo stretched out his index finger.

If you don't have people around to help you, it's all in vain.

That's no problem. Officials of three provinces, six ministries, and five ranks and below, I will give you whoever you want. There's more.

Yu Shangshu is naturally very generous in selecting candidates.

Anyway, there is no need for his old arms and legs to intervene. He can let the people below go with just his words, and it can sell Li Nuo's face, so why not do it.

Li Nuo stretched out his second finger and said with firm eyes: Second, I want to have the right to kill first and then report later.

Yu Shangshu frowned and asked, Don't you have the Xiuchundao that can be used to 'cut down weak officials at the top and sycophants at the bottom'?

Ahem... The adults are joking. They are just shouting slogans casually and cannot be taken seriously.

Li Nuo said with a smile.

Of course he is self-aware.

He can kill people with the [Embroidered Spring Sword], but how can he kill an official of rank seven or above at will? Is being an emperor really just for show?

Even the Ministry of Punishment does not have the power to determine the life and death of officials above the seventh rank. They must be reported to the emperor after a joint trial, and they can only be executed after the emperor's cinnabar pen has been drawn.

Otherwise, when Xu Yunchuan bullied Zi Yuan, he didn't just simply kill a few servants. Wouldn't it be nice to directly kill Xu Yunchuan, the culprit?

Although Xu Yunchuan did not have a legitimate official position, he was able to obtain a noble title.

Yu Shangshu pondered for a while and said: This power is too great, but I can fight for you, but it can only reach the fifth rank at most.

The fifth rank is already the mainstay of the court, and the ones above are ministerial-level officials. How can they be killed at the drop of a hat?

This can be regarded as the bottom line of the court.

Li Nuo nodded and said, That's enough.

He wants this right, of course, for selfish reasons.

Now that we have entered the imperial mausoleum, how can we not check up on Ji Changye? But if someone with private goods encounters any obstruction, it will be much more convenient if they have the right to cut first and then report.

No matter who you are, if you dare to stop me, you will be beheaded with one knife. Once this person dies, many things will become easier to do, such as framing others and so on. A dead person can't talk about it anyway, so who will take the blame if he doesn't?


Li Nuo extended a finger again.

But before he said anything, Yu Shangshu slapped Li Nuo's hand away, blew his beard and glared: You bastard, don't push yourself too far. Do you really think that since we have no one in the Criminal Department, we can only rely on you to solve the case?

There are experts in the Criminal Department who can solve the case, but if they can be solved within three days, who else than me! Li Nuo raised his middle finger confidently, For the third place, I want a gold medal for walking in the palace!

Yu Shangshu said warily: What do you want to do with this? You don't want to go to the cold palace to find Jiang Qiuyue, right?

Ahem... Your Excellency, you have such a sharp eye... Oh, your Excellency, you really have a bad eye! The matter of the New Branch Banquet has been turned over. Don't bring it up to worry me anymore.

Li Nuo explained, The case of tomb robbery in the imperial mausoleum is definitely a shocking one. I suspect there is someone protecting the court. Otherwise, who could rob a tomb under the eyes of three thousand guards? And also get away with success? I have a gold medal. With it in hand, you can bypass the three provinces, six ministries, and even the cabinet, and go straight to Tianting!

Good boy, do you still dare to doubt the Criminal Department?

Yu Shangshu was not angry.

Li Nuo deliberately looked at Shangshu Qiyu with suspicious eyes and said, It's impossible to say for sure. Some people look sanctimonious and handsome, but secretly they are male prostitutes and female thieves, and they can't even tell for sure.

This will make the old man furious!

He has only married one wife in his life, and they have been loving each other for more than ten years and treat each other with respect. Although it has been ten years since his wife passed away, he has not renewed their relationship.

Of course, his son was the complete opposite. Not only did he spend a lot of time drinking and drinking, but he also married ten beauties, one of whom was even a brothel oiran.


The oiran was indeed as beautiful as a flower, so charming that even he would blush just looking at her. Because of this, old friends often make fun of him...

But he dared to swear by his ancestors, and he really didn’t have that intention!


The most I can do is take a second look.

Ahem, brat, I can do as you like. But you have to think clearly. Since you have made these demands, if you still can't solve the case, I'm afraid being exiled for three thousand miles will be an easy task!

Yu Shangshu laughed and cursed.

He didn't want this good prospect to be ruined.

Li Nuo nodded and said, Don't worry, I know what's going on.

Okay! Tonight at the latest, I will fulfill all the conditions you put forward. You can start preparations now. Starting from tomorrow, within three days, the case must be solved!

Yu Shangshu said seriously.

Then I will take my leave first.

Li Nuo bowed his hands and left the Ministry of Justice.

Rather than fighting an uncertain battle, he really had to go back and make careful preparations.

Regarding the tomb robbery case, he had already received some information, which was sent by Colonel Chen in private.

In fact, the tomb robber had been quietly caught by Colonel Chen without anyone noticing. However, the key to this matter is not that the tomb was robbed, but that water seeped into the imperial mausoleum!

Water seepage in the imperial mausoleum is enough to affect Dayin's national destiny. This is a huge case!

Of course, this matter has been completely blocked by Captain Chen, because once word spreads, at least tens of thousands of people will be involved.

At least the three thousand guardsmen will be buried with them!

After all, Lieutenant Chen was also a lieutenant of the Emperor's own army, Longxiang Guard. This time, he was transferred to the imperial mausoleum through Princess Qingyang's operation. His official position was not downgraded. He was still a lieutenant and was in charge of these three thousand soldiers.

And Captain Chen already had a very good reputation, so it took only a few days to win over people's hearts.

It was precisely with Colonel Chen's trump card that Li Nuo dared to accept this task. Otherwise, no one would be able to solve the case in three days.

Back to business.

After Li Nuo returned home, he mentioned to Ye Qingyu that he was going to the imperial mausoleum to investigate the case, and told his wife that it was best to stay at home these days.

He is not in the city. If anything happens, he will not be able to save the fire from afar.

Ye Qingyu reassured Li Nuo and asked Li Nuo to bring Lao Ma Yao and Da Hei Kui. Oh no, now they have changed their names to Da Hei Niu.

Li Nuo thought carefully and agreed. After all, you still need a few of your own talents.

everything's ready.

At sunset, Yu Shangshu did not disappoint him and brought an imperial edict and a gold medal.

After Li Nuo received the order to thank him, he immediately left Chang'an City and headed straight to Huangling Mountain in the northeast.

At nightfall, the group arrived at the imperial mausoleum.

Sir, you are here!

Lieutenant Chen brought several confidants to greet Li Nuo.

Li Nuo nodded and followed Colonel Chen into the military camp.

After letting his men disperse and guard outside the military tent, and deploying a Confucian and Taoist magical power called [Earless Walls], Li Nuo asked: The previous letter was not detailed enough. Now you can explain it in detail. What’s going on!”

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