
When long Chen saw the heart devil, his heart sank suddenly. The face of the heart devil was still that face, but at this time, he was not dressed in black, but in white.

The white robe is spotless. Long Chen has never worn the white robe in his life. The heart demon wearing the white robe looks so holy and noble.

But when long Chen saw the white robe, he was a little afraid. He didn't know why. He was a little afraid of the white robe.

"I'm here. Do you think you can trap me with the heaven and earth tripod? You're too naive." The demon looked at the Dragon dust and said coldly.

Their voices are the same, their tone of speech and their manners are the same, but at this time, the two people, one black and one white, have become a sharp contrast. At the same time, they also have a fierce visual conflict, as if the two people are already incompatible.

"I really look down on you more and more. At the beginning, you didn't dare to confront me head-on and use conspiracy to calculate me. From that moment on, you were a loser.

After coming out of the heaven and earth tripod, I didn't retaliate against you, but chose to leave you. I want to do a more important thing. " White dragon dust road.

"More important things? More important than regaining control of the body?" Dragon dust pressed down the shock in his heart and asked calmly.

"Yes, since you calculated me last time, I know that you are no longer qualified to be my enemy. It's sooner or later to control your body." White dragon dust cold tunnel.

"What is your goal?" Dragon dust asked in a deep voice.

"I want to destroy this world that I hate." The Dragon dust in white is authentic word by word.

Every word of the white dragon dust has strong confidence. Hearing his voice, the Dragon dust has a picture in his mind of the collapse of the way of heaven, the collapse of all worlds and the ashes of all living creatures, as if his words were a prophecy.

"Why did you do that?" Dragon dust asked with anger in his heart.


Dragon dust in white looked up and laughed: "what a ridiculous question, what has the world become like?

Wherever you go, you are targeted like a lost dog. Looking back on your life, have you ever had a safe day in your life?

You are not only targeted by the human race, but also by creatures from all walks of life. Wherever you go, there are enemies everywhere. Even God will destroy you.

Heaven and earth, you have no way to escape. How far have you been? You don't even have the courage to destroy the world. What qualifications do you have to control this body? What qualifications do you have to call yourself dragon dust?

As I said, I am the real dragon dust, and you are just the seal and shackle implanted in me by others. Your childishness and stupidity hinder my way forward.

However, it doesn't matter. I can control this body soon. When the seal is lifted, you will always fall into darkness, and I will destroy this annoying world with the power of destruction. "

The voice of white dragon dust is cold, with endless hatred and bloody killing intention word by word. His will is as firm as a rock. It seems that no one in this world can change his mind.

"I won't let you do what you want. Although I hate the world, there are also things I miss in the world. My goal is to change the world, not destroy the world." Dragon dust is authentic word by word.

Obviously, the idea of dragon dust in white is completely different from that of dragon dust. This is the first time that dragon dust has serious communication with heart demons. For this first communication, the differences of opinion are huge, even water and fire can not be tolerated.

"Stop me?"

There was a sneer on the corner of the white dragon dust's mouth: "you are now targeted by major forces, regarded as the object of challenge by countless powerful people, and regarded as an unforgivable prisoner by the way of heaven. No one is so embarrassed when you live.

You're so stupid, so embarrassed, you still want to stop me? Think for yourself, is this a big joke? "

Before long Chen answered, long Chen in white continued:

"Didn't you find out? You're not dragon dust at all, and I am?"

"Oh?" Dragon dust was stunned.

"If you are dragon dust, you will follow the instinct of life and do what you want to do.

Why can others do evil, but you can't? Why can others kill all, but you can't?

Why didn't you destroy all the people who provoked you when so many people wanted to kill you?

You think that's your kindness? Is that your wisdom? Is that your gratitude and awe for life?

Wrong, the earth does not grow nameless grass, and the sky does not produce useless people. Everyone has the right to live the life he wants. No one, even God, can interfere.

The stupidest thing is that the whole world is embarrassing you, but you are also embarrassing yourself. Do you say you are the real dragon dust? " Dragon dust in white looked at Dragon dust and asked.

Long Chen was silent. Although he knew that the words of the heart devil would attack the weakest place in his heart, long Chen had to admit that the words of the heart devil were impeccable.

Dragon dust in white is right. He has been suppressing himself because he doesn't know why. He is afraid to indulge himself.

As the white dragon dust said, the whole world is embarrassing him, and his restraint is embarrassing himself?

"At the gate of the Ninth Heaven, you want to be powerful, but you can't be cruel. You know that the benevolence of women will only bring more harm, but you still go against your life instinct.

You know the people you spared your life will never bypass you when you are down one day.

You know, violent and bloody means can make more people fear and buy more breathing time for themselves.

You know that if you kill more Tianjiao, you will get more Tiandao fruits and maximize your own interests.

You still know a lot, but you're still on the wrong road. You're not a demon. What are you? " Asked the white dragon dust.

Long Chen was silent for a long time and nodded:

"Your question is very profound. I've thought about it before, but I haven't found the answer.

But you say I'm a demon. I don't admit it. I'd rather believe my intuition than the so-called answer. "

"Intuition? What intuition do you have?" Dragon dust in White asked.

"When I am with my confidants and blood brothers, I feel that my road is not wrong. The road is not only mine, but also theirs.

Countless people have dreams and bright hearts. I can't block the way of others because I've taken my way. " Dragon dust road.

"Light? The world has long been covered by dark clouds. Even the way of heaven is no longer fair. Where is light?" Dragon dust in white suddenly said angrily. It seems that this sentence of dragon dust irritated him all of a sudden.

"The light is not in this world, but in your heart and my heart." Dragon dust looked at the heart demon way.

"It's a big joke. Is there a darker place in this world than people's hearts?" Dragon dust in white is very angry and laughs back.

"I don't know if there is, but I know that there is always light in my heart. That light comes from what I want to protect.

Because as long as they are there, even if I fall into the dark abyss, I will never give up hope. Even if I am in a desperate situation, I still believe that miracles will come. " Dragon dust road.

"Then let me see where your miracle comes from. Are you ready?"

The Dragon dust in white snorted coldly, and the violent breath radiated. Finally, the war could not be avoided.

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