

The urge to pee came in the middle of the 11th match, but succeeded in enduring without fail.


「Baa~ba, chi-chi」

「Ara, ara, how admirable you are, Lily-chan. Elliana-san」

「Yes, saa Lily, let’s endure until the potty this time, okay?」


Obaasama promptly handed me over to Ena, and the wonderfully equipped Scarlet-san opened the door leading to the guest room.
I might make it this time. But, I can’t be careless. Because I don’t know when it will burst.


「Lily, do your best. Just a little more, okay?」


I intend to try hard because of Ena’s encouragement, but because I don’t know how to try hard, I strain my abdominal muscles and start enduring for now.
But, this didn’t work well.
The moment I put a strain on my abdominal muscles, my little water tank burst.






It appears Ena immediately noticed.
When she confirmed that the diaper started to get wet, she made a disappointed face for just a moment. But, she immediately comforts me with a gentle expression.


「It’s all right, Lily. Let’s also work hard next time, okay?」


It seems that parents are not very good at making negative faces to babies. Babies closely observe the expressions of their parents. That’s why I notice various things.
Therefore, if you make a negative expression, the baby will notice and become sad. Usually, babies associate the action just before that with its cause. It seems that there are times when not being able to hold the pee can become a pressure.
Because of that, the diaper period can easily extend.
Ena might properly know about it. It seems that her disappointed expression quickly changed into a smile because of that.

Because I feel slightly relieved because of Ena’s smile, it certainly does have a big effect.


Let’s endure without straining my abdominal muscles next time.
But, how should I endure? Because my pee holding was on an unconscious level in my previous life, I have no idea how to endure.
How troubling.

My diaper was quickly replaced, I was seated on the potty for practice again, then we returned to the seats.


Although the matches didn’t progress even by one, it appears there will be a lunch break after it finishes.
Because I peed a lot, I drank more fruit water than usual, so I am not hungry that much.
Although I had a drainage, my stomach feels flabby.

I might not be able to eat much of the lunch today……
Even though I drank more than usual, the little girl body can’t take in so much, of course, it would get full, huh……

By the way, the lunch menu is sandwich just as yesterday, but the fillings were different, it was fresh and delicious.
Because I took my time and ate more slowly than yesterday, the competition considerably advanced when we returned.
I wasn’t sleepy enough for a nap today, so I decided to continue listening to the matches.

It appears that those twins representing the Saudoheid Republic have smoothly advanced to the next round. It seems there was no stunning upset.


Our Okaasama and Otousama representing the Ovent Kingdom’s team fought to the bitter end and achieved a victory.
They have entered the best eight. Given that they only felt bitterness during the previous tournament, the downstairs was very fierce. When the judgment of victory was finalized, the theater shook with great cheers.

Obaasama’s usual nonchalant smiling face became even more dazzling.
She seems to be very happy. The previous tournament must have been very frustrating.


The subsequent matches were without any unexpected results, proceeding smoothly. The Saudoheid Republic’s team easily crushed the previous champions, and the Ovent Kingdom’s national team attained victory in the semifinal without any danger.
The Saudoheid Republic’s team also win their semifinal match, and the final match turned out to be the Saudoheid Republic vs. the Ovent Kingdom as most people expected.

Prior to that, the 3rd place match took place, and the excitement in the theater was at its peak.
Because the next match will be the first in four years since the last match.


The final game which became one of the most noteworthy games today has ended in a somewhat different way from the expectations.
Because one of the twins was engulfed and disabled by the Blazing Bow fired by Claire right at the start of the match.
It was apparently only possible because it was a pinpoint momentary gap right from at the beginning of the match.
It was a strike that made Annela Obaasama say well done, and push up her glasses.
Immediately after that, a tremendous roar from the downstairs shook the theater more than ever before.

Becuase of the loss of one of the twins, the rest of the match was mostly one-sided.
It was a quite quick fall of the curtain, but both the arena and the downstairs were passionately excited. They are surely this passionately excited because they are from the host country.
The representatives of their country are flourishing. Moreover, they overwhelmingly won their revenge match. It’s impossible not being excited.

Shortly after, before passing the 15 minutes mark, the Saudoheid Republic’s national team has been destroyed.
The Ovent Kingdom’s national team have become the winners of the team competition.


Getting revenge for the disgrace from four years ago, Claire’s two successive individual competition championships, because of the great achievements, both the arena and the theater were excitedly shouting, and the second day of Magic Battle came to the end.

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