Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

48, After Summer Day Young Tree

The next day it seemed like the clothes were set within yesterday and it didn't take that long to get dressed either.

Unlike yesterday's Lolita fashion, it had a simple piece with a large, brilliant decoration on the chest and a large eyed bow.

Nothing elaborate costume is everything. Simple clothing highlights the material.

This is a summary of Grandma Annella's story.

I mean, what do you want to say... even if it didn't take me long to pick and change clothes, it took me a long time to rig my wife's fashion.

Looks like she's in her 30s talking fashion to a 1-year-old...... No, I wonder if today's mother-in-law will pass even in her late 20s. It's really a monster.

The vibrant old lady looked like she was having a great time.

I was as alive as I was when I was being mean to myself.

She may have also been applauded for her long story as she kept watching the old lady talking in a quiet and enjoyable way.

Did they think you were interested?

In fact, someone as fierce as I am in combat has taken an interest in you, Immortal, who seems to enjoy the fact that fashion is something that women in general seem to like.

I am the toddler who can't say even if his mouth is torn.

When the fashion rigging came to a close, it was decided to go outdoors yesterday as well.

Naturally, to see my brother and sister trained.

Not so much sunlight and hot wind from similar summers yesterday, but rather dry wind.

The word "dry season" seemed to suit me somewhere rather than a humid breeze like my native country.

When we get to where we were training yesterday, the same inflexible people are guarding us around.

Flexibility already seemed to be over, and I had a raised abs as well as yesterday.

It's still hot today, so I guess it's getting sawdust sweaty. But I can't see the sweat, so I have to guess with their distressed expression.

He hasn't apparently had any muscle aches, and he's managed to do so.

That's how flexible exercise was and how thoughtful the flush was. Muscle pain must have been minimized.

Or maybe it didn't turn out so bad because I'm a kid. Children's resilience is an abnormal word.

If it's something to sport for a little while before life, it's often the next day, normal and the next day. Bad news is that after 3,4 days, I had intense muscle pain.

The body on the large 30-year-old platform seemed to be perfect for muscle pain, along with not usually exercising or anything else.

The two of us sat in a chair that we thought the parasol was giving away, where we could say we were in the earliest position - on the lap of Mrs. Annella.

It would be strong. The sun is Ena's umbrella until it gets here, and it's not hot at all since it's been shut out in parasols since I got here...... not that it gives me the feeling of summer in a crisp way.

Having spent over a year in a temperature-conditioned room, the heat of this refreshing summer is pleasant enough.

The old lady receives a cup containing fruit water from Ena and gives it to me.

Drink a little bit of sole and watch the two of us working hard.

A space you can't feel inside the room. Will the day come when I will be free to go out?

With that in mind, I dropped off the three of them who left for the run.


The two of you who finished your morning training are still full of energy.

After lunch today, Theo and Ellie are negotiating with Ena using Granny Annella as a shield.

What was the negotiation about?

"You've come to see my training, so can I show you my tree?

"Yes! I want to show you my flowerbed too! Fine, Ena!

"I'll accompany you, too, Mr. Eliana."

"... that's right... I certainly don't think it would be dangerous if Master Annella were with you..."

"See, that's settled. Let's get ready. Hey, Lily."

The clog was that they looked after each day, that they wanted to show their precious things. Apparently, he had asked his wife in advance, and Ena reluctantly broke it with her cover fire.

I want to go outdoors as myself, so whatever the reason.

During the year and a half I spent in the room, I was not indisposed, but the wind and seasonal sensations that I felt once I went outside made me feel rushed outside.

I should have been an extreme indoorsman in my lifetime, but does this mean that I've become active this time of life?

I can call it prepping for Grandma Annella, and now I can put on a cute blouse with a round collar on top from a piece. It has a floral pattern and butterfly pattern with floral buttons and a frill at the centre in one point.

I can't see the color, but is it a garment that feels more like spring than summer?

Looks like thin fabric, wearing a shirt underneath.

Pleated skirt with velour bow below. It is pleated and fluffy from the buttocks, not the whole pleat.

Try it on and you'll see, it's a skirt about the length of a fluffy knee.

She was a clear toddler when she was in a piece, but is she a casual toddler now?

Well, it's the same thing that doesn't allow the crotch part...

Five of us go outdoors when we get dressed.

Grandpa Roland is out somewhere because he needs something.

When you go out, it's a terrific shape.

"I'll be right back! We're almost there! Absolutely. That's why. Ahhh."

And he was taken by the inflexible people who were guarding him during his training as he pulled his tail.

By the way, when I finished dressing and Theo came in, it was like a series of streams after the earliest dressing that I had stopped and looked in love again.

Will he really be okay I wonder…….

He is a troubled brother.


Two maids open the door and five dive through it.

I'm still unfamiliar with passing beside my deeply lowered head.

I was a commoner my whole life, and now I'm the lady in the big mansion. Besides, I first met the maid here. Recent stories too. There's no way I can get used to it.

I get used to it one day...... I wonder if I will become a nobleman.

No... this house - if you were in the Christoph family, that wouldn't happen.

A family that seems to be trusted by gentle servants as well. The master-class mighty, but they are very kind to us, and even tell us that if it were for my grandmother, I would beat her down to the point that she would be a demon king or a brave man.

I am surrounded by such a warm presence. It won't be possible.

The five of us walk slowly in the opposite direction from where they are training.

The sun seems to be getting tougher than it was in the morning and the wind that was blowing is gone...... pretty hot.

The blouse is thin fabric and well ventilated, but I still think it's pretty hot.

Naturally, Ena seems to be making shadows out of sun umbrellas, and there is no such thing as direct sunlight, but hot things are still hot.

Theo and Ellie wear hats.

Ellie is better off wearing a large straw hat by the side.

Theo wore a deep hat with a round bottom like a silk hat.

The hat also seems to reach the line of what it is wearing and is well visible.

Naturally it will only look blurry if I do not strengthen my vision and adjust my focus, but it has also improved slightly, or the amount of time that I can keep it in line is somewhat prolonged.

A short walk seems to be heading toward a place that is shadowing the magic of a visible junction in the distance, and the shadows are getting bigger and bigger.

Is it the tree that Theo takes care of? Seems pretty big.

I think it would take a lot of work to take care of that size…

I couldn't see it if it was far away to take me closer, I can see something with countless magic powers.

I'm just a little excited that there was little magic in the garden of those who were training.

Strengthen your eyesight and make sure it's all the same, apparently it's something close to the ground that has magic.

I'll try to focus and see what I can do, but one thing is out of focus right now.

I don't know if it's because there's still a distance, but it doesn't work.

5 people walking slowly and relaxed. The distance between Theo and Ellie gets closer as they talk about their treasures as they look to be enjoying themselves.

Slowly approaching as the servants working in the near field lowered their heads deeply, the focus finally fitted only for a moment was like a young tree - a small tree separate from the one that was seen as a large black shadow nearby.

Too thin shape for a young tree. Maybe it's not the whole picture that magic is shaping.

People can see magic in detail as a whole. But maybe the trees are different.

The tree you're seeing is thin, and the magic that should be flowing is slowly so slow that it's barely moving.

If you think of magic as blood, people's magic flows extraordinarily slower than its speed, but still fast enough.

But the blood of the trees - the flow of moisture and nutrients is not that fast. Then this relaxed flow is also convincing.

The problem is too thin an overall picture, but is this because the magic itself is low?

Or does it have the kind of resistance that wooden skins and the like can't pass through magic?

As we begin to reflect on the phenomenon we see, apparently, where there are young trees we've been discussing is the destination.

I guess I can't take care of a big tree just like that at 9 year old Theo. It's the right choice when it comes to appropriate.

Slowly moving forward, we were about to reach our destination.

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