Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

42, Suspicious gaze after the Immortal

When I left the room in a hurry, I dropped off my mundane tail maid, and then Ena took me back to the couch.

Granny Annella gave it to me by Ena, and from Ena's soft feel, Granny Annella's - I don't think very much of her - indescribable hugging comfort encased the strength forged in Ena's unbeatable soft feel was quite enough to make me want to sit all the time.

As I was enjoying such blissful embrace, Grandpa Roland was standing in front of me on one knee.

The expression shows no sign of a favorable earlier appearance. It made me feel like I had something serious in mind.

"Eliana...... you really haven't seen Lillianne?

Ask Ena, who is sitting next to Grandma Annella, without distracting from her gaze toward this one for a moment. The voice was as serious a pregnancy of tension as the expression.

"Yes, definitely.

Master Randolph examined me many times over a long period of time, as well as numerous literature on cloudy eyes.

She actually meets people with the same symptoms and takes confirmation... but... earlier... "

"... um... obviously he was moving to" circle around behind "to touch the tail of the maid.

That move can't be done without seeing it.

Even if the signs and sounds tell you where it is, it's hard to pinpoint it perfectly. "

... I did it without thinking about it because it was my chance to touch it. Speaking of which, you're blind... I always saw magic and lost it because I knew who was where...

"Sure, it seemed that way to me, too.

However... as far as Randolph was concerned, he said that those who suffered from cloudy eyes did not have any visual restoration. "

Similar serious expressions and serious voices from Roland. Both Theo and Ellie listened in silence, and there was nothing like pinching their mouths.

"Then... Lillianne may not be special... or cloudy eyes."

"Grandpa! Isn't Lily a cloudy eye!?

I raise my voice in response to the words Ellie has been silently listening to "not cloudy eyes". The voice was mixed with expectations and anxiety, but it was solid and clear.

"Calm down, Eristina. It's not decided yet.

As I checked with Lily, I'm only a year old, so it's not a big deal. So it wasn't decided. "

"……… Yes"

Praised by a quiet Annella voice, Ellie replies with a soggy voice without power. For Ellie, curing her illness also includes the great expectation that she can share the things she loves.

And to say it myself, Ellie loves her Lillianne. I am happy to decide if the illness of the person I love will heal. I guess that's why I'm so discouraged.

"So, but! It's possible, isn't it!?

Instead of a soggy Ellie, a suddenly stood up Theo eats down. He also loves his own Lilianne thing. And like Ellie if you can see him, you can share what he loves. If it's possible, any small thing is a voice that can be heard and taken from the temper of not letting go.

"Hmmm...... there is a good chance.

Earlier movements were obviously visible movements. But Anne is right, Lillianne is still young. Even if you could see it, is it temporary or constant? I'm not even sure I can control it myself. Otherwise, Lord Randolph and you will notice.

But this is how I was happy to see you behave, let's call Lord Randolph right away and have him confirm… It would be quickest if Lillianne could ask me and answer…… "

"Soon, then"

He was a pale talking old Roland about his own considerations, but the last one told him to meditate on his eyes and leak a sigh, but for a moment he didn't miss watching this one with his sharp eyes - a sharply changed stream of magic.

Initiating the action immediately, Ena calls the maid and starts talking about something.

I suppose you're telling me to bring in the old man in the flow of the story. Does the fact that it has not been done with one word or two also convey the urgency with some flushing of the circumstances?

There is some distance from here and I am not sure because it only sounds blurry.

Shit......... isn't it important, this......

I don't know... but I've seen a lot of old Randolph's men before, and they don't seem to know anything about magic, and they're going to end up in jail again.

Good luck to the old man, and hanging words of labor in his heart, Grandpa Roland was now traveling before Theo at some point.

"It's Theodore, by the way. You told Lillianne that you hit the book and cautioned her when you read it again, didn't you make a mistake?

Roland, who did not break his serious expression, behaved as if he were a detective listening to the circumstances. Calm and hot, not rough.

It's as hot as trying desperately to find a difference between your cloudy eyes and your own Lillianne.

"Yes, Grandpa. Lily will definitely slap the book and tell you if it's the same book.

Even if I'm forgetting that I'm reading to you...... it's a must!

"Fumu... if that's for sure... don't assume Lillianne understands the contents of the book"

"Yes, I think so too."

"Then, inevitably, Lillianne could understand our story."

Grandpa Roland's sharpened eyes were like those of a prey.

Ooh... Grandpa, that's sharp. Hey.

You don't have a preconceived notion of a 1-year-old.

... Ah... I just showed my behavior and said it might be special... I smashed the preconceived notion... I don't know.

"Lillianne... Are you blind?

Raptor's eyes shoot sharply through our eyes. Its sharpness in capturing the prey exactly now is scary if it is made clear.

Where the hell has my gracious grandfather gone? I feel like I'm the only one here with a majestic eagle and its prey that's about to hit its prey.

But there is no sway in the balance that calculates the risk that even such a horrible gaze will bring me down and leans towards self-defense now.

No matter how strong they are, no matter how influential they are, there are many people in the world who ignore such things. Even if this is a different world and a fantasy world, such people are everywhere.

Therefore, the actions that I should take are limited.

Shirasoba! Shirasoba!

That's the answer I gave myself.

I understand the contents of the book that a 1-year-old was made to read and listen to.

A toddler who suffers from a completely blind disease called cloudy eyes and is able to behave as if he were seeing it.

No matter what you think, it's not normal. And when I admit these, it's not too late, and I feel that I have cheat-level knowledge in the medieval world, which is knowledge in my lifetime.

If that happens, I'm not just a genius anymore.

Obviously dangerous - even the kind of knowledge that makes you a spark of war, because maybe you don't even think you are.

Rather, it is more realistic for those who think about robbing themselves to act under such thoughts. If I'm optimistic, I'll have to turn around.

I know the difficulty of crushing at the work of the company I worked for during my life.

So even a blood connected family can't teach.

Intercept head-on the gaze that even feels the fear directed at you by the fierce momentum.

A staggering gaze would surely be scattering sparks if it were a comic book.

However, it ended in less than 1 phosphorus (min).

Phew...... and Grandpa Roland, who exhaled briefly, turned his harsh gaze into a favorable original thing with a sigh.

"Well, there's no way!

It's like I gave up... it's like it was his overthought, it's a joke, a tone that I can hear and take.

An atmosphere of relaxation is often conveyed by Theo and Ellie, who are open from tension. But for a moment in that tone, I didn't miss the mix of swordswallowed magic.

I have trouble getting my enhanced vision licked with compressed magic.

The magic flow between serious and otherwise is discerning.

That's why we can sense emotional subtleties from outside of facial changes and atmosphere.

The flow of magic affects many places. The magic unconsciously alters its flow, such as a slight difference in flow, or a difference in density, thickness, or strength. Just look at it and you'll find out all sorts of things.

This is an obvious feint.

It's a constant means of putting a rush on the opponent's mind.

So don't break your expression - it's always been faceless - and your gaze sighs, and you stay standing up, Grandpa Roland.

And as it were, Annella, a hawk with a hidden nail sitting next to her. Still, I still don't take my eyes off.

Theo has already told me that he knows who is where. So it's no surprise you don't have to take your eyes off it.

Rather, it would be natural to follow the person who moved in front of you if you are in a state that you think is perceived by signs and sounds.

Grandpa Roland has not been able to completely kill the sound of clothes rubbing or footsteps. Granny Annella is not a craftsman who can't because she is made, but it's a threat. I was wondering if you were an assassin.

Grandpa Roland still seems to be capturing himself at the edge of his eyes, too. Don't be alarmed, Grandpa.

Another atmosphere of tension between the two brothers and sisters is conveyed in the atmosphere of uncaring for Grandpa.

Poor brother and sister.

But I sat on the couch for a few seconds and that gaze ended as well.

The atmosphere of Grandpa Roland, who returned from a serious gaze to a calm favorite, also seemed to relieve the tension around him at once. Theo and Ellie were leaking their soothing breath.

He seemed to have been drunk by the intimidation of his raptor grandfather. Well, at 9 and 7, that would be tough.

Or don't point that intimidation at a 1-year-old... you're a hell of a grandfather. Normally, you're crying a lot.

"Lillianne by the way...... Yikes!?

I casually tried to keep going, and I heard the raptor's words interrupt along the way and "Sparrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

I've been gazing at my Raptor's grandfather for a long time, so I could see him clearly.

The source of the sound is his grandfather.

Grandpa with the head apparently got pulled over by Grandma Annella, who put herself on her lap.

Without any vibration or preliminary motion, that would be what you should call a master.

I can't help but blink my eyes with amazement and war.

"A, Ann! hey, what...... what!?

My grandfather, who distorted my face, tried to speak but before he took shape, he was now moving from the couch to the air.

It's on my soft but tense knee, flying the giant muscle Dharma into the air without any vibration or preliminary motion.

His grandfather, who was flown in the air, seemed to be flying a little backwards, immediately taking passivity and gently spinning around, but burying his head on a plank-like floor with the landing.

It's not my very grandmother's thighs that are soft and tense - I was on my lap and I'm on the couch for some reason.

Too shocking a sight and a trip to a couch that was not perceptible to me at all after a moment. The behavior of Mrs. Annella after that.

Above her miserable grandfather's head, buried on the floor, was Granny Annella's "leg".

No matter where you look, it feels like you slapped him on the floor as he landed.

The speed of that movement. I'm supposed to have kept myself on my lap. I'll be there at some point. Momentary travel or something? and so threatening a body trial that I want to ask for an hour.

Maybe witchcraft has instant travel. So fast, Grandma Annella buried her grandfather's head on the floor.

By the way, I didn't make any buried noises on the floor. I guess this is magic too. Could it be the sound insulation system that Ena used before? It's not the realm of speculation, but if you're running that thing alive, it's probably the realm of immortals, not the earliest masters.

Grandma is a Immortal. I don't like that!

But that's all I found out.

Our lineage is female and definitely the first!

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