2 weeks has passed.

It appears that I have really become a baby.

A word reincarnation comes to mind.
One of the last memories I can recall is reading a light novel where the protagonist has an accident and reincarnates in a different world.

I can’t laugh because this is too strange.

But, even if I have reincarnated, I have no evidence that this is a different world.

If I can’t understand words, it’s possible that this is a foreign country.
Above all, I am unable to see so I can’t check my surroundings.
However, besides the distorted white foggy people, and the illumination? on the ceiling, I have found out that there are other objects that look like white shapes and lines.

The temperature of the room rises when the heater-like thing on the wall, a white, thin, foggy thing is put out.

There seem to be little lanterns? beside the ceiling light.
I figured that they are lanterns because the people that come in always bring it with them during night(?).


I don’t have conclusive proof.


My sense of noon and night is vague, and I realize that the information which I obtain with my eyes is quite important.


And the best thing is, that I have become able to see my body in white now.


I wasn’t able to see it at first.
After several days, by observing the people who kept me company in the room, my ability? to distinguish the people and see their outlines increased little by little.

I understood that it was because of my eyes’ growth.

When I look at my hand, I can see a tiny, white outline.
Because I can hardly move my neck, I can see only the visible parts of my body, I have learned that by trial and error.

There were several discoveries.

The outlines gradually thickened as I concentrated.
Even if it becomes thick, the outline is still very thin and white. Since I couldn’t understand at all, I have focused on making that white darker.

The concentration of the thickness slowly and gradually kept rising.
It was when the almost transparent white, turned a bit white.


“My consciousness flew.”


It seems that when I increase my concentration on the thickness, the consumption of my stamina exceptionally increases.

It’s my first time, so I didn’t know how far I can go, but now that I can consider the limit, I can start the dangerous work.

After concentrating to the limit, I sleep to recover then concentrate to the limit again.
After repeating the process over and over again, I noticed that I had not consumed as much stamina when reaching the limit like when I reached the limit for the first time.


This apparently is also growth.


Well, it’s simply a growth of a baby’s body, so it’s difficult to say that my strength increased.
Has the consumption of stamina while concentrating decreased after getting used to it?

This is still necessary to verify, but I am not able to do that, so I decide to be patient.

I begin thinking that this white stuff I see from my body and people’s bodies needs a name.

Under present conditions, conversation with others is impossible.
It’s also impossible to read books with the body of a baby as well.

Rather, I don’t know whether I could read the letters in the first place.

Because I’m not able to read which is fatal, I can’t gather information.


For the time being, I open the theater in my brain and hold a meeting.


Myself A「Because I can see my and other people’s body foggy, wouldn’t life force be correct!」
Myself B「That wouldn’t be possible since I can see the illumination, heater or lanterns the same way!」
Myself C「There’s no evidence that the illumination is really illumination, is there? Is the heater really a heater? Rather, is it noon right now? A night? Rather, since when? When’s the snack time~?」
Myself D「Is a name really necessary? It works for now, isn’t that enough?」
Myself E「I finally got an interesting power. Naturally, it needs a good name! Like…… with a chuuni-like feeling!」
Myself F「Like I said, what exactly is that feeling!」
Others「Gyaa~ gyaa~ ha~ ha~」

Myself wearing judge clothes「Silence! Silence! I’m announcing the decision!」

Myself D「Are? When did the meeting turn into a trial?」

Myself dressed in judge clothes「The name of this power is “Magical power(Temporary)”! I adopt this name in hopes of this world being a different world!」


The intracranial myself meeting…… the intracranial myself trial has successfully ended.




I concentrate on the thickness, sleep and repeat for a few days.
As a result, my eyesight has improved.
It reached a point I can roughly understand.

The foggy figures looked like people, but I can now distinct them as humans.
I still can’t distinct them individually.
Just to the degree of “foggy humans.”


The person with the most contact is the tall person who lets me drink from breasts.
Because it’s two weeks after birth? the meal is naturally mother’s milk.

I can’t really distinguish the details, so I’m not really embarrassed.
I think I may be embarrassed if I could see clearly.

No, my mental age is already in the thirties so I already did some breastfeeding play, so I wouldn’t be embarrassed, but……

No excitement either……

In the first place, I don’t really have an interest in breastfeeding play…… it’s true, you know?

Why is it, rather than embarrassment, a peace of mind, something warm…… I savor the meal.


Maa, that this person is my…… the reincarnated my’s mother is still unknown at the present time.
If not a mother, a wet nurse?

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