Night’s Nomenclature

Four hundred and thirty-five, merged group chat, new faces!

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Zard: "Who should share the strategy? Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait. If you don't share it anymore, the group leader will kick you."

Everyone seemed to be able to hear this chatter in their ears.

Liu Dezhu: "I'll share a strategy: North American Time Walkers have a large number of forbidden items, and their genetic medicines are relatively cheap, but have serious side effects."

King Chuang: "The shadow war has become intense. Fortunately, he is suspected of possessing forbidden objects that can influence the fate of others. He has caused many accidents to Qingwu and Qingwen. Now Qingwen is trying to take this opportunity to join forces with Qingwu, but Qingwu Rejected. Qingwu's reply was that each shadow fight depends on their own abilities, and joining forces is too low-level. By the way, Qingwu is a B-level master. The Qing family's training inheritance cannot be started until the age of 9. He started practicing at the age of four. That’s enough, he can be regarded as the top cultivation genius within the Qing clan.”

King Chuang: "There are many factions within the Qing family that support him as a shadow candidate."

Li Si: "Why, aren't Qingwen, Xiangxiang, and Qingyuan good enough?"

Li Si's words directly eliminated Qing Shi, who was keen on chasing stars...

Chuang Wang: "The current evaluation of the internal bosses is that Qingwen is strong on the outside but hard on the inside. Fortunately, although there are taboos, his skills are not strong enough. Qingyuan is good, but the bosses hope that the next generation of Shadow will be a martial arts idiot who does not care about worldly affairs. , rather than a shrewd and strong man.”

Everyone understands that the shadow power is too great. It can be said that within the Qing family, it is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

If the shadow is too strong and too smart, then the chances of the bosses of each faction being dealt with are very high. .

Power will be concentrated in the hands of the shadow and the head of the family.

If Shadow is a martial arts idiot, then the bosses of various factions within the Qing family will naturally be able to play some tricks.

Chuang Wang: "The current generation of shadows has suppressed various factions too hard. Everyone is gradually becoming dissatisfied. No one wants the next generation of shadows to be like this."

What the shadow has to do is not only to deter the outside world, but also to ensure internal unity and concentration of power.

Chuang Wang: "Recently, the Qing family's shadow has rarely publicly supported something, which is the exchange of Kamdai Jingbei by the PCA Federal CIA in City 10. The newly appointed inspectors of the Seventh Group of the Intelligence Division have not caught him. People within the Shaoqing clan have even cut off the wealth of many people."

King Chuang: "It is said that before our return, an internal meeting was just held within the Qing family. The leaders of various factions wanted to question Shadow and impeach him for his recent actions. It was known internally that he wanted to replace Qingmu, but Qingmu's value was Stay in the north instead of returning to the Qing clan. The bosses of various factions are preparing to question the wisdom of his decision."

Qingchen was stunned for a moment. He knew why Shadow wanted to replace Qingmu. It was just because the other party wanted to help him win over the hearts and minds of the entire Qing family intelligence system.

But Qingchen didn't expect that Shadow would have to endure a lot of pressure to do this.

The other party never mentioned this matter to him.

King Chuang: "This generation of shadows has made too many enemies. After leaving office, I am afraid that they will be under house arrest in the Qing family's Ginkgo Manor and spend the rest of their lives... How about it? Is the strategy I shared detailed enough? Is it selfless enough? ? Please show me some respect from now on!"

Zard: "I'm very pleased that you finally proved yourself."

King Chuang: "..."

In fact, many members in the group have doubts about this.

This King Chuang seemed to have no desires and demands. The information he shared all day long was extremely crucial, and he didn't hold anything back at all.

He must be in a very key position within the Qing family to know so many things, right?

But what is this picture of?

Qingchen even had some doubts. Could this guy be Qinghuai's uncle? That uncle was just a relative with a military rank of lieutenant colonel. How could he know so many things?

In the midst of the excitement, Qingbao said weakly in the group: "I don't have any strategy recently, can I pay for it first?"

In fact, Kamishiro Konone has strategies to share, but her strategies can easily reveal that she is Kamishiro Konone.

She was worried that after Bingyan found out that she was Kamidai Kōyin, she would be embarrassed to take out a three-bedroom apartment.

Although Qingchen had already guessed it...

Taboo ACE-999: "Agree."

Jingshan: "I agree."

He Xiaoxiao: "Agree."

Li Si: "Can I also owe it first? I haven't gotten anything recently..."

"John Doe has been kicked out of the group chat."

Nan Gengchen had been leaning next to Liu Dezhu and watching the news in the group, and he burst out laughing: "Hahahaha, why is Li Si so miserable? These people are engaging in gender discrimination. Why can girls owe money, but boys can't? ?”

Liu Dezhu glanced at him: "Are you as miserable as you?"

Nan Gengchen: "..."

However, Qingchen knew that Kamdai Kongone was not kicked out because his identity was special and there would always be new information in the future.

Li Si was kicked out because Jiuzhou must have figured out that this guy is a bastard.

I have been clamoring for almost half a year to hug the shadow candidate, but I still haven’t...

At this moment, Nan Gengchen suddenly received a text message.

He only glanced at it and hurriedly hid aside.

In the daytime group system, the rich man suddenly sent him a private message: "For 10,000 yuan, I will help you forge your identity and network protocol to re-enter the group chat. Jiuzhou's control over group chats is not that strict. I will provide you with Identity has a certain status in this world, and they can't verify whether you are the real person."

At this moment, those vests from Yi Zaili World finally came in handy!

Bring it in exchange for money!

Nan Gengchen didn't hesitate at all: "Deal!"

He looked at Liu Dezhu with a sneer and said, "I will be back soon as you mocked me just now!"

At this time, everything that the big shots in the group should share has already been shared.

He Xiaodao: "In order to ensure the quantity and quality of this group's guides, it will be merged with another group chat of the same level. I will bring in new members one by one later."


‘Xiaoran’ joins the group chat.

‘Jian Hand Qing’ joins the group chat.

‘Shancheng Spicy Chicken’ joins the group chat.

‘Haicheng Wu Yanzu’ joined the group chat.

‘Little Genius’ joins the group chat.

‘Guan Jue’ joins the group chat.

‘Cat Climbing a Tree’ joins the group chat.

Qingchen watched calmly as the seven people came in. Several IDs among them were very recognizable.

Now this group should be the highest level group in He Xiaoxiao's group chat system. He Xiaoxiao changed the name of the group chat to Group 1.

So, after Jiuzhou kicked out so many gangsters in the group, the people they brought in now must be very important.

Needless to say about the little genius, Yangyang must have not escaped.

The remaining ones, such as Xiao Ran, are probably Kuizen, the leader of the Momiji organization.

Seeing Qing's hands, he is probably the president of Red Umbrella Umbrella.

Shancheng Spicy Chicken is probably the president of Brother Pao.

Haicheng Wu Yanzu is most likely Chen Sui from Matrix.

Guan Jue and Mao Shangshu were somewhat indistinguishable. Qingchen thought for a long time. Could it be that one of them was Qing Yuan or his father Qing Yu? !

Guangming Commune is also the largest time traveler organization in Taicheng, and Qingyuan is one of the most important shadow candidates. There is no reason why Kyushu should not be involved.

After all, the collusion with Jindai and Kashima was indeed unfounded, the matter of Longhu Commune could not be traced to Guangming Commune, and Qingyuan had not provoked anyone else.

Right now.

After Mao Shangshu came in, he actually bought himself a set of chat backgrounds, appearance special effects, and chat bubbles, and then he was the first to say: "Liu Dezhu is mentally retarded."

"The cat climbing the tree has been kicked out of the group chat."

Qingchen, Liu Dezhu, and Luo Wanya silently looked at Nan Gengchen: "..."

Nan Gengchen still looked as if nothing had happened: "What do you think I'm doing? I'm on Douyin. I haven't joined any small groups."

Qingchen's eyes looked caring for the mentally retarded: "Then how do you know why we are looking at you? How did you do it, to be able to get back in? Wait, did the rich guy in the group help you?"

Nan Gengchen held it in for a long time: "Keep it secret!"

Qingchen thought for a while, since the cat climbing the tree was Nan Gengchen, then there is a high probability that this Guanjue is Qingyuan.

Nan Gengchen's heart was bleeding, and he wailed in his heart that he had spent the ten thousand yuan too quickly, so he heard a sound!

At this time, the rich man sent another private message: "I gave you a new identity, not to let you ruin it! However, do you still want to continue doing business? This time I will charge you 15,000."

Nan Gengchen thought for a moment, rich and willful!

Monopoly: "But this time you have to wait before joining, otherwise all fools will know it's you here again."

Nan Gengchen still had more to say: "Okay."

Monopoly said: "I also have some other value-added services here. I have many services here. Let me introduce them to you..."

At this moment, Yi finally found his own user group and his own ATM machine!

Is there a problem with defrauding Nan Gengchen of his money and then being defrauded again? no problem!

And this is not a lie, it really helped Nan Gengchen get into He Xiaoxiao's group, but Nan Gengchen didn't cherish it.

Now in He Xiaoxiao’s group chat list:

He Xiaoxiao, Taboo ACE-999, Jingshan, Bingyan, Liu Dezhu, Little Genius, Huanyu, Zard, Qingbao, Xiaoran, Jianshouqing, Shancheng Spicy Chicken, Haicheng Daniel Wu, Guanjue, Chuang Wang, Moon.

16 people in total.

There should still be some time walkers hidden in the country, but many of the important figures who have appeared in the public eye so far are probably in this group.

There is absolutely no problem in saying that this is the highest quality Time Walker group chat in the country.

Qingchen clicked on the profile of ‘Guan Jue’, but it was still blank.

This is also the norm in He Xiaoxiao's group chat. Basically, everyone's information has not been filled in, so Nan Gengchen wrote "Who is secretly looking at me" in his signature.

"Zhuzi, when you say something in the group, just say this..." Qingchen said.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Dezhu said in the group: "Is Wu Yanzu from Haicheng a member of the Matrix? By the way, in the battle last night, one of the people was wearing the uniform of your Matrix."

Yue'er: "That's right! I had forgotten about it. At that time, I felt something was wrong when I looked at it from a distance. Now that I think about it, there is indeed a person wearing clothes exactly the same as the Matrix. He was wearing the same mask as the Matrix. Halfway between Just took it off."

Haicheng Wu Yanzu: "They are not our people."

Liu Dezhu: "Ah? Isn't it? Then why are you wearing your clothes?"

Haicheng Wu Yanzu: "I will find out."

Liu Dezhu: "Have you had any enemies recently? Is this deliberately setting the blame on you?"

Haicheng Wu Yanzu: "I don't know, but we are already investigating."

Well, the hatred was successfully brought to the Matrix, and Qingchen was satisfied.

He silently watched the group chat, but Guan Jue never came out to speak.

How can the Matrix confront the Guangming Commune?

In the group, Jingshan said: "Everyone, take a rest early. On behalf of Kunlun, I welcome everyone to participate in this joint meeting. Tomorrow, the members of the presidium of the joint meeting will be elected, including a chairman, two vice-chairmen, and five others." A director.”

Chuang Wang: “What’s the use of being the chairman, vice-chairman, or director?”

Zard: "It's just a pretense. I want to run for chairman. When I become chairman, I will first order King Chuang to give me a split."

King Chuang: "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Jingshan: "There is no superior-subordinate relationship in the Federation. Those who have positions, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. We must be responsible for helping other time walkers. We serve the time walkers, not above them."

Zard: "Then let King Chuang be the director and let him serve the time walkers."

Chuang Wang: "???"

In fact, everyone knows very well that this federation does not have real power. It is just that Kunlun wants to register everyone and integrate them into the same organization.

Liu Dezhu looked at Nan Gengchen: "The boss should come to the meeting tomorrow. Will he run for those positions?"

"Why do you ask?"

Liu Dezhu laughed happily and said: "When he gets a position, we will also ask him to do the splits for us... ugh!"

Nan Gengchen wanted to cover his mouth, but was still a step too slow.

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, the first floor of the conference center was extremely lively.

Almost all the time walkers attending the meeting arrived, and Slime, Batman, and Pikachu gathered together.

Everyone silently thought, if a Pikachu becomes the director of the federation later, it won't be laughed at by ordinary people...

There is also that little dinosaur who is shaking his head. At first glance, he is not a serious person.

At this moment, the time walkers at the door suddenly started making noise.

Qingchen, who was wearing a mask and peaked cap, turned his head curiously and saw Yangyang walking in wearing Sailor Moon clothes.

He was dumbfounded.

The girl was young and cute, like an elf in the crowd. There seemed to be a pair of invisible wings behind her back, and she would fly into the sky with just a slight flap.

In the matrix team, someone waved and greeted Yangyang: "Yangyang, here!"

Chen Sui's eyes lit up.

However, Yangyang just smiled at them, walked straight towards Bai Ri, and stood next to Qingchen and two slimes...

Qingchen whispered: "Why are you dressed like this?"

Yangyang was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you guys playing?"

Qingchen complained: "That's because everyone has to cover their faces, and you, a COS character, don't cover your face either!"

"Is that so?" Yangyang thought for a moment and smiled: "It doesn't matter. The consortium is already looking for me anyway. It doesn't matter whether I cover my face or not!"

Thanks to two classmates, Tingqian and CowChan, for becoming new allies of this book. The boss is generous. I wish the two bosses have a fork in the bucket noodles when they eat it!

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