Night’s Nomenclature

Two hundred and forty-nine, black box

In Qingchen's imagination, the world of cyberpunk should always be immersed in the gray sky.

Increased weathering and haze caused by water and soil erosion have plunged the world into natural disasters.

However, the fact is that when technology has developed to the present and energy has been replaced by efficient nuclear energy, the sky has become clearer.

Electric vehicles have replaced fuel vehicles in cities, and since there are no such serious exhaust emissions, people can even see the stars when they look up at night.

In the wilderness, soil erosion is not that serious. The dense vegetation in the forbidden areas has become humans' defense line against the wind and sand.

Sometimes Qingchen would think that if this world really became a forbidden land one day, with giants like Dingdong running wildly in the green ocean, and phoenixes inhabiting the huge canopy, it would be beautiful.

And giants like Dingdong who were born in forbidden places will not be affected by the rules yet. .

Countdown to 2:00:00.

At his home on the 132nd floor of the Luoshen Building, Qingchen took off the expensive suit issued by Mr. Li and changed into a suit from a cabinet of white sportswear bought by his master.

He put on his cap and looked at his sofa.

There were signs of someone sitting on the sofa, but no one had touched his door before he came back.

Being able to enter the house without touching the outside door, Qingchen's impression was that there was only one person named Qing's shadow.

This also increased Qingchen's judgment: the forbidden object that can open the shadow door should be able to go to places where the host has been and seen.

The Qing family's shadow had to go through the main entrance when he first came in, but no longer needed.

Qingchen was very suspicious that while he was at Li's Banshan Manor, Qing's shadow would come to take a nap every day while he was not at home.

The kettle at home has boiled hot water, and there are tiny tea crumbs next to the cup, indicating that the other party has also made tea.

Someone had used the bathroom, someone had taken a bath in it, and even the bathtub had been used.

This shadow of the Qing family didn't seem to regard him as an outsider at all...

Qingchen sighed in his heart, it was really a headache to have such a person in the stall who could come and leave whenever he wanted.

However, what does the other party want to do? Is it possible that my participation in the shadow battle is also the arrangement of the other party?

But what does the other party want?

Qingchen didn't think any more, pressed the brim of his hat and pushed out the door.

This time, he listened specifically to the noise outside the door so as not to scare the silver-haired girl Zheng Yi again.

However, when Qingchen was waiting for the elevator, the silver-haired girl once again screamed in surprise as the door slowly opened, and she even reached into her small satchel, as if there were some weapons inside.

Such as pepper spray.

Qingchen didn't know if the anti-wolf spray in the other world would be more ferocious than that in the outside world.

It wasn't until the silver-haired girl discovered that the person outside the elevator was Qing Chen that she relaxed a little. She asked curiously: "Why haven't you gone to school recently?"

Qingchen thought for a while and replied: "My family may not be able to raise enough money to pay for college tuition, so I plan to go to work early to make money."

Zheng Yi was stunned for a moment: "Everything will be solved, but you must go to school. The convenience store where I work is currently recruiting night cashiers. How about I recommend you to work? You can definitely save enough for tuition."

"Thank you, I'll think about it," Qingchen smiled and walked into the elevator: "Go home and rest quickly."

"Hmm," the silver-haired girl stepped out of the elevator, took two steps and then turned back: "You must think about it carefully. In fact, the work is not that hard."

"Hurry up and go home," Qingchen smiled and waved his hand.

The elevator closed and he turned to look out the transparent glass window.

In this city, girls like Zheng Yi must risk their lives in exchange for an uncertain future.

The other party goes to school in the morning, takes extra classes in the afternoon, and works part-time in the evening.

I tried my best to get into college.

But after going to college, the best way out is to continue working for the consortium and then die suddenly at the job.

This is a carefully designed world, and all the rules of the game are in the hands of the consortium.

Qingchen was thinking that Master Li Shutong and his friends might have seen so many such miserable people that they decided to change the world.

He put on an earphone, and someone in the earphone asked: "It's time for you to return to the surface world. The data fortress promised to you during the second transaction is in your left pocket. Just plug it into the USB port of your computer when you return." By the way, in 14 days, Li Changqing will watch you inject Gene Agent No. 003. Have you thought about how to deal with it? Do you really plan to bite the bullet and inject it, or run away directly? "

Previously, Qingchen's reason for refusing to inject genetic medicine was that he had just received the 004 injection and it would take another 18 days before he could get the next injection.

Now 4 days have passed and this shot cannot be avoided by just dodging.

Qingchen did not answer this question, but asked something else: "What is the origin of knights?"

One answer: "It originated from extreme sports."

"Extreme sports?" Qingchen knew that every life and death test was like an extreme sport, but he always thought it was just a coincidence.

Yi said: "It is recorded in the history of knights completed by my father that my grandfather, the founder of the knight organization, only liked extreme sports at first. Later, when he became a leader in various extreme sports fields, he completed eight life-and-death tests. After the challenge, the gene lock suddenly opened. It was also from that time that the eight life-and-death challenges became a spiritual path."

Qingchen knew that before the creation of the breathing technique, a knight had to complete eight life and death tests before he could become a true knight and the gene lock would be unlocked.

Before completing the eighth item, they were still just ordinary people.

Yi's grandfather, Ren He, never knew that this was a spiritual path before he completed the eight challenges.

Suddenly he said: "Li Shutong feels so much for the ancestors of your world because the Knights organization has always known that before the founder embarked on this path, he knew nothing about the era he would create, and he did not know that he could Become extraordinary.”

"Why should the founder complete these eight challenges?" Qingchen asked curiously.

"Because of your love and belief in life," Yi replied: "Actually, Li Shutong accepted you as a disciple very hastily. According to the normal knight's apprenticeship process, you have to go through all extreme sports first, but he It was too urgent and you were too smart, so he skipped the process.”

Yi continued: "In Li Shutong's life, the knight's road is a process of cultivating the mind and body, and a process of challenging oneself again and again. But for you, it is more of a spiritual path, so you are very interested in the knight organization. What it is, I can’t say I really understand it yet.”

Qingchen was thoughtful. He was more utilitarian in taking this path, so he couldn't understand the true meaning of this journey.

However, he had been moved by the rising sun on the cliffs of the green mountains, and he had an impulse in his heart to walk the same path that his master and others had traveled over the years.

Extreme sport.

This was something Qingchen had found unfamiliar before, and it was also something he had to get familiar with.

He has already thought about how to deal with Li Changqing.

But within 14 days, he must complete the next life and death challenge.

The last time, it was his master who took him on the path of knighthood, and now he himself will travel a long distance.

It snowed heavily in the city on the 18th. The snow on the ground was thirty centimeters thick, and there were almost no pedestrians on the streets.

Return countdown 00:30:00.

In a dilapidated apartment in District 6, Liu Dezhu was sitting in the room, waiting anxiously. Not only was he in the room, there were also Hu Xiaoniu and Zhang Tianzhen who had just arrived in City 18.

Compared with Liu Dezhu who keeps shaking his legs, Hu Xiaoniu is obviously much calmer.

But he saw Liu Dezhu holding a long black box in his arms and stroking it with both hands.

The black box is about one meter six long and extremely heavy.

It was so heavy that when Liu Dezhu hugged it and sat on the sofa, his whole body would be pressed into the sofa.

This dilapidated apartment has all the daily necessities, including 24-hour hot water supply.

However, the three people in the room didn't have the intention to pay attention to other things and just waited for the time.

Zhang Tianzhen asked curiously: "Isn't the boss coming yet?"

Liu Dezhu would check the time on his phone from time to time: "The boss said he would come before returning, and he will definitely come."

"Okay," Zhang Tianzhen looked at the black box in Liu Dezhu's arms again: "What on earth is this? After meeting you in City 18, I saw you holding him all the time."

"This is the boss's thing," Liu Dezhu became vigilant: "Let's do our duty, and don't ask questions if it's not our place. I haven't opened this thing since I got it, and I don't know what's inside."

"Brother Liu, I feel like you've changed a lot. You're a little less slick. I've never seen you speak openly and silently like the boss before." Hu Xiaoniu asked curiously: "By the way, has the boss agreed to meet us?"

"Of course, if he doesn't speak, can I let you come over?" Liu Dezhu responded: "Just wait patiently. He must have something to tell you."

"What does the boss look like?" Zhang Tianzhen asked curiously.

Liu Dezhu's face darkened: "Didn't I tell you everything? Don't pry if you shouldn't pry."

"Oh," Zhang Tianzhen said discouraged.

Hu Xiaoniu also looked at Zhang Tianzhen seriously: "As time walkers, we must first pay attention to confidentiality. No matter how cautious the boss is, we can just do our own thing well."

"Yeah, I understand," Zhang Tianzhen nodded.

In a sense, the three people in this room can be regarded as time walkers who have appeared around Qingchen. They have been tested for a period of time and are relatively reliable.

Qingchen also decided to meet Hu Xiaoniu and Zhang Tianzhen after careful consideration.

At this moment, the sound of pressing the code lock sounded outside the door.

The three people in the room looked up, and a mysterious cat-face mask came into view.

Qingchen asked in a deep voice: "Everyone is here."

After saying that, he turned his eyes to the black box in Liu Dezhu's arms.

Liu Dezhu presented the black box with both hands like a treasure, with tears in his eyes: "Boss, without you, I'm afraid I would have stayed in prison for the rest of my life. I brought you the things, and I swear to you, I have never opened them." "

Qingchen thought for a moment and said, "Well done."

Let’s have some food, there’s another chapter in the evening

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