Nightmare's Call

Chapter 748 Expectation 1

Surrounded by countless gray marks, they flowed slowly beside Lin Sheng.

A huge amount of strange holy power accompanied his body, constantly resonating with the holy power.

This is a strong holy power derived entirely from the gray seal here.

At a certain level, this level of holy power is enough to transform energy into matter.

Lin Sheng quietly let the gray seal wrap himself, and the blood of the gray seal continued to flow.

The huge holy power is like the breath of a giant beast, constantly sending out bursts of regular breaths.

Lin Sheng slowly unfolded the divine fire in his body, and began to burn and refine the holy power and ashes around him little by little.

Time passed slowly.

Lin Sheng's consciousness was fully immersed in the burning and refining of the holy power and the gray seal.

Before he knew it, the side around him quietly transformed into a piece of pure white.

He, who had not fallen asleep for too long, fell into a deep sleep unconsciously.

Heavy gray snow fell from the sky and fell beside Lin Sheng.

He woke up suddenly, opened his eyes and looked around.

"here it is?"

He was standing in a field of ice and snow.

Silver-white mountains stretched endlessly in the distance, and nearby was a huge and irregular white lake that had frozen.

A thin woman in a black robe and holding a black wooden stick is leading a little girl who is only five or six years old, walking forward step by step in the snow.

The two walked half a circle along the lake, and soon stopped in front of a broken ice hole.

"Go ahead, this is your first lesson out there, Cyran."

The black-robed woman raised her head and spoke softly to the girl behind her.

"Hmm." The girl has beautiful silver hair, and there are countless dense gray marks tattooed on the back of her hands.

"Is it enough to attract ten fish with your mind? Teacher." She raised her head and asked seriously.

"Yes. If you can do it within three days, then you will be considered qualified for this course."

"Look at mine. It's very simple." The girl named Sai Lan walked carefully to the ice cave, stood by the side and quietly looked at the water surface in the cave, motionless.

But Lin Sheng's eyes didn't stay on the girl at this time, but on the woman in black robe.

This woman gave him a very familiar feeling.

This sense of familiarity made him want to take a few steps closer and see the woman's face clearly.

But before he got close, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed rapidly.

Time seemed to speed up. Lin Sheng saw that silver-haired little girl, Sai Lan, and it took four days to attract ten fish by the ice cave.

Despite sighing, the black-robed woman chose to congratulate her. You have passed this course.

The picture keeps passing.

Lin Sheng saw the black-robed woman take Sai Lan away from the snow field and left in a spaceship.

The two returned to a remote town and lived in seclusion.

The black-robed woman continued to teach Sailan all kinds of common sense about the practice of holy power every day.

Time passed, but her voice was still gentle, and the part of the skin exposed on her body was still smooth, as if time could not leave traces on her body at all.

Such a picture flickered until a long time later.

A letter was sent to the home of the woman in black robe. At the same time, a short-haired woman with bright red hair came to this small town with many men.

"Long time no see! Anya." The red-haired woman hugged the black-robed woman fiercely.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. It's been thirty years since we first came out of the gap, right?" the black-robed woman smiled.

"Yeah. Thirty years and we are all old girls." The red-haired woman joked with a smile, "What? Haven't decided to get married yet?"

The black-robed woman shook her head slightly.

"I haven't thought about it for a long time. But you, why are you still single now?"

"Because it's too troublesome!" The red-haired woman waved her hand. "What I like most, Silla, is to say no to those self-righteous men! Unless he beats me! After marriage, all income will be handed over!"

"You are asking too much."

The two sat down one after another, chatting about all kinds of interesting things that happened around them recently, and talking about friends and acquaintances that both of them knew.

Lin Sheng was in the corner of the room beside him, watching them quietly.

He already knew that he seemed to have entered the dream again.

It's just that the dream this time is not like the fragments of his soul accompanied by the Kuroshio, but more like a large amount of residual information left in the arm of the gray seal.

The red-haired woman was named Sira, and she seemed to be best friends with the black-robed woman.

The two have known each other for more than 30 years, and Silla is not married, and has made a fortune by herself.

The black-robed woman lived in seclusion, living a quiet and secret life.

Soon, Sai Lan, a silver-haired girl who was practicing Gray Seal in the inner room, also came out when she heard the voice.

The red-haired Silla was slightly surprised when she saw Sai Lan.

"Is this the abandoned baby you picked up?" she asked the woman in black in a low voice.

"Yeah. Sai Lan is very obedient and sensible." The black-robed woman gently rubbed Sai Lan's hair as she approached.

"Come on, Sai Lan quickly call Aunt Silla."

"Grandma Silas is good~~"

puff! The black-robed woman couldn't help laughing immediately.

"This kid is really ignorant!" Silla puffed up and reached out to grab Sai Lan's face.

"Sister Silla, I was wrong!" Sai Lan quickly showed a pitiful expression and begged for mercy.

Lin Sheng watched all this quietly from the side.

The screen flashed rapidly again.

The black-robed woman was very still and thoughtful. After her friend Silla left, she adopted some personal disciples and taught them basic cultivation and the theory of holy power.

In this way, time flies, and the little silver-haired girl Sailan grows up gradually.

And her good friend Silla is also getting old. Although her career is getting more and more successful, she is still unmarried. It's just that the relationship with the woman in black is getting closer.

If everything goes on living in such a peaceful and peaceful way, then this will be a beautiful and warm memory.

It did not exceed Lin Sheng's expectation.

Another three years later.

The woman in black robe received a message from her friend Silla.

A mysterious black mist appeared on the planet she guarded. She needs to go and investigate why.

"Black mist."

Holding the original letter in her hand, the black-robed woman stood silently in the living room, as if she didn't even hear the sound of entering the door behind her.

"Teacher! I have been admitted to the Imperial Space Military Academy!" Sailan behind him shouted happily after entering the door.

Only then did the black-robed woman wake up, hastily put away the letter paper in her hand, and turned around with a pale smile.

"I knew you would succeed."

The silver-haired girl Sailan kept chattering about her happiness, but the black-robed woman was not in the mood to listen. In addition to smiling, her hands are shaking.

"Teacher, I will definitely become a powerful warrior like Aunt Silla!" Selah's last voice echoed in the living room.

The black-robed woman gently stroked her disciple's hair, and was about to speak, when suddenly she seemed to sense something, and turned her face to look out the window.

At the same time, Lin Sheng also turned his face and looked out the window.

Through the window glass, the two of them saw at the same time that black mist was slowly lingering and rising in the distant sky.

"That's the Kuroshio"

At this moment, Lin Sheng recognized the trace of black air, and at the same time he finally saw the face of the black-robed woman clearly.

That face had appeared countless times in his previous dreams.

"It really is you."

Lin Sheng stared at that pretty face.


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