"Classmate Chen Lingxue?"

"Classmate Zhang Xingyu?!"

With a simple question, Chen Lingxue's true identity has been exposed.

"Eh? Eh————What, what's going on, do you two know each other?"

"Or a classmate?"

"Maria is a student of Holy Dance Academy?!"

"Meow meow——! This is the most amazing news today meow——!"

Seeing the surprised friends and the equally surprised Maria, who was Chen Lingxue, a classmate Zhang Xingyu knew, Zhang Xingyu couldn't help but apologize:"I'm sorry... It's just that I think you look familiar no matter how you look at it.……"

Maria's identity has always been a mystery: who is she, why did she become famous overnight with a song, and where is she from? Waiting for questions, since Maria became famous all over the world, many media have been digging for Chen Lingxue's identity. However, the company behind Chen Lingxue protects its information so well that no one knows about Maria's situation so far.

Unexpectedly, not only did Maria come to the nightmare world today, but her true identity was actually an alumnus!

"No, I didn't expect you to be my classmate either……"Chen Lingxue smiled bitterly, but did not blame Zhang Xingyu, and said:"Besides, it's also my fault that I didn't recognize you at first."

"I didn't recognize it at first."Zhang Xingyu said that he was telling the truth. He did not recognize it at first, because in school, Zhang Xingyu knew Chen Lingxue as a girl with short blond hair and some"bad girl" temperament. This image is similar to Mary. The image of Ya was too different to be equated, and today he preconceived the idea that the person visiting was the singer Maria. Even though Zhang Xingyu felt that the singer looked familiar, he was not able to recognize her immediately.

I have to say that the difference between the image of that blue bun and the original blond delinquent girl is really big!

However, feeling more and more suspicious, Zhang Xingyu simply investigated through the nightmare mark, and found out that Ma Maria was Chen Lingxue!

He was really surprised at that time. Not only that, he also discovered that Maria had a major problem with her body!

Originally, he did not intend to reveal Maria's identity, because Maria was the first She wanted to keep her identity secret, but after discovering that Chen Lingxue's physical condition was somewhat serious, Zhang Xingyu chose to expose Chen Lingxue's identity directly.

"I didn’t expect that the person you looked like in school would be Maria. I was really surprised!"Zhang Xingyu said with some embarrassment, but Chen Lingxue's face on the other side turned red.

Yes, Chen Lingxue also thought about this problem, that is, the image he showed in the class was different from Maria's image. What a huge difference!

"Hey, hey————Lord Star Shadow, what is going on? What kind of person is Lord Maria in real life? He must be angelic, right?"Mengmeng Yue asked curiously, and Otilia nodded vigorously next to her, indicating that she was very interested.

Chen Lingxue's face turned redder, and she didn't know what to say.

"Um... ahem, well, Maria in real life is naturally very cute... In addition, she is more lively than Maria in front of the camera."Zhang Xingyu hesitated for a moment and said half-truth - in reality, because of her bright blond hair and delicate facial features, she is definitely cute, but she does have the style of a delinquent girl, and the delinquent girl is said to be lively, Also...barely enough?

After hearing Zhang Xingyu's words, Chen Lingxue breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that he is a lively type, which is a bit surprising."Mengmeng Moon said

"Well, Maria is very quiet and talks very little. She looks like a girl majoring in literature. I didn’t expect that she is actually more lively.……"Otilia also nodded.

Zhang Xingyu looked at Chen Lingxue and found that she had a slightly tangled look.

I originally wanted to keep my true identity secret, but I didn’t expect that it would be exposed on the first day I entered the nightmare world. The most surprising person must be Chen Lingxue herself.

"Yes, that's right - it's my first time to come to Nightmare World today. I heard that there are currently four games in Nightmare World. Which one should a newbie play first? Continuing with the previous topic, Chen Lingxue felt that the lies would get bigger and bigger, so she decisively chose the topic change method.

"Monster hunter? Otilia replied without even thinking about it.

"……Monster hunter?"Mio tilted her head and said

"Monster Hunter Meow~~"Catmaid said

"Well... let's go to the amusement park," Felicia said

"Mechanical baby, mechanical baby!"Mengmeng Yuelai shouted

"It’s still a dark soul!"A certain guy said.

The six friends seemed to have very different opinions at this time.

"Monster Hunter and Amusement Park can understand, what kind of game is Robot Baby, Horizon Games will just tell you! Otilia couldn't help but said to Mengmeng Yue, then turned to look at Zhang Xingyu:"What the hell is the black soul?" Is that a recommended game for newbies? You are the one causing trouble! Don’t think that just because you are Maria’s classmate, you can do whatever you want!"

"It’s meow——!"

Otilia transformed into the emperor of complaints, and the cat maid also expressed her serious approval.

Among the four games currently available in Nightmare World, the most recommended ones for newcomers to play for the first time are Monster Hunter and Endless Amusement Park. One has rich gameplay and a lot of fun, the other is very leisurely and suitable for newcomers to play. Compared with Horizon World, Monster Hunter Hunting is more difficult, and Dark Souls... Let’s not talk about the exaggerated difficulty of Dark Souls. The dark world view and environment alone are enough to scare away a large number of players, especially female players.

However, on the forum, Dark Souls is recommended as the first game that a macho man must play when entering the nightmare world!

"Wait, I have a reason!"Zhang Xingyu said seriously

"What do you think——"

"Nightmare World is a more healthy game, so enter Dark Souls to experience it first!"

"…………The reasons seem good, but back off!"Ottilia looked at Zhang Xingyu speechlessly and said


"Monster hunters can also be healthier——!"

"Well... don't let me die as soon as you come up, okay?"

The daily life of the Shadow Wings Guild began, leaving Chen Lingxue helplessly watching all this.

However, as she watched, Chen Lingxue smiled.

The atmosphere of the Shadow Wings Guild is really good.~


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