After killing the giant wolf, the blizzard stopped and the correct road was found. On the high ground where the giant wolf was, there was a large protruding rock with a very hidden route underneath. If the blizzard hadn't disappeared, the player would probably have It's hard to find this path.

After passing the hidden route, the four of them came to a place that looked like ruins - there were damaged buildings everywhere, some of the buildings were extremely damaged - they couldn't even be called a house, only one wall was damaged!

Some buildings were intact, such as a large two-story house with only a large hole in the ceiling and the door seemed to have been damaged by something.

In the distance, there is another tall tower, but half of the tower is gone, giving people the feeling that this thing has not collapsed yet.

The world of Dark Souls is a great pleasure to explore through push maps, especially on a new map that you have never been to before. It is the happiest thing to find an awesome prop or something in a hidden corner.

This large building that looks intact in front of us makes people want to go in and explore.

"I can guarantee that there must be good things in this building, so I will go over and take a look first."Mengmeng Yue ran over first.

"Wait, it's dangerous to go there alone!"Zhang Xingyu reminded.

Yes, there are good things on the building facade, Zhang Xingyu thinks so too, but setting up a building in the middle of such a big place - there must be some fraud!

For example,"encounter love when you enter the door" or something like that.

Then, Mengmeng The moon has not run a few steps——


With a plop, Mengmeng Yue fell to the ground - she seemed to be tripped by something...

Zhang Xingyu looked over and saw a stone hidden in the snow.

"puff————Kuku, Kuku, Kuku————"Seeing the cute moon lying on the ground in a"1" shape, Otilia laughed unkindly.

Then - boom————————————

Less than half a meter in front of Mengmeng Moon, there was a huge explosion!

A lot of snow was blown away, and the falling snow almost buried the little Loli!

And Meow-chan, who ran with Mengmeng Moon, also started to fly.

"what's the situation?"The three of them were startled and took a closer look. It turned out that there was a huge arrow in front of the little Loli - longer than the little Loli's body!

"Bow and arrow? Where did it come from?"

At this time, the little Loli who fell finally got up.

"Oops - why are there rocks here... and what was the sound just now? Mengmeng Yue asked in confusion:"Why is there an arrow stuck in front, and it is so big... Well, was there something just now?""

This situation is because of the fall just now, which made you confused. Haven't you figured out the situation yet?

Then, Mengmeng Yue reacted.


Another huge arrow came from a distance and hit Mengmeng Moon directly at her feet!

If Mengmeng Moon hadn't stood up just now, she would have been shot directly!

However, the huge impact still caused the little Loli to fall to the ground again - this time on all fours!

"Meow meow meow————"Meow Jiang also flew up again, but with better luck, she flew towards Zhang Xingyu and was caught by Zhang Xingyu

"puff————"Otilia couldn't help laughing again

"Wow————"The little Lolita who fell down quickly got up and ran back in a hurry

"I saw it, it was the tower over there that was shooting arrows!"Mio shouted

"Quick, hide, there is only one wall left over there, you can hide!"Zhang Xingyu said hurriedly, pulling Mio and running over quickly.

"Wait for me——" boom——————

The third arrow hit the cute moon this time, but missed the cute moon again.

Zhang Xingyu looked at Mengmeng Yue in surprise, almost wondering if Meng Meng Yue was trying to escape!

Mengmeng Yue hurriedly ran towards the three of them.

A tree man came to life on the other side of the wall. Zhang Xingyu and Mio cooperated to kill the tree man together. boom——————

Four people and one cat hid under the wall, and huge bows and arrows were shot on the wall. Everyone was safe for the time being.

"The range of this bow and arrow is too far!"Mengmeng Yue said through gritted teeth. Just now, she fell twice in front of Xingying. Meng Meng Yue's face turned red with anger.

ha————The way you dodged the bow and arrow just now was really cool, indescribably handsome, Kukuku——"Otilia laughed again

"Make you laugh! Mengmeng Yue said angrily:"Fortunately, I seduced the enemy's bow and arrow. If it were you, maybe one arrow would fall to the ground and two arrows would rise to the sky!""

"What did you say——————?"

"However, the power of this bow and arrow is indeed very strong!"Ignoring the quarrel between the two little lolita, Zhang Xingyu couldn't help but said:"The enemy occupies the high ground, and the bow and arrow have a power bonus. Coupled with the huge arrows, I am afraid that even the shield will be difficult to resist... If it weren't for the little lolita, Meng, I'm afraid we were really in danger just now"

"Hehe~~ Mr. Xingying still knows~"

Taking advantage of the time just now, Zhang Xingyu secretly checked the data of Mengmeng Moon and found that Mengmeng Moon had neither cheats nor any strange skills. What was strange was that this guy , are you really the kind of person who is born lucky?


Another arrow hit the wall where everyone was leaning, and everyone seemed to be able to feel the vibrations coming from the wall and the ground.

"Mengmeng Moon, can you shoot that guy? Dragon misses have a very long range, right?"Zhang Xingyu asked

"No, Master Xingying, the distance is too far and too high.……"

"If it were Allister's heavy crossbow, there might still be a chance……"Otilia said on the side

"Has Alister not come in yet?"Zhang Xingyu asked

"They were unlucky and couldn't get in even after using up all the Chaos Invasion items... Now they are trying to figure out how to get high-level Chaos Invasion items. Otilia said, and then asked Felicia through the union channel. Felicia said that it would be difficult to enter this world for a while, and asked everyone to continue looking for Lie Yan.

Arrow after arrow, continuously Shooting on the wall, the wall shook more and more violently

"After a while, someone has to go out and seduce the archer, and the others rely on bunkers or blind spots in the tower to deal with the archer.……"

"I think Meng Meng Yue can seduce, well, her words are no problem! Otilia said immediately

"I don’t want this concubine——! Why don't you go!"Mengmeng Yue said immediately

"Star Shadow...this wall...seems to be dying soon……"Mio suddenly said to Zhang Xingyu worriedly

"kindness?"Zhang Xingyu was stunned for a moment.

Just when the two little lolita were arguing about who should seduce, and Zhang Xingyu was about to check the wall, suddenly, from the hidden gap before, four players from the Black Eagle Chapter, including Breaking Galaxy, came. Arriving at this area

"Ah - I have a candidate for seduction."Zhang Xingyu said


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