(——"Ximen Chuixue" in the world of painting"——)

Not sure how many enemies there were on the high ground ahead, Zhang Xingyu first asked the little ninja to go to the front to check the situation. Mio nodded, looked around, and then carefully walked around from one side.

"I saw four enemies on the high ground, two long-range and one west... The one holding a torch was still a red-eyed monster, and there was a melee one holding an ax and a shield... In addition, there was a small forest on the other side of the high ground. There are a lot of tree people inside, but they are blocked by high ground, so they shouldn't be able to see the battle here."Meiying said to Zhang Xingyu in the private channel

"Well, this configuration is the same as what I saw in the post. I am afraid it is the scene that the player encountered... In other words, the person holding the torch is probably a strange monster... This guy is in some trouble.……"

In fact, the more accurate term for the strange monster is"a monster eroded by the deep sea." However, at this stage, players have not yet come into contact with the core secret of the game - that is, the nature of fire transmission and the situation of the next era. I simply think this is a setting that increases gameplay and difficulty.

When the erosion degree is 15, because the power of fire is extremely weakened, the power of the deep sea begins to erode and appear in the world. At this time, any monster may be eroded and transformed by the power of the deep sea. However, being transformed does not mean that the monster will It will definitely become stronger, and some monsters may become more fragile and weaker than before. However, the characteristic of weirdness is the word"weird", which is weird - the attack mode of weird monsters may be different from before. There will be earth-shaking changes, which is very dangerous for players who are familiar with this type of monsters, because players rely more on experience to defeat monsters - for example, for monsters that look like dogs, the basic attack methods It is inseparable from swooping, biting and the like. Crabs will definitely come sideways and hit or catch people with their claws. Human monsters will be easy to identify. A humanoid monster with a weapon will never give up. Weapons, hit people with iron head skills!

However, the weird enemies are weird enemies that can break the players' thinking patterns. Maybe the weird enemies are weaker than those powerful hidden monsters, but they are absolutely weird, and their attack methods are confusing. If you are not careful, you will be hit. trick!

When the erosion degree is 15, most of the monster's weird changes are relatively simple. As the erosion degree continues to deepen, the weird changes will become weirder. The same monster may even have several weird changes.

After breaking through the third stage of erosion and reaching the ultimate difficulty set by the game - the fourth stage of erosion with an erosion level of 20, then - the entire game world will undergo horrific changes!

"Mio, don't worry about the tree people behind the high ground. I'll fight the tree people first. If the enemies on the high ground find out, let the two melee ones come over. I'll quickly deal with the tree people and then contain the two melee ones. You can handle it. Are those two remote?"


"Okay, just tell me when you're ready and I'll be weird"


"By the way, Mio, at first, you wanted to call the enemy with the torch Ximen Chuhuo, right? Well...a strange enemy with tentacles. According to the forum, it is now Ximen Blast Blowing Fire."

"Ah woo——"Mio's strange voice came from the private voice channel

"Ha, it’s okay, the name Ximen Chuihuo is really popular now. About half of the replies to yesterday’s post were complaining about Ximen Chuihuo, haha——"

"Well...that...I'm ready"

"Okay, I'm going to open it."

Zhang Xingyu went to attack the tree man. The tree man is actually not difficult. Because the moves are wide open and closed, and he can't move, melee players can easily kill him, especially after avoiding the tree man's grapple. People will have a big gap.

However, you can't underestimate the Treants because of this. If you leave the Trees alone, the tracking flames launched by the Trees can chase the players all over the ground. If there are more Trees, the trees will be densely packed. The little flames come from all directions, and they can scare people to death!

Treemen are that kind of people who are not difficult, but they need to be killed first!

Zhang Xingyu fought very smoothly. After all, he had played the original version. Although in the nightmare version, again, Coupled with the enhancement of erosion, the tree man has become much stronger, but its setting is just a small monster, and it will not be as strong as some hidden monsters or bosses, so Zhang Xingyu killed the tree man with almost no damage.

As for why Almost, because the tree man's piercing cry in the middle alerted the four enemies on the high platform!

"They're coming down, be careful, the archers are targeting you!"

"I know, don't rush out now, wait until the two close combats are over, and then go kill the archers!"


The archer's aim was very accurate, and the bow and arrow flew extremely fast. Zhang Xingyu dodged the first shot, but not the second one, and was hit by an arrow directly. However, this also allowed Zhang Xingyu to figure out two of them. The archer quickly found a blind spot on the high platform and hid.

At this time, Ximen Chuihuo and the Ax Warrior rushed over. Ximen Chuihuo still used fire attacks. A huge fire snake flew over, and Zhang Xingyu had no choice but to leave. Originally the archer's blind spot area.

The ax warrior quickly ran towards Zhang Xingyu, and Zhang Xingyu was in trouble - if he was hit by the archer in a vital part, hit hard, and then hit a combo by the ax warrior, he would probably be killed immediately. Kneel!

With a roll, the huge ax hit the snow almost against Zhang Xingyu's body, and then a bow and arrow shot towards the place where Zhang Xingyu was standing just now, and whoosh - it sank directly into the snow!

"so close!"Zhang Xingyu couldn't help but say

"I've fought with the archers, they won't attack you!"At this time, the good news of Mio came.

"Beautifully done!"

The attack of the Ax Warrior is powerful and heavy, but there are many flaws, but Zhang Xingyu does not dare to attack, because behind the Ax Warrior is the treacherous Ximen Blast Blowing Fire - with one more tentacle, how will Ximen Blast Blowing Fire attack? Zhang Xingyu didn’t even know!

He dodged the warrior’s set of combos, and while the warrior was catching his breath and Ximen Blow Fire didn’t blow fire, Zhang Xingyu rushed towards Ximen Blow Fire. Ximen Blow Fire saw the enemy approaching. , directly picked up the torch, rushed towards Zhang Xingyu, waving the torch in his hand crazily.

Swish, swish, swish - 18 crazy torches, but Zhang Xingyu, who was well prepared, dodged it, and directly slashed twice with the sword, and hit I was hit hard by Ximen Baobuihuo twice, and I was about to continue attacking, but I didn't expect that the tentacles behind Ximen Baobuihuo started to swing like crazy. It was swinging 1080 degrees crazily, the tentacles were extremely powerful, and they were swinging. At that time, the tentacles would grow longer. Zhang Xingyu was hit twice. The second time was stronger and he was knocked away! The ax warrior on the side rushed over.


At the critical moment, Mio rushed over and blocked the Ax Warrior!

Little loli saves the hero!


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