(~~~"Dreams come true" Floating Mianlong~~~)

Today is an extremely exciting day for Monster Hunter players. An epic update. Not only does it have a brand new map, a brand new map monster, but it is also very rare that a wave of new monsters are also updated in the old map. , not only that, there are also new rare species of monsters - subspecies, and"new skins for old monsters" are also refreshing for players.

At present, players have discovered a total of 4 new subspecies, namely: the female fire dragon subspecies Sakura Fire Dragon, the fire dragon subspecies Cang Fire Dragon, the poisonous demon bird subspecies Water Demon Bird, and the floating dragon subspecies Fumianlong.

In terms of appearance, the subspecies are only slightly different from the ordinary ones, but the color changes are very large. For example, the brilliant color of the original Sakura Fire Dragon makes players feel for the first time that such a huge monster is not domineering, but - beautiful! The blue color of the Cyan Fire Dragon is like that under the moonlight, which makes people feel that it is just like the Moon Knight. Although his fighting style of always being in the air makes players hate it.

The attack methods of the subspecies are also eye-opening for players. Originally, players thought that this type of subspecies monster had the same model as the ordinary type, but only had an increase in strength, similar to elite monsters. However, it turns out that players were wrong. , big mistake!

This is a nightmare world, not some online games. The same model can be called another monster if it changes its skin (a certain online game: fight crabs at level 1, upgrade to level 100, still fight crabs, but the crabs have changed skins.!), a subspecies of monster hunter, its combat mode has almost undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the original ordinary species!

In just one day's work, these subspecies were given various nicknames by players. For example, Sakura Fire Dragon is the"running champion"."、""Charming poisonous tail", while Cang Huolong is"shameless in aerial combat""、""Flying Fire Technique", the female fire dragon and the fire dragon were originally called the Queen of the Land and the King of the Sky, and the subspecies fully demonstrated these two titles. The water demon bird is"one-half water king" because it When spraying water, it likes to split the water column in two and move away from it to the left and right, so countless players have been hit by it, and many of them have died - the water-type attack of the water demon bird is very powerful, and if the player's water resistance is not high, it will easily Just hang up.

Some players wondered why the attack power of water was so strong. Soon some players said that they could check what the most powerful knife in the world is!

Good guy, the most powerful one is not a high-tech metal knife. It's not those ancient dragon-slaying knives, but a water gun!

The power of the high-pressure water gun is very terrifying, and the water erupted by the water demon bird is thin and small, with extremely strong impact. It can be regarded as another kind of water gun..There is a saying that goes well, water can be gentle, nourishing you when you are thirsty, or it can be violent, submerging a city in an instant! The water of the water demon bird is violent water!

This is because the Floating Sleeping Dragon is in Players lie down and sleep in various ways while beating him, which is called"a dream come true" by players."……Well, it describes the player. As for why it is called that, it is because of the way the player behaves after he is put to sleep - in computer games, after the player is put to sleep, the camera will still stay in the screen, but in the"Real" version of the Nightmare World version"In the world, after the player is put to sleep, the player can feel a super sleepy feeling, and then he will involuntarily fall to the ground and close his eyes.

At this time, the player's feeling is still there, but the vision and hearing have disappeared. The surroundings are dark and silent. This feeling is very strange. Then, a"home" will appear in front of you."——It is the player's home in the nightmare world home system. Take pictures of your home from various angles. Just when the player is surprised why such a picture appears, your home begins to"evolve""——The area has become larger, lakes, forests, and hills have appeared. Not only that, your home has also changed from a simple log cabin to a luxurious log cabin, courtyard, and castle—and then, basically in this process, You are about to be beaten by a monster!

Okay, okay, the system shuts down the player's vision and hearing after being put to sleep, which is fine, but what is this thing that appears in the pitch black? Home system? Is it showing how beautiful and spectacular the future home system can be?

No, no, no, with the urine in the nightmare world, it is impossible to be like this. This is mocking, mocking the players - look at your broken family, and look at what I have shown you, are you capable of doing it? Does not! (And then you were beaten!)

What is this if not a mockery?!

Some old players swear by it - this is the truth!

Because the hallucination of the home world will appear after being slept by the Floating Sleeping Dragon, it is called"a dream come true". Of course, a dream come true must be understood in reverse.

The Floating Sleeping Dragon is the first monster in the Monster Hunting world that can make players sleep. It is very novel. Therefore, some people have encountered very interesting battles. For example, during the battle, a Tragic Claw came over, which made the hunting The players of the new monster were very nervous, and then, after a while, the Mistyclaw began to sleep!

Haha - it turns out that not only players will be put to sleep, but monsters too!

Smart players immediately discovered something that could be taken advantage of - using the characteristics of the Floating Sleeping Dragon to quickly sleep monsters, can they hunt other monsters, such as the newly added powerful and terrifying Thunder Wolf Dragon, or the Kirin?

But Qilin doesn’t need to think about it, because Fumianlong doesn’t dare to approach Qilin at all!

There are 4 subspecies. Although the original monsters just changed their skins and made some slight changes, the monster's attacks have undergone earth-shaking changes. Some players who like to study Monster Hunter said:

"Subspecies is a great improvement to the monster ecosystem in Monster Hunter World! As we all know, a subspecies refers to a population of a certain organism distributed in different areas. Due to the influence of the living environment in the region, they undergo certain changes in morphological structure or physiological functions. This population is called a certain organism. subspecies.

From a biogeographic point of view, subspecies is a very common definition, but in the world of Monster Hunter World, this definition will appear to be very meaningful. First of all, the existence of subspecies completes the monster ecology of Monster Hunter World. Let players know that there are also special individuals among monsters. Some players should already know that the Third Investigation Group comes to the New World to investigate the natural ecology. This of course also includes the ecology of monsters. Interested players can go to the lobby of the Third Investigation Group. After checking the information, you will know that there are actually many other subspecies. The Sakura Fire Dragon and the Blue Fire Dragon are both subspecies that were already known, while the Water Monster Bird and the Floating Sleeping Dragon were discovered for the first time.

Secondly, the existence of subspecies increases the fun of hunting. As players become familiar with a certain monster, the difficulty of hunting will decrease. After all, as soon as the monster moves the PP, you will know whether it is going to fart or poop, so the difficulty will naturally decrease. , after all, when you encounter a certain monster, you will know what the difficulty of this monster is, what preparations you should make, and how to fight.

However, subtypes enrich the attacks of certain types of monsters. For example, the poisonous bird needs to be poison-proof, but the subtype water monster needs to be waterproof!

Although there are currently only 4 subspecies, more monsters will appear in the game in the future, giving players a richer hunting experience!"


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