The classic battle of Molten Dragon is naturally talked about by players, but players also discuss the various things that happened in the battle of Molten Dragon very intensely.

The most discussed one is undoubtedly the domineering new ancient dragon - Nergigante. Of course, because this new ancient dragon has not been named in the game, players have also called it various names, such as [Tyrannosaurus]】、【Bone Spur Ancient Dragon】、【Energy-sucking monster] and the like.

There is no doubt that this ancient dragon, which appeared in the CG animation with its domineering image, has become the strongest, most handsome and coolest ancient dragon in the players' minds!

Nergigante not only has a handsome appearance, but also possesses terrifying strength! Even those elite teams who have killed ancient dragons admit that this new ancient dragon is the most oppressive and difficult ancient dragon they have ever encountered!

【The new cologne was so handsome that I fell in love with him, and then I cried again - as soon as we met, I wanted to say hello, but he was slapped away, and I fell down instantly!】

【This is the palm of Tathagata. With one slap, the bone spurs are launched. A large number of players fell down. Many players were still bleeding and unable to fight. It was so scary!】

【It was the first time I knew that the bleeding state was so terrifying. I didn’t feel much about the Mistyclaw, but for this new ancient was shot by all kinds of bone spurs and couldn’t do anything at all!】

【What’s even more terrifying is that the bleeding buff of the new ancient dragon will be superimposed. For example, if you are hit by the bleeding buff, a large recovery potion will restore a big mouthful, but the bleeding state is not relieved. If you are hit by a bone spur again, there will be bleeding X2 , loses blood faster, and requires more squatting time to recover. The key is, in this new ancient dragon, do you dare to squat for so long?】

【That's right, Xin Gulong seems to love taking care of those players who are bleeding: Do you know what it is like when you are bleeding and being watched by the BOSS? You will definitely not dare to fight, and you will not dare to run - running in the bleeding state, bleeding It falls with a roar, even if it rolls and flies, you have to be careful, otherwise you will bleed to death accidentally, it is too scary!】

【When I hit the new cologne, I am the grandson. When I get the bleeding buff, I am the grandson among grandsons!】

【You haven't talked about the new ancient dragon's ultimate move yet. It's a TMD map weapon that can't be avoided at all. It actually lets out a dragon roar before releasing it. As soon as it can control its body, the bone spurs are launched. Do you have any more IMBA skills?】

【After you turn it on, go to the radiator pipe to steal energy, too bad#@%¥%————If the steal is successful, continue to use a big one - do you know how our group of 300 people was destroyed? The first big one killed 50 of us, and more than 200 people were hit by the bleeding BUFF. After absorbing the energy, we continued to zoom in, and the rest More than 200 people were wiped out in an instant. It was so terrifying!】

【There are only two words for this BOSS - no solution! The powerful team of instructors can only hold it back! 】

In the battle of Molten Dragon, Nergigante is so domineering and terrifying, killing players will make their butts wet!

It can be seen from this that Zhang Xingyu worked so hard to rid the Nergigante of the nightmare world of the title of"Bearing Son". Even Zhang Xingyu himself was beaten by the Nergigante to the point where he almost couldn't take care of himself!

However, the unparalleled domineering Nergigante seems to be liked by many people. Just today, someone made a sketch of Nergigant based on his impression. The drawing looked quite similar. He posted it on the forum and attracted a lot of attention. Players' likes - you know that there is no shortage of M among players, especially BOSSs that can brutally torture players, so they attract more attention!

In addition to Nergigante, the instructor group is also the focus of discussion among players. Of course, the center of the discussion is one of the instructors - the beautiful archer instructor!

【The Seven-Star Dragon misses, and the Seven-Star Dragon misses again, once again saving the team from danger. The beautiful instructor is still the same beautiful instructor!】

【In the past, I didn’t understand why bows and arrows were so popular, why so many people recommended bows and arrows, and why there were beautiful trainers for personal guidance. But when I went to the training ground, I saw that he was a muscular uncle. I felt that my young heart had found tons of hurt. However, today, when I saw the arrow piercing the sky, I knew that I was wrong. It turned out that there really was a beautiful archer instructor!】

【Love it, love it! AWSL】

【Has the beautiful instructor recovered from her injury and will she return to the training ground in the future? If so, I want to change the bow and arrow weapon! ]

The beautiful archer instructor once again shone brightly and became the focus of players' attention. Some players even drew impressions of the beautiful instructor. However, unlike New Cologne, which received a lot of praise, the comments here are basically"No, no, no, Your drawing is not good enough】、【It doesn’t reflect the heroic appearance of the beautiful instructor at all.】、【Beautiful, heroic, what does it feel like to be a Valkyrie?】、【Go and practice your painting skills again! 】

What the players didn’t notice was that the person who drew Nergigante and the beautiful instructor were actually the same person!

However, some players expressed doubts

【Hey, the instructor team will have beautiful archers, why don’t I have one here? On my side are big swords, uniform spears and heavy crossbows!】

【I don’t have any beautiful archer instructors here either! Here are the sledgehammer, spear and light crossbow instructors!】

【Hey, it’s not necessarily the religious group that appears? 】

Yes, there are only three instructors supporting Nergigante. The basic configuration is two melee and one long-range. Players have a one-third chance of encountering the support of a beautiful archer instructor.

There were a total of 110 Molten Dragon battles. The final result was that only 12 teams won the final victory. The battle success rate was only 11%, which was barely more than 10%. It was definitely not high. Players also complained about why the battle failed.

【The preparation phase at the beginning was all about shopping, and no one went to the biggest obstacle. In the end, it was broken by a collision. Although we were lucky and reached the final stage, the damage was not enough in the end. Unfortunately - we felt that we were just a little bit behind!】

【Damn you, we are ruled by a new ancient dragon!】

【+1. Ruled by the new ancient dragon, absorbing 9 energy, directly GAMEOVER!】

【We fought to the death for the legendary mine, and in the end the battle naturally exploded!】

【You know, in our scene 078, a robbery group actually came. Yes, it was the same group that used to rob players. They didn’t recognize it at first. They only recognized it when they were on the back of the molten mountain dragon... Then, you know Yes, we gathered a team of people to kill them, and then blocked them at the resurrection point. They were successfully killed by our team three times and got out of the scene!】

【Well done!】

【Haha, I am also in scene 078. Yes, although we did not succeed in the end, I am happy to be able to kill that damn robbery group - I have been robbed before!】


In the heated discussion among the players, night fell again

【Nightmare World Version Update】

As soon as they entered the Nightmare World, players received a system prompt

"system update? Haha, is it finally updated? Is version 1.0 coming?"


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