When Zhang Xingyu used the guardian stone to increase the number of guardians who could enter this area, there was no server-wide announcement. Many players were overjoyed to see that 50 new quotas suddenly appeared in this most eroded fusion area, and used invasion props like crazy. Invasion, but failed.

The fat man reacted quickly and immediately noticed that the new 50-man quota was not for invasion, but required the use of guardian stone fragments.

The fat man quickly used the guardian stone fragments and entered the fusion area first. The location where he teleported was very coincidental, which was the door of the church.

The sign of the church was very easy to recognize. The fat man immediately knew his location. Before the patrolling Lothric knights noticed him, he ran into the church and then found the hidden area - the enemies in the air corridor had already After being killed by Wildism and others, Fatty arrived at the Demon King's Courtyard without any hindrance, and then saw the player who ran back turning into a human pus monster.

The guardians and the invaders are in hostile camps, but after all, he is a well-known fat man, so everyone decided to let him go - he wouldn't be able to survive alone in this weird place for long anyway.

"What should we do now? Let's do it together?"A player asked

"It’s better to act together, I agree"

"Me too, it’s better to move together in this weird place!"

There were players who agreed, but more players remained silent. After a pause, Wildism said:"Just act at your own pace. This is a large-scale PK scene after all."

"Eh————Disperse action?"The first player objected:"It's so dangerous here, and there may be a hidden BOSS in the hidden area. If we act together,……"

However, without saying anything, some people in the team had already dispersed and left, obviously not wanting to act together.

"What, these guys didn’t say a word!"

"Those who left must be the people from the Kingdom of Sand."

"Yes, I heard that he was associated with the Wilderness……"While talking, the player secretly glanced at Wildism, but Wildism didn't seem to care.

"Who are the other two very weird players?"

"Judging from his height and temperament, he should not be a student, but a player from the outside world."

"Looks well equipped"

"Xu——I know that the two of them are very famous. They are the chief and deputy heads of the Black Hawk Group, the largest labor union in the world! Trample the galaxy with the Nine Stars Sword!"

"What--?! That famous big guild!"

In the end, out of more than 10 players, only 4 players were willing to act together. The other players scattered and played their own games... Well, there was also the Invincible Fatty who shamelessly followed the wildism. The

Dream Group and the wildism [ Sky] The union is acquainted with each other, but the two people they are most familiar with are Wildism and Blue Girl Dream. Elegant Ice and Wildism have not had much contact. After the two teams finally greeted each other, they also dispersed.

Demon King Under the construction of the Nightmare Lord, the courtyard has become very huge. Coming down from the elevator is a huge forest that can be explored from the southeast to the northwest. Zhang Xingyu chose one of the directions to explore, although Zhang Xingyu's current location is in a straight line with the entrance. The distance is not too far, but because it is separated by a large poisonous area, no one wants to rush directly through the poisonous area - those who dare to try have died!

Soon, the players who came to the Demon King's Courtyard disappeared into the Demon King's courtyard. In the king's courtyard


As time passed slowly, more and more players began to enter the Demon King's Courtyard, including some who invaded for the second time.

The Demon King's Courtyard is extremely difficult. This hidden area should actually be a scene that players enter in the middle and late stages. Opening it early means that the player's level and equipment cannot keep up with the overall level of the map, and they can only survive in it by relying on technology.

Most of the players are willing to die inside, and the monsters cannot be defeated. If you go shopping and enjoy the scenery... let alone there is no scenery to see here. Unless you are a player who likes to watch weird and horror-style, some timid players may I didn’t even dare to explore inside - the hidden and terrifying forest, the weird and twisted trees, and the harsh screams of human pus coming from the distance, this place is simply the scene of a horror movie!

The scenery is impossible and there are many traps.

Not to mention, there may be sneak attacks from hostile players!

——If I can’t beat monsters, I can beat players, right?

There are extra rewards for sneak attacks on people in the enemy camp!

According to ordinary thinking, if there are additional rewards for beating enemy players, then this area may eventually turn into a battle between two camps of players, but... the result is completely different.

It's a total free-for-all!

Invaders fight invaders, invaders fight guardians, and guardians fight guardians.……

"What, there are higher rewards for fighting the enemy camp? No matter what, there are rewards for killing anyone anyway. It’s hard to find the enemy camp! And who knows if he will be killed by a monster!"

The setting of the invasion gameplay is very interesting. Although there are camp settings for invaders and guardians, the camps can attack each other. Guardians are better, and the health bars seen by each other are yellow (but they can still attack each other. Attack, the yellow health bar turns red after the attack), plus the original number of people is less than half, internal fighting is not so frequent, and the intruders on the other side are the real"chaotic camp".

These guys basically see who is who. The health bars are all hostile red colors (the purple color of the guardians is also a type of red), and there are actually rewards for killing in the same camp, so there are far more fights between invaders than among guardians. More.

Two guardians who don’t know each other may not attack directly after seeing each other’s yellow health bar, and may even cooperate. However, the intruder does not have so many scruples - the red health bar indicates that they are enemies anyway. , and this is a PK area, let’s fight————!

Coupled with the fact that there are players who choose to sneak attack and kill monsters, the scene becomes even more chaotic.

The most confusing thing is undoubtedly the first area of ​​the Demon King's Courtyard - the forest.

The forest is very large, with many trees for players to hide in, and there are also poison areas and various traps. Some players think this is a natural sneak attack site!

The monsters in the Demon King's Courtyard are very cruel. It seems that each one knows at least one combat skill or magic. One-on-one is very difficult, but in many places there are even three or four monsters at the same time!

This damn thing is so difficult! so…………

It’s better to kill the players!

In this way, some players specifically ambush in the forest. Players who invaded for the first time were basically killed by other players in the forest area!

——Angry, I just want to see the large hidden area and find the nightmare treasure chest! Why are you ambushing me?

Invasion can be repeated, and only requires an embers and invasion props!

As a result, the players who invaded again began to compete with the ambushers in the forest area.

Soon, the forest area turned into a meat grinder, and Ottilia and others who came to help almost overturned here!


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