(Do you know which chapter the first hole was dug in [The Lost Village]? Hehe~~)

At night, near a village in Sound Country.

The weather tonight is very good, the sky is clear, there is not a single cloud in the sky, the dark blue sky is filled with diamond-like stars, and from time to time you can hear the sounds of flowers, insects, birds and animals nearby.

However, here, there is deathly silence!

A man and a woman came here

"Is it here? asked the man

"Yes... the fog... it is said that those who entered it disappeared.……"

"The disappeared village...do we...really want to go in?"

"This is big news, if only we knew the truth!"

The specific time is no longer certain. About a month ago, this village began to be shrouded in fog.

——The fog that cannot be cleared away.

At the beginning, the"fog" did not turn into"mist". It just started to appear in the village around 4 o'clock in the morning and became diffuse. At 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning, it dispersed.

People in the village just regard it as an ordinary natural weather phenomenon.

In fact, in suburban villages, fog is a very normal and common phenomenon. No one will regard it as a problem and have long been used to it. Even children like fog very much - the vast expanse of white, very Good for hide and seek.

Different from the previous fog, the fog that appeared this time was very dense. Basically, it was difficult to see clearly from 10 meters away. Moreover, it lasted for a week and the fog has not dissipated.

However, the people in the village did not take it seriously. It was just an unusual fog that would dissipate sooner or later.

However, a week later, the fog still did not dissipate, and even became more severe - the duration became from 2 o'clock in the morning to about 10 o'clock in the morning, and the fog became even thicker, six to seven meters high. Outside, it’s hard to see clearly

"How long is this damn fog going to last?"

"The fog is too heavy. I heard that the transport truck that was coming had an accident.……"

"Really? No wonder supermarkets sell less stuff……"

"There are fewer people coming here.……"

"It’s rare to see fog that lasts for such a long time. Is it really okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a natural phenomenon and it will dissipate sooner or later.……"

Although the fog that has not dissipated for a long time has caused some troubles to the lives of the village people, life must go on.

Half a month has passed, and the fog has still not gone up. In fact, it appears for a longer time every day. It is filled with fog 24 hours a day, almost more than 12 hours a day.

"Did you hear that a dog raised by a supermarket owner died?……"

"The dog died? Well... that dog seems to be a little old, so it's normal for him to die.……"

"No, no, the dog died on a farm outside. It is said that the state of death was horrific, as if it had been torn apart by sharp claws. There was blood all over the ground, and no complete body could be found!"

"What? Are there ferocious beasts nearby?"

"Who knows, but the supermarket owner seems to think it was someone who did it, and is yelling that if he is found to have done it, he will definitely be shot!"

"He must be very angry, this dog has been following him for more than ten years……"

"By the way, the nice old couple across from the restaurant seemed to have had a big quarrel recently. I heard that the content was very explosive. Did you hear about it?"

"What, that model couple? How did they get into a fight?"

The fog lasts longer and longer. Although the lives of the villagers are still going on, some strange changes seem to have occurred in this peaceful village.

Today someone quarreled with someone, and tomorrow someone quarreled with someone else. An animal carcass was found in a field. It seemed to have been bitten by something. Someone seemed to have been injured by something while working in the fog, and it was dripping with blood. However, because the fog was too heavy, it was impossible to see clearly. Someone or something did it.

As the fog lingered longer and longer, the atmosphere in the village became increasingly weird.

"Have you heard that the supermarket owner is crazy?……"

"It seems that this is the case, but I haven't dared to go out recently. Let me tell you more specifically."

"Ever since the supermarket owner's dog died, he has started to act more and more abnormal. Yesterday, he actually rushed out of the supermarket with a kitchen knife, pointed at a person and said he was the murderer, and then chopped him!"

"No way, so scary?"

"It feels like this place is getting more and more abnormal. I want to leave.——"

"Didn't someone call the police? Didn't the police come?"

"It's annoying to say this. I heard that the police drove the police car for a long time, but they didn't find our village!"

"Depend on————Can’t find such a big village? Even if the fog is thick, it won’t be like this!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah——————my pig————my pig————"

At this time, a man's cry came from not far away

"what happened?"

"Come on, it's the butcher!"


"I heard that all the pigs he raised died overnight... The butcher seemed to have red eyes with anger... This is not an adjective. Many people saw it. The butcher's eyes were really red, as if he wanted to eat people!"

"my pig——————my pig————————"

The butcher's voice was getting closer and closer, and in the mist, the two seemed to find...a pair of blood-red eyes approaching them!

The two of them had a chill!

"Go quickly——"


The situation in the village is getting weirder and weirder. The fog will not dissipate all day long. The originally warm and lively town has become extremely weird, eerie and...deadly silent.

There was no sound of human activity, no sound of conversation, no sound of animals. It seemed that all the sounds disappeared overnight!

The fog became thicker, and it was basically impossible to see clearly beyond four or five meters.

Most of the villagers were locked in their houses and did not dare to go out.

Communication has been cut off, the TV cannot receive signals from the outside world, and the mobile phone has completely lost signal.

Because the supplies have not been delivered to the village for a long time, the things in the supermarket have long been gone. However, even if there are things in the supermarket, the villagers will not go to the supermarket because there are rumors that the supermarket owner has gone crazy and will kill everyone he sees!

Previously, the local police took away the supermarket owner. However, I heard that the supermarket owner is back again and seems to be crazier than before.

There were many injured people, the small clinic in the village was packed with people, and the cries of patients in the clinic could be heard every day. In this dead village, these sounds were so chilling.

However, one day, the voices from the clinic disappeared.

No one knew what was going on, but no one dared to go to the small clinic to check.

No one dares to go out. It is said that if you go out, you will be lost in this fog.


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