After eating, it was still early for the Nightmare World server to open, so Otilia continued to surf the Internet.

Originally, this time should be Otilia's time to play other games, but with Nightmare World, Ottilia has no interest in other games.

However, Otilia remembered her good friend on the Internet who she often played with before,"Solipsistic", but"Solipsistic" is still not online.

"I said before that I have been busy for a while recently and haven't had time to do it, but it's been too long... What on earth is that guy doing? I'll ask you next time. I also want to give her a nightmare mark~" Otilia thought in her heart.

However, Otilia only has the online contact information of Solipsism. Without a real phone number, she cannot contact Solipsism at all, so she can only wait. She got on the line.

Around 9 p.m., Felicia called back.

"Sorry, I'm just replying now... I've been busy and haven't had time to look at my phone, and now I'm finally a little free."

"Can I go to Nightmare World at night?"Ottilia replied

"I will take some rest tonight, but it won’t be too long. I should enter the nightmare world."

"What's the situation now? Yesterday's incident is being discussed online. Some media say they want to dig out the truth."

"The Aiya Group will take care of it, don’t worry, and our affairs will not be reported."

"Well... Also, that Eve... is really Lie Yan, right?" Otilia typed and asked



"When he was sent to the hospital, he was already confirmed dead.……"


There was a deathly silence. Finally, it was Felicia who broke the silence first.

"In addition, it was confirmed by the hospital that Eve's body... showed signs of extensive modification... many of which are banned by the international community.……"


"According to the doctor... Eve's body is likely to have been modified by mitochondria.……"

With the advancement of science and technology, medical technology is also progressing. Body modification technology is a popular medical technology that has emerged in recent years. In fact, modification technology has been widely used in the medical field. Some diseases that were difficult to treat before, and even some diseases such as Modification technology can be applied to diseases involving muscle necrosis that require amputation.

However, the cost of transforming technology is very high, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

However, transformation technology is not a panacea. As a popular medical field that has emerged recently, transformation technology still has a lot of technical problems that need to be overcome. In some hospitals, larger unexpected accidents have occurred due to the indiscriminate application of transformation technology, and even patients have There are also cases of death as a direct result of modified technology.

At present, international medical organizations have carried out large-scale regulations on transformation technology. Small hospitals are no longer able to obtain medical qualifications for transformation technology, and only some large hospitals have it.

The Miracle Island naturally has the world's most advanced transformation technology, but even with the world's most advanced transformation technology, the hospital is very cautious in approving human body transformation.

Although the international medical organization has standardized and rectified the transformation technology, for some reason, the effect of this rectification has not been very satisfactory.

The reason is very simple. A theory put forward by Edward, the founder of the human body modification theory, states that if the modification technology is mature, it is very possible to transform people into enhanced humans.

Well, there may be some way of saying"strengthening people". Let's use a simpler and easier-to-understand term - evolution!

Yes, you can have a stronger body, stronger strength, smarter mind, and even... a longer life!

Human body modification has actually existed in the medical field for a long time, but its development has been very slow. However, the talented and talented doctor Edward has integrated the human body modification technology and proposed new modification technology and theoretical support. Among them, the most important is, This is Edward integrating what he has learned throughout his life into transformation technology, and in his transformation technology, he proposed a brand new transformation technology that shocked the world - mitochondrial transformation technology!

Mitochondria are organelles that are present in most cells and are surrounded by two membranes. They are structures that produce energy in cells and are the main place where cells carry out aerobic respiration. They are called"powerhouses".

Mitochondria have many important functions, one of which is energy conversion. It is the site where eukaryotes carry out oxidative metabolism and is where sugars, fats and amino acids are ultimately oxidized to release energy.

Edward's mitochondrial transformation technology can unearth the secrets of human energy, allowing humans to be"faster, higher, and stronger." In theory, as long as the human body undergoes mitochondrial transformation, even a little girl can have the power of a world Olympic champion!

However, Edward's knowledge of mitochondrial transformation technology is the essence of the theory that Edward has learned throughout his life. In reality, there is no equipment that can match it. Whether it can successfully transform human mitochondria is still a mystery.

However, other parts of Edward's modified technology are considered feasible and beyond existing technology.

On the day Edward published his theory, the whole world was shocked, especially the medical field.

However, on the night when he published his theory, Edward was brutally murdered in the hotel where he was staying, and the manuscript of his paper was also taken away.

The international medical organization was furious and tried its best to trace the book and recovered a considerable number of pages, but the key page numbers on mitochondrial transformation technology were missing.

Until now, international medical organizations are still looking for the original manuscript - Edward's papers were all handwritten by himself, and there was no electronic manuscript!

"Mitochondrial transformation... That's Edward's... Aren't those manuscript pages missing? Otilia said in surprise

"Yes...Now that international medical organizations and international police agencies have intervened, things are a bit complicated."

"There is no useful information in the official announcement!"Ottilia suddenly realized

"That's it... In addition, there is another important point. Eve's body transformation does not seem to be very successful. In fact, judging from the examination, even if today's incident had not happened, it would be difficult for Eve to live past the age of 18....The doctor said it was a miracle that she could survive to this day, because her body was in pain almost all the time."



"Then... what will happen to Eve's body? They won't use it for research!"

The pages of the mitochondrial modification book have been lost, and Eve is suspected of using mitochondrial modification, which has great research value.

"No, this kind of thing will not happen, and my father will not forgive this kind of thing! Felicia said immediately



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