"What's up?"

"Damn it, M——!!"

Songsuffin rushed forward, and the meatball called towards Zhang Xingyu, but Zhang Xingyu dodged and distanced himself.

"Don't get excited! Calm down first"

"Can this calm down?! How dare you mistake Latifah for the ubiquitous bitch Hoom! swimsuit! ? publicity! ? You're dead Hoom!"

Song Wanbing continued to advance step by step, throwing meatball jabs left and right.

"You know that La Tifa is frail and sick! He actually forced her to wear such sensational clothes and humiliated her in such a cold weather... It was too much!"

"Don't be excited, Latifa agreed."

"How could that child refuse Humu! That kid... that kid! What a good boy, Humu! You're taking advantage of her!"

Songsuffin continued to attack. Zhang Xingyu wanted to fight back, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a beautiful woman taking out a gun from under her skirt.

Zhang Xingyu randomly gave up the counterattack and continued to hide!


Song Wanbing was shot and fell to the ground!

"Don't fire me...Songsongbingqing, Her Highness the Princess only agreed to be a model with full knowledge in advance."

"Muhu...but...but he……"

Song Muffin sheds tears of regret

"Her Royal Highness the Princess was also very shy, her cheeks were dyed red with shame, and she said at the same time,"This dress is to please everyone, so I am even more embarrassed."』"

"Gu Mu Mu……"

"Why change to classical Chinese?

The sentence just now was just saying,"I feel really embarrassed to dress like this to please a man."……"That's it, right?

——Although she is an iceberg beauty, she is surprisingly innocent! Isuzu~

Zhang Xingyu raised his eyebrows and thought to himself

"After hearing what the princess said, the retainers said that those who said this would be an oath of alliance.』……"

Hearing (the princess)’s words, (the men) were so cute

"May I ask why you use classical Chinese? And are those two words"cute to death"?"Songsuffin is even more confused.

"In short, Master Latifah agreed to the filming work with full knowledge. Therefore, Mr. Songsongbing, your protest cannot be regarded as excusable."

"Muhu... Fortunately, you didn't let the princess leave the Sky Garden... You know, try to avoid letting Latifa leave the Sky Garden Humu. That's the barrier hum there"

"With me by your side, there will be no problem."Isuzu said

"Got it hum"


Afterwards, with the efforts of the advertising person in charge, the production was completed in time for dinner. The sensational promotional video and mascot promotional video that made Songwuffin furious were finally uploaded to the official website and video website.

Zhang Xingyu went back to sleep and fast forwarded time.

The next day, Zhang Xingyu checked the clicks of the two promotional videos and found that they were not high, one was 160, and the other was only more than 90 and less than 100!

In an amusement park with a very special script, if you just want to attract tourists by selling meat and cuteness in promotional videos, then just go to sleep!

The facts prove everything.

Although the amusement park has started to implement the"Big Tears" policy today, the actual number of guests who came is less than yesterday - this is normal. The promotional video has just been released. How many people can be seen? People will come because of the promotional video. It is also a big problem!

Although today is not a holiday, it is understandable that there are few customers, but if an ordinary player finds that even haggling with tears and making a promotional video is useless, he may give up.

3 true stories of 800,000 tourists It seems that the only way is to continue to reduce prices or even make it free, but once this method is adopted, it may not survive for 3 months and then go bankrupt! Zhang

Xingyu and Isuzu were inspecting the situation at the front desk and saw few tourists. , Isuzu, who was originally looking forward to some changes, showed a slightly disappointed expression, but quickly recovered.

Isuzu had been looking at Zhang Xingyu, and she found that Zhang Xingyu never showed a disappointed expression from the beginning to the end.

"Did he expect this ending? No, if I had expected it, I wouldn't have gone through so much trouble to prepare... But, various measures have no effect at all, aren't you disappointed at all?"Isuzu was a little confused.

In fact, Zhang Xingyu really didn't intend to take the test and make this promotional video a hit.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Star Shadow."

Before leaving, the guard greeted Zhang Xingyu


"Today is such an incredible day"


"What's the meaning?"Isuzu also asked curiously

"nothing. Because there are many surveillance cameras at the front desk, and there is sound. Today I looked at it to pass the time and found out……"


Hearing Zhang Xingyu's question, the guard showed an indescribable wry smile.

"There were a lot more laughs, both from the actors and from the guests.……"

"More...many smiles?"Isuzu murmured

"That's it...I know."Zhang Xingyu nodded and said to Isuzu randomly:"Let's go and have a look at the square."


After a while, the two came to the square.

Although there were not many tourists, it was completely different from when Isuzu brought Zhang Xingyu here.

The most obvious difference is that the square has gained popularity.

Before, the square was in tatters. There were piles of garbage and a depressing scene, but now, everything in the square is clean and things are neatly arranged, making it less daunting. The actors are working hard to entertain the few tourists. performing a show

"Muhoo! Muhoo!"

Song Wanbing was performing a toss and catch. The balls were dexterously increased from four or five to six, and occasionally turned in a circle. Seeing how short his arms were, it was really a stunt. There were four or five guests. After clapping his hands, Song Wanbing finished his performance and bowed deeply to the audience.

"dragon! dragon!"

The macarons dance. 2000s hip-hop music is played from an old CD cassette player, and the macarons dance fiercely to the rhythm.

According to the information, the macarons' stunt should be social dancing, but he What I am dancing now is an out-and-out floor break dance. It is paired with old RUN-DMC songs, spinning with my head on the floor, and the four or five guests watch with thunderous joy.

"Mi~! Mi~!"

Tirami performs stilt walking. But it's not ordinary stilts, but three-meter-long stunt stilts. Because Tirami is very small, her center of gravity seems to be very unstable. But Tirami can easily walk around the square with her petite body. Walking, sometimes showing light steps, sometimes standing on one foot, and even performing amazing skills such as walking upside down. The guests on the road were amazed and amazed.

Isuzu's eyes widened.

This is the scene that a normal amusement park should have.!

The actors are making the guests happy and doing their best. At the same time, they are also happily communicating with the guests.

This should be the"laughter" the guard said. This is indeed different from before.

It's just a change in the environment. It has brought about such a big change!

But it is normal to think about it. Staying in a garbage dump will have a completely different mood than staying in a clean environment. Just like a canteen in the countryside and a commercial building in the city, it brings people The feeling is completely different!

"Is this... the change brought about by this young man?……"

Under the management of Isuzu, Ancheng Amusement Park can be said to have gone from bad to worse, and finally reached the edge of life and death. It even had to ask for help from the princess to find the"Man of Destiny". And now... this is...is the gap between me and him? ?

Isuzu was a little frustrated.

The changes are obvious to all, but I don’t know if we can sustain the 800,000 visitors in three months!

"Me, I also go to shows."Isuzu said.

Although Isuzu is now the secretary-general, she is also an actress. She usually performs"shooting" for tourists."

"Wait a minute, we have work in another place today."Zhang Xingyu said

"Another... job?"

"Yes, welcome a group of special... guests... yes, prepare 20 VIP coupons."

Let's first trick the first batch of players and tourists in.

Who are the first batch of players and tourists?

Naturally, they are players from the Shadow Wings Guild and the Dream Group!

……………………………………………………………………_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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