Two days later, it was the day New World Horizon: Zero Dawn opened.

On this day, the players of Nightmare World seemed very excited and a little anxious.

Excitedly, the mysterious new world of the owner of such a fierce and powerful mechanical monster as "Thunder Fang" is finally opening today, and anxiously, in the past two days, players have not obtained any information about the new world.

"Shadow Squad, and Flame, you have been playing happily in the new world for 1 day, can you tell us about the consultation of the new world!"

"Is the new world full of mechanical monsters? What home skills are better for us to bring? "

"Is the new world a future technology world? Or a super world set in the cosmic era? Is there a spaceship? Can you explore other planets?"

In the past two days, the discussion of "Horizon: Zero Dawn" has skyrocketed.

The main reason is naturally because the opening of the new world is imminent, and players can't wait to enter the new world to see!

Nightmare World has created an amazing Monster Hunter game world, and they believe that the new world will also amaze players!

Not to mention, the "pose" of Nightmare World's entry into the new world is very different from other games.

Because, there is a connection between the games of Nightmare World!

Through the home system, players can bring skills from one world to new worlds!

This unheard of system has caused a wide discussion among players.

After all, going to the real world with magic and pretending to be forced in the ancient world with modern weapons is not the cool point of many cross-flow novels!

And now, I can actually embody this cool point?!

Just don't get too excited, okay!

Experiencing the flow with a golden finger by yourself is much cooler than reading a novel directly!

Therefore, what posture to use to cool off in the new world has become a hot topic of discussion among many players.

While players haven't forgotten that Monster Hunter's real name is "Hunter Monster", and in the new Horizon world, players can also be beaten into dogs by mechanical monsters such as Thunder Fang, but this does not prevent players from discussing "carrying other world skills and power-ups" through the world.

Even if the skills in the hands of players are pitiful now, but, when Nightmare World opens up enough worlds and players gain more and more home skills, it means that players can really start with a "god costume"!

It's just the treatment of RMB players!

The thought of that makes players feel refreshed!

I have to say that this home skill system opened by Zhang Xingyu has brought infinite reverie to players.

Of course, the most important thing to worry about now is what skill number you need to bring to the world of Horizon - this requires all kinds of information from the new world.

However, there is almost no information about the new world!

——Shadow Squad bosses, and Flame Bosses, I know that you are high players and don't hang out much online, but can you take the time to send some information to the Nightmare World Forum!

- Really kneel for you!

This is a common idea for players who can only watch as other players are the first to come to the new world.

Of course, some red-eyed players are quite angry, angry that the Shadow Squad and others do not send out the message of the new world.

You hunted Thunder Fangs is indeed your strong, you can enter the new world first to get the "first mover advantage" is also set by the system, players can understand, but it is your fault not to send any information!

Even big players can take care of ordinary players!

Do you want to monopolize all the benefits of the New World?

Or did you discover some of the secrets of the new world?

Nightmare World is not just a game world, especially for the students of the Holy Dance Academy, because Nightmare World has such an unscientific thing as being able to bring in-game items to reality!

Maybe some players will still believe it, but the players who were on the cruise ship that day experienced the magical scene themselves!

For them, Nightmare World is no longer just a game world.

And now, Shadow Squad and Flame Players, how are you playing in the New World? Have you discovered some secret and want to devour it alone?!

For example, if you find an item like the "Heart of the Storm" and want to bring it to reality...

A conspiracy theory is gradually fermenting in the forum.

However, it is very rare that Nightmare World, a forum that is usually almost unmanaged, has actually begun to maintain - delete posts!

Those conspiracy theories posts were deleted.

Some players even found the fat man and asked him not to delete the posts.

However, the fat man said that those conspiracy theory posts may affect the player's thoughts about the Shadow Squad and the Flames, and that you can't post such a thing without proof without solid evidence, which will affect the "harmonious" atmosphere of the forum, and that such posts, in some ways, already involve personal attacks.

No matter how some players say that they want "freedom, speech" and the like, but the fat man is very resolute, delete and delete—!

Forced to be anxious, the fat man directly said - the forum I created myself, I can do whatever I want!

Well, in fact, fat people are also bitter and can't speak.

Because, the Nightmare World Plate, its actual management rights, have already been handed over!

Now it is the board of the student council that manages the nightmare world, that is, the deletion of posts is done by the people of the student council.

As for why the fat man would pretend to be maintaining the forum... That's because the student union has already looked for the fat man, and they said that the student union is currently secretly investigating the nightmare world and needs the fat man's cooperation.

The student union has come to the door, what else can the fat man do, he can only cooperate.

Because it is a secret investigation, the fat man cannot be said to have been deleted by the student union, doesn't this mean that the student union is already investigating!

Of course, as one of the collaborators of the student union investigating the nightmare world, the fat man naturally gained some power.

Conspiracy theories posts appear one by one, delete one, but another point of view appears.

This is a post that maintains the Shadow Squad and others.

——The big guy is the big guy, why send out the consultation of the new world, on what basis?

"Posting to tell the new world is love, not posting is duty, there is no need for others to say anything!"

Moreover, the big guy is not a real big guy, let alone a disgusting RMB big guy - everyone is a player in the nightmare world, the start is the same, people become big guys with their real skills!

If you have the ability, you also go hunting steel dragons, and also go hunting thunder teeth to try!

Other players couldn't argue with that.


As a salted fish otaku who surfs all year round, Otilia also noticed this conspiracy theory against them, and the second girl seemed very angry.

Anyone who sees himself being scolded on the Internet will not be in a good mood.

Even in the original world, the various deeds of keyboard men are often criticized, and even some people, because of unreasonable abuse on the Internet, finally can't bear it and commit suicide.

Even at that time, some keyboard men did not stop, indicating that the psychology of the person who committed suicide was really too fragile, and he committed suicide so quickly, there must be a ghost in his heart and the like!

Even the actual language is much more difficult to hear.

After all, keyboard men are just keyboard warriors, they don't know the psychological pressure of the parties, if these keyboard men become the parties, I am afraid that they will collapse faster!

All mouths of gold, accumulate and destroy the bones!

Even if players don't know the true identity of the Shadow Squad, Otilia will not feel well.

Fortunately, the Nightmare World Forum deleted posts very quickly.

"The fat man's deletion speed is fast, can it be regarded as a good thing, at least purify this place of information that is about to be polluted." Secondary two said.

Then Otilia began to worry about whether to send the message of the new world.

Through the game a day in advance, Otilia and the others have preliminarily grasped some information about the new world.

For Otilia and others who have learned about the new world, some of the posts on the forum are really funny, such as the sticker that indicates whether the new world is a future technology world, and Jeb can drive a spaceship to explore other planets, almost didn't make Otilia laugh to death!

Not only the poster, but even many players below agree with this opinion!

Otilia smiled and recommended this post to Zhang Xingyu.

"You look at this post, it's really funny, the future tech world? Driving a spaceship? Kuku———— Kukuku ——- stupid humans, do you know what world the New World is, it is simply lagging behind the Middle Ages where Monster Hunter is located! It's completely primitive world, and I still drive a spaceship, and I can't drive a bicycle! Kukuku ———— really wanted to see the expressions of these people entering the new world for the first time. "

Yes, although there are super-large mechanical monsters, laser cannons, frisbee launchers and other unscientific "future" technological weapons, but the horizon is indeed a world with a fairly backward level of science and technology, and there is not even a country in it, and most of the human race exists in a tribal situation!

If you put aside those mechanical creatures, then this world is a bland primitive tribal world.

However, in this world, mechanical creatures appear, and these mechanical creatures seem very advanced, which is very eccentric.

Is there another alien creature that has thrown mechanical creatures into this world?

No, if that's the case, the mechanical creatures here wouldn't be so integrated into nature.

There must be some other reason!

Otilia is very curious about the background of this new world, and plans to explore the truth of this world after participating in the trial.

In fact, when Otilia and the others first entered this world, they were also very confused.

Because, with a large mechanical monster like Thunder Fang, in Otilia's imagination, the new world should be a future technology world, for some reason, mechanical creatures are out of control, just like in a movie, out-of-control robots kill all humans and become world masters.

In order to prevent the running machinery, humans began to fight against mechanical creatures.

This is what Otilia thought about the world of Zero Dawn before entering the world of Horizon.

In her imagination, in the new world, they should be wearing a mechanical armor, with jet devices or even more exaggerated anti-gravity devices, can fly for a short time, and then fight those monsters with laser guns and rocket launchers!

But, but...

I TMD actually entered the primitive world?!

Director, did you choose the wrong world?


However, with more than ten hours of gameplay, Otilia's high play has gradually adapted to the new world.

Although it is a primitive world infested with mechanical monsters, it has to be said that this world is very interesting.

There are many mechanical monsters in the wild, and these mechanical monsters basically attack when they see people, which makes the wild very unsafe, but from the mouth of NPCs, everyone knows that just more than ten years ago, those mechanical monsters in the wild were still very safe and would not attack people at will, and some mechanical creatures even ran when they saw people.

However, everything has changed since the Day of Chaos!

The previous mechanical monsters did not attack people? What happened on the day of chaos?

What exactly happened?

Otilia's curiosity was raised.

Unfortunately, NPCs also don't know why Chaos Day happened.

On the other hand, because of the existence of mechanical creatures, the development of civilization in this world has also changed to a certain extent, in a familiar phrase - the technology tree is a little crooked!

For example, the currency that merchants trade is not gold coins or anything else, but pieces of metal—something that exists on top of a mechanical creature.

This primitive world has a low level of science and technology, in the era of "blacksmithing", there is no way to make such things as steel and alloys, but those things, mechanical creatures have ah!

If you can't figure it out yourself, get it from a mechanical creature in the wild!

So, I don't know when the currency traded by merchants became metal fragments.

In Otilia's view, when these primitive people discovered that there were so many strange but useful things on mechanical creatures, they would definitely begin to use them, and even these mechanical creatures would have a profound impact on human culture!

This can be seen in some details of the tribe where Otilia is located, such as some of the totems of the tribe are very mechanical.

This world, a little interesting, feels like hiding big secrets!

However, Otilia was amused by the "wild" imagination of the Nightmare World Forum.

This is the advantage of poor information.

The people outside the walls do not know what is going on inside the walls, and the people inside the walls are accustomed to their own situation and find it ridiculous to have unrealistic discussions outside.

That's why Otilia was amused.

Although those conspiracy theories posts made Otilia a little angry, after the post was deleted, Otilia couldn't get angry, so Otilia thought about the situation in the new world.

After all, there are too many players in the forum who seek information about the new world, and Otilia has also received help from the forum before, and now is the time to "repay".

I am for all and everyone for me.

However, Zhang Xingyu prevented Otilia from going to the forum to post New World information.

"Why?" Otilia asked.


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