Night Evolution

Chapter 1202: 3 brothers

Chapter 1202

   "Self-destruct and purify the void of origin."

   Zhao Mu was surprised.

  The Origin Void suppresses the mysterious existence, and the subject of suppression is the origin host according to the observation of the eye of origin.

  Origin chip is an important part of it, why is it left out?

   The saint hasn't been refined for countless years, why did he succeed in refining once?

   Yuanmu ancestor tree, why did you give him the eighteen Yuan ancestor fruit and the fragments of the eye of origin directly?

   There is also the ancient ancestor coffin, why does he have that inexplicable disgust?

  The ancient forbidden land, the mysterious power that allowed him to successfully seize the Origin Insect eggs was luck or what?

  These questions made him realize that he might not be ordinary.

   It is very possible that he has an unusual relationship with the origin host.

  These doubts have not been solved yet, but the original chip has suddenly changed.

Countdown to 50 million years, this is definitely not a very long time, for eternal sacredness, this time is very short for the ancient sacred, but if he cannot restart the origin host before the countdown ends, the origin chip will be Destroy the void of origin.

   The sense of urgency that has disappeared since leaving the heavens and worlds, once again enveloped him and made him have to exhaust himself.

This is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that he can know the truth of the Origin Host faster. The bad thing is that he will not want to continue to idle in the future. In the past 65,000 years, the days of enjoying life every day are gone forever. Up.

  According to the original plan, he would enslave a group of eternal divines.

   Then he ordered them to go to the various dangerous areas explored by the Eye of Origin, and obtain resources from them. The accumulation of hundreds of millions of years allows him to obtain resources that have become sacred and eternal, with an infinite life span of hundreds of millions of years.

   It is not him who works hard anyway, he just needs to enjoy and wait.

   But now, fifty million years have become a mountain pressing on top of the head.

   Restart the Origin Host, he is likely to have to go deep into the Origin Void, which means that he must go to the Origin Void as soon as possible, must understand the Origin Void as soon as possible, and must become an ancient sacred in the shortest time.

  Time Lost City Square, hundreds of crosses are suspended one foot on the ground.

   Each one is tied to an eternal sacred peak, suppressing their true spirits while preventing their injuries from healing, but this was only ignored for a short time, and their bodies had begun to produce abnormal distortions.

   Zhao Mu felt cold and sent the fragments of the three-phase mirror into the origin chip.

   The Void Sky Demon God transformed by the moon suddenly wrapped the fragments of the three-phase mirror and began to swallow it.

   In a short time, it has grown to an eternal sacred position.

   These eternal sacred peaks are bad luck, who makes them believe that the fragments of the triple mirror are contaminated with information pollution.

   But they were lucky, and they happened to be caught by him. Although they would lose their freedom from then on, they don't have to become a devil who lost themselves, provided that they can show their worth.

   Zhao Mu became the eternal sleep sea monster, and the song of eternal sleep enveloped all eternal sacred peaks.

   When they were asleep, they had been transferred to the Origin Chip.

   The Void Sky Demon absorbs and purifies information pollution, and controls the sub-body parasitism of the Split System of Time Lost City.

   has been busy for several years before completely controlling these 692 eternal sacred peaks.

Except for a few special ones, all the rest are dispatched to various places in the Created Void Sea. They will use the clones that he sent into the Fortune Void Sea over the years, and quickly teleport to and from the various dangers through the Origin Realm shared by the clones and the deity. Resource point.

   The resources of creating the void sea are indeed not enough to make the eternal sacred become the ancient sacred.

But the Origin Insect is an exception. Origin Power can transform everything, and it can also transform everything into Origin Power, and then use the Origin Force to generate resources that are sufficient to make the eternal sacred into the ancient sacred. This is why the Origin Insect can have The main reason for so many wild, ancient and sacred.

   Transferred through the Origin Realm, Zhao Mu moved from the Fragrant Sparrow Saint Clan to the clone on the edge of the Fortune Void Sea.

   Putting away the avatar, Zhao Mu lifted the shielding of the Origin World and the dimensional membranes from him.

   belongs to the life essence of the Origin Insect, and I believe it will soon attract the Origin Insect.

Fifty million years is too short. His original plan of creating the Void Sea's wretched development is too slow. Only the Edge of the Origin Void has enough resources to make him a truly powerful ancient sacred in such a short period of time, even if he takes a risk. It's time to get in touch with the origin insects in advance.

   In less than a minute, the surrounding void cracked three spatial vortices like black holes.

Three slime-like primordial worms, softly drilled out of them, surrounded Zhao Mu in a triangle shape. One of them opened its mouth and spit out a mirror inlaid with countless gems and pointed it at Zhao Mu. On it, Zhao Mu's body was exactly the same as theirs. The origin of insects.

   Seeing the figure on the mirror, the three Primordial Insects locked Zhao Mu's true spirits at the same time.

What they use is the ancient commons mirror. All the lives born in the ancient void will be captured by the ancient commons mirror. There is no disguise of life that can take effect in front of the ancient commons mirror. Possibility of taking home.

   "Four brother, I'm so glad you are still alive, I am your eldest brother..."

   "I am your second brother..."

   "I am your third brother..."

   The three origin insects turned into their original form, and they came forward affectionately and held Zhao Mu's arm with tears in their eyes.

They talked a lot about themselves, talked a lot about the death of the Origin Insect, and asked a lot of things. Zhao Mu told all the lies that he had prepared early. In general, he slept for hundreds of billions of years before hatching. The experience of waiting for the opportunity to endure the humiliation and finally kill the Fourth Brother, these years have really suffered you. "

   Brother Siyuan Insect said with emotion.

   "I didn't feel hard."

   Zhao Mu shook his head.

   "How could it not be hard."

Brother Siyuan worm said sadly, "Although we Siyuan worm has the first talent, we still need a few resources. You can grow to the eternal sacred peak so quickly. You don’t know how much danger you have experienced to accumulate resources. Your mother is no longer there. We have three packs of resources that have become sacred resources."

   "How embarrassing is this?"

   Zhao Mu blushed and said.

   "This is nothing. In this ridiculous void, we can only rely on brothers."

   Brother Siyuan insects said seriously.

   "Then I will be welcome."

   Zhao Mu said happily when he heard this.

The three Siyuan worms looked at each other and smiled happily. For them, a resource is nothing. One more brother to help each other is the most important. The ancient void is not as peaceful as it seems, and the ancient sacred is also not Not being able to sit back and relax as you please.

   Zhao Mu released the Time Lost City and invited the three Primordial Insects to gather together.

In the past few years in the city, the three cheap brothers knew everything about Zhao Mu. Even if it was the human enjoyment that they didn’t like very much, they all felt frankly and did not pick up any problems, and they did not look down on this troubled four. younger brother.

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