Night Evolution

Chapter 1167: Tetratodon

Chapter 1167


  The Black Iron Ancestor God looked at the millions of crystals of good fortune that Zhao Mu had put away, full of envy.

   In envy, my heart is very depressed.

Of the six airspeed dzi fish, Zhao Mu did not keep one. When the immortal sacred came to collect the share, he chose to sell all of them to the original ancestor Tianzhou. This is not an ordinary catch but the airspeed dzi fish. The airspeed sky The beads can be called a life-saving treasure.

   Replaced by him, sold at most half, and of course kept the remaining half for personal use.

   However, Zhao Mu didn't leave a single one. Obviously he has the airspeed dzi himself, which is even a better way to save his life.

   "Same joy and joy."

   Zhao Mu smiled.

   Hei Tiezu was speechless, watching the four teammates with joy.

Zhao Mu earned more than five million crystals of good fortune, and the Tetratodon Shark earned a lot. The yin and yang demon **** also earned tens of thousands of crystals of good fortune. Only he only earned a few thousand crystals of good fortune. Without comparison, there would be no harm. In contrast, the black iron ancestors felt cold in his heart.

   But soon, the black iron ancestor felt much better.

  Because more and more eternal sacred gathered together, the black iron ancestor found that he was not the worst among them.

   How can I have fun in hard times when people are unlucky? Of course, I see that I am even more unlucky than myself.

   "Do you have anything to purchase?"

   As the most experienced member reminded him.

   Zhao Mu and others shook their heads. They had nothing to add in the trading area.

   "Then we can set off. Does any of you have a boat? If not, we need to rent one."

   asked Tetradon.

"I have got."

   Zhao Mu took out the Eternal Shenzhou.

   Seeing the Eternal Shenzhou, the Tetratodon Shark, the Black Iron Ancestor God, immediately burst into joy.

It’s just that one is happy to have an eternal sacred ship that can move forward and retreat freely in the tide of fish, and the other is happy to finally see the treasure that belongs to the holy family. If it’s not the treasure of the holy family, Zhao Mu is eternally sacred. An eternal holy relic class ship.

   You must know that this is not a killer or a body protector. This is just a ship that is convenient for travel and on the road.

   The entire creation of the void sea, the eternal sacredness of the ship with the eternal relic level is not much.

   "Get on board!"

   Zhao Mu said that he came to Eternal Shenzhou.

   Several people who hunted the tooth dragon shark also boarded the boat, and the Eternal Shenzhou immediately flashed through the sky and left the original ancestor Tianzhou.

   Eternal Shenzhou fell into the sea, at this time the seawater of good fortune had turned into the pale golden color of Yuan Mu Guo.

This is a serious disturbance to the line of sight, and mental ideas will also be disturbed by marine fish and marine beasts. Marine fish and marine beasts have no wisdom, but as long as they are living creatures, they have spirit. The eternal sacred rashly using spiritual exploration may even cause marine fish and marine beasts to be siege. .

   For the first time, the Eternal Shenzhou tore the surface void into the void interlayer between the surface void and the inner void.

   Although it cannot tear the inner void space and move it, it can increase the ultimate speed many times in the interlayer. If you use special methods, you can see everything in the surface void from the interlayer.

  Dentontodon stepped forward, opened his mouth and bit his wrist with blood flowing across.

   The blood turns into a mirror, and the mirror penetrates the void to reflect the tide of sea fish and sea beasts on the surface of the void.

   Seeing only some immortal and sacred marine fish and sea beasts, and not particularly valuable among them, Eternal Shenzhou immediately changed places. In the previous ten days, they had probably figured out the locations of various marine fish and sea beasts.

   There is little change now, it is the best hunting period.

   A few hours later, the Tetratodon looked at the blood hunting mirror in front of him and finally locked on the first target.

   Baoshu fish, the most valuable marine fish for immortality and sacredness.

The bones of this kind of fish will naturally carry a kind of treasure, which can refine the immortal artifacts containing the treasure, and also can use this to instantly master an immortal holy technique, because of this, the treasure of the fish does not create the void sea at all. Worry about sales.

   If you meet the fish king of Baoshuyu, you can make a huge fortune.

  Because the treasure fish king is eternal and sacred, the bones in the body can be used to refine the most precious and eternal holy objects.

   Discovered the Baoshu fish school, the Tetratodon was suddenly energetic.

   The blood is released for no money, and the blood hunting mirror is not enough to activate at the same time.

I completely checked the entire school of Baoshu fish at once, but after watching it, I was deeply disappointed. Because the king of fish was not found, it would be difficult to give birth to the king of fish. There is more than one school of Baoshu fish. Disappointment is inevitable.

   The tooth hunting dragon shark was furious, and it turned into a prototype in Eternal Shenzhou on the spot.

The whole body is blood-red, and the whole body is covered with layers of dragon scales. The jagged teeth are not one layer but five layers inside and outside. Other than that, they look no different from ordinary sharks. They have leaped through the surface and broke into the treasure. School of fish.

   The dragon scales all over his body were erected, and blood spurted from the dragon scales and turned into small teether sharks.

In the water, the small hunting tooth dragon shark appeared on the periphery of the Baoshu fish school, encircling and suppressing it in various directions from up, down, left, and right, and so on. All the Baoshu fish were eaten up and their flesh and blood were left behind, which was originally pale gold. The seawater of good fortune turned beautiful golden red at this moment.

   The school of fish was wiped out by 70% to 80%, and the Tetratodon shark immediately stopped to collect the fish bones.

   It's not that he doesn't want to destroy them all, but he has sensed the danger.

Blood will cause danger. There are a lot of marine fish and marine beasts in the tide of marine fish and marine beasts. They follow the rules of big fish eating small fish and will take the initiative to approach. If the luck is particularly good, it will attract valuable marine fish. It attracts worthless ones, and bad luck is There are many marine fish and sea beasts of eternal sacred level, but not every kind has hunting value.

   Airspeed dzi fish is worth a million fortune crystallization, but it is many times more powerful than the airspeed dzi fish, and it is also a flashing jellyfish of mass action. Although the level has reached the eternal sacred level, a flashing jellyfish is only worth a thousand fortunes.

   Because the former produces airspeed dzi, the latter has nothing useful on his body.

   Watching the flashing thunder and lightning in the sea, the tooth dragon shark regretfully prepared to retreat.

Lightning jellyfish This is a very delicate creature. Unless time is suspended, it will directly destroy itself if it perceives the slightest danger. An eternal sacred creature self-destructs and erupts with an instant lightning strike, which is enough to make the eternal sacred. Go around.

   At least ten lightning jellyfish destroyed themselves, evaporating all the seawater with a radius of several light-years.

   All the dead marine fish and sea beasts within the range, their true spirits are flashing thunder light at this moment and are eaten by the remaining flashing thunder jellyfish, which makes the eternal sacred teams hunting within this range curse away from the death zone.

   Back to the Eternal Shenzhou, the team continued to search for new prey under the leadership of the tooth dragon shark.

However, as the owner of the Eternal Shenzhou, Zhao Mu also calmly controlled the position of the Eternal Shenzhou near the black and white black whale. At that time, they could not help but choose whether to hunt the black and white black whale or not. He had been thoroughly angered by his repeated pursuits. The black black and white whale will definitely fight back in the sea fish tide.

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