Night Evolution

Chapter 1137: Catastrophe

Chapter 1137

Zhao Mu continued to look at the stele called the holy stele. After the origin of the Origin Insect, the origin of the holy family was recorded.

The Origin Realm of the Origin Insect, combined with the illusion of good fortune beasts, can create infinite worlds, and can create any world that can be imagined. The long life allows each Origin Insect to create countless species.

The origin insect represented by the corpse of the sacred stele, the most satisfactory race created is the race called the holy race.

The saints were born from the origin insects. They also worshipped the origin insects. The origin insects also sheltered the saints, and even sent part of the saints to some origin insects that they had born, so that the saints were in different origins. The origin of the worm opens its branches and leaves.

Because of the belief and worship, the most primitive tribe of the holy race instinctively imitated the Origin Insect.

Therefore, the holy text was born, which is a powerful text that imitates the origin of origin.

However, the appearance of the holy text also represents the beginning of disaster.

People are greedy, and the early saints are grateful to the Origin Insect for creating them, but their descendants gradually change their hearts.

Since the holy texts can imitate the origin power of the Origin Insect, is it possible for them to surpass the Origin Insect? Some holy races have begun to yearn for more Origin Insect power, desire to be stronger, and eager to step on the Origin Insect under their feet.

The saint emperor is the saint with the best talent and the most powerful ambition among them.

Taking advantage of the first source insects to lay eggs again, the emperor led his clansmen to launch a rebellion.

He had a chance to succeed, but not all the saints rebelled with the saint emperor. Those saints who were loyal to the origin insects started with the saint emperor in the origin world under the leadership of another goddess saint in the clan. A war to destroy everything.

The holy stele does not record the detailed process of the war, but it is obvious that the Origin Insect finally died.

The emperor was also cursed with robbery by the Origin Insect, unable to get close to the forbidden area of ​​his own body.

The contemporary patriarch of the saints returned to the ancestral land of the saints when they were dying, and left the original insects in the forbidden land formed by the core of the corpse of the ancestors. The sacred stele made by the heart, and left almost all the holy texts on it.

At the end of the inscription, if someone can see the inscription, they should find a way to take the holy tablet into the void.

As long as the holy stele is on the body, it will definitely attract other Origin Insects and even other holy races.

The primordial worm will lay eggs, and when the eggs are born, there are parents and children.

Although this protozoan died by laying eggs, it has parents and even other children. Not to mention the parents, other offspring born by this protozoan after a long life will definitely find the origin power left by the mother’s corpse. Come home for revenge.

At the same time, those who came to the door were also the saints who were scattered.

As long as these Origin Insects and Saints come to the door, the rebellion will definitely be completely eliminated.

Zhao Mu guessed that the emperor knew there was this stone stele.

Therefore, he created the heavens and the world, created the dimensional fetal membrane, and even created the corresponding original sacred texts based on various source forces. The original sacred texts are part of the font of the text system of the sacred texts, and they still represent the sacred texts. The core text of power.

Through the communication between Yuanli Yuanyuan and Yuanyuan sacred texts, some of the sacred texts were successfully taken away and the writing on the sacred stele was incomplete.

As it stands now, the sacred text on the holy stele is already incomplete and incomplete to see the content of the entire sacred text.

He could see clearly and not missing a word, it was entirely because the Originator directly read the origin force fluctuations left on the body of the Origin insects from the holy texts, and replaced with other Saint Emperor level existences and only saw some fragments of the sacraments. , Chaos and Sacred can't even see the fragments.

Since stepping into the barren ancient forbidden land, it is this holy monument that resonates with his dimensional power.

To be precise, it should be the original force of the copycat generated in the holy text in the holy stele.

Dimensional power is likely to be one of the highest-end applications of the original force of the copycat produced by the holy text.

Zhao Mu stepped forward and held the sacred stele. His palm melted like a slime and wrapped the holy stele. The origin power inside was taken away, and the life origin of the origin insect was taken away. In the end, there were a total of one hundred and eight thousand. The 63,000 remaining in the holy texts were drawn into the Origin Realm.

The moment the holy stele disappeared, the entire barren ancient forbidden area began to tremble.

The infinite vortex of calamity above and below the barren ancient forbidden ground, at this moment, all converged to the ruins with the destructiveness of destroying everything. At this moment, both Zhao Mu and Xiao Destiny were frightened. If this is composed of robbery, They were all dead when the tide flooded them.

Rumble, the ancient forbidden land is broken.

The ruins were also destroyed by the robbery. Obviously touching the holy stele will cause the robbery to lock in the forbidden land.

Zhao Mu guessed that this was a killer move arranged by the saint clan chief against the saint emperor.

However, the Holy Emperor waited for him before he came. Fortunately, he had already seized the Origin Insects. For him, these catastrophes derived from the Origin Insects of the previous generation were just food delivered to his door, but it was a pity that the little fate was sacred. I don't know if I can survive.

If he died, he would basically have nothing to reorganize his destiny.

But at this time, he couldn't care about his little fate anymore.

He must do his best to devour more calamity power, and even to figure out how to face the holy emperor, the holy emperor can tolerate him mastering the dimensional source power, but he will never be indifferent when he grasps the means to swallow the calamity power.

After thinking about it, Zhao Mu transformed the original source of power into the source of destiny.

The emperor of the holy dynasty has contacted the fate of the heavens and the earth, the human fortune in the emperor's seal, the sacred destiny of the small destiny is bad luck and luck, because the sacred destiny of the small destiny passes through the swamp, it will naturally be swallowed by the source mosquito of some small destiny source power.

The combination of these is enough to constitute a reference object for the transformation of the origin force into the destiny origin force.

At the same time, Zhao Mu also transformed other sources.

The dimensional source power and the destiny source power immediately let him see some future.

The future he saw was less than he had imagined, but he finally understood what forces the heavens and the worlds are interfering with the heavens, the forces of dimensionality and the forces of destiny, the future that is seen by the heavens and the worlds is hidden in the deepest part of the world. The robbery.

The entire heavens and myriad worlds are all heading towards destruction under the eruption of the robbery.

Zhao Mu suddenly understood that he still underestimated Siyuan.

Although the origin insects of the previous generation were killed, it was not as simple as leaving only the ancient forbidden places and other forbidden places after death. The origin insects also left the world left behind after the robbery infested, and he even understood that the ghost realm can grow sacred. So fast is probably because of the existence of robbery.

There is no absolute good and evil in power, but there is an artificial understanding of the characterization of good and evil.

For the heavens and all worlds the origin of the source of ghosts is undoubtedly negative.

Conversely, from the perspective of the heavens and the world, the power of destroying the heavens and the world is the negative in the negative.

The world is heading towards destruction and negative, so the source of the source of ghost power, which is biased towards the negative, will grow particularly fast. Zhao Mu tried to extract a little ghost source of power from the system. The power of robbery's resistance far exceeds other source forces.

The holy emperor cultivated the sacredness of the ghost realm. At first, it was likely that the source of ghosts could resist the calamity.

It was only in the end that he failed, so he played Zhao Mu.

From the point of view of the source of ghost power, the Holy Emperor has not given up on creating the means to counter the robbery for countless years. The mysterious unknown power in the body of the Holy Emperor’s reincarnation wisdom is likely to be created by the Holy Emperor specifically for the robbery. New power.

Thinking of this, Zhao Mu put away his distracting thoughts and prepared to deal with the Holy Emperor.

If the future he sees is still valid, then it is not a problem to deceive the Holy Emperor to make him make a wrong judgment this time.

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